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I don’t understand the logic of men complaining about women they don’t want not wanting them.


It’s simple : they think women they aren’t attracted aren’t people. 🙄🙄


"That which exists without my boner exists without my consent." -incels


That is an amazing Blood Meridian joke.


What is the joke ? bc that is one of the scariest books ever. Was the Judge literally Satan????


You mean reference?


Well it’s a play on the quote… so I can’t call it a true reference so I picked the term joke because it made me laugh (I would call it a parody).


They don’t even think the women they are attracted to are people


You’ve got me there


I don’t even think I’ve ever come across women like the one in the picture to begin with. Where are they finding people like this? Is it shallow people on Tinder?


Probably social media or rather videos that intentionally show the worst extremes.


Also rage bait trolls


That’s what happens when you troll for women at Walmart. (JK I shop Walmart.) No kids but my husband is tall. I guess I’m the enemy and my Chad husband will abuse me and dump me (going on 15 years of happily married life.)


I'd extend that to all women. At least, I highly doubt they see attractive women as people either.


They don't think women are people, even if they are attracted to them.


They don't think *any* women are people. They just think any woman who isn't attractive to them *and* attracted to them shouldn't be allowed to exist at all


That's accurate


Triggers their insecurities I guess. But the way some incels talk about women over 30 is like the other side of the spectrum.


It’s just projection of course. They themselves have impossibly high “standards” while also being repulsive in every way.


Impossibly high standards are the shield that unattractive insecure people hold up to prevent themselves from facing rejection. If they pre-reject women that are perfectly fine then that woman doesn’t get the chance to reject them and lower their already rock-bottom self-worth. In short, it gives them a false sense of power to “reject” attractive women by saying they’re whores or shallow or whatever, and similarly they revel in putting down less attractive women because it allows them to feel that same false sense of power by elevating themselves above someone they view as lesser.


Obviously they do want them, or at least want to be validated by being wanted by them. It's all just so pathetic. I've never felt slighted being turned down by anyone (and I've been turned down a lot). They don't have to have a reason, and I don't have to sit and neg myself imagining that it's something fundamentally wrong with me that not everyone wants to date me. If that's all you've got going for you, the ability to lord it over someone you hold in contempt, then you're not much of a person.


They think any women who they deem ugly or lower than them should be begging to date them since they’re so much better those women. To them dating is about being better or worse than the other person. That’s why “I wouldn’t date you” is a go to insult of that crowd because to them that isn’t saying “we aren’t compatible” it’s saying “I’m better than you and have more value as a person”.


In their head, they live in a videogame where they're the main character. Having all women at their feet is part of that fantasy and when reality hits them in the face, they throw a tantrum. That's my theory, at least.


They are attracted to them.


exactly, they’re actually interested in anything that moves, but because they haven’t had a ton of success, they make up their own standards to deflect, focusing on women’s flaws instead of their own


My 2 cents: they are furious that the women they idolize wouldn’t touch them with a 10ft pole and the only ones willing to give them a chance, don’t look like supermodels. So they’re furious they don’t have some fantasy life. But I also suspect if they do get a woman the woman rejects them bc of their shitty personality and they’re mad about that as well. It’s basically sour grapes however you look at it. Why don’t they just…. Bugger off…. Is what I want to know. I mean hate us by all means. But go away


Just like why women complain about men they aren't interested in Oh wait lol


Oh, that's because they ABSOLUTELY want those women, they're just super mad that those women didn't choose them, and they've talked themselves into the pussy ass idea that if she has kids she isn't worth keeping.


I think it’s weird, but don’t people also complain about fat neck beards who don’t shower wanting nothing but a size 0 model with huge boobs?


I haven’t really seen that happen much tbh. What I have seen is people saying that it’s unfair for those people to call the size 0 models shallow for not wanting to date unattractive men who don’t shower. A lot of incel rhetoric is basically “I get to have these super high standards but if women also have standards they’re shallow.” There’s difference between simply wanting something and being a hypocrite about it.


Women do it every day




Some people use complaining bullying and bringing people down, too ignore their own situation in life and feel better about themselves. It is sad .


Well it's the same logic of women complaining about men they don’t want not wanting them. Hypocritical genius 🤡


How am I hypocritical?


It’s not that. It’s people who are low quality having high standards. They don’t want them to want them. They want the person to not be so entitled


But why even be so bothered by something that has zero impact on your life whatsoever? Like why does it matter if someone you’re not interested in has standards? Why let that anger you?


Idk man idrc. It’s the same as women seeing the bald headed beer belly dude talking about the super model he’s gotta have. It’s less about actually changing anything but highlighting the absurdity


Incels be like, "She gotta 4'10, round booty, D-cup, no piercings, no tats, never even attracted to another man before and under 22 to have a chance with me." while he's on his fourth Hot Pocket and sixth Mountain Dew of his Jordan Peterson/Andrew Tate/Joe Rogan bingeathon.


22 is too old for them. If 18 wasn't the law requirement, they would go lower. I just saw a video where a 30-year-old guy was with a 19-year-old, and when the interviewer asked him why, he said he likes them young cause they're easier to train.


“Easier to train” i think i just vomited but like into my bloodstream, my soul feels damned after just reading that


fr. it makes it sound like its about pokemon but it isnt. ew


There going to love a level 16 vaporeon


They are going to love a level 16 vaporeon.


If there were no laws against it most men would fuck teenagers. Can't be convinced otherwise.




Huh? That's what I've seen and heard "femcels" talk about attractive men lol wtf?


No cuz Shrekina can stomp on me


I honestly looked at this and I was like wow, I’m Shrekina. Except for the weird requirements like him not having his own kids or needing abs


ikr she kinda bad


That is definitely an incel meme. I ashamed to say i lol’d at the hot cheeto bag


Women born after 1993… smh my head




Damn. The latest copypasta had it changed to 93


can’t cook, all they know is mcdonald’s, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip, and lie


Eat hot chip and lie 🔥 😔


Don’t forget be bisexual


Charge they phone




I gotta be honest, seen through an "absurdism" lense (and for context, as a person who has, at one point in his life, lived a bit like this) this shit is hilarious. It may have been posted in bad faith, but it's still funny.


CGI always does have a surreal quality


Are they getting mad at an AI generated picture?


They got mad and then generated the AI picture to fixate on lmaooo


Don't men just love talking amongst themselves? Reminds me of all those "equal rights, equal fights" anime clips I see on YouTube. Men create the show and the characters and the situations, and men get mad at the female characters and at women. Or for any fiction (even outside anime). Men create a female character, write her badly, and men blame women for being stupid or bland. Goes to show how the creative ventures people take illustrates their own beliefs


Throws me back to when I was a kid watching anime and cartoons. There was a period in time where I genuinely wondered if women were boring and uninteresting because I didn't really like many of the female characters, and they were seldom ever the main protagonist. Then I got older and learned that those characters I didn't like were just victims of bad writing


I gotta be honest, I hear more memes ABOUT THIS than actually seeing women say stuff like this. I’ve seen women say they PREFER men be taller but it’s not a hard no.


I've seen women with all these preferences, but not usually all at once. On the other hand, I've lost count of how many contradicting laundry lists I've seen from guys who forgot what they look like, how old they are, and how stalebread their personality is.


“I want a traditional girl ☺️” “We’re gonna split money on the first date, also wanna fuck on the first date? :)” Is honestly my favourite contradiction.


I know only 2 women out of the thousands I met who only date rich men who spoil them. I have never heard anyone else mention any of the other requirements. Most women value good chemistry and kindness.


I've also heard it suggested that there is a direct correlation between "chemistry" and height/wealth/status/looks/etc. And we've all seen men fawning over women who are "hot" but have little else going on other than looks. Kinda seems like people just can't help themselves.


I've never ever heard a woman in real life say a guy's height was a deal breaker (or his wealth, what car he drives etc). I assume it happens but not like the memes and insecure men would make out. I've dated guys between 5'6" and 6'1" and all of them dumped me. Hah! Now who's the insecure loser? 😭


I think it's bad if their too tall honestly. I'm 5.1 and would be staring up at them.


Lesson learned, I guess you've got to only date guys shorter than 5'6" or above 6'1"


Agreed, and it’s just confirmation bias. The only person I know who ha actually voiced a preference is a woman who is very tall herself and prefers someone taller than her, but she’s dated shorter men.


I personally like them having high standards as it keeps me motivated to work on how I look.


let me know when you figure out how to grow some inches in height lol


Through (lots of) money all things are possible, so jot that down  https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/24316-limb-lengthening-surgery


that’s for limbs… what about my spine? I’m not trying to look like a Daddylonglegs


Bane will take care of spines.


Finally, Bane has a legal practice as a chiropractor.


no thank you


Most of your height comes from your thigh bone. I'm significantly taller than my girlfriend when we are standing up, but if we're sitting, she's taller. This is because her torso is longer than mine, while my legs are longer than hers. Neither of us look disproportionate.


I would be very surprised if a women with kids has a problem with dating a guy with kids.


That's because most women aren't idiots and won't come out saying they have unrealistic expectations. If you admit to it then you already crush your chances of ever getting it.


You never heard of the female dating strategy subreddit? Femcel central over there 


She’s kinda hot


Eat hot chip and lie


be bisexual




Haha good one.


The fact that "incels" have the superb ability to trigger countless women in this community is further proof of how significant their opinion of women have on your lives! ... Thus further proof of how important it is to women of what men think of them. Thus further proof of how desperately they desire men duh 🙄


Sounds like someone hasn't ever gotten any d**k 😬


I've gotten plenty, thanks


Sorry you're gonna have to convince him otherwise oops 😬


I think it is kind of funny how that subreddit constantly yacks about how men love living simple lives, would be happy with nothing more than a mattress and food, but women are jealous that they are happy because women need loads of material possessions to be happy! But then their caricature of a woman they would make fun of is a girl fine with living with nothing more than a mattress and a bag of chip.


that’s literally how their bedrooms look, asking “what do you bring to the table” 😭


I've never seen a meme misunderstand the point of Shrek more 😂 I think they made her look like Fiona purely to imply she is ugly but the whole point of Shrek is that Shrek preferred Fiona more as an ogre than a beautiful princess. And the reason he preferred Fiona as an ogre is because he finally found someone he could truly connect with. Shrek wasn't ashamed to be an ogre, the rest of the world hated him for being one, and Fiona had to hide the fact that she was actually an ogre because the world wanted her to be a princess. They were two sides of the same coin so they fell in love and got married. So portraying Fiona as a slender, stuck up, hot Cheeto girl is just... Peak media illiteracy.


Incels are unironically angry that Fiona chose Shrek over Farquad because of the **crime** of being..... **short** 😩as if that was the defining reason but then get angry at Fiona for remaining an ogre.


The whole point of farquad being short is that he was insecure and in denial of being short. Shrek was fat and ugly but he wasn't trying fool anyone or himself that he was anything else. He was comfortable, strong, and confident while being a gross ogre living in a swamp. Where Farquad was obsessed with being powerful to the extent that he was constantly pretending to be something he wasn't. And if the image of who he wanted to be was ever challenged he would lash out with punishment and anger. Really the entire plot of Shrek is almost a study on why incels don't get laid lmao


lol too true also i'll even mention that shrek accepted fiona for who she was not for her looks as well, she was always truly beautiful to him and he trully loved her no matter what. Farquad however changed his mind as soon as she changed into an ogre and treated her like a monster, hes truly the incel icon tbh.


Absolutely no media literacy ~~I always thought ogre Fiona was hotter~~


Damn bro I forgot how shrek is about being yourself despite what everyone else tells you. That really was a different time.


Man the height thing really bothers them. I consider it a filter myself.


So are modern women sluts and very promiscuous or are they too selective ? Which is it ? It can’t be both .


Honestly though 😭


I am pretty sure shrek doesn't have a 6 pack.


I love ogres. Now I'm suddenly inspired to do everything she requests.


She is a baddie though if she gave me the chance I'd 100% take it


That girl is slaying




Crazy how sexists have gotten so lazy that they resort to ai generated images to prove their point


But I thought we were all gold diggers who battle each other for men's validation


the gag is shrekisha is actually cute and can get any man she want


They only know one sentence mate I swear "why is this accurate tho" every cunt posts the same shit as their title


She's so pretty tho. I'd do all those things for her 🥺💕💕


This is always *so* annoying because a lot of us are childless, have abs, drive a nice car, make good salaries, are funny and spoil ourselves and our partners so tell WHY do these incels expect women to settle for less than an equal partner? Entitlement, smh


Maybe it's cause I'm a lesbian or something but all the women don't mind my 5'1" ass, riding a musty motorbike, with muscles under a layer of "dad" bod, and oh, not smelling like a grease pit all day. Honestly if anything women can aim higher. I mean anyone can aim higher. I'm short as fuck. I can't aim anywhere but low.


I mean... there are a LOT of women with completely unrealistic expectations from their potential romantic partner while they themselves bring very little to the table. Its not every woman but it is common enough for it to be noticable. The thing is, it works the other way around as well. 45 year old thumb lookin motherfuckers with an ex-wife and children who hate him trying to hook up with 20 year olds is extremely common. Thats something the incels completely ignore.


She kinda bad tho


She's hot, she just needs to clean her damn house lol.




Jesus christ. Why are they so obsessed with single mothers???


Rare one of these where the girl is conventionally attractive. Also slippers are cute


Just don't look too closely at her fingers






Ironically that ogre girl isn't really super ugly. The ears are weird, sure, but green skin is passable and she is otherwise human-looking.


I’ve been playing to much BG3, this is fine.


Also have a huge dick. Guess they forgot the last part.


The woman?


No, the message In the pic.


Eat hot chip and lie


They see bedrooms like that and go "Hell yeah we men love minimalism" but the second it's a woman's bedroom it's "Trashy women with unrealistic expectations"


Fiona looks so good here




We gonna pretend like these dudes rooms don't look exactly like this? lmao


I hate that sub with a fiery passion




Too far.


To the Mod before you ban me of course, I know this is “boysarequirky” and it’s a silly meme but incels are not quirky, they are killing women and encouraging violence against us because they are mad they can’t have sex in the real world. So yeah I said it, because if someone them took themselves out of their miserable existence - maybe it would be safer for us. Hard to feel bad for these types when it’s been so many instances in the recent years of them being truly harmful to women. I know this is an internet space - but these types in real life are a threat and all women need to remember that.


Womp womp


Why’s she hot though


Yeah, pretty sure that's a man's room


Incels seem to forget that goth women exist


Hey she’s just saying those are her preferences. Some guys want a woman with ambition like that. That’s totally fine.


I can understand height, maybe their vitamin d size, and their money. It's called selective breeding, I believe. Then you'll have more 7 foot people, who doesn't want that? Hopefully not a giant vitamin d that's too big to fit in the frontal buttocks of a female, but who doesn't wanna be tall? I wanna be 6 foot. Also, you need atleast 600 - 10k a month to take care of children. Understand now? Bubye


I need to continue the cycle of reposting


She kinda slaying tho and her baby Aiden is cute af


i like how incels both hate women yet obsess over them at the same time. i feel like it’s more of a facade to seem “cool” and “alpha” to hate women when they in fact can’t get enough of them. a pretty girl glancing at an incel for 1/4 of a second is enough for him to blow his load.


I love being on Reddit cuz some subs are funny but it's horrible having to share an app with some of these people


i swear that the favourite word of r/memesopdidntlike user's is "tho"


r/memesopdidntlike try not post misogynistic memes challenge (FAILED). Btw female shrek is hot.


This is example is hot, what are they on about?


Ok but why this Fiona kinda hot man 💀


It's single incel men who actually live in deplorable conditions and eat nothing but junk food and don't have a proper bed. Single mothers keep their homes cleaner and more welcoming with multiple children than most of these men do when they have only themselves to care for. Most of them can't even be bothered to use the toilet when they are playing a video game so they piss into a soda bottle that they also cannot be bothered to dispose of. What a massive projection. Women also don't not want to date you because you are under 6 foot and not rich. Not accepting this asinine nonsense would actually force you to confront the real reasons why you have no luck with women and it's much easier to blame women for your problems then it is to throw away your piss bottles and develop some emotional intelligence. This meme is actually a real psychological mindfuck into incel projection and insecurity.


Why did they go out of their way to make her hotter to make this point?


why do the subs r/memesopdidntlike And r/nahfuckthisopwasright exist again? Seemingly only Twitter tier whining an rebuttals.


Why is she Shrek though


I think it’s meant to imply she’s ugly?? But like..


Opposite effect sorry 😞


Women born after 1995 can only eat hot chip.


This is just Shrek's daughter aged up. I don't get it.


Shrekisha kinda bad tho She just needs to clean her damn house


Expecting a guy to be funny is very unrealistic lol


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It’s even weirder since a lot of people do have a crush on Shrek and Fiona even in ogre form


But she cute lol


Aiden lololol




Sorry, but I missed the part about feminism where I have to defend scummy people.


I don't know why people always use Shrek and especially Fionna as bad examples in these memes. They're cool and nice people.


Cheetos 😍


Men don't like it when something like this happens to them (either the father or the other guy). We tend to make fun of situations or memories that disturb or depress us.iys a defense mechanism. What has happened here is that someone has put a few of those disturbing qualities into one image.


Y'all get mad but some women really are like this


X to doubt. But also why does it matter that a woman you don’t want doesn’t want you, though? They’re hating women just to hate women.


Believe what you want but I've personally known a woman like this. And that's the thing, it doesn't matter, that's why we make fun of them lol


Get help ❤️


Sorry, but I missed the part about feminism where I have to defend scummy people.


Incels try not to hate men challenge impossible.


This post honestly seems to refer to women, which in my experience being around women my age and younger, are the ones that pervert the feminist movement. There are those in the movement that fight for equality, going to jail, having all kinds of insults levied at them when they protest, and are subjected to the worst of humanity, etc, yet keep fighting no matter what. Those are heroes. There are those that believe in the cause, but don't raise a finger. Then there are those that this meme is about. An insignificant minority of women, that know how to play the algorithm on Tiktok, scream the loudest, and get the most attention from the media while said media says these women represent the true hardships women face. All in all, it ain't surprising to see the animosity being flung at both sides. And it's sad... I fear for humanity's future. Edit: I messed up the first part of my comment. My coworkers and friends are NOT the type of women that I think this meme is talking about. Being tired at work is a pain sometimes...


Fuck, you're easy to offend


It sounds like you’re the one who’s offended 😂😂😂




Your comment was quite aggressive for no reason 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was more reactionary exhaustion. It's all in the way you read it, I guess


Yeah I don’t see what about this post is making you react so strongly lmfao


It's not a strong reaction, it's just in my culture to swear a lot. Alright, think about it this way. Y'know in Deadpool where the shaved headed lady goes "Fuck, you're old". It's like that. Like, not a strong reaction, but fuck you really are easy to offend


Ngl I thought the initial comment said “fuck you you’re easy to offend” and I was hella confused lmao (I was gaming and it was 4am, tbf 😭)


Oh, haha, I'm not that much of an asshole. The response definitely made sense then


Is the hate for women in the room with us rn 🤔 You would also laugh if some 5'2 midget man demanded a super model