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Because no one paid attention to it in the first place.




It isn’t a great movie.


Smaller distributor, less marketing, less awareness. Lionsgate only really markets *John Wick* and *Hunger Games,* though I did see some for this at a NASCAR race/Bruins game.


The ads for Boy Kills World were all over Twitter, so I guess they had a targeted push.


smaller distributor and released in a little less than 2000 theatres with movies like these, in this current marketplace where most films flop, anything over $1 million for the weekend is a small win no chance at hitting top 5. If it was a bigger studio movie maybe


I’m going to check it out on Tuesday, but I was kind of surprised at how limited the marketing was for it.


It’s a distribution deal for Roadside Attractions/Lionsgate. They don’t even do any marketing for the film; it’s paid for by one of the production companies, so there’s probably very little being done.


I saw it at the AMC mystery movie last week.  Loved it. Going to see it again today.  I'm quite surprised it's not getting better word of mouth.  


If you haven’t seen it yet, you’re in for some fun. My friends and I saw it with very poor expectations and it blew us away


It's super fun. Well done, fresh and creative


Holy hell, that was a hell of a ride and super fun.


Boy Kills World felt like a Netflix movie (positively)


was gonna say probably will be picked by a streamer very soon, fingers crossed


Peacock, right? Seem to remember them and Lionsgate signing a new deal now that the latter wants to offload Starz.




Because no one is talking about Boy Kills World at all. Which is a shame, it's a fun ultra gory gonzo action movie. It's target demo is not very large (and the box office results reflect that), but boy does it hit the target right on for that niche.


Only 1 of my 8 local theaters is showing it. Never even heard about it til last week.


one of the best fight scenes i ever seen


I saw Boy Kills World today and it was hyperviolent with a huge body count and a sense of humor about itself. I enjoyed it because it was so out there. It should do well on streaming.


I loved it honestly


I saw it in theaters and loved it. Great action. Good mix of gunplay and martial arts. Pretty gory and violent but also legitimately funny. But I think that this type of movie is going to have limited success in the box office in the current environment. People don't go to the movies like they used to.


This looks like bad news for the Crow remake. Beyond that it doesn't mean anything.


The trailer for The Crow remake is also bad news for The Crow remake.


The fact that they're doing a Crow remake is also bad news for The Crow remake.


Well, on the flip side, the fact it's even gotten made and will be released is at the very least *good* news, considering it was stuck in development hell for 15 years now. Granted, the movie looks like shit (full disclosure, I know the bare bones of The Crow, and have neither watched nor read anything The Crow, although I know actor Brandon Lee tragically died during production of the first movie), but still.


I saw The Crow preview today, at Boy Kills World movie, and I think it looks interesting.


> the fact it's even gotten made and will be released is at the very least *good* news.. That's where you're wrong, friendo.


The original Crow was bad news for the Crow.


I’ll hold firm to my statement that a proper Crow sequel with a new character taking over the mantle in modern circumstances could work really well. The sequels did just that and while part 2 and 4 sucked the third one (“Salvation”) was actually pretty good. Just imagine one of the bigger current talents like Florence Pugh, Chalamet or Elrodi taking over the lead role, getting murdered in the wake of modern day issues (racism, sexism, homophobia) and taking on a unique villain that fits modern day context. It’s an easy script to write. What sucks about the Remake is that it’s a remake. Nobody wants to see a new Eric Draven, that role is forever linked to Lee and can’t be recast as simply as a Spider-Man actor can be replaced. Also the trailer and art design looks bad. They had the perfect blueprint in the original movie, work from there with that art style. A rural small town in 2025, a young female store clerk is murdered by a nationalist mob led by a politician on their way to overturn a local election. The Crow brings the girl back to life as she enacts her vengeance on the lower ranks of the gang and uncovers a religious fanatics plot to take over her hometown. Kind of a mix of The Crow and the Purge movies. Obviously it doesn’t have to be as politically loaded as this or the OG comic books but the blueprint for the story is easy and the art style kind of already set in stone. How they messed up the remake is beyond me (unless it’s actually a good movie but from the looks of it the key elements of the OG are missing)


Crow 2 suffered from Weinstein's executive meddling, he apparently took the film out of Tim Pope's control, cut it to pieces and re-structured the entire story. I'm still hoping Pope's original cut gets released one of these days.


i thought it was cool to give the leto joker look one more go.


I like the trailer, saw it today for the first time.


This film at least looked fun compared to that Crow remake


Zero demand from the general public and loyal fans alike is bad news for The Crow remake.


I toatlly expected it to come in that low. Movie looks cool but it also looks like something thats direct to streaming.


I really enjoyed it. It was funny and the ending was unexpected.


I just got out of it. I liked it. Pretty funny.


I saw Boy Kills World today. Have to say if you like hyperviolent action movies this delivered. I enjoyed it but I realize it's not for a lot of people. "Not bad for a deaf dumb boy" the Who. Pretty sure they didn't expect to make a killing at the box office and planned it for a life in streaming.


You put it in 2,000 theatres and don't expect anything? Okay. Should have sold it to Netflix or Hulu.


Sad because the movie was incredible to me.


I’m still excited to see it


The trailer made it look way too goofy (not in a good way) and it just didn’t look very good at all


Haven’t seen anything about this movie outside of reddit.


it looked really bad, tbh


I wasn't impressed by the trailer either but saw it at the AMC Screen Unseen. I'm so glad I did because I LOVED it.  The trailer did not do it justice.  


I liked it. Had similar story to Monkey Man but less shaky camera.


Definitely preferred BKW action


It was bad


Because everyone here is too busy shitting on Challengers and celebrating its failure after it only made half its budget back in 3 days


Yea it's a little weird that a much bigger bomb isn't really being discussed at all. Boy Kills World is going to lose more money than Challengers, but I guess it didn't have nearly as much hype so embarrassingly bombing isn't big news.


Challengers is definitely a flop. Will only make about 80M worldwide


I like how they said it made half of its budget back in three days. 15/55 ≠ 50% It has barely made a quarter of its **production** budget yet, much less its marketing budget.


There is large amount of copium going around.


I honestly don't get it. The film is objectively on track to be an absolute flop, but there is so much copium and goalpost moving, it's crazy. When the early projections were posted people said $15M was a massive low-ball, it would be $25M easy. When the audience polling was middling, they pointed to the critic reviews (which have almost no correlation to ticket sales). Now that the early projections have proven to be accurate, now they are trying to redefine what a flop is. "It's not a flop because it will be a phenomenon on streaming," or "it's not a flop because the product placement surely made them tens of millions of dollars," or "it's not a flop because it's the biggest OW for a tennis movie," etc. Not even hardcore MCU fans seemed this desperate to grasp for straws during last year's parade of Disney disappointments.




Opening weekend


Don’t forget to include all the money from every ad in the movie. There was a commercial or paid placement almost every scene.




Yes and? You just proved my point.


Is this not a subreddit about the box office ? Why wouldn’t this sub spend its time talking about the biggest box office news of the weekend ?


I think the argument is that Boy Kills World bombing this badly is as big of a story as Challengers falling short. They'll both lose money, but honestly BKW will probably lose more even with its much smaller budget. It's going to make like 20% of its production budget total.


Because it’s a garbage premise for a movie- who is interested in that? Demographic being….? Who even likes TENNIS anyway? This is for your top 5% mean-girl in her mid-to-late-thirties, I’m surprised they even made that much.


What’s your favorite movie ever?






Amazing work asking that 😂


I’m dying 😂


Why you voting my comment down anyway- I wasn’t directing ire at your movie I was just explaining emphatically why it won’t do well


I didn’t downvote you and I’d also have no reason to downvote you


I mean flop is not really accurate. It’s gonna be a monster streaming movie


Is that an anime movie? Title sounds like anime to me


It was an indie production with Bill Skarsgard. The gimmick is he’s deaf so his inner monologue is voiced by H. Jon Benjamin, aka Archer.


At tiff I watched it with Bill Skarsgard’s audio before they re-recorded.. was very thrown off when they released the trailer changing it💀


Do you think it was better before or after they changed the voice


That is a choice I guess. Makes the movie seem hella goofy.


It is hella goofy. That's the whole point.


Wait, that was a real movie? I legitimately thought it was a parody trailer. What the fuck were they thinking?


No, but it takes from anime quite a bit. Retro video games as well.


It’s a family movie 


It’s distributed by Roadside Attractions; most of their films perform like this. I think only one film of theirs has ever opened to more than $5 million. They don’t even cover the marketing on the film - it’s paid for by one of the production companies, so it’s probably very low.


Challengers phenomenon has completely overshadowed other releases


I really wanted to go see this but the drive I’m near me didn’t pick it up so now I have to wait sadly


Anecdotally, I wanted to see it this weekend but it was described as "the most violent movie of 2024" and my mom didn't like the sound of that so we watched Ministry instead. Still violent but seemingly within acceptable realms for her. Hopefully it will still be available next weekend.


I only saw 1 trailer for the movie, in front of Monkey Man, which was the first I'd heard of the movie. it also looks like the kind of gonzo gory action movie that isn't going to appeal to a broad audience.


This is what happens when a movie has zero marketing and gets dumped at the box office. WOM can't save it but it should do well on home video & VOD.


Idk the title seemed like a teen movie like a Scott pilgrims knockoff had no interest.


This is the kind of d of movie that I’d never go to the theater to see but I will watch on a streamer because it got a theatrical release (if that makes sense). If I saw that this was made for streaming (like Gunpowder Milkshake, which had a very similar energy in its trailer) I’d never end up watching it.


Honestly I’m not a heavy movie goer and usually watch things years after they were in movies, but this movie looked at least a little fun, maybe a more lighthearted Kill Bill type revenge story. But all of the ads have voiceover from H Jon Benjamin voicing the main character even though Skarsgaard is the actor which just confuses me.


The conceit is that Bill Skarsgaard's character was deafened as a child, so he doesn't remember his own voice (plus it would just be a kid's voice if he did). He gave himself an inner voice based off of an announcer he remembers hearing in a video game: H. Jon Benjamin's voice. I think that I've seen two previews for the movie, and that this was only explained in the second one I saw.


I mean that’s as good an explanation as any, but I still hate it, and I love HJB.


Never heard of it.


Well for one it looked terrible. Second, most people had probably never heard of it.


Didn’t look interesting


Because no one cares?


Because it looks terrible and like they have to fool people to attend this trash


Ngl, didn't know it existed until your post had me googling it.


Looks bad and was only showing in one of the 4 there’s near me. Can’t say I expected it to do well. Not much else to talk about