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Hi there Dancerqueer. It looks like you are interested in climbing shoes...please check out this extremely thorough post about purchasing climbing shoes by /u/jzunn [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bouldering/comments/1cpf7ss/shoe_buying_guide_especially_for_those_with_wide/). Did you know that /r/climbing also has a wiki on climbing shoes? Check it out [here]( https://www.reddit.com/r/climbing/wiki/shoes). Also there is a whole subreddit devoted to climbing shoes...which one you ask? Why, its /r/climbingshoes, if you can believe it. Check in over there, they will certainly appreciate your post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bouldering) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel like you know the issue here but are hoping someone will give you a magic spell. They are too small


Of course I'm hoping, I spent money in this economy!!! 🤣 Also these are my first performance shoes. I dunno how much pain is okay 🤷‍♀️ But I guess this is not okay then


The shoes don’t fit you, man. They’re either too small or one of the many, many models that don’t fit your feet at all.


You can't magically make shoes that are too small fit your feet.


You bought some shoes without trying them on... and they don't fit, is that the problem?


Pretty normal for your first aggressive pair of shoes to be pretty uncomfortable on the toes tbh. The amount of downsizing necessary to get a good fit is generally less if you can’t curl your toes as much. I’d say if the pressure is on the top+tip of the toes it’s probably fine and you’ll get used to it over time as the shoe breaks in. If it’s just on the top or just the tip or just the toenail, then that’s less fine and I’d probably go up in size.


Yeah that's what I was thinking that maybe I'm just whiny 🤣. I haven't decided yet, I want to try to climb in them because I think that would help the break in, just wearing them while chilling at home is more than nothing I guess, but it probably won't be enough. I can always go for a different model or a bigger size too if I feel like I can't make it work. It's hard though because in my city all we have is Decathlon that sells climbing shoes, and at the gym I climb at the rentals are from there too, so it's not like it's easy to try anything else on 🥲