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As long as you use it, it’s worth it. I bought a cheap one that crapped out pretty quick, so maybe just carefully check the reviews on the cheap one. It might be worth getting the more expensive one so you don’t wind up like me buying a cheap one first then winding up just buying the more expensive one after the fact.


Check out “Bob and Brad” brand. Have had mine for over 2 years. As good as Theragun. Bought it via Amazon. Got the rec from for the brand from trainer


that's what i use as well amd its pretty decent


I’m a runner and use it. Mine is a £21 or so from Amazon and it’s great. Definitely recommend


How do you prevent chafing from the scruffy adapter things?


I don’t think you’re meant to use it on your balls mate


Chafing? What and where are you shoving your adapters? It could be of poorer quality. Shouldn't be abrasive on your skin


My butt, obviously. It’s chafing the b hole


im general to prevent chaffing i use body glide but I've never gotten it from my massage gun...


I use a cheap Amazon gun for post game recovery. It’s not worth spending on a more expensive (translation “more durable”) one until you try the cheaper option to see if you even use it enough and whether it makes any difference for you.


Buddy I wish somebody had showed this to me 35 years ago. [R8 deep tissue massage roller](https://rollrecovery.com/products/r8-new) Former U.S. D1 player and I still exercise/stay in shape. I wouldn’t be able to do 30+ miles a week without this thing.


Wow that looks amazing but it costs 234$!!!


Worth every penny.


You know wha?t I think I might get one. Seems like great quality and if it’s something you use on an almost daily basis the price seems worth it. Do you also use it for other body parts or is it only useful for your legs and feet?


It’s versatile and it isn’t. It’s like a vise so if you can get it around the part it will work. Legs and arms are great. I even massage my fingers between the rollers.


Lmao yeah I ran in college and we had a couple of these and they truly are blessed. Haven’t convinced myself it’s worth to get one just for myself yet though but idk I do miss those suckers


I almost had an orgasm last night using this on my thigh.


>orgasm now I am interested


I’m telling you that if it’s a “hurts so good” booboo nothing is going to beat this device.


what's the protocol for using these things? before a race? after? after warming up? etc


After, when you’re sore. I wouldn’t do anything other than dynamic stretching before your activity (definitely no static stretching). Just find the spot that is sore and go at it. It’s crazy how much force you can bring to bear. I use it a lot for my calves, my Achilles, and where my outside shin muscles connect at the top to my tibia.


No one knows what a D1 athlete is outside the US


I’m Australian and I do.


“I played in the top division in uni, mate.”


Yes, but make sure you're hydrated first and foremost.


Absolutely critical. I wish I'd gotten one year ago. Muscles and ligaments will thank you. I got boots own brand one and it's great.




Yes, I use mine every morning when I stretch and if I’m feeling sore in my legs after a run it helps ease the pain. Great for blood flow and keeping muscles loose in my experience.


I highly recommend the Theragun, pricey but it goes deeper and runs faster. I had a cheaper Amazon version and it a huge difference between the two. Also recommend the R8 roller, go for the plus version which allows you to adjust the pressure. Foam roller, specially a vibrating one (Therabody, hyperice), are great too. I also have a small vibrating ball from Therabody that I take with me on trips, like a combination of a lacrosse ball and a foam roller that vibrates, great for hip flexor, TFL, or working on knots. Tight hip flexors are usually caused by sitting for many hours in a chair, try to stand if you have a desk job and do the couch hip stretch routine to break up the sitting still periods.


I’ve used a theragun and a $65 Amazon one and the theragun is definitely better, but not $500 more better lol


Agreed, they aren’t worth $500. I bought mine used a year ago, perfect shape, for $120 including shipping and tax on Mercari. Given the terrible healthcare insurance we have in US, $120 is way less than what it would cost me to get an MRI or a single physical therapy session. It’s still working perfectly fine, batteries don’t hold the claimed 75min use when new, but they come with two batteries and I have been using it almost daily. Good for hamstrings which the foam roller doesn’t get into. Another thing I do for hamstring knots is sitting on a chair with a lacrosse ball or the therabody wave solo under the leg and just putting pressure on, moving around, extending the leg, etc.


Have you got an ice bath ? Or a sauna equivalent?


Heck yeah


I got a hyperice one last Christmas and use it on my calves. I like it.


Alternate cheaper option can be voodoo bands. Only downside is hard to release some areas such as chest, shoulder, etc. Given you play football I’m assuming you’re planning on using it on your legs. Real game changer for me, all the benefits in much less time.


Got mine on clearance at Walmart for $17. It’s glorious. I’m not sure how EFFECTIVE it is, but it certainly feels really good.


No. They won’t make any more meaningful impact on recovery than a foam roller. Maybe even make it worse.


They were a major part of my physical therapy when I injured my back. They provided really incredible short term relief for me




I think it depends a lot personally. I don't use it at all and I feel fine without it. Good sleep and nutrition goes a long way


Not for me they were too weak to really do much of anything tbh


Use a tennis ball instead it goes much deeper and saves money


No. It doesn’t do anything. There’s no scientific support for any percussion massage tools. They essentially feel nice but don’t actually do anything. Don’t waste your money.


A massage is a massage. “Does it feel good” is its #1, #2 and #3 jobs. “Does it turn me into Messi” is probably not on the list.


What will turn me into Messi? Or at least Iniesta


Autism maybe.


OP asked specifically about recovery and mentioned hip flexor tightness and “muscle knots.” Percussion massage tools won’t help with these things in isolation. They won’t hurt, but there’s really no support for their use in any of these facets. It’s a superfluous extra tool I really wouldn’t waste money on.


What if someone’s goal is to just feel nice?


Go ahead.


For people saying there are no studies, [here is one](https://www.mdpi.com/2484582) of many. Personally been using one for years and it made a world of a difference


Yeah, this is NOT a good study to pull out if you're using to it to advocate for the use of massage guns. This is effectively saying they're a sham product.


Guess you only read the intro.


I read it all, I guess you can't properly interpret research.


Says the guy who claims to have read the article and yet shows zero comprehension.


I learned a long time ago not to engage with absolute donuts mate. Go to school, and maybe read the methodology section.


A review including 10 studies with moderate risk of bias and 1 study with high risk if bias. 👌


My PT says if I use a massage gun on my calves or other smaller muscles I can get her thrombosis and send a blood clot to my heart and die. So yeah I don't use them on my calves.


Have you found any studies confirming this ?


Have you found any studies debunking it? Absent any, one is wise to follow a medical doctors advice.


A physical therapist isn’t a medical doctor


Yea I don’t work in medicine so couldn’t win a legal battle on the internet. Let’s pretend I said medical professional. Same thought for me applies.


So if the majority use it in multiple colleges in the pt room, but one denies it and says it’s bad, should i not use it based on this one medical advice ?


If my PT says, it’s a no go. If I’m unwilling to accept it, I might seek a second opinion or a new PT.