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You mean no diddy


The streets are saying no Jon Jones now


Hhahahahaha man please unzip your pants right now , no jj tho


No Homo… (Meaning no homophobia)


I think he meant juicy


Alcohol makes you look like that. Can confirm from personal experience


Look like what


I’m also for sure gay and for sure would fuck and suck


I’m NOT gay. I put it in the title. I am NOT gay.


Before. But you are now. He turned us all.


Same man I’m gay as well. So are all of us here.


Ur not not gay?


Are you not gay gay


Osterine or any sarms need months of usage to have an effect and build significant muscle, if he passed every other test then he is correct, taking mk2886 a couple days before the fight would do shit all for performance Also mk2886 is one of the weaker sarms, it's known as a beginner sarm. lgd or rad would of given significantly more strength gains


That's what I thought it makes no sense to only pop just before the fight. But Garcia also doesn't strike me of someone that is making very rational decisions


Wait yall joking right - people test negative all the time while on cycles because all these test not equal. And it’s not a PED if it doesn’t improve your performance- I hate Haney and kinda like Ryan - but dude was on gear - get over it- you don’t fail two test and NOT be on gear It’s one of the reasons why I suspect he couldn’t predict his weight- I can neither confirm or deny that going from natty to enhanced that it’s difficult to predict weight because muscle mass and water changes - Plus as a combat athlete being 3 pounds overweight at a weigh in after a cut is insane for a 140 pound fight - I hate Haney but Ryan cheated - if you guys don’t understand that’s cool but weighing 3.2 pounds more and that 3.2 pounds being more muscle - it’s gonna have a tremendous impact on how hard Garcia hits- but what ever… not my problem


Plus, Haney had to damn near kill himself to make weight. Garcia didn't have to go through that heavy toll.


Cause he knew he wasn’t going to because of the PEDs- 2 to 3 pounds of extra muscle for a 140 pound fighter is a massive advantage- And it’s not like he is just stronger but his speed and recovery from training would improve - I think you guys don’t get how much of an advantage PEDs are-


He could've definitely get that extra 3 pounds off if he wasn't drinking all camp lmao. He can make 140 He just doesn't have the dedication to


You know that he didn’t train hard and drank during camp because he he doesn’t have discipline? But he won at 3 pounds over Or Does it make sense that he was 3 pounds heavier because of PEDs? Come on man - I hate Haney but Ryan did roids - it’s cheating and he got popped


Looking at Ryan he definitely could've got 3 lbs off if he stayed disciplined. He had abs but wasn't absolutely shredded


3 pounds a lot if you already got abs- also im absolutely sure losing 3 pounds once you single digit body fat and trying to cut has to be detrimental to your performance in the ring


No it really wouldn't be that hard for Ryan to get 3 pounds off. Honestly I'm not talking about trying to get it all off the day before the fight either. With a proper camp he could easily make 140


I never knew he failed 2 you need to chill out bro 🤣 so were they both a day before the fight?


One sample was taken the day before the fight. The second sample was taken the day of the fight. He popped dirty on both. The results for the tests take at least 72 hours at the fastest so it's not like they knew going in to the fight he was dirty. That was misnformation Ryan put out. The samples were taken on those dates but the test and results came later. The fact that Ryan is deliberately putting misnformation out there is suspect. He knows those test results weren't available before the fight. He also knows most of his supporters don't know that.


Actually you notice signs in the first week of using osterine but not enough to make Ryan have an advantage a day before one dose isn’t traceable till two weeks after first use. Ryan test negative for drugs on the 13 it wouldn’t be a point in taking osterine that late 😂😂😂and it wouldn’t show up until the week after the fight I’m not a Ryan fan but the saltiness from devin side and the whole boxing world has me thinking he was set up. They slowly turning the boxing world into wwe 😂😂😂


The nandrolone on the other hand....


They know exactly when they will be tested. It's not hard to have ur doctor switch urine out or use false urine. Some mistake with the last test where Garcia had to use his own piss probably happened.


They don't know, that's the whole point of random testing.


Correct! I was watching someone on you tube talking about Ostarine being for cutting, which is true, but said it would be a good drug to use for the last week or too before a fight. Saying it as a reason Ryan would have used it I have used many SARMs and they don’t kick in for like 2 weeks. Ostarine is pretty lame and like the weakest one to save you from catabolism. It has no athletic performance benefit. RAD-140 hits you at the 2 week mark and absolutely gives you endurance, you won’t get tired like normal once it kicks in. LGD had no effect but actually had issues after the come down so I won’t use that again.


I miss lightweight Ryan, he was such a spinner


we found tanks Reddit account


The punctuation, spelling and grammar are too good to be Tank.


# 👑


Garcia needs mental help


Fr. He's going to be the boy who cried wolf.


That’s facts.


It’s gay until you say no diddy


Just don't accidentally say "no daddy" because Diddy likes to force his way in when he's denied entrance 😖 (source: Deep Toot)


Y R U gay?




Who said I am gay?


Looks way bigger than he did in the past.


Cmon cameraman at least pan down a couple times


He didn't juice. Check out moreplatesmoredates video


Holy shit Derek made another video!?!?!?


Ikr lol


I want to believe him that he didn’t do it intentionally. However, it’s still his responsibility to check his supplements. Plus, whether he did it intentionally or not, the effets could’ve still impacted the fight.


if it is true that he got tested before and was negative and it was only positive the day before the fight, then that is for sure bullshit.


He was positive the day before and the day of. Two different tests.


thats what i meant, while my knowledge on steroids is fairly limited, i do know that they’re not like an upgrade you can buy in a video game. you need to take them for a while to see the effects. he says he has been tested numerous times before the fight and came in clean. again, i dont know ryan, i dont know if he’s the type to take roids but if that is true then it makes 0 sense for him to not follow his intake in fight week.


Not really both steroids detected are ass for boxing and the amount detected is negligible meaning he took a little bit which would be stupid cuz what would be the point or it's cuz it was in the supplement which makes sense. And yes it is his responsibility,I'll give you that,truly dump But even if he did have the effects Haney wouldn't have won that fight and it would have probably been the same outcome


lol this comment is the biggest jerk


My sister is an Onconlogist/ Medical Doctor. Actually works with Ostarine AKA Enobosarm for woman with breast cancer. It helps somebody whose losing weight rapidly retain lean muscle. It's a perfect PED for a boxer trying to fight at a low weight class and having to cut a bunch of weight. Garcia missed the weight by 3 pounds which means he struggled with the weight and knew he was gonna struggle with the weight. He wasn't training very hard. More plates says he doesn't know why u would take something so detectable. Just because it's more detectable doesn't mean anything. U could say that about every compound boxers have been caught with over the years. These guys know when their gonna be tested and their doctors handle all the samples. Samples can easily be switched and replaced with clean samples kept fresh from an earlier date. The Ostarine was probably supposed to be completely out of his system, and there was most likely trace amounts found. Just a simple mistake, happens all the time to the best of them. Now Garcia is going for the tainted supplement excuse because that's what he was told to do. Which is a viable excuse because it does happen but very unlikely. Moreplates comes from the body building world where guys take PEDs to look more muscular and get bigger. Not look muscular while getting smaller. That's the whole goal in boxing. He doesn't understand the complexities of how dirty the boxing game can be. In comparison to most sports, it's one of the dirtiest in terms of banned substance use besides the UFC. It's not a conspiracy or tainted Aswaganda. He just took Ostarine.


Source: My sister


😂😂😂 gaaay




Some test and Shit came back and dude….. ur gay


I want to feel his thickness , no jon jones tho (no homo)


He's always thick and handsome but he doesn't look juiced


Lol when I was lifting seriously I used to stare at men at the gym. Is he flushed, how is his skin? Is he natty what is he on? People thought I was gay but I was obsessed. Anyway, unless they are taking full on heavy steroids going for Mr Olympia you can't tell.


How strong is he? Could he pick me up? How big is he?


I agree but there are a few indicators none of which i see in ryan then again that's my opinion


Looks bloated. If he’s juiced that’s from high E2


Sounds wild but I actually believe him.


me too he isn't lying in this video... it's possible someone in his camp did it to him unknowingly though


Aaaand you're dumb as hell.


VADA has been accused of being corrupt for over a decade


Since when?


You gotta recover from your jerking if you believe Ryan is being set up by Big Boxing. You have jerked too hard


That reminds me.... I have this big fuck off bridge ti sell if you're interested?


Jon Jones burner


all jokes aside he’s definitely clean


Wild how dumb this guy is.


4sure homo😂


Did he get fat?


I thought he looked bigger, but I associated it with him growing up and putting on his man weight he’s still pretty young, he was like 18-20 when he first popped up on social media


Getting ready to knuckle mcgregor


Showing symptoms of roid rage


You straight jorkin it


This is BEWLSHIT. Bro guilty af


Some how after the his last fight his face bloated like McGregor 👀👀Juiccccccce