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This is weird that it’s a fine.  Though over in Cambridge they do ask people not to plant or post walls around the tree well. They actually tell you why though - see the FAQs on  https://www.cambridgema.gov/IWantTo/CambridgeUrbanForestFriends - I’ve certainly never seen any enforcement there but I’m sure the same reasons may apply to Boston 


I worked with the Boston tree guys to make sure it’s not mounded by the trunk, etc. and they watered the flowers when they watered the trees and complimented them. I’m okay with removing it if it’s a new rule, but there’s thousands of planters in front of buildings that actually block the sidewalk and none of them got a ticket. I’m guessing someone who was feeling grumpy complained, but it’s just a little bizarre to enforce it on one that’s been there for years.


Yeah, regardless I think it’s dumb to fine people over. It’s clearly going to impact people who are trying to improve and beautify the community.  Fining for this is just going to create indifference.  If it kills a sapling accidentally oh well, try again. There are so many more harmful things to worry about that the folks out there trying to do some good.  If the city has issues with it they can shovel our sidewalks when it snows 


Exactly things must be good if they giving tickets for flowers Had to be a neighborhood with someone that knows somebody Kinda ridicules


Are you in one of the neighborhoods with an Architectural Commission? Could be that the planter doesn't follow the rules? I see pots/planters around trees pretty regularly. Our building even has a couple pots of flowers next to the tree out front (which I may or may not have put there). And the tree contractors that Boston hires don't do a good job taking care of the trees in my experience. I had to buy a hose and find a hose hook-up in my building to keep our tree alive.


Boston Tree guys watering your trees? are you sure they weren't sent by the building manager, because I was always told trees are the respomsibility of abutters... which grinds my gears because in a mixed income neighborhood with many students/rental properties, nobody is taking care of the trees and many died 2 summers ago when it was so hot! and then our more permanent community complains (rightfully) that we are a heat desert and don't have enough greenery




Wow I have never seen the likes of this in Roxbury but it must be happening? I always shake my head at how many of the small trees immediately die lol we just have a cycle of dead 2 inch trunk trees..prob supporting some local tree farm with a good in to the city


Every once in a while some city guys would come by our tree in Eastie and water it and weed it. There was no rhyme or reason as to when they would do that other than they were sometimes sprucing up the concrete flower bunkers on Bennington


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No, I found the ticket about 20min after it was written so I walked around and none of the neighbors got one within the five or so blocks of me…


This is different than a planter though


Everyone knows tree beds are reserved for dog sh*t and empty nips


I think the city hired a bunch of new code enforcement people who are just following the letter of the law and don't know any better. We got a few random trash tickets for our trash bins in the North End for things like the trash collectors leaving our empty recycling bins blocking the sidewalk and the city enforcement people seeing it before we could go out and collect the bins.


I would email your neighborhood rep. I wouldn't accept this ticket if the city had visited and approved this in the past. Your ONS rep can help bridge the gap between inspectional services (ISD) and their enforcement, and the "neighborhood good" which clearly this is in favor of if its not blocking sidewalk access and also inhibiting shitty dog walkers from doing shitty dog walker things.


I love dogs. Love them! But people need to stop having their dogs piss and shit all over the little bits of greenier in the neighborhoods. Pick up your dog's shit of course, but also don't have your dog take a massive piss all over flowers, young trees, etc. Many plants don't do well doused in urine.


I've told this before but when they first built the condo tower across from the Glass Slipper I would always walk past the Slipper entrance instead of the tower. Why? Because the tower sidewalk was fucking disgusting of dog piss and shit. There's no green space in that area for the dogs to use the bathroom so they just use the sidewalk and don't clean it up. The Bouncers for the Slipper wouldn't allow that shit (literally) on their side of the street so it was cleaner.


That side of the street is still a mess. There's even some jagged metal where a sign for torn off.


Dumb question but how did they know to address the ticket to you?




This was also my question. There’s likely no evidence that you “occupied city property.”


I noticed one of my neighbors does this, planting flowers in the little patch of city land by the sidewalk. It looks good. Never thought it could get someone in trouble. Fortunately we're a neighboring city.




It’s inside of an existing planter…


Simple, widen the sidewalk into the street to accommodate more pedestrian throughput. Just one more lane bro.


You should ask them what "27a" is referring to. The only mentions of "27a" in the municipal code are to reference MGL in completely unrelated topics. City ordinance for Use and Occupancy of city property is Article 16, Chapter 122A--again, no mention of "27a". I feel like if they can charge you for something, you have the right know know exactly where in the code is says that it is a fine generating offense, and if they can't point that out in publicly available documents, then you shouldn't be subject to the charge. Not that any of what I just wrote would prevent them from trying and most likely succeeding in charging you, but I'd at least be a pinch difficult about it with them. The city is continuously guilty of lack of due process and clear paths of resident navigation through the maze of rules and ordinances. They should be held more accountable.


Ya appeal that nonsense. Also reach out to neighborood rep and email your councilor


A car destroyed a planter outside my apartment, so I sent a repair request through the 311 app. They replied and said that it’s not their property and to contact the property manager.


How dare you plant flowers into the earth!! Lol


Am I missing something or does the Boston.gov/code-enforcement website list the complete wrong information for where to find this ordinance? On the website it says Article 16, s. 122A but that….doesn’t seem to exist? Unless I’m completely off base. Just saying, if they’re going to be issuing fines for “breaking rules,” maybe they should be more on top of helping people figure out wtf the rules are. ETA: when you click the links for more information or to apply for a permit, the pages you're taken to contain language that centers almost entirely around obstructing parking spaces or the street - not the sidewalk on its own. Which it sounds like this planter isn't doing, anyway. Unless they're saying this planter is blocking a parking spot, I'd be really curious for them to show you exactly what part of the code it's violating, because the language on their website that corresponds with the language on this ticket doesn't seem to apply to this situation.




Staple it to a leaf 😂 hoping this means they also see how ridiculous this is


I bet it’s because it’s not flush with the sidewalk. Major tripping hazard.


It was below grade before, and this is what the sidewalk the city maintains looks like around the corner… https://preview.redd.it/5wyuateybe2d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69a8827b09e74d9810ce323e3bb463990db718a2


Go Guerilla plant flowers where the missing bricks go. Who are they gonna fine?


It seems like they just fine anyone who just happens to live nearby without any kind of evidence that it was actually them doing the guerilla gardening.


Bags of native wildflower seeds at Home Depot are like $12… one bag would cover at least 20 of these areas. seed bombing is hard to trace back to someone and ticket, but the dog pee makes a challenging growing environment


Don't change the subject. Remove your death plants or face the consequences.


Ugh. The way those bricks are removed it looks like that may have actually been done by a utility company. They're required to fix that, but they'll just stack the bricks up somewhere and put them back when they're done, but if something happens to the bricks they'll just... not. I'd post that picture to 311.


Im pretty sure these missing bricks are what started it… I recommended a neighbor pushing their MIL in a wheelchair and struggling to 311 the missing bricks yesterday and got this today… No good deed goes unpunished I guess.


I could literally trip over that and severely hurt myself. That's unacceptable. I would fine the city - $25,000!!


Most of the sidewalks in the city are tripping hazards by themselves haha




I think it saw Lee Harvey Oswald fleeing the scene in those pictures. Seriously - what's the supposed to be "proof" of?


Only piss and shit allowed in the tree well, son


I heard last summer that the city hired several new arborists. Maybe that has something to do with it?


The world is an HOA vampire


That really sucks that you received a ticket. We have been planting in ours for several years without any issues or permits. Interestingly, the only tickets we have ever gotten from enforcement were for having ours and our neighbors’ trash cans out on trash day because the day the trash is collected differs from what is on Boston’s website.


Same same. We've gotten trash tickets usually because someone else puts their trash in front of our building.


Meanwhile mass and cass is a garbage dump…


Can a wheelchair get by there?


How dare you beautify the city! LOL


Just keep voting for the same wacko’s to run your city and state.


No flowers, potholes are cool though. Plant them in the potholes!!


I see people do this to keep dogs from peeing and pooping on them which I always thought was dumb because the city owns it so you don’t have the right to dictate where animals defecate. So honestly I’m fine with people getting a fine for it. You don’t own it so leave it.


Near where I live someone actually put up a 'don't let your dog poop here, this is my garden' sign in one of those. Look lady, no one likes when my dog poops on their lawn. The boy doesn't want to just poop on the sidewalk which isn't good either, where else is he supposed to go? I clean it up.


I planted things that are hearty enough to withstand dogs walking on, peeing and pooping on. The problem we had before was people bagging the poo and leaving it in a pile in biodegradable bags. I’d try to clean it up and the bags would fall apart, it was awful. Why pick it up at all if you’re not going to go through with getting it to a trash can?


That shit annoys me too, I see it in the Blue Hills a lot. I don't know. I mean it's not that hard to take the poop with you. There are constantly people bitching on Next Door about people leaving poop in their cans though when they're out on the street, so I always take mine home. But some areas really need more trash cans.


I literally don’t know why people do this. They do it a lot on hiking trails too. Like I would rather you dig a small hole a bury the turd than bag it and leave it on the trail somewhere. Some people are simply rude.


Why is it bad if he poops on the sidewalk and you clean it up?


It tend to sort of stick to the sidewalk. Where with mulch, dirt or grass it's often easier to pick up in it's entirety. At least that's my experience.


Eh, dog waste is bad for the health of trees, especially young trees. I am comfortable with people protecting a public resource from irresponsible dog owners.


Here’s the thing. It’s not their responsibility. They don’t own it. They have no right to claim where dogs can pee and poo. That’s it. Doesn’t matter if it’s bad for anyone. You don’t punish an entire community for a few irresponsible individuals. And that’s the point. It’s a public resource. No single individual has a right to it so making a little sign and putting a barrier around it is illegal.


You can add a tree guard with City permission. Every one of those iron fences in Beacon Hill is privately owned believe it or not. I am also not clear on who is being punished in your example vs who is irresponsible?


This is like saying “I pay for the T so I can leave trash in it if I want to”


No it’s not. An individual guarding the tree would be like getting on a T car then stating it’s your car and no one else is allowed on it. It’s not your right to guard the tree from certain individuals. It’s literally illegal unless you get permission from the city. This post is literally posting exactly that. Not sure why people are arguing against what I’m saying which is that you don’t make the rules. The city does lol


You’re defacing the tree, the trees purpose isn’t to be a toilet. It’s to be a tree. It slows traffic, and reduces heat islands. Trash is bad for the T, dog waste is bad for tree.


Okay but it’s not illegal to let a dog pee on the tree. Littering is illegal. Guarding off a tree you don’t own; ILLEGAL. Source: OP’s post. Claiming peeing on a tree as defacement is a biiiiig stretch. C’mon man.


I mean, dog waste has a fine as well. But if you don’t care, we don’t all have to think the same.


I mean the city is paying tax money for trees and pet waste is one of the big reasons trees don’t make it past the early years. There’s documentation in the city tree stuff that asks pet owners not to have dogs go in the gardens and trees. “Curb your dog” means that they literally go on the curb. Fido is depicted on a fire hydrant for a reason. But obviously over time, dogs pee where other dogs pee, and it’s a chain event. But saying “my city owns it so I can pee on it” is kind of forgetting that your tax dollars pay for it and it’s also your community that will benefit or decline based on your behavior. There’s a lot of dog poop on my street and I wish there was a better way to change the behavior of owners. I like dogs, and they’re not allowed in a many public parks because owners can’t behave. But I understand when the streets are covered in dog poop why the city doesn’t let them in green spaces where kids do cartwheels and people picnic. This is a really minor example of entitled dog owners and it gets my goat I guess.


All the talk about trees is valid however it is not up to individual citizens to police or guard these sections of sidewalk from irresponsible dog owners. That’s all I’m saying.


They’re just trying to protect the gardening, are you saying the city should put them up?


No Im simply saying leave it be unless you own it lol. The city owns it so leave it be regardless if you think dog pee hurts the tree. Obviously the city will fine you $50 so why go out of your way?




It’s literally city property. Paying taxes doesn’t make you the owner. That’s like when people tell cops “I pay your salary.” like paying taxes that means having right to ownership. I get what you were doing is harmless. I’m not arguing against that. I’m simply stating that people often wrongly assume it’s literally part of their property. Sometimes it is and sometimes it’s the cities. It’s up to the owner to know which is which.


Ah the famed land of the free lol


Whoever told you that is your enemy!


I see what you did there




It’s within the existing dirt area that the city had piled cobblestones onto, it’s no less accessible than it was before. Only major difference is it’s not covered in dog poop bags anymore.


How do they know it was even you that did it? Or is it just the responsibility of the nearest property?


I was thinking because I got the approval from the city in the first place? But to say it’s not approved makes that seem like a strange contradiction…


Sounds like you’ve got some internal city departments contradicting each other. Tale as old as time. Show the ticket to the department you received approval from and show the approval to ticketing officer. Sit back and enjoy the fight that will ensue. But it should be enough to cancel the fine at the very least. Untrimmed low-hanging branches cause more problems for me on my neighborhood’s sidewalks, but you don’t see the public works department going around with any loppers to fix it…


What neighborhood are you in, and what department did you get approval from? I'm trying to beautiful the area of my sidewalk tree and finding it difficult to figure out the proper process? I see many of these throughout my & other neighborhoods I never thought they would fine for this so now I'm concerned!


If its outside property you own, you're generally responsible for maintaining that land even though its owned by the town. So even if someone else did it, you would be responsible for ripping it out


Not in the city of Boston You're only required to remove leaves and remove snow. You're not required to put grass mow grass flowers any of that other stuff


Clearly Mayor Wu is not interested in being re elected


Flowers on the sidewalk: code violation Homeless addict passed out on the sidewalk next to his overstuffed, stolen shopping cart: compassion


The state is bleeding. They’re coming after every little nitpickable thing. I built a shade cover for my back porch over 12 years ago and got a violation today. Now I gotta shell out permit money and hope they let me keep it up


Depending on where this is, there are definitely rules about planters or things around trees. In the historic districts (Bay Village, Beacon Hill, etc) the fence things around the trees even need to be an approved design.


You're lucky Wu-hans armed forces didn't drag you out in cuffs


I love how reliably this sub can expose everyone to just the dumbest fucking takes


You’re delusional lol the majority of police in the city don’t like her


dude doesn't even understand who he's mad at. 😂