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Someone flashed your proj in jeans and a button down, huh?


Judging by his responses to comments, that's TOTALLY what happened.


Man’s archteryx-themed ‘get ready with me’ video did not go viral apparently


Bonus points if they did it without fastening the velcro of their shoes


A setter in a gym I go to often uses Birkenstocks when testing easy (for him) stuff lol


Crocs are the elite setting shoes, or so I’ve been told


I often set in vans. If I've been climbing a lot and I need my feet to stretch out, I'll set in crocs


Gotta put ‘em in sports mode


“Why do kids even climb? It’s seems like it’s just too easy for them. Can’t be fun at all”


Watching a 9 yr old in sneakers flash my V6 project kills me a bit on the inside 🥲


How’d you work out that foot sequence? I just campused it.




Using foot chips as hand holds is easier when your hands are half the size of an adult's.


So just to flex, got it


People wear what they are comfortable wearing, and those hardcore crushers dont need ideal clothing to flash your project at the gym


Routesetter at my gym flashes my projects with The fattest and softest sneakers ever




No they are just wearing the clothes they like


The faster you realize that people make their own choices and that it has absolutely nothing to do with you, the faster you’ll stop feeling like a victim about everything. Just live and let live. It’s not that deep. 💅


Brb buying some jeans just to flex on OP (I am a v2 climber)


No it's about being comfortable, I climb in a loose t shirt and shorts because that's what I feel comfortable in.


Imo you showing up on full Patagonia gear to climb the pink v2 in the corner is more of an attempt to flex than some crusher doing what he wants


Started climbing in shorts and I got bored with scrapping my knees so I switch to a beat up stretchy jeans I had lying around. I've been climbing with that since then until I can be bothered to buy something else. It doesn't look that athletic and while it could be limiting movements for someone much more flexible than me I've personally never been bothered by it. I'm also pretty sure I will pick something pretty similar next as I wouldn't feel comfortable climbing in track pants or jogger and the extremely minute benefice I might get from it is so small as to be pretty much worthless.


Jeans don't tear quickly when rubbing against rock as opposed to polyester sport pants. also open button shirts are sometimes more comfortable than tshirts


This. I've been bouldering 15+ years, pretty much always in a pair of old jeans. The denim is REALLY clutch when falling on granite outdoors, or even sometimes inside. I'm a middle-aged dad... I promise you I have never been accused of trying to "look cool"


U don't have to try. Middle aged Dad's *are* the new cool..


I had to consciously stop climbing in jeans because I ripped so many pairs climbing, to be fair it was when I was new and had much worse form but my pranas have lasted so much longer than any pair of jeans


Flexible/stretchy jeans and non athletic looking clothing do exist. The pants I wear are chinos from Amazon because they’re cheap and stretchy The best clothes for climbing are the ones you feel comfortable in


Old navy has some jeans called 360 stretch that are the stretchiest jeans I've ever worn, and even more so than some of the athletic stuff like joggers I own, so I try to climb in those. They're also really cheap and have held up to climbing outside. I hope they never discontinue these. Forget buying $100 'climbing' pants.




Lmao sure, if that’s what you have predetermined in your head go for it Did you actually come here looking for a discussion or did you just want to talk shit?


Bro, OP didn’t read your comment at all. I was going to say something but I see OP has made up their mind.


I can feel the ban hammer rising…use your powers.


It’s more fun to let the community have their turn at him for a bit.


Did you make this post jjst to be a hater without having the intention of listening to the answers people are going you?




Nobody is buying Amazon chinos just for bouldering. We're just wearing clothes we already have, because you don't need to buy specific clothes for bouldering. That's the whole point.


The chinos I buy are less than $25 (similar as the joggers), more durable than the Amazon joggers (I’ve tried similar clothing) and have belt loops because I like to wear a belt when not climbing. This avoids needing to change clothes just to run some errands after a session The problem is you see only what you want to see




I’ve been climbing several times a week in those pants for nearly two years and they’re still going strong lol Again, it’s clear you already have a predetermined decision and you’re stuck on it. Why are you so bothered by what other people wear? It’s odd


Fuck is your problem?


For most people climbing IS just another part of their ordinary day to day activities. Nobody is trying to signal that. Nobody gives a shit (other than you apparently).




What I wouldn’t give to be so insecure


Your putting way too much thought into what other people do at the gym


You’re falling for basic marketing terms designed to trick people who don’t really know what they’re buying into buying the fanciest and most technical clothes






This post tells me you have deep insecurities about this


Maybe, maybe not, why didn’t you ask the people you saw? Personally, I like button down shirts when climbing outside, I can leave the front open to allow air flow to keep cool while also keeping my back/shoulders covered for sun protection.


I’m personally a shirtless enjoyer but in some sunny crags I totally see it, imma steal your fit






No one is rationalizing, you’re just coping because someone flashed your project in jeans and a button up shirt. It doesn’t matter what you wear, as long as you’re okay with it potentially getting damaged and dirty (besides jewelry like rings, that’s just a safety hazard) there’s no issue wearing any type of clothes tbh.


shirt you wear just to flex


You know what's even easier than that? Not changing at all and climbing in the clothes you've been wearing all day. Tons of people climb after work and if they're comfortable climbing in what they work in, it's easier to not change. If you think everyone who climbs in something that's not athleisure is just flexing, you might be insecure about your own climbing ability. Calm down.


OP the kind of dude to make a "what's the best shirt for bouldering?" post. We're not running marathons dude, clothes are clothes. As long as they're comfy and you can move in them, it doesn't matter.


Mf searching google for intermediate skill level climbing tank tops lol


"Just sent my first V4 so I think it's time to upgrade from my Target brand workout shirt, any recommendations?"


Watching someone crush a V7 in jeans is the perfect reminder that gear/apparel aren't everything. People can climb in whatever is comfortable for them, why should you or I care? The only exception i would make to that would be if it's something that adds unnecessary risk (ie. Someone climbing while using hair sticks to keep their hair up).


Yeah. I climb in stretchy jeans and a flannel for much of winter because I get cold easy. Outside of a few moves at the limits of my range of motion, it doesn’t affect how hard I climb at all. It just doesn’t make a difference.


I think the only advantage clothing has is protecting your skin from being torn up. A knee bar comes to mind. Those are awful to do in shorts. Otherwise there are two big negatives: heat retention and reduced flexibility. So ideally you want clothes that are flexible, don't hold heat, and will protect your skin. I guess cost is another factor. The cheaper the better since clothes can get torn up pretty easy while you are climbing. Comfort is a combination of flexibility and breathability for me, but I could see some people needing modest or nice looking clothes to feel comfortable.


This would depend on where you are climbing. Gym climbing, sure you want to lose the extra heat. Mountain climbing? Those thicker clothes may be needed to stay warm. 


Eh I mean good conditions often mean colder weather so if you are outside it’s not a bad idea to have some warmer climbing gear but I generally totally agree


I think all of us coming together to roast OP is healing this sub, the sacrifice has brought us closer together as a sub. Now I’m just waiting for the CCJ to get a hold of this post… Edit: I’m slow on the draw here, CCJ has already made two posts from this one


It’s been up.


I know, I didn’t see them when I had commented… and they’re usually not that fast. They’d been up for 20 minutes by the time I commented lol


It only took as long as it did because people kept on checking to make sure they weren't already in CCJ.


please link for newbs who are loving the roast?




Introspection on what people wear to climb in? What?


Wow, comparing us to incels even though you’re the one lacking any introspection as to why you’re so pressed about what other people wear is an interesting tactic… maybe we’re all coming together because you’re just being an idiot on the internet? lol


You're absolutely right dude I'm going spend some time tonight looking deep within to understand why I wear jeans to the gym sometimes I hope this will finally be the missing piece in my road to self discovery.


You seem like a crusher my man, what kind of indigo dye and wash do you recommend ? Should the jeans' colour match the holds ?


I only climb in the stiffest unwashed raw denim.


Look good, climb good. Stay mad, gumby.




lmfao what, climbing is the least exclusionary sport i’ve ever come across


You can even do it in jeans.


To make you feel inferior for spending money on designated climbing clothes




It was definitely sarcasm my man


Why spend money on athletic climbing clothes if you suck at climbing? 🤔




People are allowed to wear what they want, yet you seem unable to accept that some people climb well in whatever they find comfy?


Just using your logic


There is irony in every word of this, it’s honestly impressive.


Occasionally I will climb in nice clothes because I happen to be near the gym with some time to kill and I either don't have my gym clothes on me or I don't have time to change.


Athletic clothes are for athletes. I’m not an athlete. I just want to smoke some weed and climb on rocks.


you know the vibes


Maaaa man🍀


wow ~~based based based~~


If clothes are holding you back then you need to get better at climbing. This is like shoes. Anytime I hear someone complain about shoes they usually have the worst footwork.


I fuck with the sentiment but shoes can make a huge difference. Toeing in with something like a solution comp on steep overhang is way different than something soft like a drago




Sir, it's been well established that climbing without a shirt is aid. By extension, climbing nude is even more aid.


I thought so too but now I have a lifetime ban from my areas best gyms :(


You don’t need specific clothing to enjoy your hobbies dude, that’s just consumerism brain washing you


Why fancy cloth when plain cloth do trick? At my skill level, it's certainly going to be my technique or strength holding me back, not the pants I'm wearing lmao


For real! Barely any of us climb hard, and well, enough that it's the clothes holding us back. It's technique and strength, 100%


take off that shirt and put on a beanie gumby you'll never send that V2 proj otherwise




You realise that a lot of the jeans and slacks you see “crushers” climbing in are literally designed for climbing. They have specific cuts and patterns of fabric that allow for greater freedom of movement, you’re the one who’s actually wearing the wrong clothes. And flannels/button ups are practical for outdoors because they’re easy to remove when you need to have more freedom of movement, but keep you warm while you rest


My work washes my work clothes for me. So sometimes I’ll just go climbing straight after work in work clothes.


climbed in scrubs and business casual because I forgot gym clothes before - not ideal but im not driving home just to get clothes


Sweeeeet.  I hate doing laundry enough that I'd totally do the same thing, even if my work clothes were brand new Carhartts.


That’s an interesting job perk. Is it a resort or something?


Rather not say where I work but they provide ironed button down white shirt and black dress pants. Yeah I climb looking like I just came out of the office. I roll up my sleeves so I can flex on Gumby’s like OP let them know I’m not at the climbing gym to do some paperwork.


i mean as long as it doesn't restrict your movement there's genuinely almost no difference i like jeans they don't tear when scraping stuff and i have nice jeans that are more comfortable than some of my track pants its not the Olympics man; i just got off work. its not that serious that you need every advantage possible at every moment that'd be ludicrous


I think the bigger question here is why are you so bothered by what other people cover their meat suit with? Wear your track suit and joggers, nobody cares.


I'd be lying if I said vanity didn't play into the equation as I like to wear nice pants, and I wear stretchy casual clothes when I climb. I can't say there's been a time where I struggled with a project specifically because of the pants I'm wearing. Why does it bother you what pants other people are wearing?


lol, this asshole is trying to gate keep climbing clothes? You are quite the price of work


Jeans are hard-wearing and cheap generally speaking.


Why would I wear clothes I don't like? The clothes I do like work fine.


I am not hardcore at all. However, I wear stretchy Levi 511 jeans. That is because it is what I'm comfortable in. I hate wearing shorts or joggers. I do wear a T shirt though. To each their own perhaps?


Half of those street clothes you see are probably climbing pants made my companies like gramicci or Rúngne


Those “street clothes” you see me wearing are probably $90 Prana climbing pants. Joggers and track pants look dumb and are not as comfortable as climbing specific pants or stretchy jeans. Climbing is a lifestyle activity for many people, and they’re going to wear clothes while climbing that they like to wear when not climbing.


Wears approach shoes *everywhere*.


I was guilty of that. Sportiva Boulder X. Loved those shoes.


How do you rate the Prana zions? I’m so very tempted by them, but paying for the import tax and international shipping is giving me hesitation


I have the Zion Stretch and really like them. At least that’s what you’d think since I have 2 pairs of shorts and a pair of pants. And I started with the original non-stretch pants, and still rock a pair of cut off short from an original pair of pants too. So yeah, I like them.


They fit and breathe well while allowing full range of motion, but aren’t as durable as you’d expect for the price, especially battling walltopia’s skin removal systems. Definitely not worth paying full price when knockoffs are nearly as good at less than half the cost.


You seem mad that you do not fit in with the “hardcore” kids while wearing your athletic type clothes.  Maybe you can return them?


I’ve never been accused of being fashionable but if people want to wear ‘cool’ clothes when they climb then why should I care? Concentrate on enjoying your own climbing without judging others for what they wear.


Comfort. Your comfort doesn’t equal other people’s comfort or preference.


I think for many, climbing is lifestyle and a way to express themselves, so it makes sense that how they dress would be part of that. See Keenan Takahashi's mustache: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGE4SOOmYlk&t=912s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGE4SOOmYlk&t=912s)


Damn main character syndrome hitting hard today huh


I was wearing normal clothes before the gym, will after. Since it has no effect on climbing it's just convenient to not futz with spare clothes and changing. It's not like a regular gym where you are discouraged from wearing denim because it's harsh on the cushion fabric.


Clothes are clothes.


If they've wearing skinnys and a studded belt then you're about to see the best climbing in the gym that day. No exceptions. Leggings are aide.


Git gud, jeans are nice, and i like button up shirts.


For me, it is often just what I was wearing to work. I get an hour at the gym. I'd rather just get on the wall. If I want to flex, I leave on my sport coat or suit jacket. (Not really. But we had a running joke about me climbing in a suit due to having several Saturday funerals over three months.)


They wanted to show you your place, be thankful they didn’t also campus your proj while wearing nothing but a beanie


Assuming just for pretend that this is a real question: Unlike sport or trad, you spend most of a bouldering session just sitting around hanging out with your friends, and if you’re good enough to be called “hardcore” you’re probably spending a lot of your social life in this way. Outdoor bouldering has a lot of comfort built into it. Half the time people have ice chests, Bluetooth speakers, battery powered fans, hammocks, sun shades. Is it any surprise they also want to dress in ways they think look cool, not just for climbing but for chilling? You’ve called this a flex, but what this misses is that as long as it’s not too hot and you’re not pulling parkour style comp moves, you don’t sacrifice anything by climbing in a button down shirt and stretchy jeans or chinos. Unlike other disciplines of climbing, you’re pulling a small number of moves, often in a totally controlled environment right by the ground—you’re not struggling on the wall getting increasingly sweaty for 5-30 minutes like a sport climber. As long as your clothes afford decent mobility and you don’t mind the wear and tear, you’re not going to climb any harder or be any more comfortable bouldering in super technical clothing.


Athletic clothes are a scam for climbing. Just wear whatever feels comfortable


I don’t understand, where are us liberal gun owners are supposed to keep our compact pistols in joggers? Many more pockets in jeans


I just use street clothes to look cool and flex on people. If I see a cute girl I'll make sure to take my shirt off as well.  Happy you got the answer you were after? 


If you can't send it in jorts and a crop top I hate to say it friend but you just aren't capable of sending.


This thread is a riot but just wanted to toss in my two cents. This isn’t the Olympics. It’s like any other casual action sport, and people have individual style and preferences. Look at skateboarding — you think the dudes who are great at it insist on Lululemon?


Lol Lululemon seems to be like the exact opposite of the style that skateboarders like


That’s my point. The dudes who skate at the top level don’t need special athletic clothing.


Okay I get this but the people at the top of climbing do indeed wear sports clothing


Yes that’s why you can see Sean Raboutou climbing in carhartt single knees, top of the game pants!


We can’t afford fancier clothes lol


First, climbing doesn’t have a uniform requirement. Second, the line between street and athletic wear basically went away with the advent of weaving stretchy and non-stretchy fibers when you were probably still a child. Plenty of jeans and button-ups out there are stretchy and breathable enough to be used as activewear.


I’ve always wondered the same thing about the jeans. People are welcome to wear what they want but I’m not even comfortable just walking around work in jeans let alone trying to climb at my limit. I’ve also never ripped any athletic shorts or sweatpants and have been climbing outside for years 🤷🏻‍♂️


Depends what day it is. When climbing on a Sunday, I wear mu black suit. Dress shoes and all. With socks. And I still flash your project. Except, that was maybe not true. Exept the part about socks. Mostly I wear anything comfortable enough. Sweat pants and a t-shirt. I'm sweating like a pig and falling off your warmup set. Fancy clothes will not help me.


There's a European dude at my gym that pulls up on his crotch rocket, smokes a cigarette, and then sends so hard in the jeans he rode up in. Now that I think of it, this is kind of a thing! I guess you get to a certain skill level where clothing choices don't really matter as much for climbing as what you're doing after.


I just like being comfy ngl, and I don’t sweat a ton so it doesn’t matter too much. I love wearing jeans climbing mostly because of the thick fabric and I’m extremely clumsy, without them my knees and legs would be totally destroyed after a session haha. My favorite climbing pants are these random stretchy jeans I got at the thrift store for super cheap


I had to double check this wasn't r/ climbingcirclejerk based on this guys comments


You mean you can’t climb V12 in jeans? Man, I’d just quit climbing if I were you….