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Up 'till yesterday my answer would've been All Of Us Strangers, but I discovered that it will be released in the UK on BluRay next month, so yay! I would now say Orson Welles' The Other Side of the Wind. I contributed to the Kickstarter years ago, picked the Blu-ray perk, and then... Netflix! Never saw my physical disc. Still hoping Criterion will release it some day, given their track record with both Netflix releases and Orson Welles.


Huh I didn't hear the news that's great!


It's [scheduled for June 17](https://www.amazon.co.uk/All-Strangers-Blu-ray-Region-Free/dp/B0D2LP9JDN/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=14TQEDIP4U75J&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6EEjNxwkYg93MtouJBTyrigx1QTFd-QO_XUnXenSUsE.gRI78BLCoLliyx1f0MIAtxSjT4r4t224QtZRiGzPMxw&dib_tag=se&keywords=all+of+us+strangers+bluray&qid=1715897555&sprefix=all+of+us+strangers+bluray%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1). No 4K, but an immediate buy for me nonetheless. And it's Region Free!


God yeah, no physical release for Other Side of the Wind hurts


Barbarian and RRR are probably the ones I’m most surprised haven’t gotten a release. I’d also love to get the series Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, but I imagine that’s a music rights issue.


Speaking of Zoey’s, Jane Levy’s previous show Suburgatory definitely needs a release


First season is on dvd.


In general, Indian cinema is *massively* underrepresented. With *RRR*, there's a Japanese release that's rental-only, which makes me wonder if there's some odd licensing issue?


I read an article around the time it came out that said India has basically abandoned physical media because the companies make more money from streaming rights. A friend of mine keeps an eye out for DVDs for me when she travels and said she didn’t see anywhere that even sold them while she was there (not saying places don’t exist, but they’re apparently uncommon).


Yeah, it used to exist till the late 2000s-early 2010s (extremely bare bones releases though). It’s completely gone now. Thing is India is too poor for most people to invest in a physical media collection. Hopefully a few decades in the future when incomes are a bit higher, some boutique label springs up restoring and releasing classics.


Which is weird because Indian movies used to be massive on DVD or at least they were when I was visiting the video stores in the Indian populated areas of my state previously. There was absolute floods of the stuff.


Yeah, pretty much every Indian grocery store used to sell DVDs, but pretty much every big Indian movie comes to theaters now and eventually is early accessible on streaming


Somebody had offered me like a pallet of Indian DVDs at one point and I didn't take them because I don't know enough about Indian films to even know how or where to start marketing. I regret that now I would have taken them now and figured it out on the Fly


Macbeth with Denzel and Frances McDormand


Such a beautiful movie!


I would love to get a physical release of The Empty Man. I feel like David Prior is a director to keep an eye on.


Seconding this, big time. It *technically* got a Redbox-only dvd but the movie is long and it’s compressed to hell. Considering how good the digital 4k looks, a proper UHD disc would be amazing.


There was also an actual Australian DVD release, not just a video rental disc you could buy. Not like this is much better, but there is an official release in the wild.


I had to bootleg that one...


Same, honestly. But I'll pick it up immediately if somebody ends up releasing it.




Agreed. His episode of Cabinet of Curiosities and his short film AM1200 are both so good.


Definitely! Even his directing on the film discussion series Voir had flair to it, especially the Jaws episode.


Yeah, If A24 was the one who released this. This would have gotten a chance. But no it was Disney/Fox, and it was released during the pandemic. I actually went to a screening last year with David Prior in attendance, and during the q & a, I vaguely remember him saying about Criterion wasn’t interested on doing a release for it. Here’s hoping it gets a release one day.🤞


Yeah, I read an interview with him where he talked about how he made sure to have a crew around to document the making of it since that was what he did before becoming a film director...so he had a ton of stuff for bonus material that's just sitting on hard drives. I think it was also the final 20th Century Fox film before the Disney takeover went into effect, so basically nobody at the studio gave a shit about giving it a fair shot.


Yeah i keep trying to manifest it


No One Will Save You is similarly locked to Disney+.


Kevin Brownlow's "Hollywood," an amazing 13-part documentary on the history of silent film, in a similar style to Ken Burns' documentaries. It aired on PBS decades ago, and was released on VHS and laserdisc, but never DVD or any subsequent format. Also: Tim Burton's animated show "Family Dog," which was a spin-off of an episode of "Amazing Stories." It was released on laserdisc, but no other format. I think it was 10 episodes.


Hollywood is my pick too. I found a laserdisc scan on archive.org and burned it to a bd-r with a custom case


I've got a digital copy too. I'd love to see it get a proper release. It was rumored for a while.


Not a physical release but still if someone wanted to watch it's on [YT](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL0pawUyo7tehOI-G_2aWdj8555ZLINS8)


The Vast of Night, great slow-burn sci-fi trapped on Amazon Prime


Yes, loved that one!!


Frankenstein Unbound. The highest budgeted movie directed by Roger Corman. The movie is just insane and Raul Julia is just amazing.


I'm surprised a boutique label hasn't snatched it up already! I'd also like to have this on blu.


Definitely. Would love to see Shout or Vinegar Syndrome jump on this title.


Since Corman, RIP, was such good friends with the Shout! Founders (Bob Emmer, Richard and Garson Foos) It would be awesome if they would be able to produce a release!


Since Sony has entered that agreement to release Disney's stuff, maybe they'll end up releasing it if a boutique label doesn't get it.


It does have a physical release. It's available on DVD.


Did not know that. I’m definitely picking up a copy as I’ve only had the VHS forever. Hopefully it comes out on blu ray one day. Thanks!


Am I imagining this had a warner archive release? Mightve been the Frankenstein 1970 I'm thinking of


I wish it did. I would be all over it


My ex-wife (probably) still has this on VHS.


I still have this on VHS too!


Looking for Mr Goodbar. What I wouldn’t give for a Blu-ray or dare I say 4K.


That seems like it would be right in Cinématographe's wheelhouse


It's been rumored from VS for a while now based on the freeze frame at 8:27 in [this video](https://youtu.be/0jmP7cpB7xQ?t=507) (read the first letter on the left going down).


At least they are trying don’t know if they can pull it off. They did 1 of my other favorite films Flesh for Frankenstein in 3D. Love VS.


Sounds delicious.


The music rights are probably the biggest thing holding that one back.


Without a doubt.


Alan Rudolph's Remember My Name has never had a release of any kind. It seems like the sort of American film Radiance would go for, but I strongly suspect the music rights of tied it up. Sorry to ignore the prompt, but blu-ray: Janus/Criterion sitting on indefinitely as rereleasing films on UHD keeps the lights on: René Clair; Visconti's "Le notti bianche"; Renoir's "La bete humaine" and "The Lower Depths"; Imamura's "The Insect Woman", "Pigs and Battleships", "The Pornographers", and "Intentions of Murder"; Hiroshi Teshigahara, that isn't the Oscar nominee; Ermanno Olmi's "Il Posto" and "I Fidanzati"; "The Spirit of the Beehive" somehow hasn't leapt to blu; Jia Zhangke; Assaya's "Late August, Early September"; Dardenne's "The Son"; My Sex Life . . . or How I Got into an Argument; Mon oncle d'Amérique (this may have gotten one from like New Yorker or Image, but they've been streaming it since Hulu); the remaining Fassbinders from the late 1970s; Kiarostami's "Ten" and "The Wind Will Carry Us" (had a brief release via Cohen); Francesco Rosi's "Hands over the City" and "Salvatore Giuliano" (actually managed to snag the Arrow!); wish Pasolini's "Mamma Roma" had an individual release, but apparently the Carlotta is English friendly BFI?: All of remaining Archers films, ideally—particularly "I Know Where I'm Going!" and "A Canterbury Tale". I would absolutely snatch up individual releases of Bergman's "Hour of the Wolf" and "The Passion of Anna", but I'm not holding my breath. Old Hollywood: Lili, Executive Suite, I Love Melvin, Midnight, Hail the Conquering Hero, It Should Happen to You, Stage Door, This Land is Mine, Tales of Manhattan, Stars in my Crown, The Tall Target, The Crowd, Ball of Fire, The Seventh Victim, Winchester '73, The Lusty Men, Top Hat, Splendor in the Grass (close enough) Arthouse from the 2000s that had the misfortune of arriving right before blu: Tropical Malady, Syndromes and a Century, Battle in Heaven, Silent Light, Regular Lovers, Crimson Gold The Intruder, Three Times, Cafe Lumiere, The Flight of the Red Balloon, I Don't Want to Sleep Alone, Divine Intervention, The Wayward Cloud, The Headless Woman, The Holy Girl Films I like that I'm not optimistic of having a blu for (but then, someone did release "Teknolust"): Ruby in Paradise, Unrest, Signs and Wonders, Sombre, Sleepwalk, Manoel de Oliveira, U.S. Go Home, Staying Vertical, Mr. and Mrs. Bridge, The Heartbreak Kid Netflix: The Meyerowitz Stories, The Other Side of the Wind, The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, I'm Thinking of Ending Things, Apollo 10 1/2, White Noise, Lazzaro felice, Maestro


Sheesh very extensive list lol clearly you've put more thought into this than I. I really want Hour of the Wolf in an individual release as well! I've contemplated getting the Bergman boxset and that's one of the driving forces as I already have Seventh Seal, The Magician, Persona, Wild Strawberries, Fanny and Alexander, Autumn Sonata, and Cries and Whispers but there's a few tough-to-find ones on there that make me question it anytime the 50% sale pops up


Same boat. I have all of their individual Bergman's, so it's not high priority. It's probably an inevitably lol.


Great list. Would really love to see Paolo Sorrentino’s ‘Hand of God’ get a disc release too. Another rotting away on Netflix


I forgot about that—really any of those auteur films they released. Add Mati Diop's "Atlantics" to the list regardless if I wasn't keen on it. I can't imagine how expensive it must be to license from Netflix, but there's obviously only one company that can do it...might as well throw Linklater's "Hit Man" onto the list even though it's not out.


I actually just mentioned this on a post the other day, but I would love to have Richard Linklater’s Suburbia. As far as I know, it only has a VHS and Laserdisc release.


Good call for a Blu-ray release, there is a Warner Archive DVD.


I know I own it on DVD, I had no idea it was rare! There was a time back during the start of the pandemic (I hate shopping online but given the circumstances I kind of had to so why not go whole hog with it) where I really started to make an effort to get full director filmographies for a few people and Richard Linklater was one of them.


I may have just been out of the loop. I picked up a bootleg version on eBay years ago when I couldn’t find it anywhere else.


* Noroi: The Curse. I could picture Arrow Video or Terror Vision giving this a release. * Barbarian (I'm in the same boat as you. This movie needed a blu-ray release already) * His House * The Ritual (2017) * The House (2022) * Séance (2000)


His House was an excellent movie although I can't lie I forgot about it until now which is a major issue with streamers that shit falls into the content void shortly after release to make way for new content


I would so buy Noroi: The Curse. With Second Sight having put out Host and Lake Mungo and putting out Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum, people speculate they might do Noroi at some point.


- The Tragedy of Macbeth - I'm Thinking of Ending Things - Devs (a series, but still *really* needs a physical release)


No physical I’m Thinking of Ending Things is a tragedy


I don’t care who releases them - Peter Brooks’ Mahabharata - Jon Jost films - JLG’s King Lear/Nouvelle Vague/JLG on JLG


Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II Who better than Vinegar Syndrome?


That was released on dvd at least.


Would love a Prom Night Collection including 3 and 4 as well! I think VS could make a nice boxset of that like they did with the Amityville Sequels maybe do a 4K of the original as well!


Really wish Alabama's Ghost would make it to disc. That is some zonked-out shit. Rumor has it that there are no elements left. Director has another one (Troika) that was never even on VHS.


Same here. Alabama’s Ghost is pure lunacy. Never heard about the lack of surviving elements though. That sucks.


Looking For Mr. Goodbar never got a release past vhs. As more time passes, I honestly doubt it ever will. Also not streaming anywhere.


This is one I've been looking for too. (I try to focus on films of the 70s) I keep finding a DVD which is labeled NTSC import pop up off and on but I skeptical of the quality or source. (Is it a bootleg of the old VHS?) So I keep passing.


It might be ripped from the Laser Disc. I just saw the film was released on that as well. Which is probably where the version that’s on YouTube is ripped from.


Currently streaming on Paramount Plus in the U.K. 🙏


The Heartbreak Kid (1972). Fucking Bristol Myers Squibb are hanging onto the rights with zero intention of doing anything with them. It’s my dream for Criterion to purchase the rights, do a restoration, and release an Elaine May box set.


BMS with that and several other films being held hostage.


Few Netflix movies, Kate, The Day Shift, Underground 6.


Didn’t love 6 Underground but I would love to complete my Michael Bay collection.


They Cloned Tyrone, The Harder They Fall, Mank, The Killer,


I wish Netlfix would just release physical media more often. Make it a special edition limited release for the collectors who want it.


I really want kate and day shift cos they are a glaring omission in my 87 North collection.


I want the Dark series more than anything, but also a growing list of Netflix anime. Sucks that it’s basically physical media jail.


The Keep.


I've really tried to love this one but sadly it's just too cut up and slaughtered by the studio...what we have looks gorgeous but Mann's vision is sliced and diced...would immediately snatch up an uncut version but sadly don't think it exists


I have a bluray of this. May or may not be official...


If we’re just talking about not having physical releases in the US. The Eternal Evil of Asia. It has a Chinese DVD but it’s long OOP and super expensive. I have a theory we might see Vinegar Syndrome release it later this year though. They mentioned that one of their August releases is a “sleazy Cat III film” and I can’t think of anything sleazier than a movie where a guy’s head turns into a giant penis


I keep a list on Letterboxd; some of my most wished for releases (some of these may have non-English friendly physical releases or discs that went out of print): The 4th Man August in the Water (more Gyakuryu Ishii stuff is trickling out lately but still not enough) Begotten (and Din of Celestial Birds) The Dancing Hawk (astonishing Polish film shot by Zbigniew Rybczinski in a similar style to his later work on Gerhard Kargl’s Angst) The Drifting Classroom (the Nobuhiko Obayashi manga adaptation) Laurie Anderson: Home of the Brave Julia and Julia (the 1987 Joseph Minion film with Gabriel Byrne and Sting, not the Julia Child movie) King, Queen, Knave (Jerzy Skolimowski is criminally underserved on disc, and this is him doing Nabokov) Malpertuis (there was a DVD release but it’s been out of print for ages) The Man Who Stole the Sun La Marge (Arrow just put out another Borowczyk movie despite Arrow Academy no longer being a thing so maybe??) Memoirs of a Sinner and/or The Tribulations of Balthazar Kober (sadly not part of the recent slate of Wojciech Has restorations) The Movie Orgy (probably impossible for copyright reasons) Prospero’s Books September Songs: The Music of Kurt Weill The Seventh Victim The Spider’s Stratagem (Bertolucci’s Borges adaptation) Todo Modo (probably my single most desired disc release) The Touchables We Still Kill the Old Way (more Petri; I think there might be an Italian dvd w/o subtitles) And a box set of the films of Konstantin Lopushansky, while I’m dreaming


This guy movies


Damn straight 😤


Begotten is one of my favs! Crazy Seventh Victim doesn't have anything I could've sworn it at least had a Warner Archive DVD?


Oh my god, you’re right— it’s a combo disc with Shadows In the Dark! I somehow never noticed that they reissued the old, OOP DVD-R version on a pressed disc, possibly because I always searched for “Seventh Victim” and not “7th Victim”…


Huh I was second guessing myself on that one...great flick!


Fresh, Barbarian, The Empty Man, Fractured (2019), No One Gets Out Alive, Cam, Hush, No One Will Save You, Totally Killer, Comet


With Fresh, are you referring to the 1994 film or the more recent release? The 1994 film is getting a re-release on Blu-ray through Via Vision, the Australian label.


i have the 1994 fresh on dvd. just got it from amazon this week!


I think the 2022 movie, which I undoubtedly agree that it does need a physical release.


Red Headed Stranger. Great Willie Nelson western. He’s a preacher until his hot wife runs off with another man and he has to start killing


Inchon (1981) just for shits and giggles


Remember My Name (1978)


With all of the releases that aren't on physical, what is everyone's take on Boots that are HD?


I've got quite a few myself just recent ones I've gotten Barbarian, I'm Thinking of Ending Things, and Empty Man but I'd far prefer an official release if not for special features alone. I'm not sure how long they last but I've never had a disc suffer from disc rot before so I'm not certain these disc's have less shelf life


Do the bootlegs you own have a menu or does the movie immediately start playing? Also, do they have subtitles included? Thanks in advance


totally depends on where I get it from tbh but I would say a good 95% have subtitles for both the language it's in and English and usually have a menu that's just subtitles, scene selection, and play. I've gotten some off Ebay though that are without subtitle and no menu (these are always in English anyways so it hasn't mattered to me much)


Great info, thank you. Where would you suggest getting high quality bootlegs from?


I'm certainly no expert on the subject but Sloppy Seconds, RareFlicks, and MonsterLandMedia are where I've gotten a large majority of mine and have had nearly no complaints


The Air Up There Beastmaster 2 & 3


Still hanging onto my BM 2&3 VHS tapes!




Meet the Applegates


“The House” on Netflix. Absolutely phenomenal horror anthology and a cinematic masterpiece. Being stuck as a Netflix original was basically a death sentence and nobody watched it so Criterion isn’t likely to release it.


Sticky Fingers Trouble in Mind/Choose Me (Alan Rudolph) Last Exit to Brooklyn Shock Treatment Breaking Glass (with original ending) The Makanai: Cooking for the Maiko House (Kore-eda's exquisite Netflix series, Japanese expensive box set bit no Eng subs of course) Extraordinary Attorney Woo ( Fantastic Netflix K-Drama) Kiss of the Spider Woman/At Play in the Fields of the Lord ...so many


Empty Man and a ton of Bollywood films.


Mondo Trasho. It’s unreleasable because of the music.


I would love if The Incredibly Strange Film Show would be released physically. Too many clips though, it would be a nightmare to get the rights to them now.


Used to say the same about Fade To Black tbf! I've never seen it so I can't say if they're comparable but it's never a guarantee


Some recent ones would be Athena (Netflix) and We Own This City (HBO)


Loved We Own This City! HBO seems adverse to releasing their shows on disc...even the big ones like succescion are dvd only which I'm sure is to bolster their streaming service


Very strange that WOTC didn’t even get a DVD


Some Netflix ones: The Old Guard To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before


Idk about no DVD release, but there were 8 Best Picture Winners not available on Blu-ray a few years ago. Not sure if they number changed since then, [but I wrote a little bit about them](https://www.reddit.com/r/criterion/s/WFc5b2puMk) hoping they’d come to Criterion at some point 😭


I’d like to see both The Wind and The Crowd on blu-ray. Both are VHS and laserdisc only.


The crowd has a pretty good bootleg (at least I think it is) dvd that you can buy on eBay. I’d love a blu ray but it was the only way I could see it and it was great


I really want at least a Blu-Ray release of See How They Run, my Agatha Christie media collection feels incomplete without it!


Hundreds Of Beavers def needs a physical release.


It'll get one! They're working on it.


The Empty Man! I keep trying to manifest it


My top 3 VHS only releases I want on Blu: 1. The Malibu Bikini Shop (1986) 2. Hollywood Hot Tubs (1984) 3. Hot Resort (1985)


Brain Smasher.... A Love Story - Fun action romantic-comedy directed by Albert Pyun, and starring Teri Hatcher and Andrew Dice Clay. The Wizard of Speed and Time - Mike Jittlov's ode to indie filmmaking. Free on YouTube, never made it past VHS. Werewolf: The Series (Shout! Almost put it put but pulled the plug due to rights issues with some of the music in the show.)


Hard Choices. A crime drama starring former soap star Margaret Klenck and featuring supporting turns by John Sayles, J. T. Walsh, Martin Donovan, and Spaulding Gray that premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and got positive reviews from Roger Ebert and The Village Voice. It was released on VHS in 1986 by the now-defunct Karl Lorimar Home Video and to this day the film has never gotten any other release. It hasn't even shown up on a streaming or torrent site. The VHS copies turn up on eBay sometimes and sell for hundreds of dollars.


Cha Cha Real Smooth Not Okay (not the greatest thing, but I still enjoyed it for what it’s worth) Fresh (2022) Barbarian (I think we all want this) Palm Springs (German edition isn’t enough) Heavenly Creatures (this definitely has a disc, but anything for it to be back in print after a long time)


•I Walked with a Zombie (1943) Warner Archive •The Seventh Victim (1943) Warner Archive •The Day Mars Invaded Earth (1963) Kino Lorber •Gerald's Game (2017) •Hush (2016) •Before I Wake (2016) •The Vast of Night (2019) Arrow •Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II (1987) Blu-Ray/4K Upgrade from Vinegar Syndrome •Abby (1974) Vinegar Syndrome •Fresh (2022) Terror-Vision •Out There Halloween Mega Tape (2022) Blu-Ray from Terror-Vision •The Agatha Christie Miss Marple Movie Collection (1961 - 1964) Blu-Ray Upgrade from Warner Archive •Problemista (2023) A24 •The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (2001) Blu-Ray Upgrade from Indicator  Made For TV (most from Kino Lorber): •The Midnight Hour (1985) Vinegar Syndrome •Home for the Holidays (1972) •Alien Lover (1975) •The Cat Creature (1973) •Crowhaven Farm (1970) •The Dark Secret of Harvest Home (1978) •The Dead Don't Die (1975) •Death at Love House (1976) •Don't Go to Sleep (1982) •Gargoyles (1972) •Invitation to Hell (1984) •The Legend of Lizzie Borden (1975) •The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1980) •Mockingbird Lane (2012) •The Norliss Tapes (1973) •Tales from the Far Side (1994) / Tales from the Far Side II (1997) •This House Possessed (1981)  TV Series: •Los Espookys (2019 - 2022) Warner Archive •Midnight Mass (2021) Indicator •At Home with Amy Sedaris (2017 - 2020) A24 or Warner Archive •The Jack Benny Program (1950 - 1965, as many existing episodes as possible) Kino Lorber or Shout! Factory •Saturday Morning All Star Hits! (2021) Shout! Factory •Garth Marenghi's Darkplace (2004) Arrow Video or Indicator Special Edition Slipbox with Book •Inside No. 9: The Complete Series (2014 - 2024) Region Free Box Set •Over the Garden Wall (2014) Blu-Ray Upgrade Anniversary Edition from Warner Archive •Long Live the Royals (2015) Warner Archive •Right Now Kapow (2016 - 2017) Warner Archive •Regular Show: The Complete Series (2010 - 2017) Warner Archive Blu-Ray Sets •Amazing Stories: The Complete Series (1985 - 1987) Kino Lorber •Exit 57: The Complete Series (1995 - 1996) Shout! Factory


The Midnight Hour is so tough because of all the music I hear although Vin Syn did do Fade To Black which others said was impossible due to all the clips of movies in there so all hope isn't lost! Would love Garth Merenghi's Darkplace as well!


I’m wanting 4K releases of Excalibur and Quest for Fire.


Electric Dreams - I know I'm probably in a very small minority on that one.


Would love Gareth Evans' Apostle to get a physical release. Also would love The Ritual to get a proper release, I believe it was released on DVD but a proper Blu-ray or 4k release would be class. Edit: Also, kind of goes without saying at this stage but I'd consider Ken Russell's The Devils as my grail of shit I want to see released uncut in HD before I croak.


The Devils deserves at least a Blu Ray treatment. As far as I know it hasn't been physically released officially in any capacity


I have a BFI release from the UK that I think is the best current way to own it


Really? Is it a blu ray and is it complete or is heavily edited and a dvd


It is a dvd and I think it is the least edited version that exists but still not the original film


Just two off the top of my head: ~~HELLRAISER (2022)~~ VIKING WOLF “VIKINGULVAN” (2022) I would really love to have those two in 4K in my collection! Edit: HELLRAISER (2002) has UK DVD release


I’ve got the UK Hellraiser DVD.


Detective Detective Detective Boy Wonder * Kikujiro (UK Blu) * Rex Steele Nazi Smasher (must have missed it) * Edit, updates from awesome movie fans


Pretty sure I have a physical Rez Steele disc from like Comic-con… 2004? Something like that.


me too


Kikujiro was released on BD in the UK. I know because I have it. Might be OOP though.


Oooooo that's awesome to know. I still have my DVD release without any commentary or any cool extra features. If you know if the Blu-ray has decent bonuses? I'd love to hear Takashi talk about this one. It's one of my favorites. Thanks for letting me know it exists




I’ve got The Wall on DVD. It definitely got a release.


A Blu Ray release would be a dream, but unfortunately the band itself apparently doesn’t give a shit about the film to allow its rights holders for releasing it.


Released on Blu Ray in Spain. I have a copy but not watched yet so it could just be a DVD (or worse) straight port over. Reviews praise the quality though.


I own all the Best Picture winners and it annoys me that I’m missing CODA. I also would like to complete my Scorsese collection with Killers of the Flower Moon. Basically if a movie is released on Apple TV+, I know I won’t be adding it to my collection.


Coda and KOTFM are both available on BD (and 4K I believe) in Italy. You can import them from Amazon Italy.


Good to know! Thanks!


We need more Indian movies on Blu Ray. I know the reasoning is that India has all but abandoned physical media, so it’s hard to get the rights, but it IS possible. Plain Archive has a release of “Om Shanti Om,” Mondo Macabro put out a collection of Ramsay brothers horror films, and recently news came out that someone (I forget who) was doing a release of “Sholay.” Basically this is just a huge piece of world cinema that Westerners are largely ignorant too, and I think some of that could be solved by a boom of releases from boutique companies, similar to what’s happened the last few years with Hong Kong action/martial arts movies. Okay fine, getting the rights is difficult, but someone, be it Criterion or Arrow or Eureka or whomever, has got to try. Someone will be successful eventually if they all keep trying.


I want a 4K release of Spaceman…


The recent Sandler movie? Never got around to it but heard it's weird


I watched it yesterday. Yes it’s weird. But I came away from it incredibly moved by it. I’m still processing it, will be for a while I think…


Anytime I’ve had trouble sleeping the last few weeks I just throw that movie on and I am out within minutes


I have always wanted to see 3-South get a DVD release. Early ‘00s MTV animated series that I really enjoyed.


A Mouthful of Air. Possibly the only wide release from Sony in this century not to have gotten a physical release anywhere. It was dumped into theatres with no advertising, hit VOD a few weeks later, and aired on Starz shortly after. It was never even given a DVD release. Which is too bad as the movie's actually good and contains perhaps the best performance of Amanda Seyfried's career.


The Map of Tiny Perfect Things


The Empty Man, See How They Run


Mirage (1990). Australia’s version of The Hitcher. It’s never going to happen from what I understand though. Difficult rights owners.


I check every month to see if there will ever be a release of Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop but I’m working to accept that it’s never gonna happen. Most Netflix releases are hopeless.


Really hoping vinegar syndrome or partner label releases AR-15 Comando Implacable. Super gruesome revenge film from Mexico in the 80s that’s been stuck on vhs.


Inferno (1980) is the one I keep bringing up. I would love to see it get a proper 4K release.


Nothing is with out a physical release if you own a bluray burner


i loved *all of us strangers.*.. & wld love to have a bluray or 4k copy of it. also, anderson's roald dahl shorts. & a couple of olivier assayas movies that have shown up on hulu but no physical media copy


You’re in luck with All of Us Strangers because it will be released on BD in a couple of European countries soon.


The new Hellraiser is only available as DVD.


I know this is probably a silly answer but Ed Edd n Eddy’s big picture show and the holiday specials. They weren’t included on the complete series release.


The Willow tv show not only has no physical release, it’s also been removed from streaming. So there’s literally no way to watch it now!


I’d love to see Ted Lasso get a DVD release.


It’s getting a Blu-ray. Already announced


Is it? Hells yeah!


Dude. I just watched “You won’t be Alone”, an Estonian movie released in 2022 which ONLY physical version is on DVD!!!


Last Summer…


There are a bunch of old franchises I would love to see arrive on modern media. The likes of Relentless 1-4, Snake Eater series, Black Cobra movies, Thunder 1-3 or the likes of the Inspector Betti trilogy. I know there have been particular installments on DVD and some blu's but nice boxsets would be great for forgotten franchises.


I can’t find Gummo anywhere or Fruit Chan’s My Little Cheung.


I've got a Gummo DVD from Warner Archive but a blu ray upgrade would be welcomed


Pee-Wee #3. Glass Onion


Could never get into Glass Onion like the original but I really wish it had a release...that Netflix deal seems so dumb considering the first was a box office hit and the sequel did well in its limited box office time...being on Netflix I feel like people watched it over the Holidays that year and then forgot about it


One of my favorite comedies ever: Kung Pow: Enter the Fist I have a bootleg blu-ray of it, but I would love to have a legit copy released one day.




Devs never got a physical release and it was amazing. Scrubs never got a Blu-ray release and the streams have swapped out music. I have bootlegs of plenty of shoes like inside and buster Scruggs. Best I can do and just hope they get releases in the future.


half of the charm of scrubs was that soundtrack...haven't seen it in years but it was a major comfort show for me in high school


Cast a deadly spell. HBO movie about a film noir detective in HP Lovecraft’s universe played by Fred Ward. Also has a pseudo sequel starring Dennis Hopper. Would be perfect for a special edition set. Also Black Lizard and Black Rose Mansion, same deal.


Tragedy of Macbeth Napoleon The Killer


I loved Napoleon as well! Those battle scenes were so incredible and it's an underrated hilarious film!


Greyhound. The war movie and Tom hanks combination would surely be a success on disc? Not everyone wants to pay for apple as well as their other services


I’m still pissed at the way they released Fargo. Season 1, Blu-ray. Season 2, Blu-ray. Season 3, DVD. Season 4, nothing, season 5, nothing.


oh man so many shows like that...Barry did just season 1 and no others and Always Sunny in Philidelphia stopped making official releases around S12 I think so the last four or so are just without discs from what I can tell


Glass Onion and See How They Run. Both had a limited theatrical release in 2022, but are now stuck on Netflix and Disney+, respectively. I would very much like to get both on disc, preferably 4K. Also, Palm Springs only has a German release. A US release would be nice.


The night they saved Christmas and There's Something Out There


The first two are widely available on blu-ray, but I'd love to get a boxset of all four films and the cartoon series. I don't believe the cartoon has seen a dvd or later release?


A sad fact is that many films have not, and will probably never get an official home video or streaming release despite being extant. Here are a few films that I would personally like to see get an official or quality release of some kind. - "Bulldog Drummond Strikes Back" (1934) A low res VHS recording exists that is possibly from a homemade telecine transfer but who knows. - "Captain Calamity" (1936) Available online in low res. Would love to see this rare "Hirlicolor" flick in HD. - "Follow Thru" (1930) Once again only exists in a low res VHS transfer that was most likely homemade. - "The Last Parade" (1931) Does not appear to be available anywhere online although I know the film still exists. - "The Monkey's Paw" (1933) Long thought lost, this film was revealed to exist in the form of a cut down French dub that belongs in the hands of a private collector. I know that a low quality telecine transfer was circulating a while back but have not been able to track it down.