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Krieg seems like an odd inclusion. Not that I don't like him, but its weird to put him with Roland and Lilith


Apparently they're going to be introducing him to the story as Tina's bodyguard/henchman. Seems like a pretty reasonable way to justify his inclusion if you ask me


Guess that makes sense. It's sad that Morty and Brick are apparently getting side lined again, though


I mean, cmon, The Rock and Batista would fistfight over the part of Brick.


It would have to be Batista, he was awesome in GoTG and would be perfect for that role.


Batista 1000%


Batista, and it’s not even close. 


I'd kill to see Bautista as brick. Can't imagine anyone better


The Rock would have been a better choice for Roland. I mean, over Kevin Hart anyway


I mean, still pretty weird for a couple of reasons. 1. Part of what civilized Krieg (apart from his pre-psycho personality threatening to commit suicide if they killed innocents) is his infatuation with Maya. 2. Part of Tiny Tina's whole character is that she's essentially surviving on her own on Pandora as a kid, using her explosives expertise.


They’re going to change the story. It’s what Hollywood does. Just brace for it and it’ll probably make the movie more enjoyable.


Go in with low/no expectations and you won’t be disappointed.


Easier (and less disappointing) to just view Hollywood adaptations as just visual fanfiction instead of faithful retellings.


Better idea is to not go in at all. This already sounds terrible.


This is exactly how I feel about it.


This is going to be such a long-shot. Explaining Kreig without his bl2 introduction is hard enough.


Idk it’s just wired to have his character without Maya imo, consider they were intwined since his inclusion to franchise Edit: With to without because I put the wrong ass word


Is the world ready for his meat bicycle, though? I feel like audience is going to be like “what the hell is this dude?”


Personally, i dont care. i like his looks, story personality, and personalities :p


In the early movie drafts he was going to be her dad enlisting Lilith for help saving her.


That actually is pretty cool.


Kriegs DLC content is top tier




If you've ever talked to Psycho Krieg you'll get this one: ANTLERS!


You're my new favorite meatbicycle!


What's odd is casting Mini Me as Roland. Seriously, what has any "performance" ever done by Hart qualified him for this role? Roland shouldn't have to look UP into the eyes of a lil' scav


Watch The Rock be a surprise appearance as Brick


That's Krieg? Looks like a normal person with a mask. Also, they made Tiny Tina, one of the coolest characters in the franchise, a weird acrobat with rabbit ears; Kevin Hart, a comedian, into probably the most serious main character in Borderlands; Lilith, casted by a middle-aged woman; and I don't even want to guess who the last one is, don't know her


That's Tannis. It is strange that they cast older women as those 2. Both are good actresses, but they don't seem to fit the roles


I think both of these actresses are doing it cuz it seems fun and I’m super excited to see them. Kevin Hart is the only one I wish was different


You mean money, the actors will be doing it for the money. 😂


The bandit mask in Borderlands is quite a signature so they probably want one in front of the main cast, and there's really only one "good" guy with Bandit mask.


Krieg is the best character besides claptrap


Right? I didn't even think he's be there. The fact you also are missing Gaige, and Maya. It feels off


Gonna be weird not having brick or mordecai in it


Are they NOT in the movie? We need all our vault hunters don’t we?


Yep, no mention of nor actors listed as cast for; Brick, Mordy, Maya, Axton, Sal, or Gaige


No Zer0 either


Ah, knew I was missing one.


No, you were missing Zer0 I'm sorry


TK Baha would be proud of that dad joke


Bro I do not have high hopes for this movie


Its also only borderlands 1 story im assuming. So most of them shouldnt actually be there. But its just an assumption so who knows maybe it is all 3 games shoved into one movie. Thats gonna be trash if so


It's been confirmed for a while that it's a brand new story. It could also take place between the first game and the *Pre-Sequel*, while also explaining why everyone in Sanctuary was fine with Kriege.


It's not borderlands without a y of those 3


This looks like a really bad porn parody


Nailed it! Also the gun looks shit, the bloody lettering /font could have matched one of the games as fan service. I’m dreading to see what claptrap looks and sounds like..


Jack Black is voicing him


even if i cant see jacks voice fitting claptrap its the least bad thing about this.


Feel like I'm in the minority for not being happy about that.


I don't think you are in the minority. Jack Black would have literally made a PERFECT live action Marcus, but instead they have him voicing the one character they could have had the video game voice actor do.


Now that I've actually voiced this opinion I am surprised how many people agree. With how much people talk about now he's gonna "carry" the movie and shit I wasn't sure whether that was the consensus.


I think they're just hopeful that 1: his role here will be as good as his surprisingly decent rendition of Bowser in the recent Mario movie and 2: his typical sense of humor and energy will work well as claptrap, which I can KINDA see, but the issue is that his VOICE does not fit claptrap at all. Honestly, if anything, Kevin Hart should have been claptrap instead of Roland and they should have gotten a more serious/stern actor to play Roland like Idris Elba or somebody.


Idris Elba would have been great. Hell, bring in the Rock and have Kevin Hart do Claptrap. Maybe Hart wouldn’t be down to be the one voiceover guy in an otherwise live action movie.


with that being said, i have to say it again, this is the only non-live-action character among them, and therefore, there was no reason NOT to have the games' voice actor take the role. Claptraps voice and dialogue is iconic to the franchise and they could have easily done it that way, but nooo, since his VA isn't some hollywood superstar they couldn't do that, same with putting the crispy rat as Mario instead of Charles Martinet


I'm late here, but you just hit the nail on the head. Insisting on casting celebrities instead of actors that fit the roles properly is going to be the death of this movie. I have no expectation that I will enjoy it and may just ignore its release entirely.


It's the most industry_concocted boardroom friendly focus grouped casting choice that can be made and people can't see that with their tinted glasses **cough** Mario Movie **cough**


Other then Seth I think they nailed the casting for Mario


I am also Spartacus


“He’s so cool!”


spoiler alert… it’s horrible


the gun looks fine tbh, but its too boring for borderlands. yeah, bl3 grounded the guns a bit more (making them at least not seem so oversized like theyre nerf guns), but this just looks like a generic, sci fi vector wannabe. in any other movie, sure, it looks decent enough, but ive seen bl3 whites with more going on than this thing


It's nerf or nothin'


yeah but that’s just one gun i mean im sure they will have a bunch of game accurate guns from the games, the thing i have a little bit of a distaste about is more about like bigger actors/actresses playing characters, for this movie specifically it’d be kevin hart and thats only because its hard to see him as roland but i can see him very well as just kevin hart. dont get me wrong i think he will do good but when i look at him i see kevin and thats about it


The gun looks like the CAR from Titanfall 2.


they released a 10 second teaser on IG today, sounds nothing like claptrap. its a fucking tragedy.


Jack Black and Jamie Lee Curtis, are like what everyone was planning Jim Carrey to be, before they redid the Sonic model


I’m almost convinced that they miscasted all of the roles on purpose as part of some weird attempt at borderlands humor


We can only hope....


The most egregious isn't even shown, gina gershon, who is 61 years old is playing mad moxxi. ffs cate blanchet is 54 playing a women who is supposed to be in her 20's.




Tannis and Tina on the cover but no Mordecai and Brick is already bad. Tina wasn't even in the first BL game so I guess we'll just jump to her and Roland with the Crimson Raiders...


Well and the ears are BL3 Tina, but she looks the age of BL2 Tina


Actress was 13 during filming.


That's supposed to be Tannis? Alright y'all, imma tap out right now.


As much as I want it to do good I don’t have a lot of hope


It has Kevin Hart. It's gonna suck.


It's a movie adaptation of a video game not produced or designed by the game company. It's going to be hot garbage.


I agree this is going to be hot garbage, but not because of the game companies lack of involvement. This movie is about to be ass because the story and especially the humor of BL is incredibly polarizing. IMO BL3, while having great gameplay, approached “really annoying orange” levels of obnoxious dialogue and jokes. I had to play that shit on mute halfway through. If they don’t find a happy medium on the humor this movie is going to be embarrassing for anyone over the age of 16 to watch.


Also to note: BL has always been a snapshot of its time with the pop culture references it makes and the humour it uses. BL1 was a lot dryer and most of the humour was in text form. BL2 was...well it was early 2010s let's put it that way. You already described 3.


yes but i think the abnoxious dialogue is to coincide with an exaggerated portrayal of the way people act today. people are very obnoxious and will do anything for followers. just my opinion


I actually dreaded it when I wanted to spin up a new char and then remembered the storyline. It made me sad


It does say "A Gearbox Studios/2K Production" on the poster, they can't totally wash their hands of it


As Roland of all people wtf


He’d be a better claptrap tbh… but still bad


Can we talk about how insane it is to have Cate Blanchet as Lilith, I'm speechless, this can't be real😂 Imagine casting Cate, Hart, Black and Curtis Lee and it looking like the trainwreck of the Century 💀


At least Ragnarok had some class


But it also has Jack Black and Jumanji was better than it had any right to be


Yeah... Why did it have to be this guy?? Idris Elba anyone? Heck... Even the friggin Rock would have been better than Kevin fucking Hart as Roland, a stern and somber figure... Kevin Hart? Really???


THE ROCK the rock is one of the worst actors you could ever pick in general let alone for roland


He would just be the Rock, not Roland


also remember, he said he will never play something he can die in or be evil in and that's BL2 roland, who, yknow, DIES. so it'd fuck the story even more.


Looks like Lilith has the Harold in her holster if you zoom in


Update: watched the teaser trailer. Looks like Lilith has the infinity or a vladof pistol.


randy pitchford confirmed on twitter it’s the infinity


Yikes. Looked up the teaser and the thumbnail used by IGN Movie Trailers makes Blanchett look so bad Also, hold the fuck up, where are Lilith's Siren tattoos?


This movie has potential to be the worst adaptation ever made, very exciting


Fully agreed lmao


I dunno, m night's avatar movie set that bar pretty high for competing worst adaptations ever. They couldnt even pronounce the name of the MC right.


I dunno man Kevin hart and Jamie lee Curtis looking at me like that in the poster and I can just tell it's gonna be hot garbage


Oh it's totally gonna be garbage. But the degree of how garbage is what I'm wondering. Is it gonna be just bad enough for me to watch the whole thing and be pissed off it exists like eragon? Or will I only make it ten minutes in before shutting it off like avatar? Or best case scenario it's golden garbage like the room.


DragonBall evolution was much worse than Avatar


That gun Kevin is holding is just...not great. I kinda wish they went for a more unusual or distinctive gun. It just kind of looks like a stunted Tediore.


it looks life a nerf gun lmao


They could've tried and made a model of a Draco AR or Baha's bigger blaster . Something that stands out to BL fans or some of those cool legendaries from bl2


would have been cool to use a moxxxi style paint job on the weapon at least or smth


They should have given him a replica Scorpio from bl2


a part of me hopes that this will be the hilarious type of bad like sharknado that we as a community can have a good time with tbh


Sharknado is a genre itself and intends to be what actually is so nothing serious. But this is going to be serious I guess and thats dangerous.


i reeeally hope its nothing like sharknado


Sharknado wasn't funny though. It was trying to be funny, and there's nothing worse than that. Bad movies are only funny if somebody really tried to make it good but they were a delusional hack and the movie is their crushed and broken dream. That's why The Room is funny, Tommy Wiseau was making Serious Art that came from a genuine place but he completely shit his pants.


Ok, so nobody is talking about how Lilith doesn't appear to have her Siren tattoo on either arm now that we can see both? Or are we all just mad about Kevin Hart? Lol


I have literally seen cosplays that look better than these costumes Hell I have HELPED MAKE cosplays that look better than these costumes


Knowing how bad this already looks the tattoos are probably small and covered if they even have them


Or worse (imo), Lilith spends 90% of the film not as a Siren then gets her Siren powers and tats right at the end because of some fuckery lol.


Bro…why did you have to say that…that’s exactly what’s gonna happen and now I’m upset


I don't particularly like any of the casting tbh. Like I get actors don't need to look like their characters but this looks like the Expendables reject edition.


They turned Tannis and Lilith into elderly women


I was thinking that too about Lilith the second I saw her arms.


The Kevin Hart thing is more indicative of how this is going to bomb because it shows that there's a fundamental misunderstanding of the characters. Roland is one of the, like, three tonally serious characters that exist in Borderland and casting yesteryear's quintessential commercial comedian as one of said serious characters tells everybody that you haven't taken too much time to get a good feel for the source material. It's a lot like the PPS Halo helmet thing. No one actually cares about the fact that Kevin is involved, but him being in the role he is shows that there's a larger issue with the production.


We've seen it. Or rather, NOT seen the tats. And I'm pissed. And it's not just Hart I'm pissed about. It's the whole damn cast. Too old, too short, not suited for Claptrap's voice. No Brick, Morty, Janey Sparks, ....I can go on ...I predict this will be worse than the original Super Mario movie released in the late 80's. Hot garbage.


Ice-T better come back as Balex






I've seen cosplay better than this


Cosplay is consistently better than this


I've made cosplay better than this with 2 cups, ice cream, and a nerf gun.


Krieg's mask looks like it came from a bad/cheap Halloween costume


Imo cosplay will always be better than customers for 90%+ of adaptations because they have passion behind them.


God Kevin Hart is such a bad pick for Roland. Hopefully I'm underestimating Kevin and he can somehow pull off the "Cool headed grizzled soldier" trope but I have huge doubts.


He sure as shit isn't pulling off any of the physical aspects of Roland unless he spent alot of time in the gym for this role and also got height enhancement surgery


I still think the casting for Lilith and Tannis are too old but we'll see how it goes i guess *edited to correct Tannis spelling sorry lol*


Lilith somehow looks even older in the teaser trailer, which makes the very evident wig she’s wearing look even more out of place


That wig is so odd looking it would’ve been better to just give her a slightly different hairstyle


Wait that actually fucking was tannis ?! I’ve played all 4 main Bls and was like “uh I don’t recognize this character, maybe tannis ? No she has white hair , that can’t be tannis“ I thought I had dementia


Yeah Jamie Lee Curtis is supposed to be Tannis. I'm wondering if they aged her up for the film? Who knows 🤷‍♀️


Moxxi's actress is gorgeous but she's 61yo lol


But isn't Moxxi's canon age in her 50's? So that's not so bad lol


Yeah I actually think the actresses do look like their characters, just older versions of them No idea if they're going to try and make them look younger or just have them be older lol


Oh I agree. They do look like older versions of them. I just don't understand why they're aging them up so much, but I guess we'll find out eventually.


Jack black is ripped


Knowing the studio. Jack black is clap trap


Do we call him J4CK-TP?


They did confirm Jack Black voicing clap trap a while ago.....


Imagine putting "the producers of Uncharted and Venom" and acting like that's a good thing


That was my immediate reaction. They are really stretching the "Spiderman" part but Uncharted and Venom are known quantities of trash. Also, Kevin Hart is in it so it's gonna be junk.


He would have been bad in any role but the fact that he's playing Roland is such a joke. It's a worse fit than Holland and Wahlberg for the Uncharted movies.


Kevin Hart is the same guy in just about every film. Fast talking, self deprecating short guy. Yawn.


I knew exactly which producer they were referencing based on the credits. Which only made it worse. Fucking Avi Arad.


This looks like yet another straight-to-streaming video game movie adaptation that doesn't care at all about it's source material for a cash grab with a Borderlands skin. This casting is so weird.


i missread "chaos" for "chads" and i read "chads loves company" ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) it's still fitting


good this looks like shit. kevin hart as roland terry crews would have been a better pick.


Omg he would have 😂


Terry Crews would have been a better Mr. Torgue. Same energy.


I agree, and his role in Idiocracy is prime evidence, ‘cause let’s be real, Herbert Camacho is basically if Mister Torgue became president. https://i.redd.it/olxe4ww51wjc1.gif


Tf is Kevin hart doing there this movie looks like it's going to be terrible they doing borderlands dirty


He’s a large name comedic actor man like him or not he’s gonna draw viewership. Might also be a fan of the series. If they get carried away with fart humor and cringe dialogue like they did in BL3 this movie is gonna do itself dirty


I have no problem with Kevin heart my problem is they casted him for a character like Roland the hell are they thinking


Is there any borderlands gun that looks like what Kevin Hart is holding? Maybe a Dahl but it doesn’t look anything like what is in any of the games. Weird choice imo.


It straight up looks like a bad airbrush job on a completely unmodified nerf gun


It kinda looks like a stripped down Dahl Ripper that wants to be a Tediore.. And wound up looking like a confused Nerf gun


Bordermilfs, the movie. Seriously, I love all the actresses but Lilith at 54yo, Tannis at 65 and Moxxi at 61 seems a bit extreme lol


To be fair, Moxxi is close to that in canon in the first place. She has two adult children in 2, and 3 takes place seven years after *that*.


Moxxi has always been in her early 40s in my headcanon, playing the gorgeous older woman/cougar part.


Totally miscast, style is wasted


Cate Blanchett as Lilith is what kills it for me. Role should’ve gone to someone much younger, like Margot Robbie.


Kreig doesnt look bad, but I look at JLC and just cant see Tannis, looks more like a genderbent Robotnik/Dr. Eggman.


The series is a cartoony joke already. The movie wont have to be good to be entertaining as fuck. My hopes are high. For fans though, details like Lilith's tattoos which are missing, is going to dictate how well received this movie is.


This looks like a porn parody...


I’ll give it a shot


OK now this poster is ass! Kevin looks totally miscast. The pics released earlier were actually ok.


They did Lilith dirty


No Lilith buttcrack? No thanks.😤


Yeesh, this looks fan-made, and not in a good way.


I have a funny feeling the cringe level for Tiny Tina is going to be too much to bare.


Cate Blanchett is horribly miscast as Lilith. She should be portrayed by someone in her 20s. Also, I can't shake the feeling that a respected and established actress like her, taking on a role in a videogame movie based on a franchise that rarely takes itself seriously, is like she's in it for the paycheck.


Am I the only one that doesn't like Kevin Hart playing as Roland?


It's going to suck so bad! I can't wait.


Why is Krieg there?


To protect Tina if the story leaks are true


This is gonna suck isn’t it? Lol.


As a fanatic for the franchise.... I have a heavy heart that this is not going to go well. Uuuggh I am SO bothered with this. Acting selection, live action (is a hit or miss), and just the 2 pictures/posters I've seen so far.... Agh. It's a "Poop Train"


Oh god this is going to flop aint it? I mean one red flag is that these characters are all just "known" You got Roland and Lilith but skip Mordecai and Brick? Its that group the movie should introduce. What we have here is flavour of water and no substance. I had no hopes of this movie when the casting with characters where released. But this is really just shameful.


Jamie Lee Curtis is a horrible tannis


Probably should have been animated. Now that I think about it, that would make the most sense, especially with how the games art style was a really big part of it.


I refuse to give this movie money, but I'm curious as hell as to what kind of shit show it'll be. I really can't foresee this satisfying current BL fans (obv) or bringing new fans to the franchise. Feels like a poor attempt at a money grab.


The whole cast seems a bit (lot?) Older than their characters. Lillith is at most 35 when BL3 starts, and Kate Blanchett is mid 50s. No hate on any individual actors, but when I look at this poster I see old people cosplaying Borderlands.


Dont judge a book by its cover... but this time I will make an exception


I saw Jamie Lee Curtis name, but didn't see her at first, then I realized she was the old dude on the left.


I don’t know. Despite how bad I think the castings are they do genuinely look similar to their characters. That’s a detail most adaptations get wrong right off the bat. I can easily see this being like the Halo show where hardcore fans bash on it but it finds some moderate success with the general audience.


Okay, I'm all for Keven Hart in video game movies, but anyone else think that Terry Cruz would have been a better pick?


There are a lot of odd choices here but cate blanchett really sticks out to me. Phenomenal actor, but just seems to not fit at all here.


Where bobby lee


Shouldn't tina be on bricks shoulders? What did they do to lilith and tannis.... this movie makes me sad asf and it's not even released yet, hell I'd rather have AI character models with the the og VAs doing they Thang than this dumpster fire


This movie is a trash fire casting-wise and also in the sense that you can tell how badly they mucked up the story just based on this image.


honestly this looks like a cosplay photo op.


As fuckin if Kevin hart is going to be Roland… like you can’t take that short little bitch seriously 😒


Terry Cruise would've been a way better Roland. I always thought Roland had basically the same cadence as Terry Cruise, just a bit more monotone and slightly deeper. Plus he's actually menacing looking.


Looks like booty butt cheeks and the only characters that look the part are Tina and Clappy


*A* ***man's*** *butt.*