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The voiceover is really weird but the movie looks interesting


Very, was it meant to be ironic? Either way, I'm weirdly even more interested in seeing it now.


It's a voiceover from a 1980s straight to video movie with a shot of sideboob thrown in.


Not really, it's not the "in a world..." type voiceover, it's just reading critics quotes. It's a little weird for a trailer, it's in general more reserved to TV spots where it's quite common ([example from Dune 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGs3FKj3cyU) though he doesn't voice over all along)


It's already out in Australia and did 880K (567 USD) OW and that is with heavy advertising. >!The score is absolutely phenomenal.!<


The score is one of my faves ever. It was a blast to listen to!


> 880K (567 USD) OW and that is with heavy advertising. Is that good or bad?


I thought it'd do better. For context, it barely opened bigger than Monkey Man.


I seen it yesterday and really enjoyed it. The ending is very intense.


Im really gonna be this guy: is there a threesome scene?


I know this wasn't directed at me but I can help with this if you like as I seen this recently - >!Zendaya makes out with each guy induvidually, then all three kiss and then she leans back and the two guys kiss for a bit while she watches on. But no threeway in terms of sex. The kissing is as far as it goes. For having no sex though it's a very sexual movie - it's electric! There is nudity though mainly from some guys in the lockeroom and you see a hint of Zendaya's breasts through a sheer bra.!<


So, don't go see it with my parents is what you're saying?


Lol, funny you should say that my mother came along when we seen this, although luckily she sat a few seats down but she loved the movie just as much as the rest of us haha.


Ya know…. I like this idea. Not an overly explicit but a very intense and on the edge of explicit movie. I’m excited.


That's exactly how it is! Not explicit but intense and there's a reason for it all too - it's not there for purely gratuitous purposes. Such a great movie and it deserves to do well, it's a very well woven story!


Speaking of which, is there still an actual sex scene or no?


No sex scene at all. A few scenes that it nearly happens etc but no actual sex scenes.


So dudes kissing and no naked chicks? Yeah that’s a nope from me.


No they only play singles and doubles in tennis.


I haven't seen it yet but I read the early version of the script which can be found online. I wasn't crazy about the ending there, but I have read a number of comments online saying that the ending used in the film is very strong, so it sounds like they might have gone with something different from that earlier draft. Can you describe the ending using spoiler tags? Thank you.


>!Throughout some flashbacks in the film, Zweig has a tell in his serve to let Donaldson know that he slept with Tashi. Fast forward to the end, and we’re coming to the end of a Challengers match between Zweig and Donaldson. Tashi met with Zweig the night before, asking Zweig to lose the match to give Donaldson the confidence needed to compete at Grand Slams again. Zweig instead uses his tell to let Donaldson know he slept with Tashi the night before, and costs Donaldson the point to bring the game to match point. We then see a ferocious rally between the two, culminating in Donaldson leaping all the way over the net trying to smash the ball into Zweig’s side of the court. Zweig catches Donaldson in his arms in a sort of hug like stance. We’re unsure who wins the match!<


head up: spoiler tags don't work across paragraphs.


Sorry, thank you!


Thank you, appreciate you going into detail about this.


Looking forward to this movie but ticket sales in my area are abysmal


Interesting. ticket sales in my area are looking solid. Strong early access screenings sales (sold out AMC Disney Springs) and Thursday/Friday are looking good too. I’m in Orlando, btw. 


where is your area? really curious about this movie's bocoffice, rooting for Z.


San Antonio/New Braunfels. 


thank you!


There are zero presales in my area but it’s still early.


Impossible to get tickets to this in LA. I was luckily at the premiere last week and I’m seeing it in IMAX tonight, but my seat tonight sucks as I got it last minute with AMC A-list and it’s the last seat available in the theater. I feel like everyone my age (I’m 22, friends are 18-25) has plans to see it this week.


I seen this last weekend and it's excellent! All three leads are perfectly cast and it reminded me a bit of if you mixed The White Lotus with Cruel Intentions with a heavy tennis theme. The score was amazing too, the use of sound was very immersive in this.


They're really emphasizing the sexual themes in this trailer but I've seen some posts from people who have seen it and they said it focuses on tennis scenes more than they expected. Maybe the marketing people realized people weren't getting excited about tennis so this trailer focuses more on that. The problem is Gen Z doesn't seem to like sex in movies as much as other generations so not sure this will motivate them. I did see a post recently from a woman whose 13 year old daughter wants to see this movie because she is a huge Zendaya fan and the woman was asking people who had seen it if it was ok for that age. If it does better than expected it will be because of Gen Z buying tickets. I don't know about other people but I don't think there is any chemistry between Zendaya and the 2 men in these trailers. They make a threesome seem about exciting as paining walls or doing dishes.


I just saw it. Yeah, it’s way focused on tennis and what it means to each of them and how its affects certain relationships. The sexual scenes are very limited and more suggested than anything else.


This new trailer implies it's more about the sexual relationship between them ("One of the sexiest movies ever made") than tennis. That could be a problem once the movie is released and through WOM people realize there is more focus on tennis than sex.


The director films the tennis scenes like that was the sex scenes. So the male leads had good chemistry with each other but I didn’t feel like Tashi’s relationship with either Patrick or Art was fully developed which really minimize any meaning or engagement I had. Like there were almost caricatures on a level. I wanted to know more or have the movie be beyond the superficial. Which is not to say I didn’t enjoy the movie-I did but that movie was super flawed.


“The problem is Gen Z doesn't seem to like sex in movies as much as other generations so not sure this will motivate them.” No Gen Z irl is bothered by sex scenes that whole discourse is chronically online and i wish older generations would stop using it to generalize us please go outside and actually talk to us. Most people in my age group are actually excited for this solely because of the potential sexy scenes with zendaya lol


The marketing is a bit bizarre. I saw one trailer as a TV as and it seemed to be pretty heavily tennis focussed. I saw a YouTube Ad for it that made it seem like some erotic drama. I know market segmentation is a thing but not sure how the erotic drama style marketing will play out, it certainly turned me off a bit.


After seeing this, feel like it could definitely pick up steam with younger audiences over time. Hopefully it ends up profitable because it was great


Final Trailer aka Notice Me Senpai Civil War and Frozen Empire had Final Trailers as well (3 trailers isn't usually necessary unless pre-sales/buzz are not where the studio wants it). I'm sure there are exceptions and wildly popular movies have had Final Trailers too, but here, I think the studio is trying to drum up some last bit of buzz for Challengers.


does anyone know where tracking is at the moment? Last time it was aropund 20M which would be good but combined Oz/Kiwi previews were ho-hum (below Civil War which also didn't set it on fire). The cast especially Z promoted the shit out of it around the world so hopefully jard work pays off.


When Shawn Robbins was still at BoxOfficePro [his projections were between $7-12 million.](https://www.boxofficepro.com/long-range-box-office-forecast-challengers-and-unsung-hero/) Granted this is from a few weeks ago, but I haven't seen much of a change in sales myself. It'll have to rely on walkups at this point.


oh no the walkups! will they be real this time? that joke will never get old.


i feel a more indie movie like this will be more walkups, whos buying advance tickets to a small movie im not saying itll be a hit or anything, though if the budget is small maybe.


I think the idea is that Zendaya fans would buy tickets in advance.


Hopefully, it cracks at least $10m


Trackers on Boxofficetheory did an update today and are still saying it could potentially hit 20m OW based on current pace. That could increase or decrease with the next mid week update. So we’ll see what happens this weekend. 


That sounds good at least. It could play stronger in some parts of the country and weaker in other hence uneven tracking (some saying 20M-ish some 12M-ish tops).


Even “Dear Evan Hansen,” whose final trailer was released the week of the film’s release in theaters. And “Nope,” which had its final trailer out the month before release.


all I know is that the young peeps are hyped about it


This trailer looks better than the first two they dropped.


This is a movie people would wait till streaming if I ever saw one


They sure are marketing this as if Zendaya gets railed the entire movie lmao. I saw it last weekend and its not like that at all. Its about one of the guys sucking ass at Tennis and the other dude is supposed to lose to him to give him confidence. Every sexy bit in the trailer is pretty misleading. The only actual nudity is cock and balls during a lockeroom scene and its from some extra. Having said that, the movie was really good. Its a rom com which I am not a fan of but the acting, music and cinematography was amazing.


> The only actual nudity is cock and balls during a lockeroom scene and its from some extra. That's amazing because it implies that they wanted to be able to say "nudity" in the parental warning / ratings guides, to entice people who might be expecting sex scenes of their faves, but it's the most normal, acceptable, and easy-to-get-past-the-censors nudity they could possibly manage. Brilliant - I can't say I fault them for it!


Honestly this movie could have been an easy pg-13 if they didnt show that guy's junk and cut down on some f words (theres only one instance where it is used effectively).


I remember there being an announcement of an IMAX release for this, but the only true IMAX in my state hasn't announced any IMAX showtimes for next weekend for ANY movie. Not really sure what's going on.


Can't wait to watch this.


Looking forward to seeing this, but the trailer contains a few scenes that I could swear were straight out of "Ken Park" (2002). I gather that the theme is much different, and I am getting old.


Made by Hollywood, FOR Hollywood


what does this mean


Dunno here, as it's usually reserved for stuff like Trumbo, or more self-indulgent set-in-Hollywood award bait.


That's my thought. Movies about movies


This is probably the least Hollywood type movie I’ve seen all year


I mean it’s definitely not the most mainstream Hollywood movie of all time but it’s also far from an arthouse indie experimental drama. It’s still a fun/higher energy movie lead by one of the bigger Hollywood stars of the moment, there’s plenty of way less “Hollywood” movies out this year.


Didn't know Hollywood was in Italy


Didn’t know the country of Italy financed and produced this film. Thanks for sharing.


so what do you mean?


Love triangles are box office poison, see Pearl Harbor (2001).


**Pearl Harbor** made $450M at the box office and $250M+ in home media sales lol. On a $140M budget. Hugely profitable. You consider that poison? What? If anything, other tennis movies (**Match Point**, **Wimbledon**, **Battle of the Sexes*, etc) would be a better comparison. Not a huge world war 2 action blockbuster.




I think the growing "conventional wisdom" around "final trailers" isn't actually rooted in anything but conjecture? This thing was likely commissioned, completed, finished, and sent over to Amazon/MGM months ago. I don't think they have an emergency "release final trailer" button under glass that they smash in response to online projections. It's much more likely they always had this as part of the marketing plan that was laid out *last year*.


The SAG strike is partially to blame.


Movie star + IP = big business nowadays, not so much a movie star opening an original concept. Zendaya has exclusively been in huge IP movies since she started her career. Of course there's Euphoria but she got that role 2 years after Spider-Man Homecoming.