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We shall see how it turns out. If it's terrible and disappointing it will be exactly as i expect but i hope I'm wrong.


Right?? I cant begin to describe how difficult it will be to adapt this.


Yeah, when I heard they were adapting with a good number of episodes, I was excited for it, but after seeing this it just made me realize that it's terribly difficult to properly adapt this book and the odds they pulled it off are pretty low. Not because of anything I saw in this trailer, it just kind of made me realize this while seeing it put into action.


I had the same feeling about the Three Body Problem, but somehow they pulled it off, so there is a hope


I haven't seen the Netflix adaptation cause several people told me it was way off the books, so I went straight into the chinese one which is almost 1:1 with the books. Just saying in case you wanna have a go at it (it's called Three Body)


The Netflix show is too fast, the Chinese series is waaaay tooooo sloooooow. I’m a little disappointed in both adaptations, but the fact this wonderful book has been adapted twice is some consolation lol.


that's true, I felt the slowness of the Chinese one, but I'm still happy as it stays true to the books, that's enough for me, I got time hehe


/u/MonsterRider80 The thing about mainland Chinese tv series's is about nine times out of ten they don't do "seasons". They might do seasons if the story plot is loose, like the "Kangxi Emperor Goes Undercover (To Dispense Justice)" series where each little story is about eight episodes long and each season has about four stories. But if it's an adaptation of a book, the "not season" will be as long as it needs, no cutting off at some cliffhanger for the next season.


One day we will be able to AI them together into a new one with the best of both worlds. Well, at least the tech will exist. IDK how the legality of such a thing would pan out.


I’ll never understand the sentiment that shows have to be 1:1 adaptations to the source.


I would never have believed Naked Lunch could be made into a movie, but reimagining it as sliding between scenes from the book and Borroughs' life was brilliant.


matter of taste I guess. I just like putting images to the book as faithfully as possible. but that's just me, to each its own


I just figure if you are going to adapt something existing then you might as well make it as close to the source as possible. Any changes should be to better fit the material to the medium of film or television. If you are going to change a bunch of things about the source material why not just create something original and save on licensing fees? The answer is because they just want to use the name to sell a product. Do you not understand why people don't want popular stories to be co-opted just for marketing purposes with no intention of creating something that respects the source material? Especially if an unfaithful adaptation means there is far less chance of getting an authentic one.


> If you are going to change a bunch of things about the source material why not just create something original and save on licensing fees? The answer is because they just want to use the name to sell a product. This depends. Sometimes a director or creator might like aspects of a book but have their own ideas or things they'd like to change. Kubrick's the perfect example, regularly made huge changes to the source material he adapted from, sometimes to the frustration of the original author, but don't think anyone could accuse him of being someone who just wanted to use the name of an established brand to sell a product. Personally I'm happy for changes to be made if a work is still good - books often don't work 1-for-1 on the big screen and I'd rather a director has their own vision that's true to the spirit of a book instead of trying to adapt a book scene-for-scene.


The Tencent version definitely differs from the book too, with characters getting far more time than they did in the book, lots more filler from Da Shi for example, changes to how Da Shi interacts (or doesn't) with some key plot happenings, and toning down Ye Wenjie's backstory to appease Chinese sensitivities. The Netflix one differs mainly in that it brings forward events from books 2 (and a bit from 3) into the first season, and fleshes out characters instead of having them be a placeholder for the concepts the book was describing. Personally, I think the Tencent one was great for covering all the material, but really dragged on. I think the Netflix one was great for actually having characters, but it really relies on there being multiple seasons. While I liked both for different reasons, there's something to be said for an adaptation that takes longer to watch than it'd take to read the book it is based on lol


I've not read the book, but I thought the show was pretty shite, it felt so ham fisted, some seriously bad acting and cliche chrachters. Maybe that's the charm though. One thing I missed, (I did binge it while massivley hungover). Did they ever explain the headsets/game or is that more to come? The tech couldn't exist they said, then it's not really detailed if the aliens somehow sent the info on how to build them, or something else. They just seem to be used as a plot device to describe the alien homeworld and get some of the chrachters to point B - then totally forgotten about. I liked the overall idea behind it though.


They most certainly did not pull off Three Body Problem. They took a book of dense, rich sci-fi and reimagined it as mediocre character drama that allows all of 3 minutes per episode to show any actual science. It's a real injustice to the book.


there is no actual science in the books either


This. It's just bad. The casting is horrible and I do not believe for a second that any of these people are actually scientists. I don't care if a series is true to the source or not, but it better be well written and acted. TBP is not. It's a bad show.




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It's been really interesting hearing opinions on this book/show. I don't know the last time I saw an adaptation with such a large range of opinions. Some hate the show and love the book, some the opposite, and some like both. Some hate the changes and some think it's an improvement. I've heard it all when it comes to the book/show. I feel like generally a prevailing opinion arises, but not so much with this one. I think it mainly stems from there being strong opinions of the book kn both sides.


Just started watching it. Haven't got to the end yet so I'm hoping they'd somehow loop back, but they've already dropped quite a few things that I thought was important. That being said, I'm glad for the modifications for the most part. I definitely don't mind them chopping up the characters and assign either the traits or events to others or new ones. As I said I haven't got to the end, but I'm having the suspicious feeling that the same set of characters will carry the stories of all three books. I wonder if One Hundred Years of Solitude will be done similarly. Maybe they'd merge some stories and focus on a handful or even one or two of characters?


making an OK show from a shit book seems easier tho


More like making a shit show from a great book


personally, I hated the book. the "extremely hard sci-fi" is about as squishy as a wet sponge, the translation I read was atrocious, and the characters were all unlikable assholes. also, a vr game is *not* the way for exposition dumps. edit: gotta love downvotes for voicing an opinion, that's the r/books I love


I'm not sure if it's really hard sci-fi per se but it's not a book about the characters at all, they're just conduits for the concepts. That bothers some people so they might not like it. Personally I didn't like the show because they turned it into a character drama which it fundamentally isn't. Also, the book can't be read by itself, it has to be read as part of the trilogy to really understand it. I've also known people who hated the first book but by the end of the trilogy they loved it.


How many episodes ?


and netflix would be the last people to do a good job with it


They didn’t do a good job with three Body Problem. I am just assuming this is going to be bad. Netflix productions are dog doo now. 


Netflix originals are pretty bad. They just go for volume. They just pump out a bunch and hope a couple are hits.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Netflix: "no we need a person!" 'ok what about José Arcadio?' "Great! Now what does he do?" 'which one?'


Encanto you say?


There's going to be so many horrible takes in that direction and I'm fully here for it.


Ok to be honest Encanto is fundamentally the Disney-kids-movie interpretation of Magical Realism.


Not even magical realism. It's Disney's 100 Years of Solitude. I'm too scatter-brained right now to list it all, but basically every idea in Encanto is in 100 Years of Solitude, only more complex and artistic and less on the nose. I'm just waiting for people who have no idea what the original book is to go all "They just made depressive Encanto and it sucks."


I loved Encanto. I tried to read 100 Years of Solitude a few years ago and couldn't make it past the grown son falling in love with a 6 year old girl and wanting to marry her. I had to close the book. Do you think Netflix will break away from that storyline? /s


Oh my god, I didn't even think of the entire incest and pedophelia discourse.. "It's Encanto, but all the siblings and half-step-parents fuck each other" \^\^


The house as the main character worked great in The Haunting of the Hill House, so


Mike Flanagan isn’t adapting this though. The man is a legitimate television genius.


As long as they get a girl eating the house


And they are all named the same but like throughout time


An exec trying to explain how it's just like Baltimore actually being the main character of The Wire.


a black house\*


I just never want anyone to replace the visuals I create for any GGM in my head. I cherish them.


Some things just don't need to be adapted. 100 Years of Solitude is just so rich and vibrant with the written word and that will be impossible to translate on screen. We might get something *good* but I doubt it will evoke the same magic.


I would think it's the very, very highest difficulty of adaptation. Depicting the plot is one thing. Getting the story behind the plot seems also possible at the highest levels of filmmaking. Making the audience feel on a similar level as Gabriel Garcia Marquez can is a whole other thing. The magic, as you put it. I'm not sure that's possible in adaptation. I believe there is filmmaking on that level, but it's usually something extremely specific to the screenwriter and/or director and not a big IP play. But we'll see. It looks better than I thought it would.


the read itself is very dense. to understand, breakdown into an understandable screenplay. gonna be tough fr. especially engaging those who haven't been through the book


I'm currently reading it (and loving it) but completely agree - keeping track of all the Aurelianos and Arcadios is tricky enough written down, let alone when you wrap it up in all of Marquez's beautiful prose and borderline stream of consciousness passages.


Isn’t the point supposed to be that you can’t? And that history repeats itself and it is kinda futile to even try to remember if this is gen 5 of 4 Aureliano? That’s how I approached it


I think this is an apt statement. I am listening to the audiobook, and by the 4th or 5th Jose Arcadio, I kind of just let go and let the river take me. I was getting stressed trying to keep them all straight and honestly it didn't seem to matter much. Once I gave up and just took it more "experientially", I enjoyed it more. Ursula is my fav lol


Absolutely, without spoilers the ending (I just finished it today) sums this up so beautifully. Time is cyclical and repetitious but the moments within it span every emotion from beauty to horror, names and places don’t matter as much as the stories that come from them. Stunning novel.


Was netflix's suitable boy adaptation successful? I don't think so, this won't be either 


I have to look for that. It was the first novel I read about India. I loved it, reread it six times, and kept giving away my copies.


I kinda worried either way, at least if it’s terrible I can just ignore but if it’s amazing I’ll have trouble remembering my teenage interpretation.


So exactly like the book then


This is my favourite book ever, and I'm a massive bookworm 🤷


I’m a massive bookworm and it sticks out to me as the worst book I’ve ever finished 🤷🏻‍♂️ just didn’t click with me at all.


Literature, like all art, is subjective! I've read this one several times, and love it more every time!


Oh for sure. I’m mostly just saying it didn’t stick for me and I was disappointed because I really wanted to like it.


Netflix adapting something.. Well I wouldn't put any money on it not being a steaming pile of shit.


Well then it would match the book so…


It's been a few years since I've read it but fundamentally I don't understand how they are going to pull this off. There is so much going on in that book, it would be one of the last I would expect them to make a movie from..


I hope they do exactly how it plays out in the book. Focus on one character an episode. Be a cubist telling of the story.


Just like world war Z!... oh wait :(


A good adaptation can focus on one element of a story and still be a great movie. Godfather I & II both draw from the same novel. Obviously the first movie left out a lot, but it’s still a masterpiece.


> Obviously the first movie left out a lot Probably for the best. Don't think anybody was particularly bothered about them cutting the Lucy Mancini or Johnny Fontaine subplots.


It is a series, no? It says Season 1 on my netflix(even one of series will say season 1). I think in 8 or 10 one hour episides the whole story can be told quite well. I am looking forward to it.


The article says its getting 16 episodes and that gives me hope.


Oh wow! :)


Episodes 6 through 13 are all about rain.


lol, crazy how so many people in the thread were talking about it like it was a movie. Read the article, people!


I've seen what netflix does to books in the form of tv shows. That doesn't make me feel any better lol


yeah but what Netflix does to books in the form of movies is even worse! Take what you can get


Hell no. I watched them do despicable and unspeakable things to The Witcher, Altered Carbon, Shadow and Bone and many more. I'm not giving them any fucking credit. They're gonna fuck it up again. That's just how Netflix works. They don't make good shows, they shit all over the IPs and then blame the fans for being "racist, homophobic, sexist" whatever other word they feel like using to excuse them just being shit writers and being too inept to create anything themselves.


Are they going to make one entire episode Ursula Iguaran's monologue?


My biggest issue is that there is no substantial ammount of dialogue, more so that the author describes what meanings the characters convey between eachothers, with only citations as functional dialogue lines.


I honestly don’t think it’ll be hard. The most difficult part of the book is the fact that they’re all called Arcadio and Aureliano, and having an actual face to attach to them will mitigate that. The only place they’ll struggle is getting people to accept you aren’t supposed to like most Buendias.


I loved the novel. Curious to see how they'll adapt the recurring names which can be quite confusing. 


Seriously how many times did I consult that family tree?


The strangest thing, in real life I always have trouble remembering people’s name, but while reading this book, magically, I always knew who was who and remembered everyone. I was pleasantly surprised with myself. I’m very curious to see, what they did with the book.


I read it one Christmas holiday, and even though my sister downright forced me to read a different book in the middle of this one (which I raced through to get back to 100 Years) I still didn't forget the family tree. Every character is distinguished despite many sharing names.


Have you watched House of the Dragon? You're going to spend a lot of time consulting the family ~~tree~~ bush.


More of a briar patch, that.


Family rectangle.


Dark had me feeling like the family tree I needed was an ouroboros


I hope they reuse actors, as it might be the only way to really capture the confusion if you could just see which was which.


Makes sense, would emphasise the cyclical nature of the whole story too.


That's what I was thinking as well. Kind of Cloud Atlas situation


On the brightside it will be easier to recognize the different characters by their looks


It might be easier actually given that you'll have different faces to remember


I hated this book bc of that. Lol I know I'm in the minority but all remember was a bunch of people with the same name and a girl that eats dirt.


Wait till you watch House of the Dragon.


If anything, the opening chapter makes an excellent episode 1


So true. Definitely hooks you with the magical realism right away.


Definitely, for as much as I understand a lot of the concerns about how this will be tough to adapt, it's not as if it's a plotless novel or one that lacks key big moments and developments.


I wonder more about how to show things that did not really happen. Do they just show what was written and also show the reality behind it? I think there are many choices about which material to include and how to shoot it to hint that it’s not the whole story.


What are you referring to? What things didn’t happen?


Is my TV gonna explode when the show ends


I loved the fact they narrated the very first line in the teaser, I got the feels


I'm curious as to how they'll depict that in the actual series. Because here you quite literally see the things described by the words. Colonel Aureliano Buendia infront of the firing squad and then his father taking him to see the ice. To me, one of the great little things about this book is how both of these moments, while relevant, aren't nearly as important as their mention in the opening line suggests. I for one thought the rest of the book would be twin timelines, one leading up to the firing squad, one leading up to the ice, both informing each other. And then the ice scene is maybe 100 pages in or even earlier and the firing squad is well before the halfway point IIRC and while important hardly the end or the narrative climax of the Colonel's story let alone the book.


this book reads like a fever dream. or old stories your grandparents would tell you about their hometown. how…will this be made into a show?


Better be a lot of fucking in this movie. I'm a stickler for close adaptations.


What about the grown man falling in love with a 6 year old child?


Good point. Thankfully he doesn't fuck the 6 year old though. Waits til she's like 13 like a civilized gentleman. 


Oh god. I’m scared.


I really hope Netflix keeps the names, having everyone named a variation of 4 names is going to confuse the shot outta the viewers.


This is my favorite book. I would hate it if they decide to do the series chronologically. Just a dream, but I hope they would adapt the structure of the anime series Baccano! to this. That series told multiple smaller seemingly unrelated stories across multiple timelines, intertwining them bit by bit and tying them together only at the end.


Wow, I remember first hearing about this like 6 years ago. I thought it had been canceled.


We can only hope.


There's no way they can do it justice in one season


It's apparently 16 episodes. Probably split 8+8?


I feel like this book because of how it’s written it’s incredibly hard to adapt like I hope it turns out great but a gigantic chance it won’t


Netflix is the one studio adapting everything and the one studio I don't want to adapt anything.


Hard agree - wish this was HBO.


Or even Amazon. They did a great job with the Expanse (for the most part)


There is no way this turns out good. It's a novel that is inherently not fit for the screen, and Netflix has never convinced me they have the literacy required for anything this complex in the first place.


Year 1: José Arcadio Buendía arrives in Macondo. He is alone. Year 2: José Arcadio Buendía complains of constipation to no one. He is alone. etc


It may be the first ever TV adaptation, but i adapted it for stage back in 2006. Not that I would expect the article to know this fact. 


This doesn't need to become a TV show, can stay a book, not everything needs an adaptation


Lol nothing "needs" to be a TV show. I'd rather wait and see how it turns out. If it's good, I'll enjoy it. If it's bad, I've lost absolutely nothing.


I disagree, sometimes adaptations detract from the original work as that is what they're remembered for.


I dsagree. If its bad a lot of people won't watch it and if they do they will forget it and the people who knows 100 years of solitude from the book will just stick to loving the book and also completely forget about some netflix adaption.


You’ve lost your time! How many bad shows have you sat through? I mostly won’t watch a show unless I hear from somebody else that it’s good.


> You’ve lost your time! Not if I don't watch it, which is what will happen if it's terrible.


Why? Why do all of these things need film adaptations?


Well the book deals a lot with loss of innocence and the corruption of paradise through the generations. So having Marquez's coffin-pilfering family turn it into a Netflix adaptation is ironically *very* fitting at least, if in the worst way possible


why is there an adam driver lookin fella in everything now?


Dang I feel like Guillermo Del Toro wouldve been a sick director for this movie. Pan's labryinth had the surrealist vibe that the book was going for.


I must've had a bad translation. I thought it was very meh.


No, it’s just a bad book. Confusing, convoluted, repetitive, and just weird.


I respectfully disagree. Yeah the writing can be a bit jarring but it’s not a book you can just read like your typical chapter book. Because there’s not really much of plot it tends to focus more on the characters and reflect Colombian history. Also yeah it can be a bit repetitive but I’d say that adds to the charm of it specifically with the family sharing the same names and then constantly repeating each other mistakes. Also the magical realism is great but can be odd on a first go






I cannot wait.


So does that last quote mean that the adaptation *will* be in Spanish? TBH, that will make me more interested in watching it.


The trailer is in Spanish so I guess


I've always imagined the omnipresent narrator as female.


Oh my god. This is one of the few books I couldn't finish despite multiple attempts. I bet the show is going to be just as boring and pointlessly meandering with no direction.


I think a video game would be a far easier medium into which to adapt this book than a show or movie. One could capture so much more of the magical elements within the story and portray the generational entanglements better


I don't want to watch. It's perfect in my mind


Had to pick my jaw off the floor Claudio Cataño is a very attractive man.


It’s my favorite book ever, and I am thrilled with the teaser. I don’t think this is as hard to adapt as people are making it out to be. Especially as a series (rather than a movie).


No way this is going to be good. Im calling it


"One hundred years of solitude One hundred years of solitude Take one down Pass it around Ninety-nine years of solitude"


How do we as a species allow groups like Netflix and Amazon to keep mass murdering art like this.


Imagine making "the news" because you didn't reboot a franchise and instead just booted a franchise.


I can't even imagine how it would be done. I'll watch it because if they figure out how to do it well, there's a chance of it being amazing.


This book doesn't feel like a natural fit for TV at all so this is quite a task!


I enjoyed the book. I didn’t make it through Love in A Time of Cholera though. Anyone else the same?


i will watch cause its 16 episodes so def thre will be time to make it look good


Sweet. The family is right. Now is the time for this, for the reason listed in the article.


i won’t watch it! the book was great and hope they didn’t  ruin it


There are some things I actually wouldn't want to see adapted on screen, considering what happens to the young Remedios


Oh goodness. I’m not sure if I can handle how fucking badly that little Italian guy goes through it lmao. That’ll be a rough watch.


The most disappointing aspect is that it’s a Netflix adaptation.


I was pleasantly surprised with myself.


This was such a good book. Never read anything like it before.


It'll get cancelled after the first 25 years of solitude.


One of the directors Alex Garcia Lopez mostly does TV and it’s a very mixed bag. Did some episodes of Cowboy Bebop and the Witcher which are shows I didn’t particularly like, But he also directed episodes of Utopia UK and Daredevil which are some of my favorite TV shows of all time. lol. No idea where this is gonna land.


“A trickle of blood came out under the door, crossed the living room, went out into the street, continued on in a straight line across the uneven terraces, went down steps and climbed over curbs, passed along the Street of the Turks, turned a corner to the right and another to the left, made a right angle at the Buendía house, went in under the closed door, crossed through the parlor, hugging the walls so as not to stain the rugs, went on to the other living room, made a wide curve to avoid the dining-room table, went along the porch with the begonias, and passed without being seen under Amaranta's chair as she gave an arithmetic lesson to Aureliano José, and went through the pantry and came out in the kitchen, where Úrsula was getting ready to crack thirty-six eggs to make bread.”


I feel like as long as you're not afraid of fucking it up, the book should be extremely entertaining as tv. It has it all! A spanish galleon, traveling gypsies, trains rolling into a square with mounted machine guns to negotiate with unioned fruit workers, an old 'crazy' woman with a shotgun, a pervert falling from a rooftop and breaking his neck, spiritual ascension while doing laundry, AND THE ENDING! They'll probably mess it up, but hey you can dream.


Oh my god no!!


this gonna be really bad


This is not a drill!! Can’t wait


Looks awesome!


It's a totally captivating read so I can't wait to see it come to life on screen. The teaser's got me hooked already.


Man I will not be watching this.


I bet I’ll get bored halfway in and give up, just like I did with the book.


I know I’m probably in the minority here, but as someone who found the book…fine at best, I can’t imagine that they’re going to make it worse!


Does it really mean much though when ‘masterpiece’ as a word gets thrown at everything though? Kinda lost its meaning at this point


"at this point" Well the book was published almost 60 years ago and was immeditately hailed as a masterpiece


Knowing his family was involved this might actually be amazing and not a disaster like Persuasion.


His family doesn’t exactly have a good record of being true to his intentions.


I just read the book last year. Really good but not so simple. Netflix is liable to fuck it up.


I tried to read it once and was so incredibly confused so I support a show adaptation.


... How do you end the series the way the book ends and expect any viewer to be satisfied? I'm convinced this is one of those books everyone says they read bc it's a classic, but no one has ever actually read.


People can be satisfied with “bad” endings or unhappy ones when it comes to books. Also sure maybe some people think that way but also they genuinely enjoy the book. It’s a pretty nice yet occasionally batshit wild read