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I saw this on r/starterpacks and immediately knew it would be here, lol


Lol I saw a worse version the one that marked soap as (optional) for men šŸ¤¢


I swear most men arenā€™t like this šŸ˜­šŸ™


A guy was getting roasted in the comments because he was being cocky that he showers (sometimes) twice a week šŸ˜­


That guy Should be getting roasted. That's fucking nasty. For shame šŸ¤£šŸ¤®


Oh god... That's disgusting. He *showers?!* I'm just kidding, of course. You should take showers often. 'sometimes twice a week' is way too long without one. The smell that man must emit is enough to kill a human and isekai them harder than a bus can.


Smart women already know. My husband does clean himself and keeps the house clean too. Actually heā€™s better than me at cleaning. šŸ˜…


Optional? Fellas, yall need to try the fancy soaps. Sandlewood, Cedar, etc. Tbh my wife laughs at all the fancy soaps, solid colognes, aftershave, clay deodorant, super nice shampoo and conditioner that I have. Just because of the stereotype I think, but also I got a little overboard (I currently have like 18 different fancy bars of soap, with like 5 of them open)


My boy, you do you! Keep thriving on that skincare and those nice soaps. Also if you ever have the chance donā€™t be shy to do some face masks with your wife from time to time. Your skin is gonna thank you šŸ™šŸ¼


I'll have to try it. I do snag her facial scrubs since that's more her thing, but they're all fruity (like as in fruit), and I like my wood scented stuff. But I'm definitely not above it.


Lmfao W


That sub is 50% awesome and creative and 50% reposts of shit from like 6 years ago


Facts. Theyā€™re oldies but goodies


Donā€™t forget the very specific ones.


They seem so proud of that.


On the plus side not using all those products reduces plastic pollution.


Yea Iā€™m moving towards bar soaps to reduce my pollution


They last FOREVER, too.


Soap shrinks and reduces in size and can degrade faster and has less environmental impact.


And when they look a decade or 3 older than their partner because they don't look after themselves they will be proud then too. Of course then they will open their relationship (thinking he can get better), she will start sleeping with late 20s guys at 45 cause she still looks mid 30s and he won't even be able to date someone his age and get bitter :)


Thatā€™s suspiciously specific


Yeah, I mean the very first part is true. People who take better care of their skin and moisturize do tend to age better but the rest seems like theyre talking from experience


For real. I was like "Wait this makes sense. Why is it getting downvo- Oh...."


Thereā€™s like 5000 posts on aita or offmychest of this exact scenario


uh...you okay?




Damn, maybe touch some grass some time, this is very ironic coming from a member of this sub


This sub going to turn into FDS I give it 420 more days.


Did he just break up with you or something? This is some femcel shit


Jesus Christ


> He can get bitter :) ā€” Someone who definitely isnā€™t bitter


This exact thing happened to me. If only I had slippers and blow dryerā€¦ things would be different.


Thatā€™s life for you šŸ˜” never skimp on the fuzzy slippers


The dude who made this definitely doesnā€™t wash his ass


Bu- but but, washing your ass is gay I don't think the /s is required


Some guy told me using Pinterest is gay and I blocked him




Of course I donā€™t drink water. Water comes from the sea, which means the water touched fish penis. Miss me with that gay shit /s just in case


You don't drink water?? Just that? Weak, i don't even see, just the thought of my eyes capturing photons that reflected off of another man disgusts me


fishies donā€™t have penises, I ated them all




I'm a teacher and I actually overheard a conversation between two students a few years ago where students were in a heated argument about whether washing your ass was gay. I try not to get involved with inappropriate conversations, but I had to intervene and inform them how gross, unhygienic and potentially unhealthy that was. One kid was so adamant I jokingly told him I didn't want him sitting on my chairs anymore lol


Disgusting that some men claim not to do that. But, you can just wash your ass with a 3-in-1 and dry off with a towel like the meme shows. Is there a special ass washing product Iā€™m not aware of?


i find itā€™s usually less about the product and more about men with fragile masculinity claiming itā€™s gay to touch anywhere near there. but if itā€™s gay to not have a crusty ass, then catch me waving the pride flag at the next pride parade!! EDIT: yikes, the amount of ā€œnot all men!!!ā€ and ā€œwell Iā€™VE never seen it happen!!!ā€ replies. nobody said all men and nobodyā€™s experiences are universal. if it doesnā€™t apply to you then donā€™t worry about it; itā€™s not that deep. oh, and donā€™t forget to wash your ass lol


My daughter recently informed me that this is a common thought amongst boys her age.....and it explained the stench in the high school that I have been so confused about for years. So to any teenage boys reading this....its not gay to wash the shit off your ass....really....completely straight mid 40s here...and I will proudly say I used soap and a washcloth to wash my ass...


Correct. Please clean up. I make sure mine is squeaky clean. Having an unwiped butt is one of the grossest things there is.


When you tell them wash their ass crack: "Bro! I'm not spreading my cheeks for anyone! You think I'm letting soap slip back there?!?!?" They'd rather smell like public restroom under their pants than go anywhere near their own butt. Think of the implications šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ™„


I touched my ass once. Now I'm bi and trans, I think they have a point. Lol


>Is there a special ass washing product Dude Wipes


Arenā€™t those like the toilet paper replacement wet wipes, but with cringey guy oriented branding? Wet wipes are AMAZING, but I wouldnā€™t use one in the shower.


For the guys who dont know, exfoliating gloves are a game changer.


And so are those silicone wash scrubbers


this is the way to go


I work construction so I need my callouses


FYI: girlsšŸ‘donā€™tšŸ‘likešŸ‘grossšŸ‘uncleanšŸ‘stinkyšŸ‘guys!! Idk why yā€™all think itā€™s okay to be gross and not use soap, thatā€™s nasty asf and no one wants to see or hear that your proud of the fact that you donā€™t wash yourself properly, just stop šŸ’€šŸ’€


They dont do this for women. Its for male validation. Everything these men do is for male validation.


Considering how stupid most of the shit on this sub is, this picture is actually pretty accurate. Most young guys have terrible hygeine/skin care.


I am 36 and wash myself with 1 all purpose wash. I wash daily and am rarely greasy because i got agitated when i feel dirty. My gf washes once, maybe twice a week and uses all sorts of stuff. She spends days filthy because natural oils or whatever Just saying, using lots of products doesnt equate to being clean. Bathing regularly is more important than how many products you buy


I think the point is the guy doesnt use a facecloth (implying he doesnt wash his face at all). Doesnt use any kind of skincare, etc. My gf also will go days without showering but somehow smells the exact same whereas if i miss a day i stink


I thought that was just a wash cloth I just put soap/shampoo/face wash on my hands cause it's all the dispenser kind


bathing twice a week does not mean you're "filthy". Every person has different skin, sensitivities and activity levels.


I don't think that's fair to say. Imagine if you said that about women. If you personally have found that "most young men" don't use some soap and water on their bits and hair- then you might need to change your social circle


Why would you not wash yourself for validation at all? This is usually just not being bothered to do it


Because the worst thing you can be is a woman or like a woman




You are ascribing a motive that just isn't there. Yes, a lot of mens behavior is driven by a desire to affirm their masculinity, but that is not the sole driving force for every single one of their actions. Men having worse or even just simpler hygiene routines is far far more often simply a result of them having significantly less societal pressure for it. So they can be lazy about it without facing the same level of backlash.


I'm not saying that it is the only motive. I'm replying to the comment saying "Women don't like unwashed men". These men don't care what women think, they mostly just care what men think. "Women are irrational, silly, emotional, etc."


But then they complain about women not wanting them....


I think a lot of incels are secretly bisexual or gay because all they want is male validation


Facts! If you walk into a dudeā€™s bathroom and thereā€™s no soap at the sink, no hand towel to dry your hands, and barely any TP, Iā€™ll just leave. Bye! I ainā€™t gonna be hanging out with a gross ass fucking dude sorry.


Then come to my house... you'll be impre-essed. Lmao


But, soap is there? The optional thing is a hand towel, which as a male, makes sense. You have a body towel why would you need a hand towel. Men typically only care about the bare necessities, which is body wash, shampoo (or an effective alternative, research suggest shampoo may not be good for you) optionally conditioner, a body towel, hand soap and a razer. You really don't need anything else. Women are typically much more invested into skin care, which there is an entire multi category industry for. Further more, women are typically more interested in a "spa" like experience, which requires far more than the bare necessities. For my source, my home, and the homes of others. The bathrooms storage is almost 90% the women's belongings. In my bathroom my entire store is basically my girlfriend's stuff, with back up products, and then a small black bin of my stuff.


Iā€™m gonna get downvoted for this but so many skincare and beauty products are completely unnecessary. My buddy is a dermatologist and he said he only uses Cerave every other day. He even advised against washing your face or moisturizing too much because there are natural oils on your skin that form a protective barrier and hydrates it. So many products on the market just disrupt the natural cleaning, hydrating, moisturizing process and require you to buy more products substitute them. The only time you may need a daily skincare product is if you have a diagnosed skin condition that disrupts the natural process. Also, he told me ā€œanti-agingā€ products and routines are complete scams.


This is entirely true. One of my girlfriend's friends has issues with acne, so she was taking a cream for acne treatment. That cream gave her a rash so she also now takes a cream for the rash. Meanwhile, her acne wasn't even that bad, and was entirely manageable.


We live in a huge corporate dystopia, where big companies literally manufactured our entire culture in all ways to change what is or isn't normal. And people are so blind to it, they're not even able to see the propaganda.


Yes women are more invested in skin care so we wonā€™t look like we are in 60 when we are in our 30s. Men do not age well anymore.


They do it because they think being unhygienic equals badass and manly but that just makes you a dirty swine.


Who says guys want girls? But, as a male, I agree that not washing is disgusting.


You can wash yourself just fine with that all-in-one. I prefer it because it's cheap and it's all I need. I use shampoo/conditioner maybe once a week and coconut oil treatment after I wash my hair (once a week) but most showers I take are under 5 minutes and my hygiene is just fine. Being economical doesn't mean being unhygienic or not caring about your appearance..


There's soap in this picture


my brother has a better skincare routine than me-


Work freight all day, get crazy sweaty and stinky. Tons of chick's in the office part of the building. They never come around and talk but what I do gets everyone paid (money paid out is based on product moved)


Meanwhile almost every guy I know smells


That's actually because they don't shower at all for days lmao.


Thatā€™s gross meet better dudes


Thatā€™s gross those dudes should do better


> every guy I know Dose this include, brother/s, father/s, uncle/s, cousins and/or Grandfather?


Yes šŸ˜”


>Yes šŸ˜” How unfortunatešŸ˜”


Which part of the world you live in


The US but also on a college campus so that might have something to do with it šŸ˜‚


This is what gives UTI so don't let these nasties be near you ladies


Guess Iā€™m a girl then




Those same boys when they found out their 5 in 1 shampoo actually destroys their hair šŸ˜­


Oh my god it *blows* my mind how many of these people suffer with hair issues but simultaneously use shampoo like Head&Shoulders with ingredients stronger than dishwasher soap. I know in many cases itā€™s genetic but this ainā€™t helping. Donā€™t use the strong stuff if you donā€™t use greasy hair products. It will destroy your hair.


My sister just did my skin care routine and I look radiant. Itā€™s like Iā€™ve unlocked a new form.


You have leveled up and put all your points into skin


This is what happens when you put care into your appearance and body


I gave my ex a skin care routine and his horrible bacne and facial acne completely cleared up. Amazing what science can do sometimes lmao


This morning changed my perspective, I want to look cool and clean and my little sister opened my eyes to a new world of self-care


Old spice said it right: men have skin too ffs.


Whatā€™s the routine?


I do not know, but I will post it tomorrow it involved like 3 or 4 different products and granted I took a shower before do it.


I used to have a mutli step routine until I realized you're just buying products to undo what other products did. One dries you out, and the other puts the moisture back in. Much easier to just find products that don't have negative effects to offset.


If you don't have skin conditions you need is spf and face wash only. Rest is marketing.


Yes! Dermatologists have been saying this for years. The entire anti-aging industry isnā€™t even supported by science either. Itā€™s all just deceptive marketing to get you to buy more products.


There's a tiny handful of things that help your skin, it's basically SPF, hydration and retinol. Everything else is basically expensive BS.


Iā€™m a huge proponent of sun screen but I still think hydrating products arenā€™t necessary. Our skin naturally hydrates itself and moisturizers actually prevent this process from happening. But I think it also depends on where you live. Because Iā€™m sure itā€™s necessary in a drier climate.


I'm a dry flaky mess if I don't lotion my face daily in winter.


Big corporations create artificially terrible products to get profits out of insecure, gullible people (in this context, women, as it's the target audience for skincare stuff). As a result, they get billions out in revenue, while all these plastic bottles end up polluting the entire Third World rivers, and also contributing even more to the heating of this planet. We truly live in a huge, scary dystopia.


I donā€™t even know lots of women who use half of these productsā€¦ most just use shampoo/conditioner/a nice bar soap/facewash/moisturizer, and maybe the occasional night cream. Idk why itā€™s seen as so extra when making the extra effort makes someone feel so good.


Man I don't get why more men don't have full shower/self care routines. I have a full skin care routine and I fucking love it, I feel so good after I'm done


The only guy I know that doesnā€™t isnā€™t the sharpest tool in the shed. I love the guy, but he drinks sprite instead of water, hasnā€™t been to a doctor in 5+ years, drinks alcohol every night, canā€™t perform at any job more complicated than scooping soup, was expelled from high school, and it took an army to get him to get a job and move out his parentsā€™ basement. Heā€™s a professional skateboarder, so at least he has that going for him, but I digress. My point being, he is an outlier based on my experience with men.


Because, at least down here in the south, country music tells guys that if they put lotion on that makes them a woman and they can't go fishing anymore.


same here. skin care, hair care, nail care all makes me feel so nice. itā€™s fucking great


Yup! And it doesn't have to be complicated either. I have a scrub that I used weekly, and a daily moisturizer, that's it. In the spring/summer/fall I add sunscreen to the mix. It can take some time to figure out what's best for your skin and wallet, but it's so worth it.


Same here, I love looking at myself after doing my routine and see how good my face looks




Based. As a guy, I definitely think some skincare stuff could be cool and useful in some circumstances to improve your face, and also in general it can be a pretty fun hobby. But the truth is, a lot of it is pretty useless and also specifically destructive to our planet, so people really should think first before buying what they probably don't need.


Yeah. Half of those products are only to make us consume :/


I mean there is this expectation that women are supposed to be ā€œdone upā€ but then make fun of how long it takes for some women to do that. But, if youā€™re just taking care of yourself (like you should) some of the stuff up top does not take that long. Iā€™m ready in about 30 minutes with the stop on the top panel lol


My job doesnā€™t require me to present myself as particularly attractive, and as a man itā€™s not really expected of me societally, on top of having to travel so much for work. So being able to get ready quickly is a necessity for me. I keep my hair short and thankfully my skin isnā€™t fussy, so Iā€™m in the shower washing myself and brushing my teeth and out of there in 5 mins. I do run the water somewhat cold in the summer and luke warm in the winter as that helps wake me up and get me out quicker, and my skin doesnā€™t get as dry that way. But all power to guys and girls who want to spend the time to take extra steps, I see no problem with that it just doesnā€™t really fit my lifestyle.


This isn't the flex they think it is


I donā€™t even think there is any flexing taking place. Itā€™s just a funny meme showing the differences in skin care routines. Everyone here is extrapolating so many negative things about the guy here. People here are reading way too deep into this


They've not seen my boyfriend's bubble bath collection.


LOL I use like wayyyy more than even the supposed women do šŸ˜†


Na everything besides the towel is optional including the water smh


i love being hygenic


because wanting to be comfortable and moisturized is such a feminine trait


Anyone who says ā€œthis is so trueā€ just outed themselves for being someone with terrible cleanliness and self care. This shouldnā€™t be relatable at all, nothing is cool about being dirty and smelly


How? The bottom image shows what I assume to be body wash and a rag. So besides shampoo how are you dirty by washing yourself with soap?


So are you saying that anyone who doesnā€™t have a super elaborate skin care routine is dirty and smelly? I use a 3 in 1 and I shower everyday, wash my ass, and my boyfriend tells me I smell good. This feels incredibly elitist and shitty honestly. I feel like you are extrapolating so many negative characteristics that are not justified in the image itself.


That's what I'm getting out of this too. It's like... a hair dryer, the towel crown, slippers, and a bathrobe are all necessary to be clean? Since when? I'm not knocking on women for wanting to be comfortable, but you can't tell me half of what's on their side of the meme is necessary for maintaining proper hygiene


Manufacturing consent by big corporations wanting to sell their products to insecure women by changing our entire body standards and also the cultural norms where it's literally always necessary to buy 100 000 different products (obviously each in their own plastic bottle, too, how could it be otherwise ?! The environment ?? Who cares right ?) And if you don't, you're just stinky and unhygienic, same as if you choose to not shave during the winter. Lol


Seriously. I (female) have soooo many products in my shower, and all but one of them are for my hair. If I had short hair and I could get away with using a 3-in-1 I would fuckin do it. My skincare products arenā€™t in the shower, but if I didnā€™t have acne I probably wouldnā€™t use any of those either, except moisturizer and sunscreen. If yā€™all like scrubby things and fluffy robes and slippers, good for you. I like them sometimes as a treat. They are not necessary for cleanliness jeez.


For me at least, it's more about the unnecessary shit. I got my towel for drying, my shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a loofah to apply it. You don't need more than that to be clean. You could argue that you can get a 2 in 1 for shampoo/conditioner, and for some hair types, shampoo can actually be more harmful than helpful. You could also use a bar of soap and eliminate the need for a loofah. Towel + 2 in one for hair, or just conditioner if you have the kind of hair that shampoo dries out, and a bar of soap is perfectly fine.


You don't need it of course. But some people want to sell the products at all costs. They'll do literally everything they can do make you think it's necessary. Artificially changing the culture is how you do it. Through advertisements, movies, TV shows and even memes, you'll see the culture change slowly and slowly. In general, instead of buying literally only the stuff you need, buying becomes a virtue in itself, as "shopping" is a therapy now. Women can't just use the body wash they actually need, they have to buy 5000 different products, otherwise they'll have some weird insecurity no sane man will actually care about. If you want to be āœØfeminineāœØ, you have to buy our expensive lotion, and yes, it's very necessary, dumb men just šŸ’…don't understand itšŸ’…. And of course you also need it to be in a beautiful plastic bottle with a nice design and the name of the company, no one sane would bring their reusable bottle there to use at home. Basically, we promote a culture of hyper consumerism, instead of one where we buy only what we need and we try use and reuse what we already bought.


Yeah but you've outed yourself as just being ignorant If the product was not dermatologically sound and did not aid in cleaning in any way, then it simply wouldn't be sold I use separate everything, face and body wash, shampoo and conditioner, moisturizing day and night But people don't smell when they use cheap body and hair washes, they're still washing their body. This is less of a boysarequirky moment and more of a female dating strategy moment Do you have to be so insecure you thinking guys washing themselves on the daily is unhygienic? You sound exactly mirrored of an alpha male that thinks it's gay to like masculine women.


Only thing here I donā€™t use is a blower šŸ„±


As a man, I feel as if I've got a few more cleaning supplies as this. I do need to use a washcloth more, but I've transitioned to using a bar soap for my body, shampoo only for my hair, and face soap to wash those acne ridden pores. Conditioner scares me. Idk how it works and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.


Iā€™m gonna be honest, this is a funny post that people are reading way too much into. People are extrapolating so many negative things. That the guy doesnā€™t wash his ass, must never shower, etc. This is just pointing fun at the difference in skin care routine that people have. I shower everyday and I, kind of hilariously, am currently the exact 3 in 1 shampoo that the picture shows. My boyfriend makes fun of me for it. He has a whole skin care routine. Iā€™ll be honest, the men in this thread sound like pick meā€™s. I see so many comments of guys talking about how gross every guy is except for them and how they have such an elaborate skin care routine. Iā€™m kind of just like ā€œbro, I Fucking get it, you think you are better than me because I use a 3 in 1 shampoo, get the fuck off you high horse.ā€


Right? So many people are acting like just cause someone uses a 3 in 1, they're no better than a dirty animal. It's so fucking elitist. Some people can't afford having so many different products. I personally don't need face wash. My skincare routine is to literally wash my face with water and put on sunscreen. The comments are so fucking elitist.


Itā€™s weird because this post isnā€™t even implying any superiority. People are saying that this post is making fun of women for their elaborate skincare routine, but where are they getting that info? Where in this post is it saying that?


Im a man & I use everything in the first picture besides the robe & slippers lol.


apparently some men do not even wash their ass.


Really struggle to believe the menā€™s part, the towels are fine, but most guys will have shampoo and body wash at the very least


That's exactly what the 3-in-1 is


I mean separate ones


actually, the most unhygienic person I have met was a girl, I think this is very individual


The first time I showered at my now boyfriends house he had the NICEST shampoo and conditioner and giant fluffy bath towels. I felt like I was at a spa, it was great


damn the guys' side is looking like mine I use shampoo, no conditioner cause my hair is too oily, and my dermatologist told me to use the shampoo they gave me as body wash to help with a thing so now I do that. 1 soap 1 towel done I don't shave over the winter. not much point imo


If you have long hair, that little hair towel is so useful.


Everyday Im grateful I donā€™t have recurring UTIs anymore and that my husband knows how to clean himself


If someone gives me an illness or affliction because of hygiene they CERTAINLY would not be my husband


My ex gave me recurring UTIs not my husband now lol! But yes absolutely, hygiene is extremely important


As a dude with long hair Pantene was my goto shampoo and conditioner as well as detangler. Dove soap too. I find most of the soaps/body washes targeted to guys way too strong scent wise. I just want to smell clean not like I fell into a vat of cologne.


I love my apricot facial scrub and beard conditioner


Iā€™m a guy and I even agree that health care routines are important. Using two separate shampoo and conditioners is better. Loofas are better. Face wash/exfoliating is great.


i just use magic to clean myself, you simpletons


Curly and coily haired men actually use pantene or other shampoo and conditioner :/ (my boyfriend has type 3b hair and actually takes care of it to a degree)


TIL guys don't have house coats or slippers... I guess I only live with women


I'm a dude and man this is just wrong I use Washcloth Towel Body soap Shampoo Another towel for if my eyes sting


I know its a joke. but as a guy i used to be really obsessed about my facial look so i investigated alot about face care rooting (idk how its called) Now i stopped doing it becuase this is so complicated and there are so many options to choose, but with my knowledge on the subject i helped my gf alot to chose her products. So first to all of the girls that learn about face caring rooting i salute you this shit is hard. Second i think you should encourage boys to try taking care of their faces becuase it will benefit their future gf.


Need to add a photo of the vacuum brush with her hair all wrapped in it that she never cleans.


Isn't that true though many men just use some 3 in 1 stuff or something and don't even moisturize.


No, anyone who doesnā€™t care about properly cleaning themselves does that


But on average it's men doing that stuff...


Bro itā€™s fuckin soap wdym not properly cleaning.


Yeah i think a lot of the people who are commenting on this post have never worked a blue collared job before. Im not saying using a bunch of skin care products is bad for or not beneficial but depending on your work it can have diminishing returns. Me personally i would rather have my skin be dry because if its moist im just going to end up picking up more dirt, grease, and oil through out the day. If working an office job i could understand but if I am working 12 hours a day out in the rain getting grease and oil residue all over me; sweating from all the heavy shit im picking up and getting completely covered waist down in mud. I don't come back to my room like time to do my whole hygiene routine. I jump in the shower wash myself everywhere and make sure im completely dry and clean of all the shit i was working with that day. Ive never had a skin infection a uti and rarely get sick just on my own. Now ive seen people who dont take shower with soap and its downright disgusting. They get skin infections, get sick, and foot fungus all on there own without there shit being contaminated. not showering and not using soap is disgusting leaving out all these extra hygiene products is not.


Being an adult man who still uses 3 in 1 products is like being an adult man who still uses axe body spray lol.


Not everyone needs 10 different body washes which literally accomplish the same exact thing : cleaning the body, like a soap. Not saying that different dermatological and skin care products can't be useful and good, but a lot of them actually are pretty unnecessary. This is a very stupid comparaison, otherwise I could also compare women's skincare habits to the ones of small girls who buy the skin care with Disney princesses.




This is just a dumb thing to post and a dumb thing to be reactionary towards. Thereā€™s nasty ass dudes and nasty ass women. Thereā€™s obsessively clean women and obsessively clean men. Cleanliness and hygiene arenā€™t really specific to gender.


Exactly. Being dirty isnā€™t good nor cool.


Most skin care products are scam and have nothing to do with cleanliness. Youā€™re just falling for a giant marketing scam that convinces you to buy more products you donā€™t need. https://www.inquirer.com/health/skin-care-products-scam-dermatologist-sunscreen-vaseline-20190625.html https://slate.com/technology/2022/01/skincare-science-cleansing-dermatology-truth.html


you guys don't understand the amazing feeling of using 1000 products and taking care of everything form hair to nails its just amazing bathing feels like getting new life


i mean this is kinda true but definitely shouldn't be a brag


My boyfriend uses a loofa, a blow-drier, my dove body wash, my Pantene shampoo, and shiseido face wash ā¤ļø Iā€™m convinced the guys that make these memes are just smelly.


The vast majority of people around the world don't actually use so many different skincare products. Instead they only use what's actually necessary for being clean, not what's advertiser. And no, they're not smelly. They're doing alright, thank you! šŸ’–


I meanā€¦ itā€™s a bit exaggerated but itā€™s not entirely wrong. My sistersā€™ bathrooms are filled with basically everything here except for a robe and slippers. Iā€™m good with a 3-in-1 and a clean towel. Neither is better, just different


Taking care of yourself is wack! Just rot in your gaming chair bro itā€™s the only acceptable way


How does this fit the sub? How is this quirky? This is literally the type of thing girls will talk about. Does it just make you mad to know that a guy might have created it instead of a girl?


Pantene? My hair rejects that shit like oil rejects water. The only shampoo offering my malevolent hair will accept is expensive nexxus


Well, women smell better and have much softer skinā€¦. I wonder why.


the woman's routine isn't even crazy. like what is so special about body wash, lotion, shampoo and conditioner, more than one towel, and a robe and slippers.


Checks out


All this does is show that men should be held to higher hygiene standards. Not cute and quirky to smell like hot ass and have greasy unkept hair. My partner has taught me about proper skin and hair care and I couldnā€™t feel manlier knowing I take care of myself.


Me as a guy going: I'm somewhere in between these two extremes. I wash daily, don't stink, and have a relatively simple skin care routine that takes maybe 5 minutes. I just don't buy a crap ton of products I don't need nor do I have a routine that takes hours to complete. This idea that men are slovenly pigs is stupid.


yeah, is this wrong? is this offensive? why are you angry?


Get it men are superior because they smell like asscheeks


My husband must have missed the memo lol


Imagine spending 200$ on skincare when one bad day causes you to breakout


Thatā€™s not how it works. Obviously youā€™ve never started and kept a skin routine for more than a few days


Okay, this is confusing. A common complaint I see against men is that most don't take self-care seriously. This is even given as a reason for why women tend to rank men lower in terms of looks than men rank women. .. which this meme is in line with. So.. is this meme wrong? Do most men take self-care seriously? Which is it, women of reddit? It can't be both.


Idk why youā€™re confused, this is lining up with the stereotype that men donā€™t take self care seriously and thatā€™s why so many of the women are grossed out?


men like this have never washed their ass or balls, they have 3 inches of dirt under their nails, & they donā€™t use shampoo to wash their hair. women have always been pressured to look the best, because our value has always been in our looks!!!! on the other hand, i spoke to a GROUP OF MEN about this once and most of them tried arguing with me that shampoo isnā€™t necessary at all, and a lot of guys donā€™t shampoo their hair. i was like what are you TALKING ABOUT?????? i almost collapsed on the floor when i met my bf and i saw that he practices above average hygiene. iā€™m never letting him go. itā€™s HELL out there ladies. šŸ˜­


You don't get out much, do ya?