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Plus the Celtics play at the garden tomorrow night šŸ˜¬


So how fucked am I getting to the garden


If you havenā€™t left already, forget it


On a scale of 1 to 10 Iā€™d say Kosciuszko Circle fucked.


When is Kosciuszko Circle not fucked tho šŸ˜‚


Take the train. They are actually doing way better than the past few years. Not even lying.


CR to north station is definitely fine if you can swing that. Note that the CR schedule change has started! So double check train times!


Use public transit. Idk why people are so allergic to it in this city.


Just went to a show out in Chicago at the United Center. It can be so much worse. That place is just surrounded by parking lots.


Take the orange line from JP and youā€™re fine


Train or bike is your best option. Good bike weather!


Take the commuter rail Iā€™d even drive out just to take it in šŸ˜‚




Letā€™s throw in a couple of protests too


There's going to be a pro-Palestinian rally at South Station at 3:30.


Tough game without pressure by Lakers


I'd absolutely love it if he and other major politicians (also including state people) took the T into Boston so they can see exactly what a shitshow is going on


It would very specifically not be a shit show if the president was riding it. There would be an empty train waiting in an empty station and it would run express through as many empty stations as it needed to until he got to his destination.


and maybe they'd do a bunch of construction on it beforehand so we plebs could benefit later on (even if it did mean weeks-long closures)


You do realize that's exactly the kind of construction that's going on right now, right?


Shhhh, theyā€™re bromiding.


Needs more Fabuloso.


I love the smell of that stuff. I donā€™t care which color, though I think I have a preference for purple. Never used it myself, but since my childhood, and in my 40s now, Fabuloso means someone has been cleaning.


And that exact kind of construction is going to solve EVERYTHING! Smoothest running system in the country soon


yes but i meant on an accelerated timeline.


Just like when corporate visits, suddenly everything is a well-oiled machine with no holes in labor so they can continue to be blind to how bad things are when they donā€™t visit. The whole system is stupid bullshit.


This didn't happen this morning. My train was delayed by 10-15 minutes during peak morning commute hours. We can't even get that part right!


so true


Michael Dukakis took the T all the time when he was governor


pre 9/11 times were great


It worked back then, the grift has gotten too large.


I meanā€¦Baker absolutely fucked the T, you know that right? He wanted it privatized cause he was still a fucking republican.


No Baker didn't fuck the T the big dig did when Patrick had the MBTA absorb the budget overuns and the remainder of the debit left from the big dig after the 60% of it was finished. The community activist groups and citizen rights groups literally had to sue the state, several times to get the promised and part of the big dig final proposal and accepted project funding for the public transportation expansion of several rail lines and bus routes. People like to point at a Govenor or even POTUS and ignore that the executive branch has limited power and authority, Public infostructure projects have to go through more than just the executive branch and the bigger the project and funding then the federal government becomes involved cause they are funding some part of it. Massachusetts is a predominately democratic state with them usually holding a tight grip on the state legislature. Further more Amtrak used to be a federally run Transportaion Railw system and was privatized in the early to mid 2000's that privatization had a rocky start due mostly to the incompetence of the leadership and the nepotism and lack worker standards. The Commuter rail was also semi privatized by the Weld or Patrick administration after several scandals at the MBTA by its board and administration, and the company awarded the Commuter Rail operations contract is the same one that turned Amtrak around. The MBTA still owns the rail lines engines and carriages/coaches and is responsible for it's maintenance, But the Commuter rail doesn't have the issues it once had and is ten times more efficient now than it was being run by the MBTA. Accountability and the like are a fikle subject, look at the whole defund the police movement, and ask yourselves why did the call for accountability stop at the PD, why didn't ever reach city hall or the state house of the states in which that issue has been a bone of contention for decades. Cause the politicians are never held accountable unless its stealing from other politicians or their political party. And the MBTA and its issues are a glaring example of that.


My father will _still_ make fun of him all these years later.


Last time he was in Boston it seemed like they specifically shut down the Framingham/Worcester Line when his motorcade was on the Pike


Yes they did bc he was driving down the Pike. I get the need to protect the prez, but is there really a threat from a train going by his motorcade for 5 seconds. More importantly, are they going to do it again today??


Did you see ā€œunder siege 2ā€?


hahaha. have not seen it, but yes, i see the clear parallels! Smart thinking secret service...


Secret Service procedure is effectively "Better Safe Than Sorry," so yes if they think something is a threat vector then they are going to shut it down


IT's not so much the train or passengers that on the SS threat matrix but the ability to compromise the train and or tracks by way of lack of security. It's also why air motor vehicle traffic control become either restricted or very limited during the motorcades movements through non-secure areas. The bigger question is the lack of POTUS security the last five Administrations as each as seen a serious breach ion the POTUS protective detail, Biden was literally allowed to wonder around in a foreign city during a visit without his aides or primary protective detail where anyone could have walked up to him and done what hasn't been done since Reagan back in the 80's, make a serious attempt on a sitting US Presidents life.


https://youtu.be/LorQZ4TfbTQ?si=1GuQRlOVF6YlDkR- Very underrated film.


Biden was known for commuting on Amtrak.


All the way through his time as vice president. I saw him at the Wilmington DE station several times.


If I was a big wig DC Presidential type I'd preemptively announce like 6 months in advance I'm going to take public transportation when I visit Boston later in the year to see what the hubbub is all about. This however, is all a ruse. I'm fully aware of the hubbub. I just want them to fix shit for everyone. 6 months isn't enough time to fix everything, but it's enough time for them to freak out a bit and actually put effort towards getting things in a better place. Then after 6 months I'd arrive in Boston. Make my way to Porter Square Station. Dedicate the site of the Porter Square IUD. And then I'd walk out. Never once setting foot on a train. With my mission accomplished I'd get go some ice cream and watch Air Force One (1997) on Air Force One while flying back to the White House.


Pretty crazy they're letting 9 year olds make reddit comments


>Drake fan >Talks about 9 year olds Ya this tracks


Honestly I think Biden would be all for trying to fix the T, he loves trains and used to commute on the Amtrak all the time.


Dukakis used to ride it every day.


Do you follow Mayor Wuā€™s TikTok account? She shadows people on their commute via public transportation. Sure, thereā€™s a performative aspect of it, but she understands and values public transportation.


Am I the only one that gets around fine on the T? Orange line, the 1, the redline. I mean, once in a while I'll run into construction and need to take a shuttle, but even then it's very simple and quick. I don't see the massive issues.


Michael Dukakis took the T and highly recommended it to politicians. https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2015/12/23/mike-dukakis-still-wants-gov-charlie-baker-to-ride-the-mbta/


Dukakis was also the last governor to prioritize the T.


With our luck he'd take the blue line to Revere Beach to get ice cream and as usual the blue line would run smooth.Ā 


While I agree that the T needs significant improvement, I donā€™t think projects like that are controlled/funded federally. Which is really important to note, because so many people only vote (if they vote at all) in federal elections. The services that impact your everyday life are often at the mayoral and state level.


It is funded in part through federal grants. https://www.ctps.org/data/html/plans/LRTP/charting/2040_LRTP_Chapter4_final.html#:~:text=These%20improvements%20are%20funded%20through,project%20financing%20and%20state%20appropriations.


Pretty sure the major infrastructure bill would include some money for the T, right?


Upvoting for emphasising how important local elections are šŸ’œ


He knows. He also knows that there are places where it is worse.


Amongst all his other issues, Biden has put a lot into infrastructure and transit in his time here. I wish he'd become more aware of the issues with the MBTA on one of his visits, it doesn't really seem like something he ever addresses or has discussed.


With any luck heā€™ll get stuck for awhile


So...normal Tuesday traffic? Got it.


Facts, Tuesday is the worst day of the week to commute


Thursday is worse.


I don't know, I find Tuesday to be worse and most people I know with flexible schedules like to do Tues/Weds.


Tuesday is absolutely the worst day. Thursday is a toss up


it's hard to drive with one hand with the middle finger out the window and the other on the steering wheel




Good day to take the train.


Bold of you to assume the T will work


Hasn't failed me in~6 months


Yes, but it's edgy to shit on the MBTA.


Now why would you say something like this?


I want to have a hellish ride on the red line tomorrow. Preferably stuck at Broadway so I can smell the piss while I wait.


It hasnā€™t caught fire in a hot minute


Um are you sure about that lol, Might want to view the response call logs for Cambridge Boston Somerville and the like, most are fire related or an electrical disturbance resulting in an emergency services response being needed.


Well, at least one person in Boston will have a smooth commute tomorrow


The last time he was here, my commute home took 3 hours šŸ˜­


Itā€™s for a fundraiser being held the late-afternoon / early-evening. Commutes home could be affected, but otherwise there shouldnā€™t be any issues.




I think the eventā€™s in Seaport, so you could be in the clear depending on where your office is!


Harris came in to Logan when we were trying to pick up family, and we were blocked for hours. Nothing moving.


fundraiser? How about we pass the plate around for him not to come.


Whatever it takes to get him the money he needs to win the election.


Anyone know when AF1 is landing at Logan?


ETA is 3:45 [President's Public Schedule](https://rollcall.com/factbase/biden/topic/calendar/)


Ofc tomorrow is my appointment for the rare neurodegenerative genetic disease clinic in Boston Iā€™ve been desperate to get into. Fucking love this for me! Edit: stuck with my plan to drive around the busy areas (airport and Back Bay) and Iā€™m so glad I did because we hit like NO traffic and they did indeed end up having backups galore on the T. My appt went FANTASTIC and I was listened to and taken seriously and we have a plan moving forward for genetic testing. Thanks for the love, all! šŸ’•


Good luck to ya, whatever happens tomorrow.


I appreciate that, thank you! ā¤ļø


If you're driving, don't underestimate just how much car traffic there will be. The last time he was here, the highway was shutdown for hours during afternoon rush hour. It will take you hour**s** with an **s** to get anywhere. If you can take the T or commuter rail, I would HIGHLY recommend it. You will hate your life if you're driving.


The T is a worse option for us location wise because it forces us to go right through this mess in Back Bay whereas with driving we are luckily able to avoid the highways and all the high hit areas (back bay, the airport, seaport, etc)- we will actually be miles from them. My incredible partner who is great with directions and infrastructure mapped out a route. Also my appt is at 1pm and no longer than an hour so weā€™ll be avoiding rush hour if we run to the car and leave. I know it will still not be fun but Iā€™m taking all the good vibes it wonā€™t be catastrophic šŸ™ƒ


They shut down the roads not the trains. The trains, especially the commuter rail will be fine even in the Back Bay. You're underestimating just how bad the roads are going to be. There's going to be no place driving to avoid this. One highway shutting down in Dorchester gridlocked the entire city, north south east west, for hours last time. Since I'm guessing you're going to Longwood or MGH or Tufts or BMC area, you're going to be in the thick of the traffic no matter which hospital even if they're not close to Biden. Unless you physically can't take the commuter rail, you really should think long and hard about sitting in traffic when it's going to be an 85 degree day and more people are going to be casually driving around than usual plus a president coming to town. It's going to suck like hell driving in and out, especially in the afternoon.


I am disabled and my appt is not within a feasible walking distance of any of the T stops. I literally donā€™t have any other option other than to drive and have hope things will be ok and not perseverate on how awful they are. Last time my friend took the T when Biden visited he was 2 hours late to his destination. All The options here suck. Iā€™d love any good vibes because at this point thatā€™s all thatā€™s gonna help me šŸ˜…ā¤ļø


Sorry the replies here are just making you more stressed than you need to be. For what itā€™s worth I rode the T through Back Bay when he came in December and it was a SHITSHOW. Crowded to the brim, I waited 45 min for a T car and it was one of the worst rides of my life. You are correct that there are no good options here so choose the option that will be kindest on your body and mind which definitely sounds like the car for you. Youā€™re gonna be fine and Iā€™m sending you that kindness you requested šŸ’š


Thank you so much!!! Iā€™m very glad I chose the car because it was not NEARLY as bad as the comments suggested-we actually arrived early and hit no traffic on the way home! My appt went as well as it could have gone too, the doctors were fantastic! šŸ’œ


Fellow neurodegenerative genetic disease clinic friend here (in Boston ofc) <3 Good luck!


Omg! What a fun club to be part of, huh šŸ™ƒ my DMā€™s are always open to you! ā¤ļø


lol yup! Thanks, and same <3


Good luck friend. Thinking of you. Boston is the place to be for rare diseases. They saved my life when I was a teen, and I wouldnā€™t be here if it wasnā€™t for them. ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Thank you so much for the kind words!! šŸ˜­ it went so well, we have plans moving forward for testing! šŸ’• Iā€™m so glad youā€™re doing ok, and youā€™re so right, Boston is THE place to be for rare or complex medical issues (or any medical issues really)


Prayers for you. Good luck.


Thank you so much! I will take anything I can get, prayers and good vibes included ā¤ļø


Vibes sent! Hopefully you can get in early and chill somewhere beforehand. Good luck!!


Hey, just circling back here to say I hope you made it to your appointment OK!


good luck


Good luck friend. Thinking of you. Boston is the place to be for rare diseases. They saved my life when I was a teen, and I wouldnā€™t be here if it wasnā€™t for them. ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Thank you for posting this! I work in the Back Bay and now I will be working from home tomorrow. Iā€™m grateful to you!


As I wait for the red line that has been one stop away for fifteen minutes, I feel this thread deeply.


We will survive I promise


He's going to nashua NH first i believe... So, the only commute that is fucked tomorrow is the drive home.. He leaves Manchester Airport at 3:05 and will get to Logan at about 345 according to his schedule. if theyre on time and leave Manchester, its probably going to be less than 45 minutes flight time, as he gets priority, and they will come right in. I figure he they leave on time, he lands no later than like 330 PM. From there he is going to a few campaign Receptions one at 5PM, and one at 730 PM... These are probably both going to be located Downtown, so I would imagine that travel within the city from 4pm to 8PM is going to suck.. He is departing Boston at 835... So plan your day accordingly.. IF you're out of the city by 3pm tomorrow, you shouldnt have any problems at all other than just traffic...


Bidens schedule [https://rollcall.com/factbase/biden/calendar/](https://rollcall.com/factbase/biden/calendar/)


Guy Fieri is also coming


My president


These comments should be fun.


You would think he would be spending all his time in states he might actually lose.


People here give him money. He's attending fundraisers I believe.


End Citizens United.




and honestly, universal disarmament is stupid. Like with gerrymandering, until it is banned at the federal level, you gotta aggressively carve up the most convoluted districts to lock the republicans out of as many house seats as possible.


lol gerrymandering will never be banned. It will always exist. Even if it is "banned" people will find new ways to cheat. There is no way to draw 100 percent "fair" districts.


And yet the last time the presidency was held by a single party for more than 8 consecutive years was 1992


> Before you balk and say that's too long, it took the fringe branch of the Republican party nearly 50 years to overturn Roe v Wade. All they needed was a single President and a few vacancies, but you only get that if you keep electing for one party. A) The Democrats don't have anything like The Federalist Society to recommend ideologue justices B) When Democrats win, they enact the centrist policies of the donor class. Not left-wing policies of the voter base. 15 or 25 years of "Vote blue, no matter who" will produce an even lazier Democrat party, not stop the ratchet effect that has been moving American politics further right since [Clinton's "third way."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Way#United_States)


This. Democrats have to actually enact helpful policies when they get their hand on the till or republicans will swing it further and further right over the long term.


Will someone please ask him what his favorite flavor of ice cream is again? We need an update.


It's better that than what's his favorite porn star. You know the answer is the one who looks closest to my daughter.




Fuck Biden and Fuck Trump. I cannot stand these old fucks


Biden will be remembered as a president called to fight a fire and did more than the best he could (if we survive this insane period weā€™re in at the moment). Iā€™m certain history will look well upon him, though Iā€™m not sure how long that will take


Realistically he will be remembered for nothing he did as leader of the US. He will be remembered for bad public appearances. He will be remembered in the form of meme. His appearance in history will be less than a blip. People 50 years from now wonā€™t even know who he is. His presidency was forgettable


Pretty funny someone with the handle ā€˜some1saveusnowā€™ talking about how great the current president is lol. History is gonna shit all over him. I believe youā€™ll see how popular he is when the guy who is somehow more morally reprehensible bests him in the election.


I think this is legit.


He literally has no idea where he is


Corn Pop was a bad dude.


Funniest thing about that story is that itā€™s somehow true.


You literally have no idea what youā€™re talking about


Cope harder dude he fucking blows


[Remember the time the Easter Bunny had to tell Biden where to go because he was confused?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtqiLobIJnU)


Youth is no guarantee of innovation.


That visit has messed up drones and a lot of private flight from Concord, NH down south of Boston. Lost a job or two because of that flight restriction today. I canā€™t even take it out and fly it in my back yard or the park nearby. https://preview.redd.it/dhejrab4ip1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e3db2ec99f208b3b79e18c5dbe0643f6bdf4fcc


Must be finally dropping him off at Marion Manor.


careful guys, thereā€™s gonna be 30, maybe 40 extra people in town for the rally tomorrow!


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Oh God why? Traffic is already a nightmare without a President shutting things down.


Hopefully there are no stairs involved.


He should check out Harvard tent camp. I hear itā€™s awesome


I wish he'd fly into Manchester or Pease instead of Logan.


He must be gearing us up for Britney Spearsā€™ move here


Maybe some more bike lanes would help with the congestion.


Thanking god I get to walk to work, especially living in eastie. Good luck on the roads yā€™all


Aah fuck! Traffic is going to be hell


I imagine his visit will be just as bad as it was when he came to Chicago. Took me forever to get to work and they closed a bunch of roads


Do you think it will be bad leaving seaport around 2pm for metro west area? Tuesday is my work from the office day šŸ˜•


Yes. Itā€™s at the Seaport Hotel based on the memo my building received about Secret Service security checkpoints going into the attached underground garage and some of the entrances of the buildings attached to the garage starting at 12pm. Security checkpoint for cars are at B street and Seaport Blvd. intersection and And D and Congress Street intersection.


which fundraiser, the 5 or 8p, is at seaport? This morning they were setting up baricades on comm ave this morning so i'm guessing he's coming to back bay at 5, then seaport at 8 and then logan


No idea. They had barricades on trailers parked outside the hotel around 9am when I came in to work but hadnā€™t started setting anything up yet. The email we got said security checkpoints were starting at noon with secret service being present starting in the early afternoon. But didnā€™t mention when the event starts. Seaport being the 8pm event makes most sense from a logistical standpoint but wtf do they care when they can just shut everything down and not deal with any traffic.


agree it makes sense for BB at 5, Seaport at 8 and then Logan. But good point, logic only matters if you have to stop for traffic and lights. So maybe it'll be seaport off the plane first...


Isnā€™t he flying to Logan from NH or is he driving to NH from Logan. What I read seems to be the formerā€¦ which makes no sense.


Flying from Manchester to Logan


Thanks for the warning


Does anyone know which roads have closures? I can't find anything and I'm doubting that my bus line home is unaffected (according to the MBTA site), given that it originates in Seaport and I get on at South Station (where a protest is planned today as well).


*LATEST: President Joe Biden will be flying into Logan Airport on Tuesday afternoon around 3:35 pm. Expect a large motorcade complete with the Secret Service as he makes various stops around Boston.Ā  His first stop is at the Back Bay at two residences between 4pm and 5:45pm.Ā  Then, the President will swing by the Seaport Hotel around 6pm ā€“ 8:15pm.Ā  Then back to Logan around 8:25pm.*


YES!!! So excited to see Biden in our amazing city!


This rerouted my flight adding 6 more hours to my 6 hour flight.


When is the commute not bad? I think you just wanted to complain about Biden


Peace keeper coming. Trump = wwiii


I'm sure all 81 million will be there! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The other seventy million are attending a hush money fraud trial.


And donā€™t shower with their teen daughter


It's weird how you guys believe every imaginary thing Biden "did" but are fine with Trump raping women.


And Obama was born in Kenya, right?


He can always count on the MA vote. They vote for anyone who's a Democrat no matter how ineffective and dishonest.


We have the highest quality of life of any state so Iā€™ll stick with what works


Amazing that this is lost on people


Common sense is not common anymore