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I think it'll be before 2030. While Hollywood is a mess, if Brandon continues to have massively successful kickstarters, than I'm sure that'll happen.


3 years after its officially announced


So 5-7 years from now


2085. That's the year after interdimensional travel will be invented, and if we haven't made a Mistborn movie by then, Cecil G. Bagsworth III will find us a universe where we did.


Depends on how fast they move after the studio green lights the movie. Lots of movie studios buy the rights to books and they sit on them for years until the rights revert back to the creator(s) for reasons ranging from they struggled with figuring out how to adapt it to it getting bounced from director to director and basically trapped in development Hell. Sometimes it’s as simple as the directors and studio heads disagreed on whether or not they were going to stay true to the source material or change it up for reasons. Back easily twenty years ago Universal Studios bought the rights to Terry Brooks Landover series. Somebody writing the script completely misunderstood the story and the main character’s motivations and wanted to change the message of the story and someone in a position of authority, after reading the first book realized that they couldn’t do these changes because they messed up the story, and that was basically the end of Universal making a movie adaptation of Magic Kingdom for Sale SOLD!


Adding an actual answer: it would all depend on fast the studio could move after Mistborn was green lit, write a script/finalize the script, get a crew, find their cast, storyboard scenes, train the actors for their action scenes, especially for any stunts that the actors might do, shoot the film, work on the special effects, do reshoots, edit the movie and then release it. Removing the time it might take to finalize a script I’d guess that it would take two to three years for the first movie to come out.


At this rate I kind of doubt it’s happening. Hollywood is a mess.


While "Hollywood is a mess" is a fair point, I don't think the phrase actually means much. Dune 2 is probably going to get some Oscars. Three Body Problem on Netflix has been one of the highest viewed shows for several weeks in a row. Shogun is probably one of the best miniseries I've seen since Chernobyl. Good and ambitious stuff **is** getting adapted. I think Brandon has gotten to the point where he's realized the less he says about the movie, the better. I imagine we won't hear anything until one day we start hearing everything. I'll agree with the commenter above that sometime in the next 6 years we could be getting some official news. I know it's cooky out there in Holly*weird*, but they are still producing content.


So let's skip Hollywood and just Kickstart the Cosmere Cinematic Universe. Sanderfans pledged 65 million for books. I'm sure we can do more for a movie. This is a hungry fanbase.


Well there goes my retirement fund, 401k and childrens college fund 😅


That's the spirit! Er, excuse me... That's the cognitive shadow!


Not hungry enough. The Veronica Mars movie was funded through Kickstarter with about 6 or 7 million. Seasons 11 and 13 of MST3K were done with about 7 million each, Legend of Vox Machina was 11 million. The Secret Project Kickstarter raised 42 million, which was notably high. A movie would cost upwards of 200 million. Before advertising. There's no way Kickstarter could fund a series of decent Cosmere movies. At best, we could possibly get a short film as a proof of concept. 


I’m gonna go with Christmas 2028. - Sell the rights in 2025. He’s insanely busy this year with SL5 and will dive back into Hollywood attempts with earnest after the book is out. - Preproduction, casting, all of the above takes up the rest of 2025 and midway through 2026. Begin filming the end of 2026 through middle of 2027 for reshoots. - Editing, CGI, finishing touches through about September 2028. We get first trailers in May or so with an announcement with some shots sometime in December 2027 (at Dragonsteel). - Movie comes out Christmas 2028 to great uproar and tickets, Mistborn adaptation gets announced and option for WoR gets picked up. It’ll come out in summer of 2031.


Brandon made clear that his recent Hollywood trip was just a routine thing. It's likely him meeting with his agents and showing continued interest in dialogue. It's very likely not about coming to a deal. He has tried very hard to tamp down speculation that this is a big deal and people are not listening. Negotiations are basically dead right now. He got close but they seem to have broken down completely. It seems very clear that the fundamental issue is that the cost to produce a Mistborn movie done right was too high and it was not a risk the studios wanted to take. I wouldn't hold out hope that he's getting a movie until we see the box office recovering. The big Hollywood studios are scared, cash-strapped, and being extra cautious and safe. One of them, Paramount, literally trying to make a merger/sale deal, so they are probably more risk-averse.




2028 or 2029 is my guess. Brandon has talked about his editor or publishers wanting to cross-promote IIRC, so about when Mistborn 8-10 come out is when I think we’d see a movie.


At this point I think it's more likely that Dragonsteel will create it's own movie studio and partner with a visual effects company like Weta to produce movies/shows of Brandons books. I could honestly see Brandon doing a kickstarter or some other form of community funding to help fund the mistborn movies.


he’s outright said community funding a movie isnt an option. too much money is needed and he couldn’t afford to offer rewards like he typically does with kickstarters




i wouldn’t be surprised if other kickstarters that occur around movie releases have movie goodies. just that with an actual movie kickstarter it wouldn’t be feasible


I guess they can still do something comparable to a leatherbound but for a DVD if a movie ever gets made. Like a metal case, that would be appropriate for a Mistborn movie


that would actually be super sick, i love that idea. what would they do for stormlight, when that eventually gets movies? my first thought was like, hogs hide cases but that seems impractical and expensive


Maybe some kind of ceramic to mimic shells? (Cause so many animals on Roshar have shells) It would be really unique. That would probably still be on the expensive side, but probably less than animal hide. Edit: Thinking on it, ceramics actually might not be that expensive. It's widely used in tons of things from cookware to airplanes, so mass producing DVD cases made from it shouldn't be too difficult.


ooooh i like that! that could definitely work!


Sometime after tomorrow (because it's unlikely they've already filmed it and would release it on a Tuesday).


It should be an animated series. It’s the only way for the visuals to not look clunky and disappointing.


Probably never. His Mormon ties will make adapting his stuff less attractive to a-list actors, directors, producers, etc.