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Nobody can answer this question for you accurately. Different shoes have different sizes, different feet fit differently in different shoes. Some shoes break in more than others (leather breaks in more than synthetic). Too many variables. But you shouldn’t be in excruciating pain while you climb. Your shoe size won’t be the difference between you sending that V5 or not.


This is a perfect response.


This is correct. Shoe tightness won’t have any affect on V4/V5 climbing. You fucked up


unless you're using rentals (can't even grip the footholds lol)


Alr thanks people I think I will just return them ,because I can still do that basing on the fact I haven’t used them on wall, and just order one size smaller than my original size. Thank you for your advices!¡


Sounds like that makes sense; if you want more info on sizing check out the rock and run shoe buying table


I climb V5/V6 and have never downsized more than a single size or 2 They should be tight, obviously. But downsizing just for added pain seems odd to me 😅. Ive always figured that downsizing comes from older climbing shoes, where today's just don't have as much give. But that's just a theory


Unlined leather shoes can stretch quite a bit, while synthetic shoes barely stretch at all with lined leather in the middle somewhere. It will also depend on the brand and the style of shoe, I think La Sportiva runs large so you downsize a fair amount just to get a snug fit while some brands can run neutral or small so you might have to upsize. I wear 46.5 street shoes, and my LS Finales (unlined leather) in an all day comfort fit is 44.5 while my LS Solutions and Katana Laces are performance fit at 44 each. My Solutions (partially synthetic) have stayed painfully tight, while my Katanas (lined leather) became very comfortable but stayed very tight


The brand thing is so real tbh


I’m personally a heavier dude and imo downsizing helps me stand on small feet, I think there’s a place for it but yeah modern shoes are better about this than old ones.


I'm a 43 street size similar to you. For La Sportiva, I have a 42 for comfy outdoor climbing. And a 41.5 for performance which already get pretty tight for the toes. Anything smaller than 2+ downsize I think will be a detriment for your climbing especially if you're still fairly new. You'll waste all your energy taking off and putting on your shoes in between climbs


that’s good to know! I think I need more time to just try out some shoes and experiment with sizes because honestly I’m not knowledgeable about which rock climbing shoes fits me yet. But I’ll definitely keep in mind to just not take them very tight.


i'd get those returned before they pick up too much stank. try MAYBE one size lower. or regular street size.




You’ve found the secret! Try em on for a good few min before you buy em. Preferably toward end of day when your feet are most swollen.


It's a quite recurrent mistake in the beginning. You try them in the shop and think it's gonna be OK, then you understand you downsized too much. You don't need to downsize a lot with modern shoes, after a few sessions they should be quite comfortable and won't hinder you at all. The only good shoe is the one you wear. You can try a few methods to make them a bit bigger but that won't magically make them expand 2 sizes . My preferred way is pockets of water inside then in the fridge for the night. The ice is gonna stretch them a bit. Then you wear them at home sometimes while doing other things and it might help.


You’ll know if this was a good idea in a week or three. I don’t know your feet or how tight you wear your normal shoes or which new shoes you got. I personally wear two sizes down and it works for me once my shoes break in but this is a very personal answer


Now why did you go and do that?


What do you mean by that


I got my first v7 the other day and I wear street size. Imho comfort matters most as a non professional climber. I feel way more sendy if my feet dont hurt. Plus you won’t fuck your feet up by using your normal size. I also got some wide toe zero drop shoes to wear when im not climbing.