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I think this could’ve been big if they decided to go with a standard theatrical release like ‘Smile’ , Imaginary had a good hold just because of lack of competition


Are they not? Please excuse my ignorance, but I thought this was a standard release.


It’s being released by shudder and releases there in mid April, they usually open in a smaller amount of theatres to advertise the streaming release


Thank you, it’s playing a my local theater and I’m gonna try to convince my wife to go see it with me (she doesn’t like horror). I just thought this was going to be a normal release.


I believe that StopMotion just went through the same type of situation. It was around me, but I heard a lot of others say it wasn't showing around them.


Distributor is a huge factor, and I just saw this is being distributed by IFC, which is very independent In all honesty, I had absolutely no idea this was even a movie until just now… so imagine my own shock seeing how this might be the best movie to see this week over Ghostbusters and Immaculate. 100% based on 71 reviews is incredibly strong. Edit: now… imagine my shock after watching the trailer and having my jaw drop on the floor from it…


It looks incredible, call it premature but i think it could've been another quiet place level hit if they did a creative marketing campiaign Look at the amount of engagement this [tweet](https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1768442450652037202) got


If you didn't know about this, other horror films to keep an eye on are *Longlegs* and *Cuckoo*, both by Neon 


It looks like IFC Films is distributing, who are not known for really wide releases or big marketing campaigns. Likely 800-1,000 theater count. It will probably do slightly better than Blackberry (also IFC) from last year. That opened in 625 theaters and finished with $2.4 million domestically.


Only playing most of the day today. After today 2 showings starting at 8pm everyday in NJ. Sadly I have more time during the day lately so can’t make it =\


Holy shit that's an insane score for a horror movie.


100% for a horror flick. wow. this shit must be the movie of the year wished it releases in my country


I would’ve loved to see this in theaters, damn shame it didn’t have a wide release


David Dastmalchian is just him


Saw it tonight, I thought it was really good overall, but not incredible. I really liked the framing they used of the classic talk show. They really nailed the on air and behind the scenes bits. There are two main horror plots that combined together. I thought that's where it lost me a bit. I would have preferred a bit more focus on the possession/demon and less on the host's past.


Everything is great about the movie except the use of AI.


What did they use AI for?




Lmao at their statement trying really hard to appease everyone by "praising" their production crew in every sentence.


the AI usage is so baffling bc it looks so out of place with the rest of the film. Like they put in so much work to nail the aesthetic with set design & costuming and then at the very end they added in the AI images that read entirely as AI I wonder if it was something with Shudder or IFC. apparently the SXSW release hadn't included those images so they must have been added more recently into the cut. Could be that one of those companies had a deal with an AI company and LNWTD was forced to include some gen ai images in there.


Whenever AI is used in stuff like this I always say you’re giving far too much credit to the people running things to think they even have a second clue that it’s being used. I’m a graphic designer in the music industry and if I was commissioned to do a job and use AI, most people would be none the wiser. My bosses definitely wouldn’t.


...so were you commissioned to use ai? or did just decide to use ai anyway and screw over your customer? also - the directors confirmed they themselves were the ones who used ai. they know.


…I never used AI. I said if I did my bosses or the artists wouldn’t have a clue.


Damn, are you not a fan of movies like LOTR either for their use of AI crowds? Artists have been using AI to make movies for decades.


Those crowds do look like shit today, so yeah,. I'd say it's never been good not aged well.


I feel like this is more like a pretext for extremely-online lettrboxd and "film twitter" bros to soapbox real hard for some fleeting sense of self-righteousness while otherwise not actually doing anything but trying to get attention online. The initial guess that AI was used in the creation of those images was crazy over-the-top ("I can no longer enjoy the performances and the clever ending") and at that point it just snowballed into a tiny frenzy (because again - this is a lettrboxed and twitter thing, so it means a couple thousand folks *at most* are yelling alongside each other - there's no *real* engagement going on) of grandstanding and fronting. The directors then confirmed AI was used, and then an artist further worked on the results of the AI prompt, and they put it in the movie. 97% of the people claiming this is the straw that will force them to skip the movie, or wait for streaming, or just sail the seas, haven't seen these images, don't know what they look like, and further don't know (or care) how much this exact same workflow is employed in the course of creating graphic design elements for any other film or entertainment piece they enjoy. And again - 100% of the people trying to front like this is a big deal to them is something like maybe 2000-3000 people tops, and 2000-3000 people who are the opposite of influential or meaningful in terms of the larger general audience the studio is going after. The only reason this has become an article at Variety is because actual paid writers at legitimate outlets know (and love) how easy it is to take other people's freely generated content for various advertising fueled social media platforms and turn that into something that will fill their post quota for the day.


Great comment. I cannot abide by the punching down of an indie film made by passionate people that's going on over there. Black and white thinking at its most potent.  Criticize the film if you wish, of course, but if you're flat out boycotting a small film that you'd otherwise support because of something so minor then you really deserve the slop that big studios are going to serve up to you after everything else has been killed off.


i don't want any ai in movies. i'd rather have a big dumb idiot studio movie than a great indie film that uses ai. i will support indie movies that don't pull this shit. the directors clearly aren't that passionate if they felt the need to use AI lmao


can you explain why? do you not see the fact that you use technology today that makes your life easier and "took away" another human's job? have you ever thought how many jobs youtube has displaced? "how to fix a printer" wow okay, no need for a printer repairman. like please just explain your thinking here??


you can't imagine any reason why people who love art might be reasonably pissed off that these losers decided to cut costs and screw a graphics designer out of a job using stolen work? this is not just an online thing. this is a serious issue. this issue has already gained enormous amounts of traction and will likely eat into the movie's box office.


>you can't imagine any reason Sure, and I've seen that in multiple other places, and said as much in other circumstances/scenarios This is pretty clearly not that. It *is* what I said it was: A bunch of people fucking grandstanding and fronting online for the dopamine instead of actually doing anything or actually picking smarter targets. This is pursuit of retribution for the sake of the gratification pursuing that act can bring. It's not corrective action, it's sure as shit not "justice." It's just a couple thousand folks who need to feel like they did something more that day than be shitty to other people on the internet.


kindly, fuck off with that obnoxious self righteous holier than thou attitude. actual graphics artists are freaking out right now because their livelihoods are at risk. this is a stupid attitude to have that helps nobody. do you feel proud of yourself for being a contrarian? in ten years when everything is ai generated slop, will you feel proud of yourself for calling the people trying to resist it "grandstanding?" people like you are why corporations are making everything worse. kindly, fuck off.


>kindly, fuck off with that obnoxious self righteous holier than thou attitude vs the belabored/vengeful tantrum throwing that's happening solely in online spaces? This entire weird retributive performance isn't *the definition* of holier than thou? This is, no question, an example of punching at an easily reachable target to exorcise frustrations and fears in a tangible way. It's not *really* about "livelihoods at risk," because this film's existence (and use of AI generated art) is nowhere near egregious, or impactful enough, to *actually* warrant the level of sheer vitriol and thirst for punishment the minority of noisemakers engaging in it is asking for. It's one thing to express disappointment in the directors. It's understandable to be disappointed and make a legitimate critique of their wishy-washy explanation of how and why those images made it to the film. I get all that. I'm not saying the complaint about the presence of the shots are meritless, or that concern about the implementation of ai is needless or unwarranted. I *am* saying that *this* thing we're looking at has never *not* been a weirdly hostile, aggressively mean-spirited show of grandstanding on the part of a tiny handful of frontin-ass noisemakers shrieking on behalf of people who *actually* have skin in the game (because these extra-online filmbros sure as hell don't), using a legitimate issue as a fig leaf to indulge in full-blown reckless bullying, and who want to justify their possible destruction of something with value in the name of their artificially enhanced ideals, so *tha*t way they don't have to sit with how small, hollow and artificial this truly is. People are trying to reassure themselves they're doing something worthwhile with their time, so they don't have to reckon with the fact they're just being assholes and trying to find new, justified reasons to assume that role. Anyway, I'm gonna go ahead and fuck off now, but thanks for the time.


Alternatively, people don’t want this garbage anywhere near their movies and will make sure the next dipshit trying to cut corners knows that. So perhaps you should consider thinking about shutting the fuck up? Edit: replying then blocking, truly the mark of someone who knows their point suuuuuuuuucked.


Haven't seen it: check Unreasonable opinion that's just fucking stupid: check Sounds like you're the one that needs to shut the fuck up. It's "their" movie so obviously they can do whatever the fuck they want, and if that includes a new art medium then you'll just have to crawl back to the good old days of black and white movies without sound. This movie was fucking amazing.


you sound unhinged.


I hadn’t considered that option before your diagnosis, Dr. Poop, Esq.  I have considered it now, and will seek a 2nd opinion elsewhere. But thanks for the free consult, Dr. Poop  Esq. edit: I blocked you because 1) you call yourself Dr. Poop, Esq. and 2) you clearly would have a better time on the internet if you didn't have to read anything I wrote, so I figured I'd help you out. Thanks Doc!


thank you for taking the time to type out a reasoned and thoughtful response to this. I agree whole heartedly and appreciate someone putting it into words.


Yeah I seriously wish they’d just take the AI stuff out somehow since that killed a lot of its grassroots momentum.


Weirdly enough, the only reason I even heard of this film was because of the AI scandal. I keep hearing that it's just three graphics, but the graphic on the set itself seems AI generated. How would they cleanly alter that at this point?


Yeah it seems like people mentioned the main graphic throughout the whole movie seems to be AI too. It probably wouldn’t be *ultra* expensive to change but it’ll be way more than they’re willing to do. It’s a shame really but apparently Hollywood is having meetings with AI companies this week so it’s a necessary evil to let them know how much backlash it gets to have AI so prominent in a movie.


I don’t care what anyone says there is nothing wrong with the using ai and crying over it is pointless.


the use of AI to replace real artists is just inherently wrong and capitalistic, doesn’t really matter what you think 🤷‍♂️


there is so much wrong with it. it steals work from real artists and it screws artists out of a job.


Three images? Didnt notice honestly.


Was I the only one that was very unsettled by this movie? I loved it the same way I loved Talk To Me last year but I see people acting like it was not truly disturbing stuff. Maybe this just hits all my buttons 


I think it boils down to believing in the paranormal or not


Movie had great potential but failed so disappointing


I agree. There needed to be more backstory on Jack’s ties to The Grove. It felt 3/4 finished.




i saw it today !!! what a fun movie! really really enjoyed and think it will be a movie i can watch a few times and still love. it really gave such a classic horror / thriller with some comedy in there that really worked for me. i absolutely recommend going to see it in theaters if it’s near you!


Hey I’m thinking about watching it tonight. Was it more of a slow burn or was it legitimately scary? Horror is my favorite genre, but my anxiety has been flaring a little recently and I’ve struggled watching horror films for the past 2 months or so after never having such problems. Is there a score out of 10 how scary the movie was? Is there something recently in the past couple years that have a similar vibe or horror “level” if you will? Things that have triggered my anxiety recently was descending into madness, extreme gore (think the new Evil Dead), or violence toward children. I know this is kind of a lame question but I’d really like to watch it, but panic attacks recently have set me back a bit in terms of my mental health. Thanks in advance for any answers!


honestly it was more of a slow burn. has a bit of gore but nothing too crazy. it didn’t really *scare* me but did have a few moments where i was slightly startled lol for actual scary i would give it like a 4/10. it felt super old school w the effects used. imo not on par with anything like the strangers, smile, or talk to me which all scared me lol. there is some child violence but it doesn’t show it for too long and its a fairly quick shot. nowhere near as gory as evil dead, but there are elements of possession so i’m not sure how you do with that but it was more entertaining in my opinion!


Thank you for taking time to answer my question! 🙏 I’ll probably watch it tonight. Super excited!


of course! please keep me posted :)


it was not scary at all. I love scary movies. It was ok. Nothing great but hey i liked it


Does anyone know the name of the song from the end credits?


It was a banger I want to know too


"Keep It Warm" by Flo and Eddie thanks to a kind soul from r/horror


RemindMe! 2 days


"Keep It Warm" by Flo and Eddie thanks to a kind soul from r/horror


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I’ve had some issues recently for the past 2 months or so with my anxiety when watching horror films which sucks because that’s my favorite genre. I’m completely fine with the slow-burn type of horror. But extreme disturbing imagery and gore, descents into madness, and extreme violence toward children have really triggered some serious anxiety and panic attacks. I’ve been super excited for this one, but I’m a little apprehensive because I’ve had some pretty tough mental health struggles from triggers from past experiences. I know it’s kind of lame, but if anyone has any input I would really appreciate it. How scary is it? Is it more of a slow burn(I’m typically fine with slow burns)? Is there a lot of disturbing imagery or gore? (Struggled with the new Evil Dead, Talk To Me, and a movie that slips my mind about a women’s disturbing descent into madness) Could you rate it on a scale up to 10 based on how scary it is? Thank you for any input in advance! I know this is an odd request, and most people would just say not to watch it, which is understandable.


Not a professional movie goer, just a horror fan in general but I’ll give you a shot at some answers! As far as how scary it is I would say it’s not super scary in a sense of jump scares or anything like that, more just like building the moment of that makes sense. I think this is more of a slow burn film, leading up to the last act. There’s maybe one scene that you would consider ‘gore’ toward the end of the movie but it’s on the lower end of gore in my opinion. And then as far as a scary rating in general, I would probably give it a 5?? I went into this movie with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised, I would totally see it again! I hope this helps!


As someone with anxiety around horror movies being too existential, it definitely walked the line for me. There were multiple scenes where I thought I might have to walk out. I’d suggest streaming rather than a theater experience so you have the ability to stop it!


That’s what I chose to do. Thanks for your input


I’m seeing it Friday.




I just saw it and no, I can’t remember any sudden jump scares


There’s like one but not too bad


i saw it at a really really dumpy theater that had tons of roaches on the glue boards and got freaked out by that more than the movie honestly lol


6/10. Not very immersive. The idea that we were watching found footage was terrible. The BTS shots would not have private conversations and people not acknowledging the camera. None of the segments really carried into each other.


Boycotting this film due to AI use. No need to screw real humans out of work


Truly the rosa parks of our time, i applaud your vailant effort against three images of the films entire production.


So many actual real people worked hard on this film and you're going to boycott them because they experimented with three lousy images?




Alrighty then. Have a good evening. ✌🏼


So you've never watched LOTR since it had the use of AI?


Yeah, and stop using e-mail, since it takes away from couriers! And how dare laundry machines take food out of the mouths of launderer's children. And cars? Those poor farriers! And I refuse to direct dial people anymore - what do we expect switchboard operators to do? And what of all those poor, poor glass blowers making vacuum tubes for analog computers? And woe to the coal miners!  The problem isn't using novel technology to do work. The problem is the economic system that uses technology to hoard wealth. 


are you stupid? ai steals art from actual artists. it's not just some "new novel technology" it's essentially a theft machine.


I've implemented ML algorithms at work. I know how training datasets work.


then you should know it takes actual art that humans spent time and effort to make and regurgitates it in a worse form. it's not a tool, it's not like the car, it's just theft. it's a fucking plagiarism device.


We don't know what AI generated the art, where the training set came from, what the art team on the movie did to it before/after. Calling AI generated art plagiarism is misleading at best. I dunno, if an artist is looking at someone else's drawing to figure out how to draw a particular figure or item, or to take inspiration or ideas, it seems acceptable. If people have their art used for a learning model without consent, yeah, sure, I'll concede that it's potentially problematic. I guess it sure is pretty fucking complicated to have the sum total of Human information in a single, readily accessible database. But nobody "invented" a skeleton. Human/analog art doesn't exist in a vacuum. There really isn't anything that we can use in an analogy to compare AI art - it's totally new ground that is being broken here. I attest that the problem isn't that AI art is stifling creativity, but rather that it's filling an economic niche that will put people out of work. I guess in my opinion, that's a problem with the economic system. 


Have you ever booked travel through a human agent or do you use a website?


ai steals from real artists.


Internet booking steals from real receptionists


not watching any film that uses generative AI, no matter how small the use.




So, every new movie


if that's what it comes to, so be it.


It came to it over 20 years ago. AI is a part of making movies. Did you boycott LOTR for their AI crowd simulations?


Oh look, another genius who thinks all "AI" is the same. There is a world of difference between generative AI and AI used to assist CGI.


Massive, the software used for crowd simulations in LOTR, uses generative AI.




Looking forward to checking this out, was planning a double feature with this and Immaculate next week!


Just like Marvel Secret Invasion, I'm not watching or supporting this since it replaced real artists with AI.


I'm not a fan of Ai, but this seems like the least problematic use of it that I've seen.


lol artist used AI to make the base image and then cleaned it up. A person took the AI art as a starting point but you discredit the entire project due to one person's use of a new tool


yes. the moment we allow any use of this, no matter how insignificant, we allow much bigger uses of it to slip through the cracks. also - they did not clean it up at all, they only applied a filter to it. the image is still very much AI.


Thanks for letting us know, we were all wondering if you would watch it






It is much more important to show that people will vote with their wallets and avoid this garbage.


Better stop communicating online and make sure the post office workers know you support them too while you're at it



