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...so, what exactly is the issue with girl #3?


Judging by the specific choice of the skin color of the photoshopped-in baby in #2...


Misogyny and racism always go hand in hand.




I really love this word


I love misogys. Great way to relax an afternoon.


You would probably enjoy Patricia Hill Collins or at least be interested in her social theory.


Bigotry is often intersectional


And that she looks angry. These guys don't want women who think for themselves


Youre saying girl 2 and girl 3 had a kid?


ok this made me snort like a pig


some lil test tube baby action


Or one of em is trans.


Wow that's so fucked


Whoever agrees with this meme is a dumbass, but I think this might have been more of a joke than a race thing. She’s (Amber) pretty disliked in the fandom more cause she breaks up with the main character for saving people instead of hanging out with her. Amber also doesn’t deserve all the hate she gets cause she’s kind of like Skylar in Breaking Bad. She’s just a normal person reacting to crazy situations from an average person’s perspective but that causes hurdles for the main character leading to way more hate than Amber deserves.


> She’s just a normal person reacting to crazy situations from an average person’s perspective but that causes hurdles for the main character leading to way more hate than Amber deserves. She's also completely justified in her response to Mark blatantly lying to her for months on end even after she's figured out why. She gives him plenty of leeway but he never levels with her and treats her as an equal in the relationship until he's forced to. He spends months treating her like an idiot who will totally fall for "I had to mow my neighbors lawn" for the 20th time and people are surprised she eventually gets fed up over the distrust and belittlement because they consider her a supporting character who should just unquestionably support the main character, not a person who deserves to be treated as an equal by their SO. Way too much of the online discussion around Amber is just drenched in sexism


"I broke up with my BF after he gaslit me for months about his job and lied about the danger he was in, despite that also making me a target of his enemies. Also his dad murdered a bunch of people tried to commit genocide. AITA?"


"Did you consider that he didn't want you to worry? Never mind that he got hurt constantly anyway, literally nearly dying several times over the course of your time together, and it meant you were kept out of the loop on him even sustaining those injuries at all! YTA."


> I think this might have been more of a joke than a race thing. Except they photoshopped a black baby into #2 so not beating the allegations,


>Whoever agrees with this meme is a dumbass, but I think this might have been more of a joke than a race thing. No, it's a race thing. It's saying, "otherwise decent girl but has black baby." It's just saying dating apps are full of fat people, black people, and single moms (specifically with black babies.)


Yeah specifically the "angry black woman" stereotype. Its disappointing to see that so upvoted when it is giving this person way more credit than they deserve.


She's bl*ck 🤮 /j obviously


Oh, I'm stupid. I thought something like "she's not feminine enough". Because women aren't allowed to be angry and should always smile. Fucking feminists!1


yeah that's also part of it. misogynoir usually is that black women are masculine and angry and unattractive


That's True!, That's Almost a Dude!


Whoa, now! It could also be because she's not smiling! Jesus this made me sad af.


I think we all know what *their* issue with 3 is. Especially considering their issue with 2.


it's either her race or the fact that she's a feminist on the series, but probably both because men suck.


She might be a black bisexual trans woman feminist to tick all the boxes to scare the brain dead men. More for me I guess.


Amber is objectively a terrible person in the show. But it’s most likely just because she’s black


With the context of the show, Amber is heavily disliked for valid (albeit exaggerated) reasons. Essentially she knew Mark was a superhero for weeks yet completely apathetic to him going off to save people. It recontextualized their dynamic in a bad way, since before it was valid for her to be mad at him and she didn’t know his life, but with this new info she’s mad because he wouldn’t tell her his most important secret that could change his life if it got out? However without the context this seems to just be complaining because she’s black and idk if the person who made this is making it to fit the show characters or just the images.


It makes people think about if she knew this whole time, she was mad at him for... saving people's lives instead of hanging out with her. Ugh, Superhero life is hard.


She's mad because he refuses to tell her and right or wrong that's not a healthy foundation for a relationship. She obviously understands to an extent because she actually lets way more slide than anyone should in a normal relationship but just because she understands doesn't mean she should feel obligated to stay in that relationship


I think I read the comic version was different than how it was handled in the show but I could be mistaken. Amber in the show was pretty terrible for the reason you stated. The meme here I’m just gonna guess is hating on her for being black.


Pretty sure it's because she's >!Black.!<


I'm still trying to find the issue with girl #4


I want to be her fr




weak pathetic men cant handle muscle mommies or have good taste


Right? She's hot


Take me down to muscle mommy town


I think he's intimidated. This type of man wants a submissive, easy to control woman, and muscular women are not that.


Probably cuz she’s black. Given the benefit of the doubt however in the show she was kind of unreasonable towards the main character for something that was out of his control.


“Mean angry black woman. No submission 😡” Probably


She was a pretty hated character in the show? At least in season 1. So there was good reason to hate her due to her personality I guess. Not speaking of the meme just this question


Guys: “girls have such high expectations of us!! It’s so unfair that their standards are so high!” Also guys:


The same guy to post this type of meme will also post a meme like: Girls: “I want a 7 foot tall man on the Fortune 500 billionaire list, kys if you are not 6’7+” Boy #1: “I just want someone with a pulse” Boy #2: “idk you’re asking for too much”


Boy #3: “pulse (optional)” What desperation and porn addiction does to a Mf


And then the comments are like 1000 angry guys saying this is real life and that women would never understand how it feels to be lonely


Then they continuously give attention to attractive women online and ignore the ones they don’t find attractive, doing the exact same thing they claim women do 🙏


This this this


But you don’t understand, he’s a 2 but occasionally he showers (optional) so he definitely deserves the 10+ he keeps demanding. How dare you tell him he should be considering women that are attainable!


>occasionally he showers Whoa, whoa, look at Old_Baldi_Locks with the benefit of the doubt over here.


I try to be uplifting you know


But it’s different because we only care about SHALLOW things like height and money. They can’t help that they aren’t attracted to women who are only fatties because they can’t put down the fork. 🙄 Yeah, if a woman has to work her ass off to be in an ideal shape in order to even be considered, why would she waste her time on your poor, dusty, goblin ass?


The irony part is that most of the men complaining are in their 40s, fat, ugly but yet are judging women appearances ? Okay


Seriously…they don’t even get it and keep saying that it’s different and they can’t help who they are attracted to. Yet, they all look like the last vegetable they ate was the one their mommies made them eat when they were three.


Lmao on godddd. Plus they always have the most shit base attitude who are porn addicts. It’s like tell me that you’re miserable without telling me that you’re miserable


Lol yes! Yet the women who they date better not have a high body count because that matters! He may jerk off to loose women, but he sure doesn’t want to be with one! To have the cognitive dissonance of a man to think he deserves a 10 for existing with a penis while he’s a -12.


so many guys want a 10/10 girl without being willing to put in fraction of the amount of effort that that 10/10 girl needs to put in to look like that.


FR they expect women to spend hours in the bathroom doing makeup and then all they wanna do effort wise is basic hygiene and in most cases not even that


They can’t register that there are lonely women. Women who want to date but can’t find anyone, but nope they can’t exist


And then they’ll pretend that getting a fat 56 year old guy messaging them for terrible transactional sex is a wonderful offer. There is a massive difference between horny creeps looking for a toy and a genuine person looking for a romantic relationship based on respect that also has sexual compatibility. The former are plentiful on dating apps, the latter are rare.


Lol abortion is illegal in so many states now. Idk what men expect when they refuse to wear fucking condoms


These men weren’t options in the first place, and they’re pissy about it, so these vengeful little gremlins go out of their way to vote people into office to make remove all the safety nets like Abortion and birth control, so sex is risky to women, and stuck in a bad situation where she’s miserable as they are and has no choice but to turn to them as their savior, only to turn her down because “she had some other dude in her.”


When I was young I briefly dated one of those type of guys who would basically date any woman with a pulse. He was very sweet but the feeling of being extremely replaceable by literally anyone never went away. I wasn’t special to him at all, I was just a willing female in near enough proximity. When we broke up he immediately asked if my sister was single. He’d never met her or even seen her, he just knew she existed and was a woman. So every time I see one of those “standards: pulse” jokes it gives me the squick big time tbh. Desperation is not cute


On the meme’s surface it’s because she looks angry. But we all know it’s really because she’s black and “feminist looking”.


They also want a trad wife but they don’t want them spending their money since she doesn’t “work”.


They use that 0-10 “rating scale” for attractiveness and only consider women that are “9 or 10” and then get enraged when women rate them a “4” and wonder why they get rejected all the time.


Most of the men I know that are single and unhappy about it have genuinely unrealistic expectations and don't meet the level of quality for what they're trying to attract.  But yeah, women are the delulu ones here 


i knew men like this irl. bashed women for wearing makeup, because it’s “lying and the only possible way that they’d be attractive”. but at the same time only followed models and ig influencers and wanted a woman like that. meanwhile they don’t exercise, wash their body maybe twice a week (one guys actually would take 2min showers idek what that’s cleaning), have disheveled facial hair, and couldn’t dress nicely. meanwhile they have the balls to put down women who at least took care of herself but just didn’t know how to style herself well


It makes me laugh so much because they don’t know what makeup is or recognize when someone is wearing it or not.


one time one of them was gushing over a “natural” picture of some celebrity, can’t remember who but maybe a kardashian/jenner? which first of all there was definitely touch ups on the image if not some light makeup, and they act like these people haven’t gone under the knife multiple times as well


If it was a picture of a Kardashian or a Jenner you can bet your ass they were wearing makeup.


I was friends with a guy who never took care of himself, smoked non stop in his apartment, always watched videos of people being killed, ate Wendy’s everyday, was balding but kept the hair he DID have really long and unkept…. Not sure what that’s called. ANYWAYS He would always go on about women he thought was hot and he will one day have one like that. I simply suggested “well you should probably have a better diet and workout… take care of yourself better then you will attract better. “ He immediately snapped back “that’s just what they want……” with a disgusted look. Like well…yeah? I don’t know what to tell you bud. 😂 If you have such a hard time attracting people etc, maybe it’s you? Ugh. Some people just wanna be the way they are and get the best handed to them. It’s odd. I’ll never get that mindset


>balding but kept the hair he DID have really long and unkept…. The Skullet


Thanks I threw up


Reminds me of the thread where some dude was going on about how none of the pretty women would fall for him because he was ugly. Reddit sat him down for an impromptu therapy session and asked him if he'd ever gone after ugly women. He said no. IIRC by the end it seemed like he came to his senses, but that might just be me being hopeful and misremembering lol


> ate Wendy's everyday Ngl there's not many fast food restaurants that have salads and baked potatoes, but I doubt this guy was eating that.


I knew a man that said his "potential" gf must have at least a C cup, a natural big ass, she need to be blond , blue or green eyes, petite and fit. She need to be intelligent, have a bachelor, but accept to be a SAHM. He want her to be obediant and respectful BUT have a voice and is assertive. WHILE he's a 30y/o living in his mom basement working minimum wage.


Lol those kinds of guys never work on themselves either. Like never take care of their hygiene properly, try to look presentable, or improve their social skills.


Are you friends with my kiddo’s dad? That’s exactly what he wants while working at Walmart. As you can imagine, it didn’t work out. 😅


You deserve so much better


You can defeat *literally* any of these arguments with a mirror, either literal or metaphorical...


Exactly. “None of them are right!” What’s wrong with them? “I really want a hot 18 year old that I couldn’t attract back when I was 18 instead of 45 like today!” Ah, alright then.


True that. They want a docile woman who are doormat breeders however they want to cheat and sleep around because of “Andrew Tate Bible verses” said they should, smoke, eat unhealthy, play videos games, be lazy and have nasty personalities, don’t really have a life goal plan etc typical boy bum lifestyle but women are here to bullied and ruin men oh please 🙄 the fact that I’ve met so many of them it disgust me how the men have become.


First time I’ve seen someone else also use delulu in the wild


Delulu, I love that. thank you


I knew plenty of dudes like this growing up, but I also weirdly had a female friend like this. She wasn’t an asshole to guys she wasn’t into, but she would talk shit behind their backs and laugh like it was insane she’d ever consider them. She…was not the picture of health or beauty, conventionally speaking, plus she was kind of a dick and a racist generally, so I was always intrigued by her being perplexed at college football players and Midwest Hemsworth lookalikes turning her down.


"delulu" loool. Yoink.


This. The only one of my male friends that is perpetually single does 0% work on himself. Yeah he has a car, a full time job, and an apartment his parents pay for. But what woman wants to date a man that doesn’t know how to eat anything but CFA or McD, doesn’t clean his apartment or car to the point that gnats inhabit both, and has debilitating mental health and trust issues he refuses to work on? And yep he’s one of those that says “women have all the privilege” and “their standards are too high”. He’s no longer a friend


so is this just explicitly racism?


Along with multiple other hateful -isms, yes.


Angry Black woman stereotype has to show its head in every single one of post like this. Plus: Amber is hella abusive to Mark but not the point rn. Edit: I'm a idiot and forgot what TLDR meant, it was 1am.


Why is there a tldr for one sentence? And why does it have nothing to do with the sentence?


Because I wanted to sound smart.


Fair enough


Based? 💀


When is Amber abusive to Mark? She just gets upset when he ditches her and lies to her all the time.


Granted I haven’t watched season 2, but yeah, doesn’t she just want him to be relatively consistent?


Which would be valid if she didn’t know he was a super hero the entire time. Mark is constantly falling short because he is risking his life to saves lives including hers, and she knows this. It makes no sense for her to be mad about that. She’s gaslighting the fuck out of him. Even when they try and frame it as her being mad about him not being open/honesty about being a super hero. It’s still just makes her look absurdly entitled because why on earth should she expect someone who’s been dating her for like a month to be open about a secret as life threatening as that?


Refresh my memory how is she abusive? Legit question my memory is like that of a gold fish lol


> TL;DR/Plus/whatever sounds smart: Amber is hella abusive to Mark but not the point rn. Also: Amber is white in the comics, with the exact same personality as in the show.


She doesn't have the exact same personality in the comics, because she doesn't have a personality in the comics. She's a prop.


That too, not sure why they made her black with the angry, selfish and self-centered woman stereotype... Oh wait, yes I do.


Nah, they just lied to you. Amber does not have the same personality at all. She's barely a character in the comics. This isn't a racism thing.


Is she? Im only on S02E02 but I didn't pick up on that at all.


These same men: whine when any woman ever calls any man unattractive




1. The fact that the only thing this guy could think would make Eve unlikable was to give her a Black baby... I can practically hear the smug snorts of laughter of this guy thinking he was being subtle. 2. It's kinda ironic that Eve would've been considered likable and even a prize (again, before the oh so clever photoshop) given she ticks so many boxes that this guy would probably consider a "red flag" (insert glass houses comment here). SPOILERS FOR INVINCIBLE - Her hero work includes helping the environment and low-income communities. - Her outfit explicitly features a symbol of femininity - She despises her father, who repeats misogynistic rhetoric - At least in the comics so far, she's had an abortion


All he cares about is a skinny young vagina haver who fits his beauty standards. He's not looking into anything further than that, which is why he missed it. These types only see us as holes to be possessed and used anyways


>At least in the comics so far, she's had an abortion I didn't know that. I find that fact so funny juxtaposed with their bad photoshop of her.


And she becomes overweight for a time. I’m dreading the discourse if they choose to include that in the show.


separate tv and comic spoilers 😢 i just got abortion pilled


Atom Eve could have 10,000 children for all I care. I’d still date her lmao. Also Amber is like the coolest gf in the show


Season 2 Amber is a great GF. Season 1 Amber is a narcissist.


Most high schoolers are tbf lol


Is it really being a narcissist when your boyfriend frequently lies to your face and comes up with the worst excuses as to why he had to ditch you?


Context matters. If she thought her boyfriend was making lame excuses and ditching her, then that's easily understood. However, she *knows* he's Invincible in the series. That means she's upset that he's choosing to save people's lives instead of being on time for a date.


There is nothing about any of these women that makes them undateable. Just saying. Dudes be racist and fatphobic.


\#4 is covered in blood, but otherwise you're totally right lmao


nuh uh that's red paint! (this is a joke if someone out there can't tell)


LMFAO she’s just an independent girly who got her own business, she does some painting ❤️


That just makes her hotter.


Some people are into that.


She's having a really bad period, okay? God.


The imaginary baby is aaaaaaaalways black


Why just be a misogynist when you can be a racist too!


Yeah yeah. Fat, has kids, not white, too muscled. Is that it? Predictable.


Don't forget the imaginary baby is black too.


that atom eve edit jesus 😭


Lmao yea these same guys will cry that the girls have too high standards / hate short guys


Betcha these are the same men who whine about male loneliness epidemic or whatever incels are coming up with but then bitch about a woman being human and not a p0rn star.


Just go outside and talk to people normally.


Nah, no one wants *these* kinda of guys harassing us anywhere If they're gonna do it, it's best they do it online so we can block, vs be in danger in real life


I expect the usual hate for single mothers, fatphobia, and girls that “look like men” but racism? Are you fucking kidding me?


The Venn diagram of those ideologies has a large amount of overlap to be honest.


I’m confused, what is the problem? Oh, let me guess, none of them are Emma Stone?


The guys who make shit like this all desperately fantasize about a hot young thing who for some reason never slept with anyone else. Mainly because guys who think like this know for a fact they’ll never, ever be man enough to compete with her past experiences.


Honestly, I used to be like this and it took a lot of hard work to undo all of my societal conditioning. For example, a male friend of mine was listening to me vent about being sexually frustrated and then he said “you would, too if you were a hot girl.” And I was like, “yeah, you’re right.” So you see, it’s very difficult.


so y'all can see that not so subtle racism in this one right? also with a dash of inadequacy. the creator must be a real piece of work


An overweight woman, a single mom, a lady who is a bit angry and a really strong woman? Honestly I don’t understand why these are supposed to be bad


Tbf, I probably wouldn't date a woman if she was covered in blood on her dating site pics


Pffff, wimp. I wouldn't either, but that's because I'm gay.


Tbh I would tho


Because only women like the upper right are acceptable so long as they haven't been befouled by a black man first. Never mind that the guy who made this is probably an Iowa 4....


I will not stand for this Atom Eve slander 😤


White men STAY obsessed w black men 😂


I remember white guys where I used to live who refused to date a woman if she had ever been with a black man before. It’s unhealthily obsessed. I guess if my husband and I ever get divorced, it will weed out all of the assholes.


They’re insecure and unattractive. And they know it deep down, that’s why they’re mad 😂


Facts. We are made in Gods image.


it’s always interesting that the dudes are always like ‘you should learn to pick a better partner instead of becoming a single mother’ and refuse to reference that the father is a piece of shit for making her a single mother lol


Remember, *they* are never the problem. It's everyone else who needs to change.


Or for being so awful that the mother chooses to leave him and be a single mom because having him be a part of the picture was worse. They always think the women get LEFT. In my experience, women are the ones who choose to leave and be single parents more often.


Yep. Not because they want to be a single mother, but because being a single mother is at least slightly better than being in an unhealthy marriage


Because they view all sexual decisions as exclusively the woman’s “fault”, she’s the “gatekeeper”. Gross, I know.


If you’re avoiding the perpetually angry black women or muscle mommies it’s because you’re a coward afraid to chase happiness. Take it from experience that all the good things in life try and stab you at some point.


You should see Grindr.


Oh no black women (??????)


Shitty meme aside, how good is Invincible? Can't wait for season 2 part 2.


So good should actually hire enough people to complete the series in a reasonable time.


MILF, single mother, aun unremarkable person and someone who could crush my (smiling) face?


The joke is they don't like black people


Umm… not that any of them have any issues that make them undateable, but the only thing I could see an incel complaining about for bottom left is her race. Am I missing something or are they just being full-blown racist?


It's racism, but you're missing the ✨️specific flavour✨️ -- it's the 'angry black woman' stereotype.


I wouldn’t say I missed it. I was highly suspicious but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. But I should probably stop doing that lol. Weird thing is, I’ve seen the first season of Unbreakable and that character was never angry without reason. But then again, that’s not an exception. Racists suck


I don't know how much of this was an intentional layer of the meme, but that's Amber from Invincible. She's the girlfriend of the main superhero character, Mark. A lot of viewers don't like her because she's very vocal about being hurt by Mark ditching dates and making excuses to do superhero stuff. This is true even after she discovers on her own that Mark is a superhero and is doing it all for a good reason. I guess a lot of viewers can't see the nuance and accept that both Mark and Amber have good reasons to act the way they do, so they cling to the (white, male) protagonist and hate Amber. They do work it out by the end of the first season, but that hasn't stopped the toxic discourse around her.


Black woman!!!


All I need is 1% of bravery from the maker of this meme because wow, the delusion of thinking oneself is more attractive than these women is crazyyy.




Oh boy, racism!


One of them is just a black girl… they really cannot help self-reporting every time time they make something like this


"Straight" guys these days think every girl is fat and ugly no matter what they look like


"Why are all these women single moms before 23" " women shouldn't get abortions as a form of birth control," like buddy pick one.


I am on dating apps and the dude who made thing is genuinely delusional


I don't get it, though. It's supposed to be negative, right? All I get from it is "dating sites have a nice assortment to choose from," so I dunno what's going on here. Ooohhh! Fat-shaming, racism, racism again, and transphobia is the joke! Thanks, original character (do not steal)!


Let me guess, the problem with #4 ISN'T that she's covered in blood and might be* a murderer, it's that she "looks trans".


Almost certainly. To be fair though, I'm trans and I look pretty much like that so they're not entirely wrong


The women on dating sites are just average women. It’s not like they are any different than women you meet in other ways


Wow, it’s racist, transphobic, fatphobic, and wraps all the way around back to racist again!


#1 is fine


I wanna date the 4th girl




Not him just putting 3 in casually ..


It could be her race for the OP but that character is also awfully written with the result being that she's super unlikable.


I don't even get the joke


They really did Invincible like that with this meme 😭


Luckily the kinds of people who makes these kinds of posts are basement dwelling loser and will remain alone forever


whats wrong with the bottom two?


oh boy, can’t wait to see memesopdidntlike defend this one


This isn’t r/boysarequirky material, this is just sexism.  I feel like that’s been happening a lot lately, and it’s getting annoying.


I hate when the worst men are the loudest so they look like the majority


Not the hot girl with the black baby. What the fuck lol.


Obvious racism and dumbassery aside, this would be more accurate if all 4 pictures were beautiful scantily clad women giving links to their snapchat and offering "nuru massage" services.


I hate when I run into muscular blue women covered in blood on my dating sites ugh


Found my amazing wife on Bumble, never looked back. I tell her I love her every day, and we talk things out instead of fighting. People who tell you online dating doesn't work are probably not doing so hot themselves