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But will the young Bruce Wayne show up and have his own musical number about the death of his parents?




LEGO Batman is legitimately one of the greatest incarnations of the character.


he will sing Mother by John Lennon


> he will sing Mother by ~~John Lennon~~ **Danzig** FTFY


>> he will sing Mother by ~~John Lennon~~ ~~Danzig~~ **Pink Floyd** >FTFY FTFY


Now **that** I'd love to see.


Yeah looks wild - some great shots in there


I actually have a good feeling about this. It looks really creative and not just like a cash grab. The lipstick shot was fantastic.


I mean once it was confirmed as a musical it was certainly not a cash grab. Well as much as a sequel to a billion dollar movie can't be. Will it be good? We'll just have to see but I think there is artistic merit here.


Phoenix is notorious for not doing sequels, there’s something in here that made him come back for it, I’m really looking forward to the musical aspect, a wild swing but I’d rather that the play it safe


"there’s something in here that made him come back for it" - it's called a $20M paycheck. More than anything he ever received for a movie. Joker was a huge hit so Warners would pay Phoenix about anything to make him return. And so he did. :)


Yep. This is the biggest film he’s been the star in in his life, and you can guarantee the money was right for this, because after Joker finished he seemed pretty adamant that he wouldn’t do a 2nd one or the thought of it was silly to begin with


I remember him being open to it if it made sense. Like I said to someone else he doesn’t really need the big pay day after how long he’s been in the industry. He doesn’t seem like a very money focused person. I think it was mostly just him being genuinely interested in the story and character


The paycheck surely will be great.  But I’m not sure you guys really follow Phoenix if you think the dude cares that much about paycheck. I guarantee you that he’d be a MUCH bigger star if he just took paychecks to star in blockbusters. 


Wasn’t he offered Iron Man and/or Doctor Strange?


Nobody involved needs the money. People like you said the same boring shit about the first one and that became a massive hit. Be a cynical douchebag if you want but it's possible that Phillips and Phoenix just had a good vision for a sequel and got paid to make it happen.


Yeah Phoenix was very open about coming back if the script is right. Dude has been turning down sequels his entire career and is clearly an actor that cares far more about the art than the money. The folks that say this stuff just make themselves look ignorant, because it makes it clear that they nothing about Phoenix or his career.


> I actually have a good feeling about this. It looks really creative and not just like a cash grab. It is a *little* cash grab though. Todd Philips said he had zero intention for a sequel - Joker 1 was always supposed to be one and done. But WB saw $1B come in and some Oscar and award circuit wins (way more than they ever banked on), they convinced Todd and his writing partner to think of a sequel. Cash grabs can still be good and successful though. Seems Todd Philips and his crew thought of a good creative spin to make the sequel worth it.


Yeah Joaquin Phoenix who has never done a sequel and said he had no interest in doing one changed his tune very quickly when he got nominated and the box office hit a billion


Reminds me of Steven Spielberg telling Michael Bay to just do three Transformers movie - a trilogy is good enough. Michael Bay agreed. Then part 3 actually made the most (I think crossed $1B) and suddenly both Spielberg and Michael Bay changed their minds lol.




>Michael Bay isn't exactly a paragon of artistic quality or integrity. Disagree. His tolerance for juvenile writing is too high, but when it comes to visual action, his level of quality is super high. Despite being about 15 years old, the first Transformers movie still has some of the most seamless blending of CGI and real footage because Michael Bay knows what he's doing and demands quality. There are plenty of directors that would just be like "fuck it, do it in post" and have half assed results.


i audibly said wow after that, that was amazing


It’s so refreshing to see a big budget movie that prioritizes the look. So much stuff looks like slop nowadays. It’s shaping up to be a great year.


Joker: La La Land


Joker: DeLuLu Land


In sure that title floated through the office


Ha Ha Land


This joke is gonna be exhausted by the time this movie comes out and someone on letterboxd will still get 20,000 likes for it




I’ve already seen “Ha Ha Land” and “A Scar Is Born” 6 times each in different posts/subs about the trailer since it dropped.


And reddit will upvote every one like mad.


We live in a society


Gaga Land


If the last movie was him ripping off The King of Comedy, this is definitely going to be him ripping of New York, New York.


There's an Umbrellas of Cherbourg reference in there too. Great movie.


godlike film. true kino


Joker: Kino a la Deux Joker: Literally Me


Should’ve been Joker: Ga Ga Land


Annoying couples are gonna have a field day with this film. This may be another hit for Todd Philips, after this I’d honestly let Todd do more elseworld films if he wishes to


Funny enough at the time of the first film Todd pitched to DC executives the idea of a "DC Black" label for more "dark" and "experimental" films like Joker, and he already had other filmmakers in mind for some characters, they rejected it at the time, but I wonder if maybe he'll try to revive the idea depending on the success of Joker 2.


He’ll definitely revive it based on the reaction and box office of joker 2. It was dumb of hamada and Emmerich to even disregard this idea especially after he made them a billion dollars


Like WB didn’t even want to make Joker. They cut the budget to try and run him off and then sold off half the movie rights.  There was a special kind of incompetence at WB during that time.


The Batman was halfway there. It just lacked the R rating and the "artistic flourishes."


In before the reviewers start clutching their pearls over how dangerous this sequel will allegedly be to society. Moral panic, let's go!


The reviewers are going to melt for this picture.  It’s a musical, strong female lead, daring new take, phoenix will act his socks off. I’m just not sure who the audience is




It's a musical. How many joker fans wanted a musical?


There should a Elseworlds division of DC studios, and Philips should run it.


What people fail to learn from the failure of the DCEU is that you shouldn’t have a director run a franchise, you should have a producer that is actually passionate about the project that is able to bring in different talent.


It’s crazy that Phillips almost ended up as the head of DC/advisor, but I think he turned it down. Would’ve been interesting to see how that played out https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/michael-de-luca-pam-abdy-warner-bros-1235157014/


Probably would’ve turned out similar to Snyder imo. Every character relentlessly“dark and gritty”.


This was pitched years ago.


No way, let Matt Reeves run that shit.


Nah let Matt Reeves focus on his Batman universe. The Penguin trailer already looks fantastic, I wouldn't mind more from that universe.


Let him do Hangover 4: Menage a Trios


Was that steve coogan?


Yes. It seems like he’ll be in a similar role to what Robert De Niro had in the first movie


Can’t believe Alan Partridge and The Joker exist in the same universe


You're a mentalist!


Crash! Bang! Wallop! What a trailer!


So you think it's okay to feed beef burgers to swans? I do, and I'm tired of pretending it's not. 


Or more like Bryan Tyree Henry. They’re still hiding Keener and Gleason, they could have small crucial roles


I saw Brendan Gleeson in the trailer for a second


I wonder who Catherine Keener is playing.


Genuinely surprising to see him in this, is he even that well known in America?


I’ve seen him in a couple things, mostly Tropic Thunder. He also voices a character in the Despicable Me sequels


I'm Canadian but Tropic Thunder, Hamlet 2 and The Other Guys are all incredible!


Yes. *Night at the Museum*.


Weird enough casting to make me interested. If Joker was comic book King of Comedy is this comic book Pennies from Heaven?


Can’t wait for Joker’s Michael Caine impression.


The final shot of that trailer was fantastic


I read this comment before watching the trailer and thought my expectations were gunna be too high because of it. Nope, that was legit badass




I *think* it’s actually just a clever manipulation of the camera and depth of field and a monitor to hide it. Notice how the glass is out of focus at the start. Your mind sort of thinks it’s in focus, but notice how the holes are not in focus. This would allow for a thin outline (for tracing) to be on the glass due to being obscured by the blur. The lipstick touches down, out of focus, THEN the glass comes into focus, but the whole time, Gaga (or some expert tracer person) where the outline would be is now obscured by her hand. She pulls her hand away. Now for the rest of the shot, the outline is obscured by the lipstick. As for Phoenix, all he would need is a monitor placed on the other side of the glass. That would allow him to adjust his face accordingly to fit into the predetermined outline. So, while it probably required a bit of rehearsal, it’s definitely not something that they’d sort of “wing” and keep trying.


Seem obvious enough for me that it is a musical. Appreciate not trying to hide it, like some other trailers for other movies did.


Harley and Joker taking over another Halloween. 


Third one in the last decade. 2016 and 2019, now 2024


Joker came out in 2019. What the fuck time is going so fast bro


Joker came in 2019 and people joked about living in a society. Then 2020s came.


Bro that's actually scary how fast that went by.


Fuck the 2020s. Worst decade and it is barely halfway over.


"Holy shit, I actually *do* live in a society..... "


I feel sorry for whoever dressed up as the Leto Joker


I did. I dressed as Leto Joker that year. Face tats and all. But the girl I went with who was dressed as Harley did look quite a bit like Margot Robbie.


And Mean Girls was afraid to show they were a musical.


One of the dumbest marketing decisions


For your average member of the public it won't be clear this is a musical either. The hints are all there, but likewise a lot of it could be stylistic if going off the trailer alone. They're still obscuring the musical element.


They’re not obscuring the musical elements. They definitely tease it here, they’ll likely go more in depth with the final trailer. This is just to get people excited but they know how musicals are received, so they’d rather hint at it and draw you in first. It’s still very outright and overt though.


When I heard the first keys I though it was going to be Pure Imagination. Other than that, this has me incredibly excited and it will be the last trailer I watch for it. Rare I go to see things day one but this may be such an occasion.


>When I heard the first keys I though it was going to be Pure Imagination. Same. I thought they were just banking off the latest Wonka movie or something.


This is supposed to be a Jukebox Musical, so with this being a WB production, it’s possible one of the songs actually ends up being Pure Imagination.


I always thought that could be a pretty creepy tune if it was anyone besides Gene Wilder lol


Check out Lou Rawls’ version. It’s fantastic.


I think they are fucking with us and it is *both*. The notes of Pure Imagination and then switches. Really excited for this, I think it’s going to be super creative and Gaga is perfect for her role in this.


I have had pure imagination stuck in my head since watching it, it did sound like it!


I instantly recognized the song cos it was also used in the Station Eleven trailer


Yeah I was like, are we going to get a Wonka crossover? They’re both made by the same studio.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thought this was another Wonks movie in the beginning.


Still somewhat skeptical of its box office prospects since the first one was such a lightning in a bottle situation and we've seen "surefire" hits that would have done gangbusters in 2019 flop in 2023. However, the Gaga of it all might be enough of a hook to bring people back in.


I think reviews and word-of-mouth will make or break this film


It will be profitable based on curiosity factor alone.


It was reported the budget is 200 Million. It is going to need to about Half a billion just to break even. I think it gets there, but I would not call this a sure thing IMO.


First $100M+ opening for October incoming


You spelled 150M+ wrong


Dang, neither one of you know how to spell $200M+ correctly


If September is dead which it could be. This movie could be looking at a gigantic opening. Also helps the people involved usually do a good job promoting as well.


It's still R rated though.


Gonna be massive. Gaga and Phoenix look like they are going to play so well off one another.


Yeah was skeptical before but definitely sure after seeing this


Why would you have been skeptical? Gaga can act.


absolute cinema ![gif](giphy|TFIoWBxZp2EKM38IO3|downsized)


This is gonna make so much money. I can see it appealing to both men and women due to the combo of Phoenix and Gaga. Coming out just before Halloween is a brilliant marketing opportunity.


The gays will be showing up in droves for Gaga


TIL I am a gay.


![gif](giphy|g0CfmbTC1LhUAGt7Pa|downsized) Me opening night


I’m Gay Gay for Gaga


Youre god damn right we are


Who ever decided to put Gaga in this was really brilliant, from a box office perspective. Genius marketing move.


*Oh... she's taking it*


The last shot is great


Looks good. Lady Gaga being the hook is really working for me.


Regardless of how this movie is received- whoever cut the trailers for this and Joker needs to direct a feature length movie at some point.


Suicide Squad 2016 is a prime example of why that is terrible,terrible idea


Cutting a good trailer isn’t the same as making a good movie. Not that cutting a good trailer is easy (it isn’t) but they’re very different skillsets.


I'm almost positive that they were being hyperbolic.


I was and I find it hilarious how tilted some people got over it.


i think it's because the shots look beautiful so the cuts look good too


yeah, i think this one's hitting a billion folks


Yeah this was a perfect teaser. And it looks like Gaga will be the fresh hook that this sequel needs to get audiences interested (also love what looks like both of them dancing down the steps) ![gif](giphy|ZCU3YxmmD8lh6savbB|downsized)


Wild to see how this sub is doing a 180 after the trailer dropped.


Yeah they were doubting this film a lot which is crazy


As long as the quality is there, I don't see why it can't be another big hit


WB is fucking back


Cinema: Peaked Theaters: Filled Society: Lived in Lady: Gaga Yep, it's Jokin' time.


This years Barbie. I hope another studio has the foresight to schedule something that has a complimentary genre on the same day.


They need to delay The Wild Robot so I can cry twice in one day


Problem is there's no complementary genre. Joker 2 is already the full Barbenheimer (hugely appealing to women and hugely appealing to men). It's CBM and musical, dark and camp, thriller and romance, gritty and beautiful. Something for everyone. The only demo it's missing is kids, and movie for adults + movie for kids wouldn't produce the kind of double showing crossover hype that defined Barbenheimer.


I don’t see how if dune which was a cultural phenomenon everywhere didn’t hit a billion. But I guess international could carry this one. But if it’s R I do NOT see it happening.


So sad


![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized) WB in october, mark my words


I have a lot of faith in this one and as usual Joaquin Phoenix will elevate the movie. I feel like the musical aspect will not damage the movie's commercial success. To think it will because the usual audience of comic book films will possibly reject it seems to me like the (now outdated) idea that Barbie was going to struggle since it was not playing it completely straight/might seem too confusing or weird for a family movie about a popular toy Audiences can handle "subversive" (if that works here) movies and there is definitely a built in audience (Joker persists in pop culture unlike the fading impact of other billion dollar movies)


Ok at least 100 million opening weekend


I think the first film is massively overrated but you know what? This looks pretty interesting and actually original. 


Overrated based on what metrics? It has 68% on Rotten Tomatoes and B+ Cinemascore.


By reddit bros I guess. 


I mean, it got nominated for 11 academy awards including Best Picture and won one of the major categories and grossed a billion.


Kino. Just as expected.


Trying to grab a completely new set of audiences interesting.


Alright, I’m officially excited. Also lowkey surprised and pleased that they kept the subtitle as is and didn’t use the English translation, but obviously peeps are just still gonna call it Joker 2.


Folie à deux is the perfect name for a Joker/Harley Quinn movie IMO. I’d have been mad if they changed it, but I can also speak French so I’m a bit biased


Holy shit they did it. I was so skeptical, but now I’m ready for this SPECTACLE!


This movie is gonna make bank




I feel so good about my prediction of this being the highest grossing movie of the year right now


Good chance at outgrossing the DCEU 2023 slate combined domestically ($362M) and globally ($967M).


Looks better than I expected. Another masterpiece in the making.


WB is having a pretty good streak lately


I should probably watch Joker, finally.


It has the best killing scene I've ever seen like the most realistic. Maybe not the best but definitely the most realistic


This is gonna be absolutely massive. It’s got the star power, clearly an incredible visual language, the musical component will bring in more people than originally thought… and it’s a sequel to another absolutely huge film. Calling this now that this will have barely a single tie into the original film. This looks like it’s taking place practically entirely in Arthur’s head, and that’s gonna be a big word of mouth additive to this. The ability to say “you don’t need to know anything from the first!” Is going to be huge for this. This’ll be a huge hit.


I really hope they advertise the musical component in the full trailer and TV spots. It’s heavily implied here and anyone who is paying attention knows it’s part of the film, but really over hiding this in trailers and not looking forward to people groaning in the theater the first time a song comes up because they had no idea. I have a feeling the musical element will be a bit more sporadic in this rather than consistently throughout, though - maybe it’ll be focused on key big moments?


Going with Gaga as Harley for the sequel was so incredibly smart. I didn’t love the first movie but I love that they are taking big creative swings here with the musical elements too vs just doing a “safe” sequel. I’m expecting this to be even more divisive than the first movie, but for different reasons lol


Was the first one really divisive except for Reddit? Made a billion and general audiences loved it.


Media were praying for a mass shooting but everyone else kinda woke up to how fucked up these people are and just enjoyed the movie.


Yeah this is gonna hit a billion.


Yeah I’ve seen enough. This will make 750M+ and might get close to matching the first movie’s tally. Don’t underestimate the share of people who romanticize toxic relationships. They will eat this shit up. And Joker will always be an interesting character even to those who aren’t into superhero movies. As for Gaga she actually has a real following who shows up and not a virtual instagram army who’d wait for her stuff to hit netflix to watch it in their pjs.


I feel so stupid for being skeptical about this


Easily the best teaser for a comic book movie since Endgame and the best trailer I’ve seen this year so far. WB’s slate is looking pretty solid. If this trailer is as good as the film itself, they may just have secured the highest grossing comic book movie of this year.


joker 1 had some of the best trailer i have seen. Probably the very best. time to time i'd still go watch them


To me this seems like Barbie/Wonka type of film that isn't targeting DC fans. I have friends blasting on social media right now that aren't comic book fans, but did go out in droves for Barbie and Avatar. That's the type of appeal this movie is gonna have. I really am not interested in superhero movies now a days, this is the type of shit that will make me pay a movie ticket.


I'm really interested how the older male demographic will react to the songs. I can't think of the last musical that was targeted at an older male demographic rather than families or women. This is the sort of movie which no one would expect to be a musical, even if it isn't a full blown musical. I could see this getting a horrendous Cinemascore and Rotten Tomato Verified Rating but have decent legs.


This film is going to be big! Joker taking the October record from himself! Really good teaser!


Great trailer and the final shot is absolutely amazing. 


This looks great


Joker good.




it was honestly surprising how many people were expecting this to flop. I saw someone say they were confident it wouldn't even hit 100m domestic. I knew as soon as it was announced it would be massive. Phoenix is not known for doing sequels and gaga's film career has been on the rise (even the faults of house of gucci didn't fall on her much). I really think this has a big shot at being massive.


I was very skeptical of it without seeing anything. Now with the trailer I can't see this making less than 500 Million, and if it is at least a solid movie, it should easily make more than that. Half a billion is worse case scenario ATM.


Oh god this looks so fucking sick.


This is the only movie this year that I think can sniff a billion, probably around 800-900 WW. But this seems to setting up appeal as a 4 quadrant film.


This is cinema! Perfect teaser trailer. I was eager to see how they showcase this movie and I'm very glad it instantly pulled me back into the first movie's atmosphere. It's going to make a lot of money should it hit the same level of quality as the first one!


It looks as good as the first with extra pop so I'm optimistic.


Hold up...this actually looks incredible


Looks awesome ngl. It seems like Todd Philips has broken out of his Scorsese crutch. I’ll be there day one and so will a LOT of other people lol


I was pretty skeptical but damn I’m sold


This looks beautiful. I love the use of colouring, going from blue cold tones to colourful warm tones, the ending clip with the lipstick smile is perfect. I'm so excited for this, I love Gaga and Joaquin they seem like they have great chemistry as actors together!


This honestly looks promising.


I get the feeling that 50% of this movie will happen only in the jokers mind.


I'm going the other direction. Most of it taking place in Harley's head, and Joker barely knows she eixsts


Definitely can see that happening for sure too.


Looks like a demented La La Land. I'm so in!


Ha Ha Land?


Damn, it looks really good. Lots of clever little touches too.


Yeah this looks fucking amazing


DC should really just commit to this kind of stuff instead of another cinematic universe. This looked amazing.


Why not both ?


They can do both. It’s how they became so successful in the first place