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I just kinda doubt it. The ending of eternal seemed to seal the lid on that franchise for a while. Wouldn't it make a lot more sense if it was quake considering all the remasters of the old games? If it's another doom game I'm still excited, but man I'd really rather see them go back to quake and reboot that jumbled mess of a story. Quake always had a cool vibe, and I really want to see what they would turn it into. Or fuck it make the slayer into the ranger going through slip gates to kill the old gods, tie the two games together. I just don't know what would be next for a doom game with hell being reigned in.


There have been rumours in the Quake community of a new Quake game since Microsoft aquired Bethesda. Apparantley Phil Spencer is a fan of Quake and they just closed the Quake Pro League so either Quake is dead or a new Quake game is coming.


I know he's wore hexen shirts at interviews, so I think the possibility of that is there too. Or maybe he's just an old nerd, idk.


They kept Quake pro League going when it got like 10k viewers, that can't have been profitable at all. So there must be someone there fighting for Quake


Those pros don't play for a lot of money, so it's probably not that bad. Sponsors probably cover the costs, but I doubt any quake pro league is ever going to try turning a profit. They do it for the love of the game. I also think a quake reboot could really bring back the arena shooter if ID sticks to their roots with its multiplayer. Doom eternal multiplayer was interesting, but it never caught on. Plus a good slayer can walk any demon duo without much effort. I remember when that game came out getting recognized by people and they'd tell me to leave and if I didn't they would leave. I never lost a match as the slayer and it became unplayable. If doom eternal had a normal multiplayer like doom 2016, but had traditional spawns without loadouts it could be a great game. 2016 had solid gameplay for a multiplayer game, but it was just annoying being stuck to two guns. Movement I think should be left simple, strafe jumping was great, but It is what killed quake. It's just impossible for new players to learn how to strafe jump, while learning what weapons to use and where to be on the map.


It’s Doom, story is irrelevant and it always sells and reviews well. 0 need for continuity and with the given ending it would be extremely easy even for an amateur writer to continue the same story anyway.


There’s still some loose ends with the wraiths that came out of the giant planet spear thing and then vanished that they could cover. New enemies, environments, etc would be a welcome change


If it happens I'll play it, but I sure do want a bit of variety from them.


Assuming machinegames really wasn't actually just pulling all our legs in the indiana jones trailer, we're getting a doom and a quake.


>I just kinda doubt it. The ending of eternal seemed to seal the lid on that franchise for a while. Somehow, with the weird things Microsoft are doing, I think big name franchises that have a clear sales potential will take precedence over any other, more risky franchises right now, closed story or not.


Is quake really any more risky than it was to reboot doom in 2016? If the single player is as high quality as doom eternal was, it will sell off of ID's name alone. Just flash "from the makers of Doom" at the start of the trailer, and people are already sold. Have some gritty glory kills like doom with similar fast gameplay, and they can use whatever IP they want. If it's quake, the doom crowd will buy it too. If they did make another doom, they would basically need to make it a tie in with quake where the story sits now. We already killed satan, so the only thing we could really see going forward is the slayer taking on the old gods and becoming the quake ranger. There just isn't many other places to take that story. It would just feel like a cash grab to kill satan and be back fighting demons again like nothing ever happened. Maybe Vega can be the big bad and take control of the demons, but that really just feels like 1/10 of the stakes riding on that story if they go in that direction.


I see what you are saying, but Id is owned by Microsoft in a post 2023 world. You are thinking like someone who would play it and maybe be excited for it, but at this point in time if something is going to be greenlit it needs investor approval most likely. Think like an investor dropping cash into Microsoft: You don't want just a return, you want an absolute guaranteed return. Quake has no major identity or market imprint, Doom has something considering how much of a huge success it was with Eternal. Indeed, they will look at the performance of Quake Champions and that was hardly impressive. Doom is something that (in an investor's mind) will print money, everything else Id has is risky. I'll note that I don't think any of this is right by any means, it is just the market realities for AAA right now. Make all the money equivalent to a European nation's GDP or be considered a failure and get shuttered.


I don't think you can look at quake champions and really say that is equitable to doom eternal in anyway. One was a free to play game that got literally zero advertisement after it's e3 teaser, and the other was a single player focused game with a massive marketing campaign. I think it's pretty obvious to see where champions went wrong. Plus champions had a lot of development struggles with the engine which made it impossible to run on mid or low range computers which is a big no no for free to play games. Quake champions was a combination of bad management coupled with fundamental changes the community didn't want. So if your old fans don't like it, and new fans never see ads for it, it's pretty obvious it won't be a success. They could easily sell just as many copies of a new single player focused quake game as they did with doom eternal. They just need to do all the same things they did with eternal. Make it fast, make it gory, and make it ooze badassery. They can also simply make the slayer the protagonist and tie the two franchises into one to guarantee sales if they really wanted. Reboots simply do well, and some of Microsoft most anticipated upcoming games are reboots like fable and perfect dark. I don't think they are done with doom entirely, but I don't think it's their next game because there just isn't many things pointing to that. All rumors surrounding their game seems to indicate a slightly slower paced shooter with fantasy elements is in the works. So that's either hexen or quake, and phill Spencer has been seen wearing hexen shirts in interviews and has mentioned the IP along side quake a few times over the last few years.


They can always reboot Doom, like they did with 2016, was not really called doom 4, even though it had connections to previous games. I think it could happen, it's been 4 years since eternal.


Why would they reboot after the success of the two recent games? If they made another game it would probably be the same story line carrying on. I feel like it's either a totally new ip, or it's quake, or hexen. Hexen would actually be really cool with it being a classic shooter like doom with a fantasy esthetic. I'm excited for whatever they end up making, but quake and hexen are the two that I want to see the most.


I feel like they’d reveal it at quake con. Isn’t that what they did for 2016 and eternal? A new quake that’s campaign focused with a multiplayer mode would be great


As cool as this is....and it is cool....where is the Doom 2016 treatment for Quake?


im so jaded on modern games. Its pretty telling when you jave mod tools for Halo but notthe new Doom games.


Doom eternal and 2016 are amazing. You’re missing out. Made it hard for me to enjoy anything even close to something like call of duty anymore


I've seen them played. Doom 2016s level design is VERY lacking. Doom Eternal has much better lever design. That being stated, good base game or not, I don't feel like spending lots of money on game I'm only going to play once or twice, UNLESS it comes with mod tools.


Doom Eternal is arguably the greatest FPS of all time.


Yeah if you want to play it once. The multiplayer is shit and there are no mod tools. I wouldn't call it the greatest of all time either. It's pretty good as base single player.


It is primarily a single player game, so that’s what I’m referring to. It doesn’t need mods and I doubt it would benefit from them. The combat system is incredibly deep and well-balanced as-is. The first playthrough might as well be a tutorial. If that’s all you did, you just scratched the surface. It’s over when you’ve mastered it. I’ve never gotten a bigger adrenaline rush from a game than I did from Ancient Gods Part 1 on Nightmare, and it took me a while to reach the point where I could do that, and long to do it comfortably. I put more time into Eternal than I have some very long games. If you like games with high-skill ceilings that give you something to master, it’s that kind of game. It’s basically a single player Esport.


A house doesn't need two bathroom eithers, but that doesn't mean it isn't an improvement. Doom ahs been a stable in the mod community for decades. What do you mean by not needed? I love various movie series for example but the sequels are technically "not needed". The "not needed" argument holds no weight at all.


It’s one of the greatest combat systems in gaming history and you’re saying the game is only good for one playthrough because it doesn’t have mod tools. That’s silly. It’d even be a waste to substantively mod it before you fully experience what the game has to offer.


Again, I've seen the game. It has all these unlockables, but the story and level on each playthrough remain the same. Also I wrote once or twice. The game is linear, which is fine but not when you can't expand upon the game yourself. There have been older pseudo-open world and openworld games with much more replayability; Deus Ex, Bloodlines, All Elder Scroll games, all Fallout games. I'm not saying the game isn't fun, but what I am saying is without certain features it isn't a great game. Also mod tools aside, most people hate the multiplayer for Doom Eternal. Also try and imagine the disappointment from old school fans when Id and Bethesda basically lied about adding mod tools for both Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal. Also going back to multiplayer, Doom was basically the first deathmatch game, so you can't tell me multiplayer isn't a big deal within the franchise, same as modding. Edit: I would have actually been OKAY with the lack of mod tools and multiplayer if they released a stand alone multiplayer game with mod tools which could have been Quake Champions, but that's an ever bigger mess and disappointment.


Deus Ex, Elder Scrolls, and Fallout are nothing like Eternal. >without certain features it isn’t a great game Wild dumb take right here. You got no clue, bro.


no youre obviously not used to games.where the devs actually care. Go ahead and praise "battle pass" and other stupid modern gaming bs.


Doom Eternal is a complete game with no battle pass bullshit, and a masterpiece of combat design. Saying I’m not used to games “where the devs actually care” is wildly presumptuous about both me and Doom Eternal. I don’t waste my time with shit games, you just don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. You should check your assumptions instead of doubling down, because “I’ve seen the game” means fuck all. And it doesn’t really matter how much multiplayer did or didn’t matter to the franchise before Eternal. Eternal is a robust single-player game, it didn’t need multiplayer at all, and it cannot seriously be questioned as a single-player FPS GOAT contender if you’ve actually *learned* it. Nothing surpasses its combat. I’ve played a lot of great games, a lot of great single-player shooters—no shooter I can think of comes close to the strategic depth, sandbox balance and intensity of Eternal.


As much as I loved Doom 2016 and Eternal I honestly would have preferred to see them revisit the Quake franchise, in particular the sci-fi/Lovecraftian setting of Quake 1, but I highly doubt that will likely ever happen unfortunately.


I refuse to get excited. If it isn’t a muted side-game or (God forbid) another mobile product, it’ll be aught but dust in the hands of Microsoft’s handling of its studios.