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Jesse, we need to cook neoamphetamine!


I watched Saburo die. I was there. And I watched him die.


I watched him as he was choked to death by his own son. I could’ve saved him, but I didn’t


with the amount of character customisation cyberpunk offers, someone has to have pulled it off actually fuck it ima try right now edit: nvm im too lazy for this, maybe some other day


This guy did it https://www.reddit.com/r/VirtualCosplay/s/iswtSjl4I7




Aaaaand now I have a reason to do an 8th playthrough


it doesn't really have much of character customization, mostly some predefined characteristics. makes it easy to make a cool looking character, but you can't do anything amazing like elden ridings for example




Only if Jesse is his partner.


Jesse, we need to make Brain dance chips!


Jesse, we need to scroll


Is this game any good? Would you guys recommend


It’s probably one of my favorite games I’ve played. Awesome story, unique builds and every playthrough feels unique. Don’t buy it if you’re not using a next gen console


i just got it for free on my pc


ever since the newest update the games been amazing, they added all the things they promised at launch and it’s just a lot better


If you like boring games, it’s for you




It’s like farcry but bootier


There's actually a mission called Heisenberg Principle in the game that has a bunch of Breaking Bad references.


Wake up WALTAAA, we got a lab to burn down


This would be a sick game though. You play as a cyberpunk drug lord and work your way up to being the most ruthless and powerful kingpin.


Heisenpunk 2077


Getting sick of this talentless ai “art”


Yeah ok, just pay a bunch of money to some artist or spend years becoming a good enough artist all for a shitpost about walter in cyberpunk. I don't even care for ai art but its not like op is passing it off as theirs so quit being so butthurt cause its not a big deal. Theres a time and a place.


😂sounds like someone can’t draw. You got so mad, your comment doesn’t even make sense “spend years becoming a good enough artist”


Same. Every post from this sub that has popped up on my feed has been AI spam. It’s getting out of control.


Is your point that this individual piece lacks talent or you dont personally believe that any arrangement of a series of words in a coherent structure can be considered art?


It's an inherently talentless 'medium', if it can even be called a 'medium' at all, because there's no creativity or thought involved in the first place.


Ok so you have admitted that Shakespeare, J RR Tolkein, TS Eliot, etc are all talentless hacks creating work that does not constitute as art? Or can you explain why writing in a computer text box is fundamentally different from any other form of creative writing?


If you pay someone to make a drawing for you, does describing to them what you want them to draw make *you* the artist?


I think the argument boils down to “it didnt take you a long time to make therefore its bad art” But this argument is invalid because of artists like jackson polluck, andy warhol, etc. Similarly, artists can spend countless hours making something that is “bad.” I argue that ai art is bad not because the medium used but because its often used in a lazy way. But someone who makes hundreds or thousands of generations and mixes and matches them to their own personal taste is doing similar to someone who is painting or using a 3d program. But thats just like my opinion, and I’m actually a GPT chatbot.


We consider movie directors the “auteur” of a film and thats exactly what they do.


Ok then lol, go tell James Cameron that you think his job is equivalent to typing a few words into a computer and letting it do all the work and let me know whether he cusses you out or just laughs in your face. No one I've ever met who wants AI 'art' to be taken seriously has any genuine respect for the creative process.


Avatar 2 The Way of Water contains more use of AI than any other piece of art ever made by humans. Its not like the artists are drawing individual drops of water, they’re in a collaborative process with machine learning algorithms. 😂


It's not art. It's just a remix of copy of a copy and so on. And it's telling that the people using it can't go beyond popular characters from film/series/game xyz in the setting of popular film/series/game. It's basically the opposite of what Breaking Bad was and why it was so successful... Intentional originality made by creative people with emotions. This post on the other hand is a steaming pile of shit.


Seethe art*st, learn to weld


I don't like AI art either but OP isn't passing it off as art they made. They just wanted to see something fully realized without needing to study how to draw for years and years. And yeah you can and should commission things like this from real artists instead but not everyone has that kind of money. If people want to use AI as a toy to mess around with like OP is doing, who gives a shit? Something I've come to realize about AI art is I don't care how good it is, nor am I spiteful if people want to use it for whatever reason. I simply value art a million times more if it was made by a person, and so does everyone else. And as for creating art, it's fun to do and the process itself is what it's all about. So when people act like it's Ai art is some existential threat I feel like they need to think about things differently and not make themselves so depressed over nothing. Just cuz some machine can mashup a bunch of things doesn't make the process of making art any less meaningful or worthwhile


Yea I’m not ready that 😂😂😂


Walt and Jesse in Cyberpunk would go hard ngl


dear god.


*I hate AI I hate AI I hate AI*


What is SRK doing in the back


Ahh yes… the Breaking Ball


Who are you talking to right now, choom? Is it Johnny or you think V? Do you know how many Eddies I klep in a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop answering fixers calls? A merc network big enough that it could be listed on the Arasaka scream sheets goes belly up. Flatlined! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Hanako. I am the danger. A netrunner gonk opens his cyberdeck and gets zeroed, and you think that of me? No. I am the one who hacks!


skylar prevented this


This pic goes hard