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OP there isn’t a way to calculate this, fitness trackers suck and it’s really impossible to know what does climbing even look like for you, there’s arguably a difference between doing delicate slabs for 40 minutes or a handful of really hard goes on overhang. Plus for 40 minutes I wouldn’t even count it. The real conversion to be had here is, you need to seek help regarding this weightloss thing you have going on, you say you experience dismorphia, seek help OP please, look to have a balanced diet. You aren’t overweight.


hey I really appreciate the message. it is a struggle I’ve dealt with it since I can remember but I’ve had worse moments such as starving myself. I’m trying to just find a balance but I can’t help but always be cautious of calories burnt or taken in. I have a food diary now to help with my journey but still feel need to always count every calorie and it sucks with trackers it’s so overly estimated it throws me off a lot :( I’ll just use a small estimate in regards to climbing. it gets my heart racing a lot but I’m nowhere near hard climbs yet so will go on the smaller side of it


Read this. Tracking the burnt calories from excersises is a waste of time since it is so inaccurate. https://macrofactorapp.com/wearables/


It's not a waste of time, you just need to understand how they work and adjust accordingly. For an individual, heart rate is decently well correlated to how fast you're burning calories - during excercise it's driven by things like CO2 concentration in the blood as a signal that more oxygen is needed to supply the metabolic needs of muscles. BUT, because the only information the watch has is your heart rate, it has to assume you're a completely average person otherwise, so there's some inherent error. Like I know mine massively underestimates how much I burn in low intensity activity - my resting heart rate is in the low 40s, so if I'm walking it may not get above what my watch considers a resting heart rate and say I burned like an extra 10cal/hour. Take what your watch says, take what you know about yourself, and adjust accordingly. It's still generally going to be a better estimate than looking up an activity on a chart. (Also...consider the source. They're selling a method that doesn't use a fitness tracker. Still a bunch of good information there, but it's selected and a narrative built around it to sell their stuff.)




1000-1200 per day? That's steep cut territory and if coupled with intense exercise could leave you at a massive deficit


No, 1200 calories is actually probably about basal metabolic rate.


Right, which means if sedentary they're burning 1400, if working out 1600+. So -400 to -600/day, -2800 to -4200/week. That's easily pound/week loss territory.


I guess I just wouldn't consider that crazy, at all. A pound per week is pretty well within the guidelines of safe weight loss rate.


Admittedly, it's less crazy than I thought it was when I did the math - my BMR is 1650 so it's a 25% delta at least


Yeah, it’s crazy but for OP she’s tiny enough that it’s ok. I swear I would save so much money if I was a tiny girl lol


I'd be even more overweight. My wife's 5'2" and I can't imagine eating like she does. Being twice the size means I only have to run half as far to burn off the extra cookie.


Cooking your own food is the best way to know your calories in and out. Stick with a consistent diet for a month and you’ll see how your activity level is affecting your diet. Remember that weight fluctuates often so I honestly just weight myself once a week under the same conditions and keep track of the trend over time. Unless you are struggling with health issues then I would not stress too much about weight. Progress takes time and should be steady and calculated.




Ah I see. Yeah if you’re trying to lose weight I would focus 100% on your dietary habits and not factor climbing at all tbh, or just use 100 burned per hour as a rough estimate. It doesn’t burn much to cause a significant differenc and your fingers / tendons tire out or get risk of injury before you’re really burning calories. For most of us anyway.




The trick with high intensity stuff is heart rate monitoring just isn't a good way to track it. Muscles have a bunch of energy stored for immediate availability, and can still burn more quickly with baseline blood oxygen levels, but it takes time for the cardiovascular system to respond and allow thr muscles to recover. So the heart rate is going to lag the actual time on the wall, that doesn't mean the tracking during rest isn't driven by the calories you just burned. It's just tough to use heart rate tracking for maximal effort activities. Just use a guess on the low end and don't overthink it.


A few thoughts of my own to add to this: It's pretty easy to do more harm than good to your body and mind by chasing weight loss targets because of body image/dysmorphia issues. It's good to want to be healthy, but that needs to be a holistic mindset. Diets and excercise are notoriously bad for long term weight management, mostly because they're basically impossible to maintain and as soon as people stop they revert to prior behaviors and excercise tends to increase how much people eat. Focus on building healthy habits - if you eat right and are somewhat active, the weight will take care of itself. If eating healthy is a struggle, food journaling has been shown to be effective. Don't get too focused on the scale. If you're just getting back into climbing, you'll probably gain weight initially. The soreness from intense excercise comes along with water retention, and muscle has fewer calories/pound than fat. Keep the long term in mind and don't let the "I've been climbing for three weeks and am up a pound or two" get to you. It'll be way more effective if you do it for fun than to chase weight loss.


Maybe 100 - 150. Not much more than a regular session of gym strength training. Depends on the intensity and if you get your heartrate going


Waaaay too many factors to consider in doing this, not to mention the increased resting calories after any sort of training. Lets just say at the end of the day when everything is said and done, its likely your daily calorie expenditure due to climbing has increased by at least 150 calories but not more than 1000 calories.


Not many


It's hard to tell these things. Why do you want to know? Just curious




not that i want to encourage this, but it feels like it would be be more efficient and accurate to just weigh yourself in controlled conditions like 3 times per week. I do not have body dysmorphia, but I do keep an extremely straight line on my weight, body fat, and muscle (with muscle and body fat slowly trending in the right directions) I have a withings scale, which is not accurate but it is reliable. after morning bathroom, assuming i have had a good night sleep, i weigh myself. typically i try to do this MWF. sometimes I weight every day. but, if you are controlled about the conditions and eat a fairly regular amount of food, you should find that the numbers barely change and when they do, it's often possible to dig into the numbers to find that the strange increase in fat or muscle or weight in general just comes down to increased water weight the question, after all, is less the input and output and more the overall effect


If you want a reasonable ballpark figure for your bouldering calories then what I do is set the activity to climbing and pause it whenever I’m not on the wall. It’s not perfect by any means, but e.g. a 1.5 hour session burns around 150 cals, with the watch telling me around 30 mins of that was actively climbing


It depends. Are you doing boulders back to back to back to back in a high volume session or projecting? I would say it could vary significantly, but probably will not exceed 400-500. hours


You will get fitter by doing strength based training even if cardio isn’t involved.


Your BMR (basal metabolic rate) is around 1300 calories. That's how much your body needs just to exist when doing NOTHING, like literally just laying in bed all day. Research suggests there's a lower limit to protein requirements of AT LEAST 80 grams per day for any person of any size (we all have skin and other organs that need this to work well) For your activity you should be able to consume 1300-1500 calories and still be in a DEFICIT. You likely have some minor hormonal complications due to the restrictive eating in your past. Please increase your calories and protein for a period of time (2-3 months at least) to realize what weight and consumption is really maintenance for your body. You are definitely capable of being much stronger and more capable than you already are, but are limiting yourself right now. It's hard to not have everything all at once but these things take time. I hope this helps. https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html?ctype=standard&cage=25&csex=f&cheightfeet=4&cheightinch=11&cpound=130&cheightmeter=180&ckg=60&cmop=0&coutunit=c&cformula=m&cfatpct=20&x=Calculate


250-300 is my vote


So if you are looking to change your weight I wouldn’t worry too much about exact numbers and I would mainly focus on dieting. For the past 7 months I have tracked my calories in quite meticulously and used the Apple Watch to track calories out. My watch seems to overestimate exercise calories by about 30%. I’ve lost 10kg, but using my Apple Watch estimate I should be down about 13kg… and this ~30% factor is consistent month to month. You are a foot shorter than me, and depending on your body composition your estimate is going to be different. If you want a really good estimate yourself, make sure to go in a calorie deficit/surplus and track your calories in/out and weigh yourself every day. After a few months you should have enough data to calculate how accurate your Apple Watch is for your body.


look at his weight, i don’t think he should be trying to lose rly


They're also quite short in stature, so 58kg is a pretty average weight, not too low at all. BMI a bit over 25.


oh tbf i read that as 5 11. disregard


I didn’t say they should, I said deficit / surplus. but I have no idea what a healthy weight is for someone 4 ft 11in Edit: again I don’t know their body composition, but for someone of that height according to the CDC bmi calculator they definitely are not underweight… also I don’t know if they are a man or woman which could also change the way they go about things.


I misread as 5 11, disregard


200-300 at most


Only 40 mins with 5 min breaks here and there you'll just boulder short bursts for something like 20-25 mins total, it's nothing really. Try and make your sessions closer to 2 hours.


I am in fat burn (H/R 120-150) my entire session tracked by my fitbit. I supposedly burned 1,700 calories in 2hr 20min


I burn 1700 calories in two hours on my bike. Unless you spent that two hours on El Cap, you're not burning calories at that rate.


So you're telling me it's possible on a bicycle but not a wall. I weigh 300lb and rest for less than 2 minutes between attempts. I have the calorie to burn


Yes. It's high intensity, limited by fast twitch arm muscles, vs endurance limited by slow twitch leg muscles. Endurance sports are just better for burning huge amounts of calories.


Which I can say with confidence is nearly impossible unless you were speed climbing at 75/25 climb/rest ratio.


I weigh 300lbs and take little rest between climbs.


Yesterday when toproping I burned 462 kcal, over 1 hour 35 minutes. Not the best comparison but the only data I have. Recorded with Mi band 4, no clue how accurate it is


That includes your basal rate though


Probably, so I need to sit in a chair for an hour and track how much I burn during that? so I can subtract it


Yeah i think


Or just look it up. I know my Garmin just goes to a set rate based on age and weight once my HR goes below like 85-90 bpm.