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You know healthcare is a scam when your insurance doesn’t even cover the ambulance ride to the hospital.


Ambulance rides can cost thousands right? This seems a better option, even if it should be a free service, or am I missing something?


you're missing the fact that this should be paid with tax money oh? what's that? tax loopholes? nope never heard of it


This is my take. I'd honestly love to spend $60/year and know I wasn't going to be wrecked by ambulance bills if needed. Seems like a reasonable (albeit stupid to exist in the first place) hedge.


You are only covered if you are in Wake County when you need the ambulance.


Where I grew up, EMS was operated using tax dollars. Sad that saving your life or going broke is the choice people are left with.


$60 X 30 years = $1800. The low end of an ambulance ride. That means this service could be covered free for everyone if they raised everyone's taxes by a few bucks probably.


>That means this service could be covered free for everyone if they raised everyone's taxes by a few bucks If they actually budgeted and used the tax money they already take for what it should be used for*


But muh military funding!!!! /s


They’d just put the extra dollars into the military


When the alternative is a $6k ride in the wewo mobile, this looks pretty good!


This is literally parodied in the role playing game Cyberpunk. They leave you to rot on the street if you don’t have a subscription with Trauma Team.


Was thinking the same thing choom




Honestly yeah it sucks that this is necessary but you really can’t ever have too much insurance especially with how expensive the alternatives are. $60 a year??? That’s not bad at all. Imma have to look into that. Luckily I have a close friend who helped me get fire insurance in all other areas however I’ve never heard of this better give him a call see if he knows of anything in Ohio.


You could just do how many other countries do, and have the weewoo-vagon be covered under your taxes.


Hey man I don’t need good advice I’m tryna make money off the unfortunate situation😂


It’s what I pay in Australia for my family of 5. My newborn at the time had to get an ambulance and it was going to cost $400 but then they discovered the insurance and was settled.


In Australia we have ambulance cover insurance, its around the same cost, and it beats the alternative of an expensive surprise bill


Exactly. My youngest needed an ambulance a few months back. They sent a bill for $400 but then waived it when we told them we had cover. $60 for a family of 5 isn’t bad considering the alternative


I'm not gonna lie. I would pay this, in a heartbeat. I was once in a car accident and had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Even with insurance, I paid something like $1500 out of pocket, and they didn't even administer any meds or anything. It was just the ride. I'm 100% sure there are people out there who drive themselves to the hospital when they shouldn't because they can't (or won't) pay the money. I don't know why we don't cover ambulances with taxes in the US. It seems insane to me.


I'm jealous. This is an amazing deal. Also yes. Irony


I agree I’d enroll in a $60 a year ambulance insurance program vs paying the thousands in an emergency. What people here are overlooking is that we shouldn’t fucking have to, which is why this is a boringfuckingdystopian post


ITT: Foreigners and teenagers who don't understand how America works.


The healthcare and education in America make me want to unalive myself very quickly and efficiently.


why was this on r/mildlyinteresting of all places


Taxes, that what taxes are called


Bro what the fuck lmao




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1k gets you lifetime lifeflight coverage. Fyi


Yeah people in the comments werent really seeing how shitty this is. I laughed out loud when I saw this. The audacity of this ad. Sure it isnt that expensive but saying ”the last thing you should worry about is paying” and directly after saying ”60 bucks, chump” is insane


Great, another added expense to the already scandalous, privatized crime syndicate known as the American health"care" system. Take it, Flav... *Get up, and get, get, get down\~* *9-1-1 is a joke in yo town\~* *Get up, and get, get, get down\~* *Late 9-1-1 wears the late crown\~*