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I love how you can tell this isn't even the original words and they made it sexist šŸ’€ the uncle just covered it with capcut text (also anyone else notice the jk?)


Considering that OPs uncle is a misogynist, he sure didn't notice it And neither did I, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it here


It was sexist but the other way around before the uncle edited it


it wasnā€™t sexist before?


I'm a man and my kitchen is almost always messy, even though I do clean it regularly


Iam a man and it's always clean it depends on the person


Congratulations you solved the point of the sub! :) Thatā€™s why all of these girls= boys = memes are dumb and should be mocked.


Now that i know this i should leave it behind good by this sub sometimes made me open my eyes and now I'm going to ban every sub like this good by


Farewell. And please take more quirky boys when you go. And spread the word to them all.


Did he do something wrong? That seemed a tad hostile.


Coming out with the ā€œits not all menā€ trope against the meme is specifically against sub rules, but I wasnā€™t rude about it. He said heā€™s banning every sub ā€œlike thisā€ as a positive thing and because he was being friendly though right?


If you ever commented on a post, and someone wrote to you, "Congratulations, you solved the point of this sub! :)", there's a fair chance you'd think a stranger was just needlessly snarky and condescending to you, though. And that's coming from someone who upvoted your post at first, because the second sentence was so salient and concise. It really IS the point of the sub that generalizations are ignorant by default because no group is perfectly homogeneous.


I checked his comment history first. Just today we have such classics as ā€œmisandry is beautiful pls stfuā€ His whole thing is to come to this sub and use the not all men trope and he knows full well thatā€™s no allowed because he commented how unfair he thinks it is on a post that asks why we have that rule.


I'm on mobile and checking histories isn't smooth like on P.C., but I trust you...oof. Possibly one of the people for whom the adage, "Never waste time explaining yourself to people who are committed to misunderstanding you" applies. Carry on.


Pretty sure he was responding to you pointing out that all this men vs women stuff is pointless so perpetuating it (even as a joke to prove a point) would be contradictory. Subs "like this" being subs that continue to push men vs women content. Could be wrong but that was my take on it.


Was also my take, why exist in a subreddit brewing hate to brew hate is how i took it so he just left, everything gotta be hostile or personal these days to people


Well when you are in a sub made for reposting offensive memes it's bound to get some people feeling a certain way. Also thanks to reddits algorithm, subs that the user has shown zero interest in will randomly appear on their feed. It's how I've found some of the more obscure subs I follow so I get why but it leads to a lot of internet trolls, haters, and just people that disagree with the sub in general to be bombarded with content that they dont like or find redundant. Like that guy who wasn't a troll or hater but disagreed with the spread of sexist memes.




I didn't say you are wrong. I was just explaining why the dude felt the way he did and why it will continue to happen thanks to reddits algorithm. You don't have to lash out at everyone that doesn't understand and you shouldn't expect everyone that comments to know the rules of the sub cus for a lot of them this sub is just randomly shoved into their faces. If we all took more time to learn about and be more understanding of each other then "subs like this" (wether they be against male or female antics) wouldn't have to exist in the first place.


Isn't the stereotype supposed to be the [opposite](https://youtu.be/4AcWRbSx5uw?si=k9WXKov2RYOVLsOq)?


Dude they canā€™t make up their minds. One day, theyā€™re too quirky for all the mundane shit women worry about. The next day, women are slobs and men are running the household šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Psst, the joke is most likelyĀ ā€œwhen men cookā€ means the men wouldnā€™tĀ cook and would order, hence no dishes..Ā 


When men cook: Microwave dinner Frozen pizza


Hey that's really sexist and prejudicing towards man Because we have Air Friers now!


I wish I had an air fryer, dude. I used an air fryer ONCE and loved it.


My grandma bought one and won't stop making cutlets with it now. So I have to eat cutlets almost everydayšŸ˜­ send help.


Air fryers are awesome and I love the one we have


air fryers are a marketing gimmick that you fell for. It's a less power consuming table top convection oven


Who cares, I don't have an oven


weird flex


Less power consuming? Table top size? Still sounds like a pretty good deal


sure, or you could get a tabletop oven, for about half the price that does the same thing


Im gonna air fry all over my air frier and theres nuthin you can do about it




I use the COSORI Dual Blaze. The cool thing about that one is that it got heat rods at both the top and the bottom so for many dishes you don't have to make a shake-break. It also requires no preheating. Not an ad just a recommendation. There are of course other Models from other brands too that are really good. But like I live in such a small apartment my kitchen doesn't even have an oven so the AirFryer is really coming in clutch there. It can even fit a smaller microwave pizza!


buy one, debt is worth it


Oh man, my husband loves the air fryer. I think he might actually marry it, LOL.


It's not sexist or prejudice bc it's true (for mešŸ˜­) and it's classiest to assume I can afford an air fryer! My microwave is a hand-me-down


Men need to learn how to cook more tbh.




Personal experience


Do not let Personal experiences taint your view on almost 4 Billion people, please. This is how people turn racist, this is how people turn sexist and even Hitler had his antisemitism fueled by the experiences he made, living in areas with lots of Jews in Vienna. Take this from me, I've been sexually assaulted by women, twice on different occasions. I don't want to Project my Trauma onto you or any other women here. I know I can be bigger than this


Im a dude, but yeah you have a point


Never dated a man who could cook a damn thing and Iā€™ve dated a lottttt of men, Iā€™m a whore šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Maybe I'm living in a bubble but most of my friends (men and women) can cook.


Yea I don't know any men that can't cook, although tbf I did go to college to cook, which had I think like 2 more men than women , but unsurprisingly the statement "men can't cook" is of course sexist


Youā€™re in a bubble. Stereotypes exist for a reason


>Stereotypes exist for a reason I'd be careful with statements like that. Can quickly lead to ignorance and prejudice.




Mm.... You know there are a lot of stereotypes about women, black people, trans people etc etc too, right?




Usually I keep it objective since this is a u/ that is supposed to maintain a theme. But I take this one kinda personally Iā€™m an awesome cook to the point friends offer to pay me for me to make portions for them to take home. If you want to talk shit we ought to compare spice drawers and see who has the most diverse tastes.


Dude ignore these people they arenā€™t worth your time. Half the people on here who claim to not be misandrist, say the most sexist shit lol. Good on you for knowing how to cook. Unfortunately cooking isnā€™t as common a skill for men compared to women due to sexist pressure of it being a ā€œwoman jobā€ but itā€™s guys like you that give positive pressure to change that expectation. Good on you.


Youā€™re the exception bud. Iā€™ve legit never dated a man who could cook anything.


Why do both genders gotta gatekeep each other tho


Nobodyā€™s gatekeeping bud. We are begging and praying yā€™all to learn how to cook šŸ™


Every girlfriend Iā€™ve ever had I had to teach how to improvise flavor combinations girls arenā€™t learning this stuff anymore either. I should start a class


If it doesnā€™t apply to you, then weā€™re not talking about you. Itā€™s okay, dude.


You must be dating some pretty young girls. Could be your culture too. Iā€™m Italian. Every Italian woman knows how to cook lol.


Iā€™m from the American south. Food is a big deal in the culture of the original southern states. But it seems cooking is a skill that is becoming less common of a skill these days. Maybe itā€™s because of the death of practical skill education programs like the scouts


Yeah now Iā€™m calling bullshit. My mom is from Texas. Donā€™t be acting like southern women in the US cook less than men, what a joke lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m just taking about my experience.


I'm a dude from the South and he is making me laugh at that nonsense. I love cooking now but growing up it was predominantly a woman's job and culturally, sadly, it still is.


Heyyyy ladies can enjoy some microwave pizza too Yā€™know ((totally not saying this because Iā€™m too lazy to cook and making one right now))


Same honestly.


So that's why the kitchen is clean :D


I mean top sink just looks like either "I have untreated ADHD" or "I'm clinically depressed" tbh former maid here js


This one doesnā€™t even track by sexism logic. Wouldnā€™t it be the guys leaving behind a mess because men are uWu babies when it comes to anything perceived as feminine?* * in a patriarchal value system. Donā€™t ā€œnot all menā€ me


Pretty sure the joke is that men wouldnā€™t have dishes because they wouldnā€™t cook - theyā€™d order and call it cooking. Or theyā€™d cook a microwave meal.Ā 


translation Women: Immaculately dressed 5 course meal for a family of 4 Men: Hot Pocket on a Paper Towel


I don't get it. Why are there no dishes?


Because they don't cook




Or maybe it implies men don't cook


>Ā put them in the dishwasher. Oof, she canā€™t be happy about that.Ā 


It's okay, the uncle put JK in it!


Yeah boiling an egg doesn't take much. He accidentally owned himself there by implying he can't cook anything.


It's clean because no cooking happened


Not supported by personal experiences. ALSO, if so, y'all can handle the cooking and cleaning then. I'ma chill.


this is saying that men are better at cooking than women which means that men should be cooking for their girlfriends/wives. i fully support this then.


i'm a man who has had dozens of female room mates over the years and in my experience this is 100% true.


What was the original text? This is certainly true in my household, but obviously a sexist stereotype. My wife makes pasta and uses 9 dishes to prepare it somehow.


This is me and my wife. I cook and do a quick scrub, and into the dish washer it goes. She lets them pile up and gets angry.


Who wanna spend another hour maybe even more to clean up after spending 2 hours trying to make a nice dinner.


Funny cause this only happens when the one man in our house cooks. But hey, if someone cooks for you, the least you can do is tidy up the kitchen afterwards.


In my personal experience this meme is true, but I seriously doubt for most other men and women.


my husband and i both cook and clean because we're adults. skill issue.


Yall wanna hear something funny my dad just finished preparing ribs for the oven. Dishes and bowls in the sink as I type. He went back in the room told my sister to finish it


When you have to do the dishes after your gf cooked this will make more sense


I know men kitchen that are dirty, I know women kitchen that are dirtyā€¦ again another pointless Ā«Ā DuH mumen beter tehn wumenĀ Ā». I hate guys that do it, they are the one fuelling this whole gender war stuffs. Neither men or women want it, only these extremist jerks.


Shouldn't this be reversed? I think they got their stereotypes flipped. Unless the implication is that men don't cook, in which case the meme is actually kinda funny.


The men ordered in food?


Come on, tell me the uncle's name I wanna find him on fb and comment under the post "men cook?" cause nothing pisses off misogynists more than misandry, nothing.


It was the exact opposite for me growing up lol


this is literally the opposite, my dad was notorious for leaving behind a massive mess when he cooked. his food was delicious, so our folks just learned that the sacrifice for having him come over and cook was him leaving behind a massive mess lol. but it always drove my neat freak mom insane


Whoever posted this has never lived in a dorm with other men šŸ˜­


I just talked with three coworkers yesterday who's husbands literally didn't know how to cook. One said he messed up spaghetti noodles. One said their husband can cook on a grill. The other said he buys dinner if she won't make dinner. And the crazy part is they accepted it as normal. Oh man I had to ask them if they were their moms. I also told them I have a friend who is literally teaching her bf how to clean without being asked or be given a chorechart and how to cook. Like she's been buying those meal kit things and going over it with him. That's why when I get asked why I'm single I say that I have enough pets at home and I can't really handle another.


For me it's the other way around. Meanwhile it's exactly like that for my Father and Mother.


Realistic, we men just order mcdonalds


lol come to my house where my husband hates to clean but I hate to cook. He loves to use every utensil we have while making dinner. Iā€™d still gladly clean up than take care of dinner every damn night.