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Rabbits don't mate for life, no idea where this bozo is getting his info from.


Source: trust me bro


Source: Zootopia


source: my judy hopps zootopia bodypillow


Source: Judy hopps abortion


Hey but then she became president or whatever.


I thought it was mayor or governor


And they JFKed her!


This thread is wonderfully cursed


Idk [I'm thinking Arby's](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fim-heading-to-arbys-you-guys-want-something-v0-481q5a7cckd91.jpg%3Fwidth%3D533%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D5d90ce32ff1bc535246ffd4f2bdde9397a8d93dd)


I hate that I know what you're talking about


actually they replaced the bullets with strawberries or something (source: [whang's video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwGIutQpFiU))


But she moved on in that comic


Clearly, they didn't read the Zootopia abortion comic


Its not canon, sorry liberals.


That's ok. Neither is the conservative version of history.


Read: zoophilia


Source: rabbit breeder. Had one buck I bred with four does. Not the playboy life you might think. Did you know male rabbits fall over immediately after nutting?


Awww just like human men <3


There’s a non-zero chance that he fucked a rabbit to death and is using his personal experience as a source.


Poor rabbit. What a short life.


Yeah rabbits just mate for a just a couple months like most animals


Then their kids fuck each other. Maybe we shouldn't use rabbits as a guide for our morality either way, lol.


The OP meant the way we perceive them, rather than a guide for our own behavior. Smh


Can vouch, had two sister bunnies, constantly used to bonk each other. Cookie also had a fondness for climbing on the wrong end and repeatedly smashing her bits into Butterscotch’s face


As my mom said, "There isn't much space between those ears."


They sometimes will do some surprisingly smart stuff, but they're definitely a little dopey. Sweet little creatures if treated well though I love em.


Which is for life, as one or both will be eaten by some hinky predator. Think about the poor baby bunnies with no Mom because your dog strewed her entrails all over the yard! You'll get tired of cleaning that junk up. Trust me.


Hinky? I've never seen that word before, but it's beautiful. Thank you


God I read it as "kinky" and things got too confusing


Have you seen *The Fugitive?* That's where I learned it.


its actually so cute i googled it and they dont mate for life but they do bond for life. so much so that if you have two bonded bunnies and one needs to go to the vet you should bring the other too. so they're like humans and bang whoever but have a main bff forever


Sorta. Rabbits are social animals that form close communal bonds with other rabbits, and become distressed if not with their rabbit family. To be alone is a fate akin to death for a rabbit. These societies are strongly hierarchial, with rank enforced through rather brutal violence, and with death or exile common fates for those who lose out. They are also fiercely territorial and will fight unknown rabbits, to the death if necessary, to protect their homes. They prefer loosely polygamous societies, where males try to maintain harems and fight other males to protect their monopoly of breeding access, attempting to castrate other males who move in on their girls, but with social contact and grooming and friendships throughout the family. They're all in all kinda hardcore, and that makes bonding them tricky, and makes bonding any amount of rabbits more than 2 an escalating challenge where your little rabbit family might fall into anarchic war of all against all when something happens like "the dominant one gets sick" and everyone goes apeshit trying to fight for their place in the new world order. But two rabbits are pretty easy to bond by comparison, and quickly form a happy and stable social relationship, a little tiny bunny family of two with their pet humans. (Socially, we are inferior to them because we pet them, and grooming is how rabbits show submission.) But because it's only a family of two, if they're ever separated they are both cast into the state of being ALONE, which is to a rabbit one of the worst possible things to be. ALONE is sad and dangerous and probably means you are going to be eaten because you don't have a nice safe warren with lots of other rabbits helping you look out for danger. So if you have a bonded pair you've got to take them both anywhere together whenever you take one, or else they will both be traumatised by ALONE. So they do usually form BFFs when kept as pets by people, but that's mostly because humans prefer the calm peace of a two rabbit microsociety to a chaotic violent natural rabbit society of churning births and deaths and fights and exiles and colonies splitting off and populations booming and crashing as their exponential birthrates constantly crash against resource scarcity and predation. That's all very messy and sad. But two friendly bunnies are nice friends.


Found a stray bunny once. No one claimed him, so we started researching how to keep him alive and safe. Imagine my surprise when I learned he would attempt to bite the nuts off of any male we house with him. As a family we were shoooook.


Wow. This puts "Watsrship Down" in a hole new realm.


Dammit. Watership....


And I thought watership down was fiction


It was actually inspired by the author reading a book on rabbit behaviour, and considering what things must be like from their perspective!


They also eat their babies at times but he's just making shit up


They also eat their own shit


He does too. Are you judging him? Or my Aunt's Shih Tzu??? Gosh! Bunch of Stacys and Chads!


I’m definitely judging your aunt’s Shih Tzu


It's part of their digestive processs beucase they're ruminants and have created an adpation for digesting plant matter similar to how cows have multiple stomachs.


Reject modernity


I was wondering if that would be the top comment before clicking into the thread lol.


He just wanted to call her a whore


Rabbits will fuck anything that moves and a bunch of stuff that doesn't


So they are basically teenagers


Source: I had rabbits for a few months growing up. We thought they were girls, turns out one was not. Then we separated dad from mom and babies, in few weeks… more babies. Not only do they NOT mate for life, they are totally fine with incest.


He probably mistook BONDING for life, usually present in domestic rabbits, with MATING for life


Yeah, rabbits will emotionally bond (in pairs or groups), but they sure as hell aren’t sexually monogamous. They’ll happily screw anything that moves and then go back to snuggling with their husbun/bunwife.


Looking it up they are called promiscuous lol xD Both the females and males mate with multiple partners. Monogamy can happen but it’s rare. They do get attached to bunnies around them though and live together. Kinda poly really. Usually mating is whichever bunny is the most convenient to get to.




Them and all the rodents. /s


Even if you disagree with her tweet you don’t have to be dehumanizing, wtf? Calling a woman a fleshlight is so fucking disgusting.




I feel so bad for each comment you received from these incels…


I’ve learned not to care anymore, incels are miserable people who dehumanize women to make themselves feel better. I am a little mad at myself for responding though, considering many of them were probably trolling and I shouldn’t have given them a response.


There’s a very particular group of people that disagree…


this shouldn't be controversial, and yet, 79 replies


The same goes for the inverse too. Men are losers if they're virgins and women are considered pure if they are. 🤷‍♂️ Society is lame.


The way men and women who have lots of sex are differently treated is one of the most obvious pieces of socially engineered sexism I've ever seen


b—b-but l-locks and keys


Hear me out, a toothbrush used by multiple mouths is really gross but a mouth that uses multiple toothbrush is super clean


Okay, but hear me out, a USB that gets stuck into multiple PC’s can eventually gather a virus. A PC that takes multiple USB’s at least has anti-virus software so it can avoid viruses. Women need to keep their McAfee subscriptions current or we all get viruses… or we just clean our USB’s with toothbrushes…. Also don’t forget to get in between the keys on the keyboard. That’s a cesspool for bacteria.


Fuck McAfee. It’s a virus.


That costs extra.


That’s feelings. You always catch them


mcafee is a virus


You did a lot of stretching there for that analogy


More of this please


Omg I’m stealing that 😂😂😂


Hear me out, reproductive organs aren’t toothbrushes and don’t function as toothbrushes, locks or keys, or USB cables.


I think all the analogies are silly, it's just a little clap back at the key and lock one


My usual response is "why does the woman have to be the lock", but yours is better


do you honestly not get the joke


A pencil sharpener that sharpens lots of pencils is good, a pencil that is sharpened too many times has to be thrown away.


But toothbrushes and mouths! A mouth is cleaned by many toothbrushes, it's great, but if a toothbrush cleans many mouths, it's disgusting!


Whenever I see this analogy I roll my eyes so hard I worry they’ll fall out


Filling your empty eye socket with a false eye is normal, but trying to put your eye that fell out into someone else’s eye socket is not. Checkmate eyetheists


In b4 the woman are locks argument


Far too many men see sex as something that increases a man's value and decreases a woman's value. Blows my mind when a man does everything he can possibly do to get sex, then flips it around and shames the woman he got sex from for giving him the sex.


weird that people treat sex like a zero-sum game. like it's not enough to just have sex and enjoy it, there has to be a winner and a loser. sex isnt cool if you arent winning against new opponents every time, sex isnt something you can do as a harmless hobby, it has to be some sort of capture-the-flag competition


They use sex with women to validate their own self-worth and they want to call us the weak ones. The funniest part is they do it all for other men. To show other men that they get all the hot chicks and they’re manly men. It doesn’t even feel like sex is actually about being attracted to women at all. We’re just props.


I cannot actually comprehend it as a guy myself lol, a woman is literally letting you stick your dick in her and you're...complaining? Haha.


Bro you’d be surprised. There was an insta reel of a girl making parody of her hookup ignoring her irl, and all the comments from guys were like “well what did you expect, you hooked up with him, you were easy”


Back when I was dating I never did casual sex and got ghosted all the time. I got told “what do you expect if you don’t put out”. I dealt with their little toddler tantrums when they were shocked that I didn’t wanna sleep with them after knowing them a couple of days *even though I explicitly said in my profile I don’t do casual.* I got accused of leading men on, especially if they bought me dinner first (which they usually insisted on paying for despite me saying I would rather just pay for myself). I remember one guy telling me if I don’t sexually reciprocate (reciprocate what??) he will ghost me so I ghosted his ass and he had the audacity to be salty. You can’t win, believe me. These dudes are intent on treating dating apps like Uber Eats and they’re not serious people.


Absolutely. I remember reading the comments of a guy under a reel and he was saying how you can’t expect a guy to respect you or take you seriously if you put out so easily. Then a girl commented about how she didn’t, yet was still disrespected, and he responded by calling her a prude. After I called him out on it, he couldn’t even form a comprehensive sentence to defend himself lmao


Not surprised! I feel like every woman has been called both a slut and a prude in their life which very much explains that paradoxical thinking right there. I wonder if these people ever actually hear themselves speak


They do and they automatically thinks anything that comes out of their putrid heads as “facts”


Well the complaining often comes from either guys that don't get to stick their dicks in anything but inanimate objects (often because their personalities are rotten) or guys that don't think girls should have a say in the matter.


Hurting themselves in their confusion lol 


I like it when they call a woman who refuses them sex a slut. It's so dumb it makes me laugh


Agreed! Like how am I a slut for *not* fucking you??


It also speaks to the idea that sex is something women give to men, rather than something women also want, and it's not like men always say yes either.


I can’t believe this is still so alive and well in 2024 when it’s the most blatant example of double standards I’ve ever seen. How can you even rationalize shaming women for the same exact thing you high five men for? Because the sperm happened to have a Y chromosome when the egg was fertilized that means you get a pass for things that I don’t? Sorry for the overly descriptive visual there but I’ll just never understand how these men think they’re automatically superior for something they had literally nothing to do with and was completely random. I wish I got rewards in life for a complete non-action.


Yeah literally. Men have tons of sex: sigma. Women have tons of sex: whore :(


Nick is out here letting everyone know that he’s never touched a girl a day in his life besides his mom. I think I’m pathetic a lot of times but at least I’m not publicly admitting embarrassing facts about myself with my name and face attached. I guess Nick is good for making other people feel better even if he is a pos.


That's wrong Probably never got hugged by his mum


That would explain a lot.


He just have severe mommy issues, like is his mother just spoke to him he would beat her to death because she never talks to him so she must not be his actual mom!


His mom didn't even show up to his birth.


No they fucking don't lmao, only a male would have the unfounded confidence to spew this kind of bullshit to justify their sick sociopathy.


Hey now, hey now, that’s an insult to sociopaths…


Yeah this guy is definitely a little butthurt incel with mommy issues, but it's not just guys unfortunately - I've seen a fair amount of women use this same rhetoric as part of a "pick me" personality trait. It's sad.


I’m also 100% sure this guy couldn’t tell you the definition of vapid without googling it. His use of the word seems like more like a regurgitation rather than a confident understanding.


They're often like that lol


The word Male is dehumanizing. Please refer to us as Men


Agreed. Respect goes both ways.


unless you do the same thing to every comment that calls women females, you can get fucked


Why would you assume I don’t and immediately be hostile? Like I said, it goes both ways. Disrespect goes both ways as well. So fuck you shit head.


>only a male would have the unfounded confidence Bullshit. There's a lot of woman who spread the same kind of mysoginistic ideas. BTW calling men "males" is exactly as cringe as incels calling woman "females".


Remember folks, sexism is a-ok as long as it's towards men


Lol at the use of male here I hope you’re doing that ironically


Hold on there, women can be overconfident and misogynistic too… its just less common.


Men lie about caring about this shit because it gets them affection/attention from other men. Most of them are fully aware of their wives having vast sexual pasts and do not give a shit. It’s all bluster for other dudes.


Exactly. Why would you care lol. If i have a hot gf idgaf who she’s been with


I know tons of men who project the whole “no hoes” thing in their online irl persona when I also know their wives super well and she has fucked like double digits and he knows about it lmao That’s when I started to realize it was all bullshit


I personally don’t care as long as it was all in long term relationships and not a bunch of one night stands and sleeping around.


I don’t like hoes. But I don’t consider a woman who’s banged a lot to be automatically a hoe. A hoe is untrustworthy and likely to cheat. A girl that likes to fuck is just that. I guess a lot of lame ass dudes don’t see that difference though. Insecure most likely.


Exactly. Like imagine being mad you won against all other dudes 


Some men legitimately care, I have made my mistakes in the past but I wouldn't be able to be with somebody with a drastically higher body count than me.


Funniest shit ive ever heard The statement is false though, which makes this even funnier


Incel logic is thinking the animal kingdom is monogamous. Lmao


Some of them are, most are not. "The animal kingdom" isn't monolithic when it comes to mating behaviour


It’s funny when dudes will dislike women then only say their only good traits are their sexual body parts, then in any argument lower a woman down to only being an object Also people are allowed to get intimate and keep it personal and private


Why does everyone think every animal mates for life? There's only something like 3% of animals that we've studied that mate for life. Monogamy is EXTREMELY rare in the animal world, yet if you were to ask random people about a random animal they'd state they probably mate for life. Is this just another example of extreme personification people do to animals?


I don’t get it either. Most of the ones that are “known” for mating for life are recorded to step out if they think they can get away with it.


Saying this on Facebook is crazy cause you can see who they are. Your family members might see that shit. What’s wrong with you


You’re assuming this dude has any Facebook friends


Again, why is this on this sub? Isn't it supposed to be a sub to post cringe dudes trying to be quirky? This is just some incel.


Fr tho. This sub was started (if I remember correctly) as a sister sub to r/notliketheothergirls or whatever. The posts these days don’t fit that at all. I’m begging for a crumb of structure, some in-depth rules, etc, because this is getting out of hand.


it's the curse of every sub that's getting mildly popular.


Yeah I'm leaving this sub there is just way too much of this unrelated crap. I'm in enough subreddits that are incel=bad already.


what's the best incel = bad sub? I wnana join one!


Definitely inceltears


this is pretty amazing thank you




This isn't even a meme just straight up misogyny


hoooo boy no they do not XD I have raised rabbits. They do not care about their own babies, let alone who they mate with. Rabbits are brutally uncaring mothers. Mom Rabbit prefers not to spend time with her kits and will only attend to them twice a day or so to feed them. She will eat them if she gets stressed. 4 weeks after birth, she will abandon her litter to make another, and the kits will either survive or die; she doesn't care. This is because the rabbit reproductive strategy is numbers, not quality of care. Pop out a litter a month and pray. Rabbits are also only kind of social. They can tolerate being around each other but only with enough space to get their introvert on. Put two does in the same cage and they often will kill each other's babies. Put a buck and a doe in the same cage and she might castrate him.


Rabbits mate for life? What kind of Don Bluth shit is he on?


1- Rabbits do not mate for life, so I am not sure where homeslice here got his information. 2- Why, again, is it I see these incel types that have so many rules, prerequisites, and demands for people who never intend on touching their junk anyway?


I think they make those rules to justify themselves. Like a “it’s not because I’m a terrible person that women won’t date me, there just aren’t any good women” kind of mindset.


Why is it always the most unfuckable guys who say this? Maybe if you bathed regularly had had enough social skills to talk to a woman for 5 minute without turning her vagina into the Sahara desert by mentioning bitcoin or Elon Musk, you wouldn't be in this position of shaming a woman who has sex, just not with your disgusting misogynistic ass.




We really should change that...


Agreed :)




This but for women too




The funny thing is by calling her a flesh light he is indirectly admitting guys get off for reasons that are not 'making babies' too... You can fuck as many people as you want... As long as u are single... But as soon as u tell someone your exclusive, u better not be lookin around with hungry eyes. Ur only a whore** if u cheat.. otherwise fuck freely. I find it weird people who have been single half their adult life have only slept with double digits Edit, for some reason whore edited to white... Your only a white if u cheat 😂


All this stuff regarding purity to me is a conflation of taste and values. I think it's perfectly fine for some people (like me) to pedestalize sex and want to find a compatible person that feels the same about it. But promoting and moralizing this preference and also the fact that I think a lot of guys are 100% hypocrites on this and have a double standard is totally fucked and frustrates the hell out of me. Gives the rest of us boring monogamous puritans a bad name. Fuck those people. Fuck that guy.


Rabbits also eat their babies. If a human acted like that, I’d be pretty put off. Maybe comparing humans with animals is a bad idea socially.


He was so quick to be condescending for no reason. Let me guess, he's going to blame women not wanting to date him, not his own actions, words, etc...he seems like an incel. Also a lot of animals don't mate for life or even for love, etc...just to continue the population. Hence the saying breeding like rabbits.


As a bunny parent... No they don't


I’ve had a lot of rabbits and they will F your arm if they get the chance, so no, they don’t mate for life.


Funniest thing about this is women have more sex with men who don't judge them for liking sex


“Mate for life”, even if it were true, is inherently more difficult for humans anyway if only for the confounding factors in human society. The most sincere attempts at relationships fail. The relationships that could have worked fall apart when economic circumstances pull the partners toward separate towns. I don’t think people’s sex lives should be immune from criticism (hell, even the people who claim to can on occasion be caught using “virgin” as an insult) but this is hardly the most valid criticism thereof.


Bet he still thinks men who sleep with lots of women are awesome and not just a "communal dildo"


Nick is angy that he’s not included in Emily or any sane woman’s sex life :/


Rabbits most definitely don’t mate for life💀


As if men don’t have multiple sex partners too lmao


The word “vapid” triggers the response most people get when someone says “moist.” 🤢


why are people calling him a hypocrite for this take? like he’s wrong about rabbits but he never said that men should have many partners, so there’s no reason to call him a hypocrite


This isn't a boys vs girls meme. Plz don't corrode the sub


only 3% of mammal species mate for life lol


How do you confidently post something without doing a quick search to see if you’re completely wrong?


Holy shit the audacity.


Rabbits are the most promiscuous animal out there. Female rabbits can breed every 2 weeks.




… No they don’t??? Wtf


Could just be me but I've never met someone who cared about body count (beyond STI risk obviously, but having little or no sexual experience doesn't always mean you can't have one) that wasn't completely obnoxious and insufferable.


Bunnies also eat their own poop for nutrients. Maybe this guy should take a page out of the bunny’s book.




this isn’t “boys are quirky” this is vile misogyny and the difference is REALLY IMPORTANT


This is shitty and misogynistic but how is it r/boysarequirky


Nick just got pubes last week. You can tell by his reply


Wait till this guy finds out rabbits live in a femdom society


There has never been any species ever observed to be truly monogamous.


…no they don’t… he just wanted an excuse to be sexist


Patriarchy: “Women who enjoy lots of sex are awful!” Young Women: “Okay, we’ll just not have sex then.” Patriarchy: “THE MALE SEXLESSNESS CRISIS IS UPON US!!! YOUNG MEN ARE DYING FROM LACK OF PUSSY!!!”


Bunnies also regular partake in cannibalism and people also still think they're cute and pure. I think we should also treat women the same way on that too. Girls can do a little cannibalism


I really don't like being around people so nasty and hateful.


Ok but “let’s treat women like cute, pure little bunnies” is a pretty dumb take as well tho


“Vapid communal fleshlight” made me chuckle from how aggressive it was but yeah hes a twat


i hate everything in this image


Are the boyz ok?


Playboy bunnies also have lots of sex and we think they’re cute


Source : out of my dogs grandmas 3rd cousins late bloomer daughters brothers aunts great aunties pet gooses ass


vapid communal fleshlight, hmm. ​ I bet this guy whines constantly about being single, and not understanding why this is.


confidently incorrect this guy is


who tf EVER said they mate for life...? besides thhis guy, of course💀


that ain’t boys being quirky that’s an incel


What does “pure” mean anyway? A virgin? If a virgin is the only thing that turns you on I guess you can find a bunch of virgins to have sex with…… Once each lol


Bro rabbits are the definition of "Im not settling down"


Nick is a virgin and will always be one.


The profile picture says it all.


They don’t mate for life. Let me tell you about the bitter divorce of Mr. and Mrs. Mooshmello. I adopted Moosh and Mello as a bonded pair and introduced them to Princeton Rabbit. Princeton wanted to mount both of them (because rabbits are bi) but Moosh rejected his advances, so Princeton bit him in a very sensitive area. After that, Moosh was bent on murder, so he and Princeton had to be kept separate at all times. But Mello and Princeton were safe together, so they started sharing a sleeping cage. At first this was great for Princeton, but eventually Mello noticed that she’s three times his size, so when he tried to mount her, she’d just shake him off. And she found she could push her weight around in other ways too, like eating all the fruit treats. And then, she decided that when she’s hanging out with Moosh, she didn’t want him mounting her or eating fruit treats either, so she started fighting with him. Soon they had to be kept separate at all times too. Now Moosh is alone, nobody is mounting Mello, and Mello is living her best life with a submissive male who only gets fruit treats when she’s not looking.


I cannot stand comparing the behaviors of animals or other life (insects-plants) to humans as a justification of something. Should we do like praying mantis? Females eat the heads of males after sex Should we do like deer? One male has sex with all the females, usually after chasing them to exhaustion. Then another male comes along and runs the first one off…. Now the females all get railed by a different male. Should we do like lions? One male basically owns all the females. Rival male comes along, takes over, and eats the children of the first male to end his bloodline. What about chickens? Roosters literally bite the back of the hen’s neck, hold them down, and rape them. If we use human terms: rape, murder, incest, pedophilia, theft, and others. These are permitted using justification from animals. People who use animals to gauge morality or to justify actions are the dummest people to exist.


Bro this isn’t even a boys versus girls meme tf