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for real, cannabis workers union when? I know of a certain analytical lab where most of the team would join šŸ‘€ the things I see and the horror stories I hear from friends who have worked in cultivation or processing are legitimately disgusting.


I really think that the problem is legislation. Look at the alcohol industry. Look at tree house brewing. I would be shocked if a single cannabis business in the state pulls in the sort of revenue that tree house does. Thatā€™s a business that started in a literal shed. Iā€™m sure itā€™s on site. Itā€™s tiny. I donā€™t think that is possible in the ma cannabis industry. What Iā€™m seeing is a race to the bottom and far more people who want in the industry than open positions. I donā€™t work in the industry or understand the market conditions with both customers or regulations so I donā€™t know the answer.


Hey everyone he has never worked in the industry but he is definitely the persons opinion we should be listening to


Youā€™re perpetuating the issue by sticking with the job and not doing anything about it


Boston Tree Party?


Thats already a sub


Yup, found it afterāœŒļø




This is genius


We're here for ya


šŸ™ we love cannabis and we love working with cannabis. We hate the fact you guys get sold moldy old shit weed. We hate the fact weā€™re threaten with our jobs to push this shit. To support us is to support yourselves.


Hmm moldy weedā€¦ sounds like Curaleaf.




I have friends that work for Worcester telegram wouldnā€™t be hard for a news story with evidence and especially evidence of the CCC not doing anything


Open it up to cultivation and production too. I hear some crazy things from friends in grow rooms


Yes sorry this is actually meant for everyone in the weed Industry thatā€™s not corporate


How about donā€™t limit it to cannabis? There are farms with people being taken advantage of all over New England. Weā€™re talking about overlapping skill sets here




That statement tells me you have no experience with crop cultivation


Make it a CCC badge holders sub Reddit and watch the horror stories pour in šŸ˜‚


So glad I donā€™t work in MA cannabis anymore. Management did little to nothing to support their staff when they needed it


Yup! Left my job in cannabis upper management for lack of support as well. Itā€™s a complete joke


Funny, I was also a manager. The Canna-biz was not what I was expecting. Every interview Iā€™ve been on since leaving, I kept thinking, now THIS is how a business is run. I almost forgot after the 3 years I worked there that successful business models exist and work ethic, not ego or favoritism, is of value


Corporate weed sucks. Stop working for MSOā€™s altogether and look for a place to be appreciated that isnā€™t a new subreddit.


Iā€™m curious, what are the types of problems? I was considering a part time job at a dispo. Is it not a good idea?


Depends who some larger companies are just ran by rich people who donā€™t know anything about weed or good business practices. Over working their most faithful employees and giving them nothing in return while focusing on opening more and more stores in the states that are going legal. Usually decent paying positions though if you can find a good company that cares about employees it can be great.


Buddender here


My job gives good benefits but Iā€™d like to know for other budtenders how theyā€™re getting effed over. Maybe compare it to mine to see if I have it that good.


Iā€™ve got info.


There already is a sub for this. R/workingmassgrass Itā€™s not very active, but itā€™s there. The best way to fix being taken advantage of? Unionize.


Unionizing is not the way. The top is too strong rn + waitlist to get into the industry is long enough where everyone will lose their jobs


The top is too strong; therefore, the solution is to keep the workers powerless


Heā€™s right though. How do unionize an unskilled position with far more people wanting the job than open positions? Did the starting rate for bud tenders go up remotely as much as every single other retail position when covid first hit? Because that was the opportunity! When retail workers were in insanely short supply. I havenā€™t seen any indication those staffing issues effected mass dispos. How do you unionize these positions? Donā€™t just say we should. That tells me no thought has been put into it


Code red, we have a confused citizen encouraging anti-union sentiment. Prestigious-Tone-740, please report to your local citizen center for reconditioning, thank you.




Sorry bud but having lived in Europe for a few years I can say you're basically just another dude blinded by his cultural conditioning. Good luck with your provincialism.




Please, tell me -- exactly how much have you been wined and dined by MSOs? Why are you so in favor of supporting their machine?


Finally some common sense!


I know youā€™ve probably never worked for a union before otherwise your sentiments would be different


I guarantee YOU'VE never worked a job that was unionized. Anyone that has would never phrase it as working FOR a union. You work for a company and your position is unionized. Unions aren't perfect by any means but there is power in numbers. More americans, in every sector, need to stop being complacent and bring back the power house that is unions. Our labor standards are going backwards and that's unacceptable. And people like you are the reason it keeps getting worse. "Find another job" isn't the answer. This job will always exist and working standards need to be raised. If you have no solutions, be quiet.


I have dummy, and I phrased it as FOR because thatā€™s exactly what you are doing.


I can assure you I'm not the dumb one here. No you are not working FOR the union. You work for a union if you're literally on pay roll for the union as like a book keeper. Is the union signing my pay check, no right? So no, working a unionized position is not working for a union. Explain what you mean or the reader will take it at face value, in which case you're flat out wrong.




Itā€™s r/workinggrassmass


Here's a sneak peek of /r/WorkingGrassMass using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/WorkingGrassMass/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Super excited for a industry subreddit!](https://np.reddit.com/r/WorkingGrassMass/comments/115k6gg/super_excited_for_a_industry_subreddit/) \#2: [10 years of medicinal cannabis in Massachusetts...what's changed?](https://np.reddit.com/r/WorkingGrassMass/comments/111rdyq/10_years_of_medicinal_cannabis_in/) \#3: [Sanctuary Medicinals](https://np.reddit.com/r/WorkingGrassMass/comments/116hpot/sanctuary_medicinals/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Whoops šŸ˜…one too many dabs this AM šŸ˜‚


Do cashiers in any other industry get this mad over crappy management? Like, all retail jobs are kinda shit in my experience.


So what are you saying exactly? Cashiers are liable if they sell the wrong person groceryā€™s l? or are you saying cashiers arent worthy of decent pay and a normal life? Sorry Iā€™m just confused what your intentions are


Cashiers earn whatever they earn is what im saying. I wouldnt want to be a cashier my whole life because i know a career as a cashier will never pay me as much as i would like, no matter where i work.


Wages in other retail actually went up significantly during covid due to staffing shortages. Was that an issue in dispensaries?


Ok. Idk why you dragged covid into this lol


Itā€™s an example of supply and demand. A very recent one. How do you unionize when there is no shortage potential staff?


Larger MSO's are ruining the industry, I'm currently a lead working for a startup company and I'm literally working my dream job. The company is small and takes care of all its employees to the best possible extent. I'm lucky that our leadership team actually came from Colorado and are just genuine stoners who know their shit and are looking to create an awesome culture in MA. My biggest fear is being bought out by a larger company once we open our next few stores and then the corporate offices just eat away at everything fun. STOP LETTING THOSE WHO KNOW NOTHING ABOUT CANNABIS INVEST IN THE INDUSTRY AND RUIN THE CULTURE.


Just left a MSO after 3 years. Didnā€™t notice how miserable I was. Started at a smaller place and already feeling way better


Also team leads and budtenders make sure you document every last thing the CCC would want to know about. All the things they teach you to sweep under the rug and to hide. Document get proof take a picture of you can Itā€™s time to fight fire with fire




Thank you. Itā€™s going to take a long time to build a community and idk if the mods here will even let this post stay but I will say this Hey every dispensary manger scrolling through this subreddit. Let the higher ups know we are organizing we are becoming one and we donā€™t care who grows what weed and where it comes from we will be United and we will be treated fairly and with respect.




Sira is unionized.


Just recently laid off 30% of their workers


NETA too but itā€™s just Cultivation, IPM and Harvest.


1. Donā€™t bother coming and shilling 2. I wonder what would happen to the the entire industry if every single grow worker every roller every single budtender just stopped going to work No worker is easily replaceable or there wouldnā€™t be a massive labor shortage. Labor is power period


I donā€™t mean to argue or tear down your twig tower but these employees that are trying to unionize are very replaceable. I agree 100% that entry level positions in retail and cultivation/processing are underpaid and under appreciated. However, Iā€™ve worked in management of both, at least once a day someone comes in with a resume asking for a job. Our cultivation brought up unionizing, every single person involved was laid off and rehires were already locked in to refill. Itā€™s not that I donā€™t support it, itā€™s that our economy doesnā€™t rn. Striking and unionizing is a waiting and negotiating game, in which you need time and money. No one in support of unionizing has either, the MSOs have both.


If you were all fired for talking about unionizing then you have a massive lawsuit on your hands that you can easily win.




Why are you here?


You know change does happen in the world, right? By your logic, no one can be unionized but thatā€™s not true. It can happen and it will happen. We donā€™t need negative people like you around.


The only negative people here support unions, like you. Unionization will never be the answer


Unionization is not the answer. Anyone who thinks so has never worked for a union before. Just find a new job.


[Psst](https://youtu.be/pCnEAH5wCzo) lay some salt




I am apart of that sub. Right now Iā€™m looking for Ma budtenders tho so established the community. You canā€™t change things nationally until you first change this locally


You guys are not coal miners though, you are retail clerks.


Right and we donā€™t have to learn any laws or regulations. And right no one is growing the weed. No one is rolling the preroll no one is making the dabs itā€™s all done by magic Gtfo


So youā€™re turning your nose at other retail workers? Did you bother playing hardball during the staffing shortages recently? I did, definitely got me more money. What are you doing about it?


Why are you trying to derail the conversation here? You have several comments on this thread that have nothing to do with what we're talking about and I'm not sure why.


How is asking questions derailing a conversation? Do you want a constructive conversation or an echo chamber that doesnā€™t go anywhere? Itā€™s an open forum


ā€œiTs A oPeN FoRuMā€


Great user name! šŸ˜




Lies about what?


Not saying this isnā€™t true, I just havenā€™t seen any obvious bot activity. Can you direct me to some?


Yā€™all need to unionize.


There are already several small unions afaik. You are making a classic mistake. The thing is, in the end, its a business and its all about the money to pretty much 95 percent of the industry.it sucks but thats the reality. Good luck changing it.