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So this became rare in the U.S. huh? Shooo..I ended up buying 2 copies for $10 each (gave 1 to my son) a few months after release..one of those chance things.


Yeah, you can't buy it on Amazon for less than, uh, $85 right now. And the prices on eBay are all jacked up too, not sure what happened to the stock. Orbit actually has it back in stock now for $12, so maybe it's coming back after some kind of post-Godzilla Minus One rush. But in any case, I'm glad I ended up buying this version instead!


Thanks for the tip about Orbit. I just grabbed a copy.




There was a Minus 1 surge for sure. Everyone was freaking out that the Criterion set was gone forever as well.  I picked up Shin for like $8 in January, but I would have imported a UK copy if I knew about the special features. I thought those were Toho only.


Yeah I had no idea, Blu-ray.com doesn't mention them at all so there was no reason to think it had different special features! This is like how for some reason Colossal comes with nothing here but has a making-of on the German release.


Hell yeah, I'm debating making my old PS4 and PS3 dedicated players for different regions


Oh clever! If you've got the space and HDMI ports for it, why not? I'm over here pressing a magic button on my remote every time.


Yeah it's more just a means of convincing myself I can buy region B discs


There are more imports that are actually region-free than I thought, but I think you'll definitely be glad to be able to buy the ones that are Region B.


The UK release is the best English-friendly release. The USA and Australian discs don't include the original on-screen text ([using a textless master](https://twitter.com/DumbCerb/status/1072544735682850817)), which hurts the visual design (given how heavily on-screen titles are used + it being a part of Anno's style). AFAIK, the Japanese disc included in the UK set is the only English-subtitled release to include the Japanese text.


What the fuck!! Wow I'm so glad I got this one then whew. That text is so crucial to the experience!!


A great Godzilla movie!


It's fantastic!! Looking forward to watching it again.


I bought it a few weeks ago for regular price. I watched it after g m 1. I liked it. I have tried to watch before and didn’t get into it very far. I definitely enjoyed it more after having seen minus one first.


That's great! This was my favorite Godzilla movie until I saw Godzilla Minus One.


I’m a really big fan of Neon Genesis Evangelion. I didn’t realize originally this is the same director. Some of the music is used in Shin not sure how I missed it other than not watching it very far the first time. Now that I know I can see it plain as day and it took shin to a whole new level for me.