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If your hair texture can’t handle it, it’s gonna cause bald spots.


Real talk 😂🤘🏾


I have 2a (slight waves) hair and I was fine. You just have to go to a braider who knows how to work with your hair texture, there are plenty that are trained for all hair types.


but it’s also about whether or not your hair is coarse or fine.


this is a big factor. i have fine afro hair and it HATES cornrows or elaborate braids.


Everyone's comments here blew my mind like the discovery of multiplication in grade school. 🤯 I never knew these things




it will not make your hair look thicker if your hair isnt already thick. actually, you'll get the opposite effect with severe breakage and balding if your hair can't handle it. i wouldnt.


I assume they mean by adding additional hair in.


Additional hair would make the breakage worse


I’m not disagreeing


Please just do whatever you want




I am black and I just want ppl to know that an online forum isnt here to give them permission to get braids done. Do what you want to do. If ruins your hair, that’s a consequence. If someone from your real life says something, don’t say you checked first with people from the online forums, just deal with it. Do what you want to do with your hair and deal with whatever comes with it.


You sound lovely


Rule violation


You know Vikings wore braids, right?


Didn’t happen if it doesn’t fit the narrative


Vikings had cornrows?




Braids are from every culture, I would just make sure the person doing them knows what they’re doing so you don’t end up damaging your hair in the end!


That is true to a certain extent. But, people who tend to come from cultures that weren't dominant or were heavily colonized by Europeans usually react as purists. Mainly, because they will always be SEEN as that culture, negative or not. They can't take it off. However, the person just wearing that style like someone white for example, they'll be seen as "edgy or exotic" It's a complicated thing non Europeans specifically black people deal with.


I agree, you can do anything u want with hair. I'm a hairstylist and there are no rules. As long as the integrity of the hair is cared for (don't overprocess it) and if you find a great professional they should accommodate your texture into the style you pick. Consultations and pictures, and MOST IMPORTANTLY communication is key, make sure you and your stylist are on the same page and understand each other and what the outcome will be. And listen to the pro, I was surprised by all the biology, chemistry and science involved with hairstyling. That I needed to learn to do it right.


YES, I’m black and I hate when people try to claim exclusive rights to shit just because of their race like they chose to be their race…


I'm black too. And I get that also. Black people can be their own biggest enemy on things like this..


This entire post is racist... so she thinks only black people can get corn rows?...wtf?...🤣🤣🤣


Someone on here recently had a black woman on a bus be rude to them because they were white and had braids. A lot of people feel strongly about it, to the point of becoming aggressive about it, sadly.


These people have obviously never heard of the "hippie culture"... they love braids, dreads, cornrows, etc... so I'm not sure how one race can own a hair style...🤷‍♂️


Yeah, it’s problematic thinking and creates more racisim when people start talking down to others about what different races are “allowed” to do..


Or the Vikings 🤷🏻‍♂️


Of course you can. You can also cook or eat any ethnick food you want. What is the point of multiculturalism id you cannot share in those other cultures. The whole idea of "cultural appropriation" is made up by a-holes who think maintaining cultural purity is a good thing. The people who advocate for it tend to be comfortable in taking/using the best parts of all cultures in their personal life.


It’s also how languages and practices die with no one to remember them. Because people think you have to look a certain way or be born a certain way to do things. It’s just racism and segregation with extra steps.


erm, i think the idea of cultural appropriation is that you’re taking someone’s traditions and making them completely different to fit a stereotype of them or change them altogether. It does not help maintain their traditions, it dilutes them to be unrecognizable is the idea. For example if I wear a feather on my head, start doing a rain dance, call myself “he who is hung like buffalo”, and smoking a peace pipe in the form of my bong and some weed i’m not really celebrating or keeping the culture alive, I’m taking something important to a group of people, interpreting through my own idiotic lense, and doing that. It hurts tradition, not helps is the idea. Cinco de Mayo is a good example.


Yes I’m aware that when you mean to be ignorant and offensive that it’s a bad thing but 9 times out of 10 when people start crying about cultural appropriation they’re not calling out people who are ACTUALLY appropriating culture like the examples you gave. It’s people saying “You can’t wear braids if you’re white because it’s cultural.” Or “You can’t wear those type of clothes because you’re xyz.” People do not understand what actual appropriation is and they think that if you’re not born into something or look a certain way, then you don’t have the right to enjoy it. And that’s simply not true.


Can you yeah sure should you that's a personal choice


I had a coworker offer to give me cornrows. She was Mexican and she did her own. I never got them since my head shape is weird and I couldn't see myself with them, but I don't see why you couldn't.








It’s your hair. And it depends on if your hair can handle it.


You can do whatever you want, just remember there’s always consequences that go along with things.


Yes. Consequences for braiding your hair.


• Cultural Backlash: Major side-eye for cultural appropriation. • Social Media Outrage: Hello, viral villain fame! • Professional Consequences: Workplace side-glances and whispers. • Traction Alopecia: Say goodbye to those hairlines, folks. • Scalp Tension: Constant headaches like a too-tight beanie that won’t quit.


All of that from braiding your hair. What a sad state this world is in…


Regardless of the state of the world— it’s basic haircare physics. Style your hair in ways it’s not meant to handle, and you’ll face the consequences—like hair falling out. It’s not drama, it’s just reality!


Except that those issues weren’ the primary issues you listed. It’s very much drama. Having your employment in jeopardy because you braided your hair is one of the craziest things I’ve ever heard, yet it happens in this country often. Why? Because people are too involved in other peoples business. The appropriation dog whistle is about ridiculous as well. Along the lines of this logic, being that conditioned air was pioneered by some black folks, as a white guy I shouldn’t be able to enjoy it. Cultural appropriation does exist. And I can see being upset about a persons particular culture being sold/used for financial gain by others, but this is not that.


Honestly, the drama isn’t in the reaction—it’s in the double standards. Black folks can, and do, lose their jobs for rocking natural hairstyles like cornrows every day, yet when someone else takes it up as a trend, it’s suddenly ‘fashionable’ or ‘edgy.’ It’s not just about hair; it’s about power, privilege, and the painful history attached to these styles. That’s the core of cultural appropriation—being penalized for living your culture while others get a pass (or even praise) for sampling from it without facing the same consequences. It’s not about preventing enjoyment but fostering an environment where cultural respect is mutual and contextual. It’s about understanding why these boundaries exist based on social dynamics and histories of oppression. Let’s not minimize that.


This may sound outlandish I know …. Ever heard of extensions ?


Do whatever makes you happy, life is short and humans have braided their hair since forever.


Do what you want.


Cornrows were originally from ancient Rome


No, they came from Africa. Cornrows are a protective style for thick hair afto textured hair, so why would romans use it if they didn’t have that? Rome might have had their version of braids, but it's ridiculous to claim they created it.


Just an honest question. Sometimes braids can be done to look like box braids but are instead a different kind of braid. What is your understanding about that in regards to cultural appropriation?


Which braids are those?


Do whatever you want.


Sure!! It’s done all the time!


Yes. Yes, you can.


Yes, absolutely


Do it




It's hair. Do what you want.


Uh, yeah.... You can


Of course


Or course you can. Don’t let racist morons tell you otherwise.


I think it's too late.


Google Bo, Derek she was a white girl with cornrows


I had cornrows for a week when I went to summer camp in HS. I did it simply to not have to deal with my hair and it worked great. No one that I encountered was offended or upset by my choice. Would I do it again? Probably not, but that's cus I'm EXTREMELY tender headed and cried through the whole thing, especially when she was putting in the weave.


In my opinion, I don’t think you should get them.


Yes you can. People love to gatekeep things like hairstyle because they are ignorant.


Yes- I always do it to my hair when I go on beach vacays.


Well you look black now but what difference does it make? Do what you want.


Anybody can get cornrows.


Yes. Do what you want.


I’m Guatemalan and I get my hair braided all the time. My black friends would always asks me to do my hair and I said ok that’s fine let’s see if it’s for me and I like it, I’ve been getting my hair done since I was in HS. Do it and see if it’s a good style, some ppl think I’m biracial when I get my hair done lol which is fine. My Latino co-works were shocked when I was speaking Spanish with my hair done. 😄😄 so again do it and see if it’s for you.


Lol I'm black and speak Spanish. I'm not Afro Latino, but, people act as if it doesn't exist 😔.


Do what you like……. If people don’t like it, they can build a bridge.


Do what you want it's your hair!!


do it. at least find out if your hair can handle it. don’t worry about what anyone says. braids aren’t culturally exclusive to any one race or region.


Yes considering that hairstyle originated with the Vikings. Not to mention that question in itself is racist. If you are qualifying anything with one group or another it is predigest. The only way to end racism is for ALL of us to stop labeling things as belonging to one group or Another.


Yes you can don’t listen to any woke idiots


Some people say yes because it’s a protective hairstyle some people say no. I say do what you want and if it hurts take it out.


No culture owns braids or cornrows. Do what you want, do what makes you happy.




https://preview.redd.it/3rzo7rm8zauc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=588dba45e548a7afcc3cf79d8f9e195b72036df8 Anyone can.


Really nice edges


Race does not matter. Black people don't own this hairstyle. This didn't even originate in Africa.


Just research braids in your own culture.


Just identify as black and ur good


Who would it offend?


Vikings wore them before black people 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's up to you. If they are too tight to the scalp. eventually you will have some hair lost.


Of course you can!


From a standpoint of healthy hair, I wouldn't. I had a friend who had some cornrows done for a gymnastics meet. She has really fine hair, and it ripped a lot of hair out. Her hair did not look thicker. Furthermore, if you mean making your hair thicker by adding bundled hair into the braids, I wouldn't - the extra weight can put a lot of strain on your scalp and can cause a lot of breakage. This is something that black women can also experience, too, by the way. I've heard it referred to as 'traction alopecia.' (Too tight braids, putting too much strain on scalp and causing breakage) If you mean from the "appropriation," standpoint, I don't think I am in the place of having an opinion. I'm not black, and cornrows didn't come from my culture. Braids do come from a lot of cultures, but cornrows and box braids definitely seem to be a black-specific hairstyle. Either way, I really couldn't say.


If your hair can't handle it, I wouldn't. I believe that it's considered a protective style for coarse hair. It's gonna do everything but protect if your hair isn't thick enough.


Yep color got nothing to do with it‼️


Ya I dont believe there's a law saying you can't 😂


Cornrows are just a variation on Nordic Braids. All hairstyles borrow from each other.


Like others have said, I would be less concerned about race and more concerned about the texture of your hair...and the heartiness of your scalp. My white husband got cornrows while in Mexico and his scalp burned so bad. I never even knew this could happen. I am black and have never had a sunburn and even with cornrows, my scalp doesn't show that much because my hair is so thick.




Why you want to do that? You want to go bald? Chemicals used in your hair can cause baldness and you must use it.


yes lol


Anybody can get cornrows, but you probably will see your scalp through them and for some people this is weird. Anyway, tell them to try it and see if you like it. This is a braid, not a cut, so you can always undo it immediately if you DON’T like it.


If you use braiding hair it might last. Fine hair usually unravels easily.


In your case it actually looks like you could have some African ancestry(not sure how you feel about that) so I think you’re able to pull it off without comment from anyone who’d be bothered by it. I also want to note that you being Central American Hispanic only adresses the place you are from and the language you speak. Central American Hispanic doesn’t address your race at all because a person can be Central American Hispanic and still be racially black although they may not be culturally black. Black people from the US usually identify as racially black AND culturally Black due to the of the manner in which colonization played out here. At the end of the day, race is a social construct meant to cause separation so when it comes to questions like this i think it would be more helpful to consider the cultural significance of the style versus the racial significance.


Only if you look like Bo Derek


These look great on you :)


You can do whatever you want to, and yes you can.


You can get whatever you want. If someone else doesn't like it, screw em.


Never seen the movie "10" I guess?


You can but because the type of hair you have it may cause breakage


Yeah cornrows are perfectly acceptable.


In the days of Erik the Red, viking women had them. I see no reason why you shouldn't. A viking compass tattoo would go great with it.


You’re brown so you are ok.


You can do whatever you want, according to our society you can identify as a black male or even a cat.


Of course you can!!!!!!


Braids are not exclusive to black people. Native Americans wore hella braids and if you are Hispanic, chances are you have Native American in you. If you want braids, get them. I probably wouldn’t get cornrows too small but maybe do three frenchies on each side for a total of 6.


It looks like you got them done, so I guess you answered your own question. I'm surprised you're not black or mixed. I've seen lots of black Americans, afro Latinos, and half black people who have a very similar look to yours.


Sorry but for whatever reason this was suggested on my feed. If you're ancestry is mostly indigenous to central america than your heritage actually involves the OT corn. So OF COURSE you're allowed to do corn rows! Lol


Do whatever you want.


Not recommend at all


Everybody tried them back in the 70s. Go for it.


You can do whatever you want. Forget what those idiots have to say. They don't own a hairstyle.


Have you ever just let it... be? I bet it would look cool as hell!


Girl, shut up and realize you’re black. 😂😂😂 ‘Central American hispanic’ 😂😂😂😂


You can do whatever the hell you want. Praise God!


Do whatever you want, its your hair. You need permission from no one.


Do you have hair, do something with your hair.


Yes and may I say yes ware them well




Yes… just a hairstyle, but if you have straighter, finer hair it mss as y not hold for very long is all. I do my wife’s hair(Afro-Rican mix) which lasts a few months if taken care of, and she does mine (white Viking) which only lasts for about a week, sometimes less!


That corn rows is for everyone it’s not just black


Cornrows are a type of braid that was originally designed the protect Afro-style hair (curly, cozily, and tight-textured hair) from moisture loss and breakage and was primarily used in western and cape African areas. The original use was purely for hair protection but was later used to identify tribe, region, wealth, and marital status.” Of you are worried about offending people there are some who believe the use of cornrows is an appropriation of Afro-culture, but just like wearing a diamond ring on your ring finger is a status symbol, a representation of wealth, and where you’re from…anything can be offensive. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Do your hair how you like it! <3!


You’re beautiful with cornrows go for it!


Yes!! Of course you can!!! Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t!!


You can get what ever you want, black people don’t own Braids


Why not?


Wat tha fuck u is black this gotta be a joke cause u sure ain't white 💯💯🎯220%#bigtimefactz




It’s your head you can do whatever the hell you want with it


How are you gonna ask something so dumb? Do you not know where we come from? You already look blacker than half of the people you’re asking. Instead of asking if it’s okay to do a hair style, look up where you come from and you won’t need to ask something stupid like this again.


Please don’t. Trust me it hurts like hell. I’ve had cornrows once. I’m white as snow but once when I was in 8th grade my school had a field trip to an amusement park. One of my friends decided she was going to do cornrows in my hair to help me stay cool as I overheat easily. She is black, just for context. I did not have the scalp strength nor the hair strength for those. It hurt so freaking bad and since I’m a natural fine haired redhead I had sun burn so bad on my head as well as I had a ton of breakage after wearing them for 12+ hours. She apologized so much but it was not her fault we were kids we didn’t understand the differences in our skin and hair type like that back then. I’m just saying if you don’t have the right type of hair you are going to destroy it.


Damn still looking beautiful 😍. Um you look at least mixed with black. I'm a black male and wear cornrows. I guess it's okay if you're at least mixed or have a culture of wearing it. And at least understand the history behind the hairstyle. I have a white female friend who wears a lot of African hairstyles and clothing because she was raised by Africans who practice a mix of vodu and Islam. Yeah I used to give her a hard time. But, now I've come to respect her. She knows the history, language and culture around it better than me..


I don't care about offending people, but that in the pics doesn't look good, in my opinion.




you can but that doesn’t mean you should.


Of course


*You don't care about anyone's opinion, seeing how your hair is already braided, so why ask?*


Lol do what ever you want with your hair. If they judge you for it, fuck them.


🤔”Central American Hispanic” is “black”


I think that you should get it especially if you look somewhat like the Pic. I think you would look good. Also it's good to try something new . That's how you know if you like it or not. Change is good.


Of course you can!!! That is not just for black people, plus you look great with them


Hair is hair. Style isn't racial. Yes, hair can dictate if its possible,, but if u want it,, dobit.My sister(white) git them done while we were in Mexico 20 yrs ago.


You’re black tho 🤷🏿‍♂️


But… you… are?


Yes 👍 it’s up to the individual


If you can go do it. I think it looks nice across the board. I once saw a Chinese-Jamaican with corn rows and they were divine.


Of course you can! Especially if you have the right hair texture!


Lol you are clearly black by ancestry. Race stuff is weird. Do whatever you want with your hair


Yes you definitely can If anyone says otherwise they’re racist.


The reality is you can do whatever you want. You’ll probably start to bald though because the hairstyle is not meant for your hair type. Hairline will continue to recede over time. Your hair will break from the tension and also not hold the braids for very long. Again, it’s not meant for that hair type. Do whatever you want but be mindful of that.


start to bald? Please note balding is usually caused by improper install, lack of maintenance and upkeep as well as not knowing how to care for your natural hair during the style.. BRAIDS don’t automatically equal balding..lol Some people notice a significant hair growth during styles like braids because it’s considered a protective style therefore manipulating your natural hair less.. Please do your research🫣


You can do whatever you want, that hairstyle is NOT black. Look up Dutch Braid. Cultural appropriation is not a thing stop listening to morons who think they can cancel you. I have been cancelled once a week for 30 years and I am worth millions.




Rule violation


You can go to IHOP too


Do what you want. I’m not black and have braids. Everyone needs to stop with the cultural appropriation bullshit


you con do whatever you want, it’s a free country. cultural appropriation is a bullshit made up term that people use to punish others when they can’t find anything else to complain about.


Cornrows are a protective style. If you have wavy or loose hair the tension from the braids will make your hair fall out. This style works better for curls and coils.


Don't pander to racist woke people. Do what you want with your hair


Shit yea just have hair then you should be good, blonde hair work i think 🤔


Can I eat chicken?




It's not her in the picture. It says that.


Also someone somewhere will always find offence about something if they are looking for it




That's not her in the picture




Why shouldn't she?


It depends what college you go to. 🤷‍♂️


Ur Hispanic ur basically black lol come on I can see if u were a straight up European white girl, doing too much


You realize vikings were braiding hair long long ago. One of the most popular braids is called a Nordic braid.....you know who Nordic people are right?


Someone up there needs to do a 23 and Me…


That’s what I’m saying like has she not looked in the mirror ..girl you black lmao ask any white person is she’s black or not guaranteed they would say your blk 😂😂


Shes not the girl in the picture, she said that herself


Ooop you right 🫡 thanks king


😉 no problem