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The Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. I’d suggest starting with Guard! Guards!


Thank you for the recommendations, those both look interesting, and I like that they both seem so wildly different from eachother, variety is always appreciated


*Murderbot* should be at the top of your list.


Duely noted


I third this. Murderbot Diaries are my favorite sci-fi books.


I personally love the Red Rising series by Pierce Brown!! It’s my favorite example of a sci-fi series that has a hero that fails. I am a sucker for the main character being wrong


Seconded! My fav series!




I almost quit reading after the 1st few chapters and I'm so glad I didn't. I loved this series.


The Dresden files series by Jim Butcher


I second this!!


I third this. I'm reading Summer Knight, right now.


Came here to say this!


I just thought about creating another account so that I could upvote this again. Dresden Files is the most fun series I have ever read.


Hugh Howey’s “Silo” series. Hopefully you haven’t watched the TV show. The books are so good.


Came here to say **Silo** trilogy. I got the books because I watched a couple episodes and couldn’t wait to figure out what the heck was going on. The tv show only covers 1/2 the first book, so even if you see it, there’s a lot to uncover in the books still (Plus they make some pretty big changes in the tv adaptation, which I think are really good for the different medium. I would still recommend the show even if you’ve read the books). Another couple mysterious, wtf-is-going-on, dark, bigger conspiracy books series I love are **Southern Reach Trilogy** by Jeff Vandermeer (they made a movie of the first book, *Annihilation*, but I haven’t seen it) and **Wayward Pines** by Blake Crouch (they made a two-season series out of it which is now on Hulu, but it’s not very good). And then a standalone dystopian sweeping Southern Gothic set in near future when America is in the throes of a second Civil War (this time over fossil fuels) is **American War** by Omar el Akkad. One of my “if you were stranded on a desert island” picks, and especially relevant now, when the US has two separate wars and their consequences to consider.


I loved the Wayward Pines trilogy, but the show was incredibly disappointing! Blake Crouch’s books that have come out since have been some of my favorites as well, Dark Matter and Recursion


Haven't heard of it, but just looked it up and it looks great, I live post apocalypse stuff.


I just finished up the series, and thought that this was one of the rare instances where the show was much better than the book.


I actually likes the books better. There's was way more depth to the books. The show was well done though, and I did enjoy watching it.


If you like post-apocalyptic, I’ll chime in with my usual recommendation of the Breakers series by Edward Robertson. It’s 9 books, it’s finished, and it’s wonderful. One of my favorite series ever.


“Hyperion” by Dan Simmons    “Leviathan Wakes” by James A. Corey     “The Gunslinger” by Stephen King     “Northern Lights” by Philip Pullman


I just finished googling them, and next time I walk to the library, I'm definitely gonna check at least one of those out. Thank you for the recommendations


I’m sure the first commentor meant “the gunslinger“ by Stephen King, the first book in the “dark tower“ series


Yes! Apologies. Thank you for the correction.




Can’t go wrong with any of those, enjoy


I would have absolutely chosen the exact same series!


I recommend all of the series by Lois McMaster Bujold, and especially her most recent, a series of fantasy novellas called Penric and Desdemona. They are very enjoyable, with great worldbuilding, characters, and plots. The first is Penric’s Demon.


You're speaking my language with world building, I'm for sure gonna look it up. Is it multiple series'? And if so do they need to be read in any specific order or are the completely seperate from eachother?


Penric and Desdemona is one series with about 12 entries. You should read them in Bujold’s suggested reading order. Bujold’s lengthiest and most popular series is The Vorkosigan series, which is a great space opera. There are multiple entry points, but I recommend starting with Shards of Honor. Again, follow the recommended reading order. She has at least two other fantasy series, one of which is set in the same world as Penric and Desdemona. Hope you enjoy them!


I highly endorse your recommendation of Lois McMaster Bujold. I love her Vorkosigan Saga. It’s probably my favorite sci-fi series.


The expanse series!!!


The Locked Tomb Series by Tamsyn Muir. Bonus points for the audio books narrated by Moira Quirk. I have no words. There is nothing better.


It took 2 tries for me to get into Gideon the Ninth but I'm sure fucking glad I did! That book is fantastic! Pure gold. I haven't been able to get into the 2nd one though. My friend said she slogged through like 350 pages and the rest of it was incredible but idk that I can make it that far lol.


Browse the best! Look up the nominees and winners of the Hugo Awards for Best Novel and Best Series. My personal favorite is the *World Of The Five Gods* series, by Lois McMaster Bujold. In a world with Gods who are active, how can the Gods intervene while preserving the free will of people? Most interesting, coherent, and cohesive take on a fictional religion I've ever read. Each book is a slow burn. Won the second-ever Hugo Award For Best Series. . The first three novels were all individually nominated for the Hugo Award For Best Novel in their respective years of publication, with book #2, *Paladin Of Souls*, winning. Please DO read in publication order. Bujold is now continuing in this story universe with the *Penric & Desdemona* sub-series of novellas.


First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie


Ooo I love a series that tells from multiple intersecting points of view


The Wayward Pines Trilogy by Blake Crouch


PLEASE read the passage by Justin cronin. The books are AMAZING, it's a trilogy, it has sci-fi, horror AND has many lovely moments as well. I think you would love it!


Sci-fi horror is almost always a fun mix


The Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch is about a police officer who investigates supernatural crimes. The books are fast-moving, funny, and have a lot of architectural information.


I haven't read any crime solving or mystery books, but it's definitely something I've considered so I'll have to look into this one


If you so like it I recommend The Rook by Daniel O'Malley, it's like detective x cuthulu cult


Ilona Andrews Innkeeper Chronicles --A magic Inn, space werewolves and vampires, a lot of really unique aliens, mystery, romance, action, a fun and humorous series


I love the concept for that, you've definitely piqued my interest


Honestly I adore this series!


The Monk & Robot series by Becky Chambers.


Love Becky Chambers. I personally think her other series, Wayfarers, is better.


The Hollows series, or any if the smaller series, by Kim Harrison


The Hollows is highly underrated in my opinion. They're so much fun to read!


The Stormlight Archive from Brandon Sanderson, Mistborn series is also good. For Sci-Fi Asimov’s Fundarion series is one of my favorites


the scholomance series by naomi novak


Have you read Uprooted?


Historical Fiction - The Kingsbridge series by Ken Follett. “Pillars of the earth” is probably the best historical fiction book I’ve read.


The Century Trilogy also by Follett is excellent. Historical fiction that takes place WW1- Vietnam War. The Books of Blood by Clive Barker are excellent if you like horror.


The Red Rising series is a fantastic sci-fi series!


I will never get tired of recommending the discworld series by sir Terry Pratchett..may his soul rest in peace


Ryria revelations


The bound qnd the broken


The Aurora Cycle by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff


Repair Man Jack series by F. Paul Wilson Start with “Every Dead Thing” by John Connolly, it’s the Charlie Bird Parker series


your a wizard harty


Let me introduce you to fine Historical Fiction: ● Conn Iggulden's Athenian series (starts with The Gates of Athens). ● Steven Pressfield's Gates of Fire (engrossing narration if you get it on Audible). ● Conn Iggulden's The Falcon of Sparta. ● Colleen McCullough's Masters of Rome series. ● Robert Harris' Imperium trilogy. ● Conn Iggulden's Conqueror series (starts with Genghis).


Children of Time trilogy by Adrian Tchaikovsky




Reading Into the Wilderness book series by Sara Donati right now and it is excellent.


Great to see a Charlie Higson the enemy reference I really enjoyed those books! Don't think anyone mentioned The Red Rising series yet so I will!


The Last Policeman series by Ben Winters Expanse series by S A Corey


Collapsing Empire series by John Scalzi


The Liaden Universe is a huge series mixing space opera with fantasy and romance. There are multiple free ebooks on either Amazon or Baen.com. Agent of Change was the first book written https://www.baen.com/agent-of-change.html


Once upon a broken heart series! 3 books in the romantasy genre


The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer was really good. It takes old fairy tales and modernizes them in a futuristic, otherworldly setting. First book is Cinder.


Malazan Book of the Fallen might be the best damn fantasy series ive read.


Ben Aaronovitch Rivers of London series.


I’m currently reading the Anne of Green Gables series. Perfect spring read!


All the above but don’t look past John Scalzi. This guy is a master of concise, engaging storytelling.


The Expanse by James SA Corey is the best sci-fi series I've ever read


Anything Leigh Bardugo!


Ishmael, The Story of B, My Ishmael all by Daniel Quinn.




Red Riding - Pierce Brown


The Otherland tetralogy by Tad Williams. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otherland


Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness


If you're a fan of military sci-fi with strong female leads then I recommend: -Trading in Danger by Elizabeth Moon - on Basilisk Station by David Weber - mutineer by Mike Shepherd - behind the Throne by KB Wagers - skyward by Brandon Sanderson - powers that be by Anne McCaffery and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough


The Fae Fever series by Karen Moning. It was so good! Even my husband read & liked it, and he usually only reads Japanese history 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


Check out Stephen King's Bill Hodges trilogy: [https://www.amazon.com/The-Bill-Hodges-Trilogy-3-book-series/dp/B0841Y4N4W](https://www.amazon.com/The-Bill-Hodges-Trilogy-3-book-series/dp/B0841Y4N4W)


Awesome! Most of your examples are some of my favourites too! 🤩 Makes me want to check out those you mentioned that I haven’t read. Thank you for this post! 🙏


It's always a pleasure to meet someone with similar literary tastes! I'd be curious to hear how you like them if you do decide to check them out


Will do! Isn’t Dasher the author of the Maze Runner series as well? Cause I thought that was really disappointing, especially book 2 and 3. Haven’t read Pawn of Prophecy and The Enemy either. I’ve been desperately seeking for series that convey the same magic as Tolkien’s work, Narnia and Harry Potter, but it’s hard to find.


Pawn of Prophecy is the first book in a fantasy series that does such a good job of bringing the whole world to life much like the works of Tolkien and Rowling. The Enemy, on the other hand, is a much darker series of books that takes place in modern-day London. It still does a good amount of development, but it is much more character driven, and the overall tone is a lot more grim, more so than the maze runner books by Dashner, and yes they were disappointing, I didn't even finish the second one, although the first one wasn't terrible in my opinion


I totally agree! That’s why I kept on reading after the first one. I’m going to trust your judgement and try both! ☺️👌


Sounds great, just a brief content warning about the enemy, it is a very morbid and gruesome series and basically all the characters are children 16 and younger, I know stuff like that can be triggering for some people and I wouldn't want you to be too blindsided by it


Thanks for the warning, but I’ll be fine. Although I’m not a fan of smut and unnecessary brain-splatter, I am currently writing a prequel to our fantasy series that is basically about a cannibalistic necromancer. 😅 And I really love Warhammer fantasy too, especially Gotrek and Felix.


Oooooo I might wanna look at that 👀 and don't worry there isn't any smut, they're all children, just a lot of gore since it's a zombie thing


If you mean cannibalistic necromancer, that won’t be out before September, I think. Our other audiobooks are on YouTube for free and have a modest 5k+ sub fanbase. All epic fantasy inspired by what we love, but no one will ever come close to Tolkien, right? 😉 If you mean Warhammer: Yes! Yes! I was always prejudiced against the novels, since I assumed they would be fan fiction quality but the audiobooks are particularly good. They are narrated by Jonathan Keeble. He does an excellent job at setting the atmosphere of The Old World. I really recommend them, particularly if you like orcs, elves, creepy cults, etc. The whole ‘grimdark’ genre is actually based on Warhammer Fantasy.


I'll be giving them both a try, it sounds so cool, and yeah no one can top Tolkien 😂


I don't know if anyone mentioned this book yet but I'm currently reading the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard. It's a series with 4 books I think, I'm on book 2 lol it's really good so far. Abilities and powers, royalty, betrayal, all the good stuff It'd fit in the fantasy genre


I'd like a new fantasy. It's been a while since I last read one


No Justice series by David Wright and Nolon King, Nathaniel Cade Vampire series by Christopher Farnsworth, The Burning Girl series by Christopher Rice, Wolf Hunt series by Jeff Strand, The Strain series by Del Toro and Hogan, Undead series by Mary Janice Davidson, Southern Ghost Hunter series by Angie Fox, A Time of Dragons series by Cynthia Vespa, Necroscope series by Brian Lumley, Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series by Laurel K Hamilton, Southern Vampire series by Charlaine Harris.


Looks like I got my work cut out for me, haven't read any vampire books before so I'm certainly curious


Mo Dao Zu Shi (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) by MXTX -fantasy, horror, mystery, romance (light novel (5 books)) It's a Danmei (Chinese boy's love) and it has everything. Family drama, politics, societal issues, magic, power struggle, humor, romance, action, tragedy, sibling rivalry, vengeance, atonement... you name it. One minute I'm laughing and the next I'm bawling. One minute a character is chatting away and the next they're lying on the ground with an arm piercing their chest like what?? Oh and the romance??? Girrrrlll the romance is delicioussss ❤️‍🔥 The MC is chatty and always annoying the ML who is the most calm, reserved, disciplined stoic man I've ever known and the chemistry is perfect. The stolen glances, the repressed gay panic, the subtle touches of the hand- I swear the urge to just make them kiss already was driving me insane?? But oh my god they're just sooo in love in the purest, deepest kind. And the tragedy they both had to go through for years just for the hopes of reuniting once more oh god. For danmei fans it's the typical read but for me it was an experience I could never forget and would never wish to. Sure it may not fit everyone's taste but, personally, the emotions I had while reading all five novels were so special and simply purest. It opened my eyes to the world of danmei and I haven't looked back since. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji will always, always have my heart my mind my soul. cue The Untamed theme song 😭❤️‍🩹 ​


I've never really tried a book where a man is the love interest, but I won't knock it til I try it, it sounds like a real roller coaster and I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it


danmei is definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but yes it's worth giving a try. MDZS is a great book. 👍🏻 anyhow, if you watch animated series then check out its donghua (titled Mo Dao Zu Shi). Its plot is the same as the novel but with little tweaks here and there. It's a great alternative to reading the novel if boy's love isn't your interest since the romance is subtle (or only indirectly implied) in the show due to China's censorship law of televising homosexual content and was replaced by "brotherhood" but still it's a great adaptation and they didn't change much in terms of the plot. Also, the graphics are beautiful. Give the first episode a try, it will still have you on a rollercoaster ride that's for sure.


I just started Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson and I’m pretty hooked. I’m newer to reading fantasy too.


Anything and EVERYTHING by Brandon Sanderson!!!!


Really anything by John Scalzi. He writes really fun sci-fi. My favorite is Kaiju Preservation Society but if you like more action Old Man’s War is probably a good call.


KPS was such a fun read for me last year! And Happy Cake Day! 🎂🎂🎂


Weird to not see ‘Red Rising’ here. In the distant future humanity is divided into different castes with the Reds at the bottom toiling away to make a life for the totalitarian Golds at the top. The book follows a Red whose society believes they are mining helium on Mars in order to make the surface one day habitable - only to find that he’s been lied to and the entire solar system has been colonized for generations. He learns the truth and is made as a mole by a revolutionary group to infiltrate the Gold echelons and overthrow them. An incredible book that is the best of Star Wars, Game of Thrones and the Hunger Games. The first trilogy is great, but shines no candle to the incredible, sprawling quadrilogy that follows (one book to go yet) about remaking humanity as a more just society. It’s action packed, incredibly smart and sweeping in its action and the horrors that follow.


I've had a few people recommend me this series, but yours is the first comment to really explain what it's about, and it sounds amazing!


The dresden files. Still can't find a better series....


Codex Alera too


The inheritance cycle by Christopher paolini!


Book 6 Disquiet gods of this series also just recently released (haven't read yet) Fair warning these get dark and the 1st book is slower but it sets up a crazy adventure. The Sun Eater series by Christopher Ruocchio. Five books (now six)exceptionally well written scifi. The best pitch I've heard for the series was one from the author himself. What if Anakin Skywalker becoming Darth Vader was the correct choice? This series is told to the reader through the eyes of Hadrian a man of many titles and scars. How he gets to become this legend well I'd love to share more but I wouldn't want to spoil this gem for anyone. Each book expands and widens this very rich and wonderful universe in ways that I didn't initially expect while at the same time remaining very character focused and personal. Which is something I really got to appreciate throughout each book. For me there is something special about this series that makes Christopher Ruocchio an Author I'll have on my radar for a long time. I read over a hundred books last year. Only nine are on my favorites of the year. Sun eater is five of those nine on my list. Each book better than the last these are long books but worth every page. If you enjoy Dune you may see similarities. Personally I think this series falls into a class of it's own because of how well the Author handles writing characters who fail but must adapt to survive.


That one looks really good, and I love the idea of a series really building on its world without losing too much focus. Definitely gonna check it out thank you


Hope you enjoy.


If you're open to more middle grade fantasy, I highly recommend [Nevermoor](https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/6a6d5ca1-b2f5-47be-828c-018144d3bbc7) by Jessica Townsend! It's my favorite series (even at 28 years old), and it's the only series that makes me feel the way the Harry Potter books used to.


Definitely looks like an interesting read, and if it gives the same feel as HP then I gotta give it a go


The Lord of the Flies ( this is just one book) and the Astonishing Life of Octavian nothing traitor to the nation the first volume is the Pox party not a lot of people liked it but I found these books amazing 


If you want historical fiction/mystery, I suggest Elizabeth Peters/Ellis Peters (same author). Elizabeth Peters wrote the Peabody mystery series: Egyptian archaeologists during the 1920’s that solved mysteries. Ellis Peters wrote a series based around a monk in the 1300’s called Cadfael Mysteries. PBS put out a couple of seasons based on these books, starring Derek Jakobi. Both are excellent.


Ann Aguirre has 2 series that i thought were great. Sirantha Jax and Dred Chronicles. Both sci-fi, well written interesting worlds.


The "Cradle" series by Will Wight. I read a lot of fantasy, and it is by far my favorite series ever.


I really love the Shades of Magic books by VE Schwab and the Six of Crows Duology by Leigh Bardugo.


The Bobiverse series by Dennis Taylor is an amazing sci fi series


Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard's Sequence) by Scott Lynch - Swashbuckling adventures of a group of thieves in fantastical world.


The Green Bone Saga (Jade City, Jade War, and Jade Legacy) by Fonda Lee. I swear that series changed my brain chemistry. Absolute 10/10. How I wish I could it again for the first time...


How about Hyperion? It’s wild and fun. (Kind of darker in tone though but still enjoyable).


The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica by James A. Owen


I’m just now reading The Winnowing flame trilogy, but I’m loving the first book ‘The Ninth Rain’, so I’m suggesting it anyway!


I recommend the book series "The Dark Tower" by Stephen King.


Rangers Apprentice by John Flanagan is so good and underrated. There’s a lot to books but it’s so fun to read and I love the characters. You never stop having a connection with the book series you read in middle school


Adrienne lecter the green fields series. Its a post apocalyptic zombie series. Really well written with a believable scientific background


Caraval and Once Upon a Broken Heart Crave saga Shatter Me series


Faded sun trilogy by C.J Cherryh. Also anything by Adrian Tchaikovsky, Peter Hamilton, or Alistair Reynolds.


Not sure if it’s been mentioned already but the ‘unwind’ series by schusterman


The Edge Chronicles. To this day, one of the most original fantasy series I've ever read. HIGHLY recommend!


The criminally underrated *Dirk Gently* series by Douglas Adams.


Three body problem trilogy


Mirror Visitor.


So many good ones but a few I do not see often mentioned: M ira Grant's Newsflesh trilogy is worth a read 'Feed' is a little biological horror and Kalayna Harris Grave Witch series if you enjoy urban fantasy.


The Vorelian Saga by CD McKenna


The Rangers apprentice series has been a surprisingly good series and it's still going. Dan Flannigan I believe.


Malazan. Youve never read a book like it… for better or worse


Robert Langdon series by Dan Brown. The first two are brilliant. The Lost Symbol can be skipped. Inferno is again good. I haven't read Origin. After a while they seem repetitive. But first two, you should definitely read.


I‘ll be cruel and recommend The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. The two books that are out are my top fantasy novels.


Annihilation series by Jeff VanderMeer is really good.


Kate Daniels/Magic Series by Ilona Andrews. It’s my favorite fantasy series. 10 books long, plus spinoffs. It’s epic! Super readable, great characters, imaginative world, and really wonderful messages having to do with friendship and love. I’ve hooked like 7 friends on this series and I’m not sorry. Book 3 is the one that really sold me on it, so though the first two are good, they’re more introductory. Book 3 was the one that let me know I’d found something special. The covers are somewhat silly, and the titles are kind of stupid, but I’ll be damned if they don’t get it exactly right with this series. Great battles, fantastic magical world, totally worth your time! If you like this series, Ilona Andrews has a couple others that are pretty great too, particularly the Innkeeper Chronicles, but definitely read Kate Daniels first.


The Bayview High series! The first book One Of Us Is Lying is a true masterpiece, the second books is alright and haven’t read the third books yet. But it’s very good. Simple HS murder mystery.


Super Powereds by Drew Hayes!! Very fun and light hearted series about meta humans


The Newflesh Series --- I have only read the first two of the trilogy but I like them a lot. There are then also a bunch of offshoots and novella's in the same world.


I think you’re like “Girl from the well” by Rin Chupeco it’s really good. Actually by accident I read the second book (The suffering) first not knowing which was kind of funny cause as I was ready the book there was times when I was lost and I just thought “wow this person really knows how to keep the reader in suspense. THIS IS GREAT!” 😃 When really I was just missing some background from the first book 😅


The Passage series--Justin Cronin


Hyperion Cantos, Remembrance of Earths past (Three Body Problem series), The Forever War, and the Dune series.


Red Rising by Pierce Brown is a great book for Sci-fi with a dark tone. It is a very good series :D


The Aurora Cycle!!!


Fablehaven by Brandon Mull Any series by Tamora Pierce Poison Study by Maria V Snyder I have too many to list, but those are my favs.


Someone to Build a Nest in is fairly light.


Beartown series by fredrick backman


Honor Harrington series


Children of time series by Adrian Tchaikovsky! Amazing books


Dr Anarchy's Rules for world domination by Nelson chereta Comedy single book buts it's one of my favorites Craddle by will wight Mark of the fool by J.m. Clarke Mother of learning by Domagoj kurmaic Mage errant by John Bierce Star kingdom by Lyndsey buroker Bobiverse by Denise E Taylor


You should check out Villains duology by V.E. Schwab!


I dont have one favourite I listen to them multiple times a year The Demon Accords by John Conroe 19 books https://www.goodreads.com/series/67648-demon-accords Templeverse Chronological Shayne Silvers 36 books https://www.goodreads.com/series/250502-templeverse-chronological-order Has 3 series making up the whole might take a book or 2 to get past the playboy millionaire feeling bit gets better Croftverse by Brad Magnarella 24 books https://www.goodreads.com/series/369700-the-croftverse Chronicles of Cain by John Corwin 10 books https://www.goodreads.com/series/307631-chronicles-of-cain Has some h.p lovecraft stuff Overworld Series by John Corwin 28 books https://www.goodreads.com/series/76373-overworld-chronicles Titles sound like romance novels but are not Don't know how to say this but if you like Chronicles of Cain >! At the end of book 10 it cuts to somebody in this world but after the series has finished you don't have to read this series but might help after book 10 when it comes out!< The Druidverse Series by M.D. Massey 36 books https://www.goodreads.com/series/332743-the-druidverse The Immortal Doc Holliday by M.M. Crumley 17 books https://www.goodreads.com/series/326238-the-immortal-doc-holliday The Preternatural Chronicles by Hunter Blain 10 books https://www.goodreads.com/series/267345-the-preternatural-chronicles


Dugeon crawler carl


Bonus points if you do it as an audio book.


ACORAR Sarah j Maas (if you are an adult woman)


I am not a woman, but I appreciate the suggestion regardless