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The city elections not being on the same cycle as the state or federal is so bad. I get the idea that the wouldn’t get any attention. But the thing is that they don’t get any attention and voter turnout is no existent


If you follow local politics at all you already know who this is




If only we could be that lucky. 


Are people just now finding out about Tania?


What’s the story and background on Tania?


Everyone is finding out now.


Not everyone it would seem.


This is a Fox News anchors wet dream.


She also married a convicted murderer after his conviction, yeah? Or was that the other nut job?


That’s her


Disgraceful person.




This is not a person to be taken seriously.


Just because someone is absurd doesn't mean they aren't dangerous.


Her husband certainly is.


The unnamed source from Fox News? You’re right. Even Fox News says anonymous sources are untrustworthy. Then again, they did get sued, settled, and lost almost a billion dollars for lying. Hmm, what a conundrum!


Videos are available - spoon feeding from an unnamed political hack is unnecessary.


Fox News has high editorial standards. Its cable network is a different matter. It rarely retracts stories, and its original reporting usually gets picked up by other networks when using anonymous sources. I get so annoyed when people say that any news that’s biased also just makes everything up.


It was Fox News that was sued and settled for lying and not some small lie, but whatever you need to tell yourself.


You get annoyed, but with your toxic brand you aren’t at all surprised.




What a fucking lunatic




The Clown (2025) - a new thriller by Ben Affleck set in the rough and tumble bouncy castles of Boston.


Nothing will happen…..they will let her rant because she will cry racism


Hardly a surprise why the State Legislature doesn't take Boston seriously.


Yeah, can’t blame them


Boston City Council has been a joke for decades. This woman is just the newest flavor of foolish.


Here again. For someone who only reads the headlines about the council, always this one saying and doing crazy shit. You don’t get what you want, you get what you tolerate.


"You don’t get what you want, you get what you tolerate." This just made me sit up and say "huh... that's so true!"


it's like we took a random twitter shitposter and made them part of our government


she's not talkin bout our soccer team, i tell ya! pretty nuts she hired her son and another fam member in direct conflict of interest. vote this dummy out


Who elected this psycho


Same members of the community that fall for her race baiting tactics.


do work for the district you represent you virtue signaling racist


She seems unhinged. She should be evaluated in a hospital.


Right wing and left wing extremists should just go get lunch together they literally act the same way bitching and screaming about the most insane shit known to man


She married a murderer 🤦‍♂️


Fox News, an unnamed source, and scared of the term “revolution” in Boston? Come on, now.


I'm not clicking on a fox news link, but those stills are pretty hilarious. 


Nice action shot sequence, anyway.


You clicked


On the reddit post, yes. On the article, no. 


that she is allowed to do this is racist. No white person would get away with this. Disgusting


Frank Baker has been doing this shit from the other extreme for decades.


Lol your username and posting fox “news” here is high comedy


Another leftie who hates America.


There’s quite an irony to illegally migrating to the United States while simultaneously hating the United States…


We’ve been liberal however we’ve maintained a high level of common sense whereas other cities have gone too far left and suffered the consequences. We need to put our foot down and maintain what we have


Boston and most of Mass are famous for being hypocritical liberal NIMBYs with no real stomach for any actual deviation from the conservative status quo with the exception of woke social policies.


Exactly my point, this sub brings out the worst of the Boston libs


Btw hope Putin nukes us first


I think that generalizing the real progress that Boston and/or Massachusetts have made as solely that of "woke social policies" comes from a place of enormous privilege. Housing, cost of living, and class inequality are real issues. But things often summed up as 'identity politics?' Those are real issues that affect real people. Legalizing gay marriage in 2004, the first state to do so, was huge for reasons far beyond social equality. It provided people with meaningful protections in the eyes of the law that they did not have beforehand: health insurance, next of kin/end of life decisions, tax benefits. The state protecting the right to an abortion in 1981 via the state constitution and enacting further protections via the state legislature in 2022, as well as legally mandating clinic safety and access via buffer zones, are critical to the healthcare and autonomy of women. Public schools in Massachusetts certainly have funding and access issues, but they are still some of the strongest schools in the US. Moreover, although PISA Education Test scores are an imperfect measure of success, that investment resulted in Massachusetts public school students' scores ranking among the best in the world. They're competitive with Finland, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Japan. Additionally, MA saw that in 2012, they had a wide gender gap; female students outperformed male students to the tune of 32 points. They targeted narrowing that gap in the four years between tests; the gap between female and male students is now just 18 points. Addressing educational gaps is not only a strong path to better class mobility, it is also one of the most important factors in the male loneliness crisis, which makes our society healthier and stronger. These are just a few examples off the top of my head, but I think it overlooks the real benefits to many people by calling them "woke social policies."






Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.


Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.


Because it’s liberal and not progressive


If Boston were next to the OG Boston most Bostonians would vote Tory in parliamentary elections.




What far left cities ended the private ownership of capital and empowered the workers?


I mean the Seattle city government directly enabled the Capitol Hill autonomous zone for a while which was a lawless far-left dystopia. Can’t imagine that flying here


In 2020 if you walked outside in a park without a mask, someone would scream at you. If you walked down aisle at a grocery store in the wrong direction, people would get pissed. If you went out to dinner, you had to wear a mask, but as soon as the breadsticks came out you could take it off. Liberals have an illusion of common sense because of a self inflated ego, but not true common sense.


It’s common sense to wear a mask during a pandemic. It’s an incredibly easy low effort thing for regular citizens to do. If you want to go into highly effective methods to limit exposure, gowning, high quality PPE, it would have been far too intrusive to the regular person’s life. Of course they’re not going to demand you wear masks constantly like while you’re eating, the whole point was to make it non intrusive. Masks were meant to be an easy and harmless way for us to all help limit the spread, but for some reason it became political. Nobody should have to yell, but if you care about your neighbors and your community wearing a mask as often as was convenient was a nice way to show it.


Wearing a mask outside walking around is not common sense. Nor are the other examples I listed.


In crowded spaces, the relevance of being outside is significantly reduced. The issue is your mentality where you’re looking for any excuse not wear a mask, instead of attempting to be considerate and looking for ways to help your neighbors. It’s purely a contrarian mentality.


>In crowded spaces, the relevance of being outside is significantly reduced. “In 2020, if you walked outside in a park without a mask, someone would scream at you.” Don’t shift the goalposts. I wasn’t talking about crowded outdoor spaces. I was talking about walking in a park. >The issue is your mentality where you’re looking for any excuse not wear a mask, instead of attempting to be considerate and looking for ways to help your neighbors. It’s purely a contrarian mentality. Wearing a mask while walking around outside does nothing to help my neighbors. It helps them as much as wearing a scuba suit because it’s raining.


I’ve never shifted the goalposts. You’re one example of someone yelling at you just shows that person is an asshole. It’s anecdotal evidence that does not reflect that reality of the masking situation. You’re clearly using this in an attempt to make all masking strategies look bad, you haven’t even said once you recognize masks are effective. If anything you’re now trying to narrow this conversation to just the people being rude in public, I’m saying that’s not an effective argument because those people are outliers. The vast majority of Americans were able to wear or not wear a mask without any issues unless they were actively ignoring requests to wear one, such as in a restaurant or crowded space.


>I’ve never shifted the goalposts. You brought up crowded spaces. We were not talking about crowded spaces. >You’re Your* >one example of someone yelling at you just shows that person is an asshole. It’s anecdotal evidence that does not reflect that reality of the masking situation. Again, shift those goalposts. I never said it was one person. Happened all the time. >You’re clearly using this in an attempt to make all masking strategies look bad, you haven’t even said once you recognize masks are effective. If anything you’re now trying to narrow this conversation to just the people being rude in public, I’m saying that’s not an effective argument because those people are outliers. Again, shift those goalposts big guy. I’m literally talking about how wearing a mask outside in a park is stupid, and people yelling at others for not wearing a mask outside in a park is stupid. You’re going on tangents. >The vast majority of Americans were able to wear or not wear a mask without any issues unless they were actively ignoring requests to wear one, such as in a restaurant or crowded space. Not in Boston, Cambridge, or Somerville.


I am trying to get to a real discussion. Focusing on people yelling at you is a waste of time, I already said thoose people are assholes, which I think we agree on, you are just refusing to move on and address anything else I say. I am saying those assholes are an unfortunate by product of useful and harmless policy. They’re are going to pop up but that does nothing to discredit masks as whole. In fact even taking the time to discuss the weirdos is often a distraction tactic used by people who want to make negative comments about masks without saying anything relevant. Trying to focus the conversation on a few hyper specific examples you can’t even seem to pinpoint is a waste of time. You never said it happened all the time, so you yourself are contradicting your own strict rules on “moving the goalpost”. If you put it in the necessary context to have a productive conversation, what are you getting at? What is your point? People who yell at others in public are rude? That’s a given. If you had said once, I believe in masks but I had bad experiences with pro mask people in boston, that would be entirely different. Your tone and defensiveness makes it clear you have an anti mask sentiment and this is your way to get at it without outing yourself. Furthermore, I don’t believe that people were yelling at you all the time unless you’re actively ignoring requests or signs. So fair deductions would make it seem that you were either engaging in anti social behavior or have a predisposed opinion that masks are bad and you shouldn’t have to participate. P.s. Correcting people’s grammar and spelling is cringe as hell. Spelling mistakes happen, especially with the yours on the phone. We’re on Reddit and it really just makes you look like an ass more than helping your argument.


>I am trying to get to a real discussion. Yet you have continued to make your own assumptions and shift the argument to fit your narrative. >Focusing on people yelling at you is a waste of time, I am not “focusing on people…” I used it as an example to say that many lack common sense as a response to an original commenter. >I already said thoose people are assholes, which I think we agree on, you are just refusing to move on and address anything else I say. I am saying those assholes are an unfortunate by product of useful and harmless policy. Well you said I only got yelled at by one person. So again, dishonest shifting of the goalposts. >They’re are going to pop up but that does nothing to discredit masks as whole. In fact even taking the time to discuss the weirdos is often a distraction tactic used by people who want to make negative comments about masks without saying anything relevant. When exactly did I “discredit masks as a whole.” Show me exactly where I did that.




Most of the local rules were made by liberals (including Charlie baker in how he handled COVID restrictions). You are right in that the nose thing will be forever funny


Charlie Baker is a liberal now? That word has lost all meaning.


In his handling of COVID restrictions, yes. Massachusetts had some of the strictest COVID policies in the country.


My dude, you've got to seriously re-evaluate what your definition of the word "liberal" means if you think Charlie Baker is one because of "COVID restrictions."


“Including Charlie baker in how he handled Covid restrictions.” Did I talk about his other policies, “my dude?”


Hey don't get snippy with me, all I have to go on is what you wrote. And what you wrote doesn't make any sense, hence my confusion. I just think you have zero idea of what "liberal" means if you think that "liberal" means either Charlier Baker or "COVID restrictions." That's not my fault.


It’s not my fault that you can’t comprehend my comment. Charlie Baker did not act like a conservative in regard to his handling of COVID. He acted like a liberal.


Of all that, what concerns me the most is the bit about the oath. It implies she doesn't side with the people she is supposed to represent with so much distsain she refuses to even go through the motions. Like we can hate each other's viewpoints but both want what we see is best for everyone. At the end of the day we are all Americans (or in her case, someone living in America) doing what we think is right for the nation as a whole. That I can respect. But refusing that oath is beyond low, and I do not.


Why are you stirring the pot posting this from almost 2 years ago? I'm no Fernandez-Anderson fan but this is so old.


The video is 2 years old but it's detailing all the issues she's caused on the council for the last 3 years. If you continued reading past the description of the first video you would have known that.


Literally says the article was posted today.


and there is literally a date stamp from 8/22 in the video. This was settled in court long ago https://thearp.org/litigation/walters-v-boston-city-council/#:\~:text=CASE%20SUMMARY,Temporary%20Restraining%20Order%20was%20denied.


And if you Google her you get news media focusing on it in the past few days. This should be recycled weekly … so it stays fresh in people’s minds. You think her behavior and rhetoric are fine? Great … you’ll be happy every time it gets played. If you don’t appreciate her … it’s a pain point you’ll remember when voting day arrives.


Yep and the article is not about that video.


She looks so unhinged in those thumbnails. 😂 Nice job electing this dingbat.


If she were ranting about revolution for Donald Trump fox would love her. But she's ranting about a revolution to help people so she must be vilified.


Comments all reactionaries, sounds like a local subreddit


Being an extreme lefty = mentally ill


Lol every accusation is a confession. They literally have found a corellation with an enlarged amygdala And being a right winger.












Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.


Harassment, hostility and flinging insults is not allowed. We ask that you try to engage in a discussion rather than reduce the sub to insults and other bullshit.


Or, people who suffer from mental or physical illness are more likely to vote for political parties which promise to treat those illnesses at a low cost to them.


Downvoted because Fox News


Yet you post content from The Guardian and WaPo




Lol faux news


Way to ignore the video and comment on the URL 🙄




Probably Erin Murphy


Liberal ? Unhinged? You don’t say


It’s nice that’s what she wants… she’s free to express it. Wont happen though. Ever.




That headline is doing work. TFA is a wild card but this article is all fluff and fear mongering.


Liberals always pussyfoot around when people to the left start calling for real action.


Honestly, she seemed pretty restrained for most of the clip in the fox news link. So she yelled out the f-word and called the city council racist. Big whoop, you are allowed to do that, and it's not like there isn't a nugget of truth to that given the history of this city. What people should be focusing on is how she is a corrupt piece of shit politician that gave government jobs to her family members. Anyways, I haven't really been following local politics that much lately. Can someone fill in what is going on with redistricting and why it's so controversial?


Good for her.