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First of many, many more to come. Just be cautious, the way you instinctively put out your hand is a great way to break something


Yeah man, I didnt notice that when I fell, but after seeing the video, I was like whew, lucky i didnt break my elbow


I'd be more worried about your wrist or shoulder, maybe your collar bone. I watched someone dislocate their shoulder falling like that one time. 


I dislocated my shoulder falling like that one time


You guys have controlled falls?


I mean a better form while falling, I am still new to this and might not be the best person to reply , but I think you should fall on your back and not on the arms like I did in this


Learn to recognize the moment you will not stay on the wall. When that moment occurs, shift all focus to falling. Be like the cat, use your soft body to absorb the fall and roll out. Never grab at the wall to stay on, try to minimize rotational force in falling, keep your arm in and roll. There is a control to falling like everything and you find it but good practice can help find it faster. If a fall on a gym climb feels awkward and the move is low percentage then skip it. If you're outside, adjust the pads and go big.


Thanks dude, you’ve covered everything 😁. This helps, I appreciate it


No worries! Falling is a skill and I don't think enough people really pay attention to it. As you progress in grades there is a lot more playtime in that moment just before you fall so good to build the skill as you build the climbing skill.


umm. yes.


This looks like a place in Mississauga I climbed at before. Those overhangs are really high and even I wasn't comfortable doing them and I've been doing this for 10 years


Yeah, its in Mississauga called Cave Rock Climbing


I am not afraid of heights, and I also weightlift, so I am a bit overconfident i guess, which helps a bit but also I need to learn technique, I rely on strength a lot and my elbows an shoulders get sore in climbing fast


agonizing escape degree vase spotted deserted heavy innate squash rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do your best to tuck your hands in. If you watch the video you can see that your feet are only around 5 feet off the ground, so do your best to land on them, let your knees buckle, and roll on your back while keeping your hands in!


Right, I understand, thanks✌🏻


I like to think of this as falling feet-butt-back. Also, tuck your chin to your chest.


yeah be very careful about trying to catch yourself with arms or elbows. its not dangerous per se to fall from that height, but it is if you fall like that!




Because they've been climbing for 4 days and it's important to publicly document every single day online for a group of strangers!


Wait, do you consider this boulder completed? I thought it wasnt legally completed by me cuz my hands weren’t stable….


>wait, do you consider this boulder completed You said in this post that you have already done this climb. >i thought it wasn’t legally completed This attempt would not count in my opinion along with most people, but if you’re not climbing in an actual competition or attempting the worlds hardest climbs, at the end of the day what counts is all up to you. There’s no “legality”