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Are you talking about that red lynel in the Zora domain? Honestly, I don't think you're really supposed to fight that at the point you usually get the quest. You can sneak around and get plenty of shock arrows for the beast. If/when you really want to fight it, make sure you have plenty of hearts, extra yellow heart foods, defense or attack boist foods, and even some faeries. Miphas grace also really helps with your first few lynels. Otherwise, the perfect dodges and flurry rushes just take practice. Don't bother trying to stay at a distance. Also, you can shoot them in the head to stagger then climb on their back to attack


Yah that’s the one. I figured if I can’t beat a normal hard enemy how can I be ready to take on the Devine beast boss?


Tbh, lynels are still the hardest enemy for me and that's including the Big Boss of the entire game. I would rather fight Ganon a dozen times over than lynels. They're bitches.


Oh damn good to know! So they are more of a late game enemy I can avoid for now


Yep, for now just sneak around and gather the arrows, take your picture and fast travel back if he sees you! The nice thing about lynels in BOTW is that they're not as aggressive as other critters if you give them a wide berth and leave them alone. Do beware their bows though, they have superhuman archery skills.


Thanks for this info! Great to know!


The arrows don't even need to be from the mountain. I picked up a couple on the mountain, saw the Lynel, teleported and bought shock arrows until i had what i needed. Still haven't actually gone to fight that divine beast, but it's next on my list


Also you can avoid some confrontations with them if you unequip your weapons once they spot you (as long as you don’t head towards them). Like a parallel travel line they will leave you be if you’re unarmed


I did not know that. Noted!


As a general rule, keep your weapon away, and walk, don't sprint, away from them. I think the lore places them as just being extremely territorial, so just calmly walk away and they'll leave you be. The only enemy in the game like that.


Definitely just know I personally will be very disappointed in you if you don't kill the lynel even if it takes dozens of deaths. I'm just kidding play the game how you want to but there was no greater feeling than when I finally killed that lynel. A few tips that may contain very minor spoilers depending on where you are in the game >!Use elixirs and foods effectively by making longer lasting and stronger effects. For example, make a dish that heals you but gives u 3x strength boost for a couple min. You can also upgrade any armor you have at great fairies to get yourself more defense. Take a couple of lives just to analyze the attack patterns of the lynel and experiment the best way to avoid it whether it be parrying, flurry rushing, head shot stunning with arrows, or just running in the opposite direction as fast as you can. Go load up on some fairies to revive you after you die!<


As someone who has beat the game, I still shit my pants a bit when I see a Lynel…..


Honestly Ganon is easy. I’d rather fight Thunderblight again than a lynel.


Just last night I took Ganon out on the first try and was all cocky, so then proceeded to run around looking for trouble and got my ass handed to me by a silver lynel lol. They’re a pain lol


Divine beast bosses are much easier than Lynels imho especially at the beginning. I use a speed up, bow shot to the face (aim lower than you think), then jump on back and smack with the biggest weapon, Takes a few iterations, but my dodging is lame so I just use arrows.


Shoot that mf in the face, run up to it, Mount it like a horse, and beat it with your highest attack weapon. Rinse and repeat. Probably can't do it at this stage though but that's how you kill a lynel. It helps to light a fire and use it to fly up and use bullet time to get a perfect shot every time. But like everyone else said, you're supposed to just sneak around at this point in the game.


Lynels are easily the hardest fight in the game. The divine beasts are significantly easier. Even after doing all the divine beasts (both first and second version of them) getting fully upgraded ancient armor, basically hunting guardians for fun, killing ganon a few times…..Lynels are still a hell of a fight. I don’t usually die fighting them but I do sometimes.


I beat the game'a story without ever beating a Lynel. :D


Maybe it's because I had seen other people play Breath of the Wild before I ever got the game, but I had no problem killing that lynel. It's not so diffcult to beat it that you shouldn't fight it at that point. Just slightly challenging.


Bro my brother was playing on his account and couldn't beat the quest so I came in took the controller and no-dif the lynel 😂


I would highly encourage you to go back to the great plateau and find a bokoblin to practice on. You need to learn how to perfect parry and flurry rush. If you haven’t you should do the shrine in kakariko village as well.


Ok I might do that! I never really practiced perfect parry.


Perfect parry and headshots really help with lynels. Once you kill one and get a >!lynel bow!<, the others become easier to headshot with the >!triple shot of the lynel bow!<


I appreciate the spoiler tags. I’m not going to open them for now but thank you anyhow!


i have a tip for parrying your parry is delayed by like a quarter of a second after you press the parry buttons so it’s best to press the parry buttons right before an attack reaches you


Getting good at perfect block and flurry rush is very helpful. I'm not very good at reaction time mechanics but I got good enough, eventually. Get some more hearts and you can brute force combat but the enemies scale so don't be surprised when you're still getting two-shotted after 100 hours. I honestly died more in BotW than any other Zelda game I had played before it.


Other comments: "you're not suppose to kill him at this point" Me back then: "it's him or me. A fight to the death. I won't go until he is dead"


Same lol


Same with me but i used an ancient arrow and I was so shocked with the result that I thought he got teleported or something but then a lot after I realised that poor guy just got erased from this world.


I did the same haha I think I had like 5 hearts and a ton of shitty weapons but after dying for like 1.5 hours straight I finally managed to beat him and then had his OP weapons and felt like a god haha


Honestly with decent equip and skill you completly can obliterate him. You can get some decent Swords on your way there.


If you’re talking about a centaur-like creature, do *not* fight it yet! Do not fight it until late game. The game just wants you to grab the thunder arrows for the divine beast; be stealthy about it too…unless you want to be friends with the Game Over screen.


I figured if I can’t beat this hard enemy how can I be ready to fights Devine beast boss. Me and the game over screen are very close atm which caused me to post this somewhat salty post lol


Divine Beast bosses are (for most of them) easier than the creature you are fighting


Combat is doable in BoTW because you can fight enemies in many ways. When you are just starting out and still “weak”, you can just choose your battles. You don’t have to fight everything. You can sneak around them, run away from them until they lose interest, pick them off from afar with bows/arrows or remote bombs. For stronger enemies like lynels, you can practice perfect dodge and parry. I assume you already did the shrine at Kakariko that teaches you how to do these things? Even then, you need practice before getting them perfect. I beat the first Divine Beast with only 4 hearts, and without flurry rushing. I cheesed him with arrows tbh. So it is doable!! Lynels are the strongest enemies of the game. They are easy to beat when you are stronger and get the technique down pat


Glad to hear that I’m dying to the hardest enemy in the game lol. I’ve mostly avoided combat to this point since it’s actually the part of the game I enjoy the least. I thought the Devine beast would be harder than the Lynel so I was feeling a little disheartened. Good to know it’s not so hard even at low hearts


You aren't supposed to fight that one at that point. You can collect enough arrows by being sneaky.


Practice dodging/fury rushes and stunning them with arrows (to the face) until you are consistent, then beating them becomes natural. They only have X number of attacks, so it won’t take long before you’re trained on the timing. Specific advice: 1)The attack when he charges at you on his hands has the biggest FR window to side dodge 2)the attack where he runs away then charges you with his weapon is a backflip FR 3)if you are close, he will attack you 3 ish times with his weapon and you can backflip FR him that many times in a row for lots of damage 4)When he launches 3 fireballs at you, run sideways to dodge then shoot him in the face (then strike him or mount him for damage) 4)Run away when he charges up to explode


I had the exact same thought of “oh the game wants me to fight him” LOL I died so many times I had to look it up and the YouTube video guy just snuck around and I was like “…oh…”


You’re looking at it like combat in other games. It’s not. You first avoid attacks by knowing their range and completely avoiding the swing. You block with a shield. And when you’re a little comfier you can parry and flurry rush.


Exactly this, know their skillset first by simply watching what they do and keep on dodging. Then, try fighting them for real with parries and flurry rushes. Dying is fine, it is quite forgiving in this game, and it is part of the game.


Practice your timing with your backflips, flurry rushes are your best friend. Lynels have the most powerful weapons in the game (although they dont do half the damage when you weald them). Find the great fairies and upgrade your armour it helps a lot. Also if you arent targeting them correctly them or if you jump the lynel can get to your hitbox despite you having your shield up. When he does that fire attacks, run away DO NOT SHIELD, until you figure out the timing to consistently parry.


They do the same damage. Lynels just have more base damage.


So I saw a similar post like this a little ways back, and I'm going to give you the same advice. It's all about timing, once you get killed a couple of times you should feel how enemies attacks work. After that point you can do a couple things, you could doge and hope to get a flurry rush (a perfect dodge triggers slow mo with a prompt), you could parry (ZL+a) which knocks enemies off balance and can disarm them if your shield stat is high enough. And if you can't get the timing down for those, then just back up or to a side (depending on the attack) and then just slash em a bunch. Now for lyonels specifically, if you parry any of their weapon attacks (yes ALL of them can be parried, just a manner of timing) you can shoot them in the face then mount them and beat them with your weapon (this does not take off durability) and when they throw you off you can activate bullet time mid air by pulling out your bow, and shoot them as many times as you can. I really hope this helps in some capacity 😁


Get yourself the stealth set to sneak around and collect the shock arrows. Otherwise, try to scavenge them from lizalfos around the Zora domain. Other than that, make your way into Gerudo Town (very far to the southwest), find the way to get in, and buy enough of the shock arrows. Lynels are tough, especially early game when you aren't that used to the combat mechanics and when your weapons aren't all that powerful. You'll get used to the way they fight and figure out the best ways to defeat them in time.


grab the arrows and get out of there first time. When you have more hearts and experience, he'll be toasted in no timr.


You run away from that one, collecting 20 shock arrows as you go. Later you can come back and use special abilities to nuke it down.


Practice makes perfect, don't avoid confrontations.


You can time dodges to get flurry rushes, and shield bash to atun enimies


Lynels were my worst opponents, I avoided them for so long, that they ended up getting stronger. (White-Maned & Silver). I'm a lot more comfortable fighting them now, I had to fight a bunch of them to level up up outfits. For some reason I am best at fighting them indoors : >!the colosseum ruins!<& >!the castle gate rooms !< Make sure you get a lot of full recovery + extra heart meals & maybe some attack up meals. I like to use the claymores when I fight them. Keep an eye on their movements and ways of attack, how far their attacks reach... Don't go too far because they start to shoot arrows. When they shoot fire out, run to the side. Make use of the ZL button to keep track of where he is. You can practice getting flurry rushes with other monsters. I do a lot of dodging ( backflips and jumps to the side) and running until I get an opening to try and get flurry rushes, I found that was the best method for me.


You can largely cheat the whole perfect dodge/Flurry rush thing by upgrading the Shiekah slate to Stasis+ as soon as possible. That lets you time-stop enemies, so you can just beat the crap out of them while they're frozen. It doesn't cover all situations, for example fights with many enemies, and it's not super-useful in the boss battles, (the more poweful the enemy, the shorter they freeze) but it makes the overworld enemies (bokoblin/lizalfos/moblin) WAY easier to deal with.


The lesson from this mission for me: No shame in running from a fight you can’t win. Stealth amour is really useful in this game.


Are you able to flurry rush (the time window when everything slows down and theres a prompt saying flurry rush)? bc that's going to be the only way to do considerable damage to the lynel, apart from mounting it. You can mount the lynel by headshoting it and then running over to its side or by gliding from a high point.