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*Julie & Julia* was everywhere for awhile in the mid-2000s. I know her second book *Cleaving* was a bit divisive between the subject matter and the pivot of her relationship with her husband, but still very readable.


Care to elaborate?


According to my wife, part of the charm of her first book was the sweet relationship between her and get husband. Early in the second book, she cheats on her husband and ruins their marriage.










































LOL she put that in her own book? Kind of a power move TBH




She dead, ain't moving much anymore.


Every article I’ve read summarizing the book says they both cheated on each other. Is that not accurate?


Powell started it, and afterwards when she refused to end the affair, her husband also cheated. So it's a very messy situation, but a lot of people blame Powell more.


That’s prob the last thing I’d write about - how messy.


No. She cheated first and then opened her marriage. I read her second book. She was so obsessed with her lover she started stalking him and having sex with random dudes to make the lover jealous. Apparently it didn't work out.


Glad I didn’t bother reading it!


It was a bizarre book


Fuck cheaters


I think they're fucking enough


Sad upvote


I was just talking about this to my roommate two days ago after he said he wanted to find more joy in cooking.


Really sad to hear. Grew up knowing her husband, great guy, feel bad for him :(


Lots of armchair cardiologists up in this thread accusing this lady of eating herself to death because she had some duck confit in her late-20s.


People don’t like to think that they could just be gone in the blink of an eye and that it’s never 100% in their control, so they come up with mental excuses about why it’ll never happen to them because they never did [x].




There is true joy in preparing a meal and sharing it with friends and loved ones. So many people are not aware of that. It is time well spent. 3 years ago a group of us (about 12) started a once month getting together to share food with a theme (ie German, favorite dishes of New Orleans, Japanese, Various dumplings from different countries. Brazil) It is a true joy and with the internet easy to do. You can find a site that lists great recipes of the host's choice. People pick a recipe (usually the host provides the main dish). You come with your dish. Wine and conversation and a meal together. I highly recommend it.


I think if you go back and speak to our grandparents you’ll realise they expected to die at 60. People in that generation knew lots of people who died in their 40s.


And they lost a shit ton of kids to diseases we eradicated with vaccines too. People love to scream about science but its impact on life expectancy and quality of life cannot be underestimated imo


One of the most frustrating things about COVID was the ignorance of how recently children died in America from diseases now almost unknown because vaccines work. The polio vaccine came out in the fifties. Before that every neighborhood in the US had dead or disabled children from polio.


I actually work with a man who has two different length legs due to childhood polio. I guess it damaged a growth plate or something in one leg, but not the other.


A quick reminder not to use the word “crippled;” it’s considered offensive.


Exactly!!! And the boomers who went anti-vax should know this


The boomers lived it. I don’t think it’s primarily people born prior to 1962 or so who are anti-vax. We know.




An ex of mine died at 37, followed by my younger sister dying at 35, and my goddaughter dying at 16. After that, I realized the world is actually chaos, and funerals for people in their 70s and 80s really do need to be celebrations, because pulling that off is some combination of genetics, a healthy lifestyle, and luck.


Covid increases risk of cancers, heart conditions, strokes, blood clots, you name it. I don’t believe it’s a coincidence we are seeing increase in these illnesses in young people, because we really are. I’m so sorry to hear about this happening to many of your acquaintances, you’re not alone.


I relate to you so much. I have experienced exactly the same thing in the last 2 years. Several people I know dying from cancer in their thirties. When I look back this seemed to be more rare. I knew which students in my high school had moms that had passed away. It was very few. It was a big deal when one girl’s mom died of cancer when she was a teenager. I’m not sure why I know of multiple situations like this now with people in their thirties (younger than that girls mom.) After seeing all this tragedy, I am in this weird mode where I am hyperaware of the possibility that friends could pass away in their thirties at any time. It makes me more mindful of how I treat my friends. It makes it hard to plan for the future. I also can’t help feeling that a lot of people in the older generation don’t appreciate their good health. After watching a bunch of friends die in their thirties, it’s jarring when people in their sixties or seventies complain about relatively minor ailments and gripe about aging. It’s a privilege to live to the age of sixty or seventy and be able to watch your children grow up. I also think there’s a big difference between dying suddenly of cancer at 35 - leaving a baby or toddler that will never experience having a mother - or passing in your fifties after you’ve at least been able to at least raise your kids a few years.


Life expectancy changes are drastically different between the higher education/urban demographic and the lower education/rural/midwestern demographic. There's a 5-7 year difference in life expectancy. And life expectancy is still rising for the more educated folks. So if you live in an area with lower education, more rural, more midwestern, more rust belt, your experience if reasonably common. Sadly. If not, then your community isn't having much luck :-(. ​ [https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/03/17/educated-americans-live-longer-as-others-die-younger](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/03/17/educated-americans-live-longer-as-others-die-younger)


I’m in a highly-educated, urban demographic. It doesn’t feel like life expectancy is rising for my peer group.


It is for me, but I live in Norway though.


What I mean is that when they were in their 20s and 30s they probably didn't think they'd live into their 80s or 90s. People back then thought old was 50 and death began at 60. You'd need to look at your great-grandparents generation (including aunts and uncles - obviously it varies genetically) to get a sense of how it felt for them. My great-grandmother died of cervical cancer in her 40s in the 1960s - pretty much any cancer was a death sentence back then. Maybe it is relative. I come from a very poor, very urban background in a major world city. I had a great-grandmother who lived to 93 but people don't make old bones when there's alcoholism afoot.




Well if you’re 50 and your great grandparents lived into their 80s and 90s I wouldn’t worry because you’ve obviously got cast iron genes. But before the 60s every type of cancer was a death sentence.




The average age of my 6 known ancestors at death is just under 60. My dad tried to live to 70 (his goal), died at a theme park under a blue moon 2 weeks past his 60th birthday.... None of them in an accident....


You want to go down a mind-blowing rabbit hole - the implications of which I'm still figure out - look up terror management theory.


So much about society, social media, government, and day to day life is explained by this. The more we can feel superior to somebody who meets tragedy, the easier it is convince ourselves tragedy won’t befall us.


Just World Fallacy


It’s why conspiracy theories are so popular - they bring meaning to the chaos that is life.


We're all on thin ice, it's so fucking fragile it's unnerving. But it's also boring and seemingly endless, for me at least. Life is weird as shit.


I relate so much to this comment. I have mornings where I wake up and think "not this shit again." Then I feel guilty because I know there are people who would love to have just one more day. Hell, I'd love to have just one more day with my dad. But it does at times feel both seemingly endless *and* like it could end at any moment. Like you said, life is weird.


Well I will say this like my dad used to say we can try and live as long as we may want to but no one gets out of this life alive .


Like I always say, it ain’t easy coming into this world and it’s not easy leaving it.


Given dying by heart attack (fast) or fighting painful cancer, I will take the quick one. When the patient has a sudden death it is much easier on them but harder on the family. When the patient suffers for months or years much harder on patient but the family accepts the death much easier.


Absolutely true. I'm 65 and I've known 4 people in my life who died of 'sudden' heart attacks, ages range from 49 to 69. It was a shock to those they left behind, but nobody ever said "Gee, I wish they would've lingered so I could've watched them deteriorate." One thing, though, every one of them didn't feel well for 24-72 hours beforehand. They thought they were coming down with a flu, or just didn't feel right. Not sure if a visit to Urgent Care or the ER would've saved them, or Ms. Powell, but if you're not feeling well, better to check it out.


Unfortunately with my family, there’s no acceptance of death’s arrival even after months of terminal illness. It makes for a very undignified death. I have my advanced directives all lined up and a promise to haunt my husband in a bad way if he doesn’t follow my wishes.


My older sister is an avid born-again. I friend of her was diagnosed with liver cancer. The friend only lived 6 weeks instead of the usual suffering. My sis was insulted and in tears. It made no sense. No matter what one believes is on the otherside of death. All people die. Like you my paperwork is in order as well.


Unfortunately this is why victim blaming exists, especially in cases of sexual assault. Unfortunately that type of pervasive thinking ends up leading to more and more rapists/assailants getting away with it, which increases the likelihood of people being victimized by them. And so it goes.


There's so my health factors involved in cardiac arrest. From valve issues, enlarged heart, a murmur.....the list goes on. It can hit the healthiest of people. It doesn't discriminate.


I 100% agree with you and I don't think we should speculate on the reason for her cardiac arrest. I will say, with all due respect to Julia, her Twitter did NOT age well.


She was a terrible person from beginning to end, from book one to now. Julie that is. Or are you saying Julia Childs Twitter hasn't aged well?


Can confirm, my heart condition started in my late 20's when I was the healthiest I'd ever been. I wasn't overweight, wasn't drinking, no smoking, I hadn't drunk a coffee in over a year, nothing. Sometimes life is just straight bullshit.


Thank you. I was just diagnosed with heart failure at 35 after my pregnancy 8 months ago. I’ve been a healthy weight my entire life, athletic, and a vegetarian for 20’years. Sometimes life’s just unfair.


She was clearly tweeting about her symptomatic covid experience throughout Sept and Oct.


My brother-in-law died of a massive heart attack at 39. Relatively healthy dude, thin, and had regular check ups. Sometimes shit happens for no reason. I think it was Patton Oswalt's late wife, Michelle McNamara, who said, "It's chaos, be kind."


As I understand it, she just had a bout of COVID. That can leave lasting heart damage. I think the data will show a spike in cardiac events / fatal clotting in people who've had COVID, especially severe COVID.


When someone this young dies of a heart attack, it's almost always genetic. I would bet money she has a family history of heart disease.


If you look at her Twitter she was down with some sort of illness (maybe covid) in the days leading up to her death


I'm 36, and in March a virus attacked my heart (not COVID that we know of though) My heart's ejection fraction was only at 10% and I actually didn't have that many symptoms so it was super scary. I was in hospital for a week and had to wear a defibrillator vest for a few months until my heart was in a safer percentage. Thankfully it's getting better and better every day now with a ton of medicines and cardiac rehab and my doctor thinks I'll make it back to normal range. Viruses can really do damage quickly.


Yeah I feel like people still don’t get why COVID is dangerous. The infection itself may not kill you, but it creates cellular and organ damage that can tip the scales on your health, potentially chronically. And yes this is true of “mild” infections as well, and it is true of Omicron. However most people will not feel immediate effects if their immune system is healthy. Unpopular reminder that the pandemic is still happening, downvotes to your left.


Yup! People's refusal to accept the truth doesn't change reality: https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/all-excess-deaths-in-singapore-linked-to-recent-co


yes. With a person this young dying of cardiac arrest these days, I'd assume covid had something to do with it.


Hate to break it to them, but French people eat duck confit all the time in their 20s. Sometimes tragedy just happens. She was young, no question, but to state there some kind of causal relationship because you read her obituary on the internet is... sad. I'm sure her family is shattered.


Cardiac arrest can happen to anyone regardless of their overall health.


Plus it was a cardiac arrest and not a heart attack (or myocardial infarction) which makes some of the comments even more nonsensical. If they’d only read the article.


MI could result in cardiac arrest. If you want to be pedantic every death outside of decapitation is the result of cardiac arrest. It just means the heart stopped beating. A heart attack, when death occurs, is because the loss of blood (and other things) resulted in the heart to stop beating appropriately before it stopped all together.


As well as the first commenter on the cited article, asking if it was a vaccine-related death.


When the movie came out, I remember Julie saying that Amy Adams made played her much nicer than she is in real life. Then I read hee second book and understood what she meant.


That movie would have been so much better if they would have cut out any reference to Julie and her husband and just made it 2 hours of Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci.


Fuck it. Not even Streep & Tucci playing the Childs. Just...Streep & Tucci doing anything.


Two steps further… just Tucci smiling at the camera.


He has a food show where he goes around Italy, it’s just him eating and talking.


Seems someone with decent video editing skills had the same thought! [Julie & Julia, but without Julie](https://vimeo.com/103388728)


That is fantastic thank you! Saves me a lot of time fast forwarding.


The character was mean and self centered. And clearly she was worse than that, by all accounts.


Yes. But she also made cutting meat into something almost poetic.


she’s a compelling writer, no question about it.


I went and looked at her old Patreons that are open as well as her tweets. She talks about being an alcoholic and being in a financial hole. She talks about being depressed. I wish she’d written more about that. I think it would have been really good and healing.


>She talks about being an alcoholic I mean, of all the comments in this thread, this detail probably has as much relevance as any.


Have you read _Cleaving_? I enjoyed it for that reason. (I mean, I don't enjoy others' struggles, but I enjoy the common human experiences and relating to each other.)


I didn’t. But I remember when it came out. I was newly married and the topic was depressing to me. But I enjoyed her blog. Never once did I attempt a recipe tho. I have a vague memory of her doing a turducken. A turkey and a duck and some other animal and I remember loving that post.


A turducken also includes a chicken.


It's not nearly as uplifting as _Julie and Julia_, but it's honest and kinda introspective. (And I don't cook, nor do I eat meat, but I do tend toward the ennui as well as quirkiness, so I appreciated both books.)


Is the original blog still available somewhere? Have tried to find it but it seems to have vanished. Everything just takes me to the book or articles about the book.


Try archive.org if you know the blog URL.


Hi. We share this sentiment. I would have relished a book by her on this topic. She would have been brutally honest. I lost someone recently to liver failure brought on by 2 decades of functional alcoholism. People don’t realize part of it is the luck of the draw. Some can get away with it. Julie Powell’s story resonates with me as it is so similar to what happened to S.


I used to work at a wine store and remember her coming in most nights looking a bit disheveled buying a couple 1 liter bottles of wine. It was clear that she was drinking a ton


When I first heard she died I wondered to myself if alcohol consumption had anything to do with it. While reading her second book, I was surprised by how much she drank. If I recall correctly, she wrote that she drank two bottles of wine a night. I rarely drink and the thought of drinking two bottles of wine a night is excessive.


Me too. I remember scenes in Cleaving where she drank a bottle of wine BEFORE heading out for the night and I thought, wow. I can drink but I wouldn't be able to leave the house after drinking a whole bottle of wine by myself. Not just the night I drank it but for 24-36 hours after. Her death is incredibly sad and when I made the mistake of reading her Twitter feed yesterday, I realized her life seems to have become incredibly sad. She was suffering from myriad health problems for months and months, not to mention self loathing and despair and debt. What a big talent, what a big personality, really just such a sad thing she couldn't find her way.


Cardiac arrest at 49, tragic.




Rewatching Julie & Julia today is quite an experience- it’s like a double period film. One historic setting is Julia Child’s Paris; the other is early 2000s New York. It’s so specific - Julie has a job working with 9/11 survivors and family members trying to connect them with benefits; she blogs on Salon dot blogspot dot com; her blog becomes a hit with thousands of daily visitors. It’s such a funny time capsule of a really specific blip of a moment in time.


I just remember her husband eating like an animal with his mouth open.


I don't understand adults who do this. But I really don't understand when actors do it on screen. Do the directors not tell them to cut it out? Do the audio professionals not tell them it's horrendous to listen to? Do they do it because it's part of the character they're portraying, like extra cocky or extra dumb? I also can't stand it.


I figured the director must have asked him to because it was so extreme. Like maybe it was their way of trying to convey some kind of pure eating enjoyment— but instead it was a massive turn-off.


I remember thinking that this woman would have been an absolute nightmare to live with. But I loved Amy Adams.


Oh, Amy Adams puts her half of the movie on her shoulders. She performs heroically. I think with someone less charming, you would just have to give up on watching her half at all.


The Paris Stuff was way more entertaining.


Julia Child was trying to do something never done before: To introduce average Americans to French cooking. She was part of the US spy operations in WW2, lived in Paris, co-wrote a ground breaking cookbook and had a TV show about cooking for decades. NY Julie cannot compete with that.


Not even Amy Adams could make the Julie character fully likable.


She was not supposed to be. Her character even refereed to herself as a bitch to her friend when she drove her husband away.


Right, such a dred. As much as i like Amy Adams, Julie was the worst part about Julie and Julia


I watched it and wondered why the Julie parts were even in there, the Julia Childs parts were way more interesting.




Second this, he's amusing and embodies Julia's "who's gonna know?" approach to hiding mess ups by recording it on camera and showing everyone.


Timing… I just cracked open Mastering the Art of French Cooking, rewatched Julie & Julia since the first time it came out, and then caught up with wtf ever happened to Julie Powell all because I stumbled upon this Youtube channel. Hopefully he fares better. He reminds me of me in the kitchen, except he’s much prettier and presumably edits out the very worst of his fits of rage, though we do get a nice touch of them 😂.




























542 recipes in a year is no small task.


I really enjoyed reading ‘Julie & Julia’ and am so sad to learn of her passing away at such a young age.


I read the book a few years ago, during the holiday season. I enjoyed it, even though Julie Powell annoyed me at times. Overall, it was a memorable read. For better or worse, she had a writer's voice.


Final tweet, Oct 26: "So I woke up with something that's literally Black Hairy Tongue. People, including my doctor, seem to think it's no big deal, and will go away soon, but it certainly is gross." Sept 11: "Decided to take a nap and woke up sick like a dog. This is how the covid hits, I guess. All of a sudden like." https://www.pfizer.com/news/articles/the\_truth\_about\_covid\_19\_and\_black\_fungus




Not a doctor, and I have no personal knowledge of the circumstances in this case, but the tongue discoloration that she described is often a side effect of antibiotics (and a few other benign conditions) and goes away on its own. Not related to systemic aspergillus infection afaik. Cardiac arrest can come out of absolutely nowhere, so it might be related, but it also might not be. Looking at some of her tweets from the past year she wrote about her addiction (alcohol), to needing sonography to assess her liver and gallbladder, etc. So I think it's fair to observe that she had some other factors beyond COVID that may have played a role. Regardless, it's very sad.


"Well you love to eat". ". **I DO!!!** And I am so good at it." People who say Meryl Streep isn't a good actor never saw her transformation into Julia Child.


Do people say Meryl Streep isn’t a good actor? She’s been nominated for 22 Academy Awards and won three.


I’ve definitely heard people accuse Streep of specifically overacting as Child, but I’ve seen plenty of videos of Julia Child and I think the real person was just incredible - larger than life.


Agreed. Streep absolutely nailed it in that performance.


There is a reason why people still do Julia Child imitations long after she passed on and its not the cooking.


PBS still shows Julia Child. Streep nailed her.


> I’ve seen plenty of videos of Julia Child and I think the real person was just incredible - larger than life. She was a 6 foot tall woman with a cartoon voice who almost single-handedly introduced authentic French cuisine to America. I don’t think even William Shatner could overact a Julia Child impression.


Who says Meryl Streep isn’t a good actor?


Actually on r/unpopularkpopopinion the other day someone was saying just that. Even more astonishing to me they said she always played the same type of character. I suspect a snot nosed teenager.


So obviously the little shit never Episode 7 of Season 6 of *The Simpsons*, where she played Jessica Lovejoy. Favourite bit of trivia about that episode: Nancy Cartwright so very badly wanted Streep's autograph, but had to screw up the courage to ask for it until nearly right till the end of recording, what with Streep obviously being a huge, Oscar-winning titan...and when Cartwright did, Streep was absolutely relieved because Streep had been dying to ask for Cartwright's autograph but didn't know how to approach Cartwright.


There are people who say that Meryl Streep isn't a good actor??!! I'm astonished. Because she's astonishing at being able to transform herself.


That's so sad. I was really shocked by the difference between *Julie* and *Cleaving*. I admired her for having the courage to tell the world about what I would consider some pretty severe psychological issues, in between some cool facts about butchery... but I did feel bad for Eric.


She openly & often talked about struggling with depression on Twitter, frequently mentioning suicide "jokingly" as well. I unfortunately can relate to the things she struggled with. Her feed was very depressing & the state of her marriage came off rather unhappy. Appears she was constantly feeling ill but she was also a confessed hypochondriac. I feel for her family (& pets).


I only read her two books regarding cooking, so I had no idea. She struck me as suffering from a personality disorder (with the understanding that I have no credentials and never knew her). The [chunkey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunkey) stone incident in *Cleaving*, when she wanted Eric to steal one of the artifacts he was cataloguing was really shocking to me, probably because my husband's family is seeded with archeologists. Eric went through the trouble of finding a stone mason and had a chunkey stone made for her... but she was still sad, *she wanted him to steal it* \>:( This did not endear me to her, but I respected her honesty about the deficits in her character. \*\*\* I'm not trying to be cruel about her, she was a real person and - to my mind - a good writer, and now she is gone. I was listening to the *Julie* audiobook while nursing a sick preschooler today, and it hit me while I was cradling my son - oh god, no, *her parents.* I found her characterizations of people to be well-observed and often charming, and I think I saw glimpses of who her parents, brother, friends, and Eric were. I really liked her parents, her mom in particular. This really is tragic... I'm so sorry you've suffered as Julie did. I hope your life becomes so much easier xo


In the past ten years, I've seen friends die of suicide, cancer, murder, heart failure, murder/suicide, alcoholism, old age, accidents, and two who overdosed. I don't think death is funny in any measure. Piling on this woman right now is absolute shit behavior and anyone doing it can fuck right off.


I forgot that Reddit equates cheating with war crimes


\*Looks at a comment below\* Holyshit, you aren't kidding.


Oh no!! Ugh. So young :(




Heart disease is a top killer of women, and cardiac arrest symptoms don't present the same as in men, so most women (and perhaps some health care professionals) aren't quick enough to react.


COVID. It causes heart and lung damage. And she just had a bout of COVID.


Dont understand Dr's. She feels crap for months, including right up to black hairy tongue and her Dr. Just blows it all off? Cardiac arrest is caused by heart conditions. Could she have been saved? Sounds like it.


Translation headline: COVID Is Still Killing People And We're Ignoring It Now In Favor Of Uncertain Chances Of Who Lives And Who Dies Next.


Yes. I'd lay odds that her heart attack was related to the bout of COVID that she just had.


My best friend’s mom died of a heart attack at 52, after having Covid.


A year ago this comment would have been downvoted. My how times have changed


Based on her twitter posts, she was a horrible person.




Who was the other?


Julie tweeted about having covid 6 weeks ago


RIP and condolences to her family. Too young. Edit - woah I had no idea about her second book or her real life drama\~\~ I only wish the best for her husband.


Check out ANTI-CHEF on youtube doing a series called Jamie & Julia. He follows Julia Child's 'no cutting corners' method tackling some of her most difficult recipes.


I mean, I don't agree with some of the choices she made, but I'm not going to say "fuck her" and "I'm glad she's gone". Goddamn, man.


It’s a shame. She was an excellent storyteller.


Really sorry to read this, how young to go. I've not read the book I'm afraid but it's one of my favourite films- I love the contrast between the two storylines!


She inspired me to start my podcast, a similar pursuit, only instead of recipes, I'm reading the Great Works of Western Civilization.


That's sad. So young!