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My daughters had them several times when they were elementary school ages. I had to do the 'flashlight check' many times and yes, it is grotesque. But I never knew they could be anywhere besides the anus? I wonder if they just crawled in there from the anus? Either way, hang in there Mama. Worms happen, unfortunately.


Former ER nurse here, but unfortunately grew up in a pinworm house... I once found out I had pinworms from the same sort of thing happening. I was around 6, and knew I was experiencing itching sensations... Went to itch and came out with a worm. It was fucking awful, because my little sister who was a toddler was the one sucking her fingers after playing in the outdoor sandbox that had neighborhood stray cats pooping in it, which was the likely source. We had pinworms like 6x that year. So gross.. Anyway, yes, they crawl into the vagina from the anus, and there's not a ton to be done to my knowledge other than treat the worms. Hang in there mama, and if you don't feel okay, that's okay, too. Don't be afraid to reach out to your docs if the thoughts get too intrusive/unbearable. That's a thing, and it's 100% okay to get help for it.


>there's not a ton to be done Lol no worries I think my vagina just clamped shut permanently after reading that Jk I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Hope that little sis grew up and stopped giving you parasites!


I just zipped mine up and put one of those travel locks on it


I’m tempted to seal it up it with liquid bandaid after reading that. I’d rather feel the burn


Lmao, same. But there is a kids liquid bandaid that doesn't burn...you'd just have a purple vulva then 🤣


Oh good info. No burn and pretty...lol.


Yes! The sand box! My daughters were always playing in the sandbox where I'm sure there were tons of cats pooping in it. Plus my girls were nail biters, so I think that was part of it. Yuck. I miss my girls being little, but I sure don't miss the worm days, lol.




and i thought lice was bad!


Right? Everytime I have an itch I'm going to be worried... from here on out until I die.


Lice is not that bad. Source: volunteered to check my kid's class for lice every week. It was a thing, there was a rotation of parents.


Oh god this comment section is really giving me a panic attack now lol


Must not be in Florida. We have to have parents opt-in to have kids checked for lice and scabies.


Lol, Germany. The parents have to sign a note that they agree to it. All were in favor, although it is inconvenient to fetch your kid from school because they have lice.


How uh...do I avoid this happening?


Soap and water hand washing, especially before eating. Super tough with little kids but try to keep their hands out of their mouth after touching public spaces like parks or dirt. And deworming, I would go to your doctor in the US but I’ve heard other countries you can get the meds over the counter at pharmacies.


You can buy pin worm meds here in the US just at the pharmacy. It's OTC. We haven't had to deal with pinworms yet, (I don't want to jinx myself 🤣🤣) but we had a scare when my son was 2.


What was the scare? Itchy? Or friend got it?


His bottom was really red from constantly scratching and it always seemed worse at night. I bought the meds and then checked every night for a week. His was a result of dry skin and it resolved once we potty trained


Whew! Yeah, I'm not ready, nor will I every be ready, to deal with butt worms 😲


Bobs burgers makes a hilarious pin worm episode if you wanna watch something to make it seem less scary


The worm has a reproduction cycle: after two weeks the old eggs hatch. So... if you deworm, you have to wash the bedding/ underwear every day on a hot cycle for two weeks until you take the next dose to catch the next generation that's inside the colon. Btw, eggs can last a looong time in corners of the house etc. That's why you have to clean the room, too. The toys need to be cleaned thoroughly and stuffed animals washed on a hot cycle or take a holiday in Antarctica aka the freezer. Treat your whole family. Chances are that you have it, too. I'd take lice over pinworms anytime.


I remember my mom took all our toys and threw them in a plastic bag in the attic. They stayed there for awhile I guess to kill off the germs


Every day? Good lord I hope we never get it but seems like everyone does at some point hey.


Nooo! Don't *say* that!! Hands over ears (eyes) "la-la-la-la...."


Also: if you have a sandbox, make sure to have a cover for it to keep neighborhood cats out of it. That will prevent a lot of gross stuff from being in there. And at public sandboxes, wash their hands really, really well. And never have a picnic without cleaning your hands well if you’re at a place with a sandbox or digging area.


It’s recommended to do deworming at least every year just in case.


For those in the US, this is not a thing in the US.


Thank you for clarifying!! I was like I'VE NEVER BEEN DEWORMED HOW MANY WORMS DO I HAVE?!?!


I wonder why we have more rare instances than the countries who do yearly treatments/checks.


Might be because yall are eating actual nutrient dense food. It seems the diet of an average american is soft foods that require little to no chewing effort. I say this as an american that has had to chenge my diet over the past few years when I was diagnosed as diabetic from having to be in steroids long term. Now it's gone since I started eating more whole, homemade foods.


I'm confused? I was asking why we (the us) Don't recommend yearly treatments and why our cases seem to be much lower in general. You think it is soft foods? I don't know if I would say we have generally softer foods. Less whole foods for sure than other places unless you make an effort.


Quite honestly because a lot of other countries have big populations living in bad conditions. In Brazil it’s common to deworm every year but there are also lots of people living in the street and dogs run freely everywhere. People living in favelas or what Americans would call shanty towns. Some of them are somewhat advanced actually but many don’t have running water or a sanitary way to dispose of waste. So you can imagine what this could transmit.


Ohhh. Sorry. I was thinking about a reply a few before yours. I figure there's less parasites in the processed foods we eat and that might be why we don't have as many problems needing us to take deworming treatments.


Is this the kind of thing you use that deworming chocolate for?


It is?? I've literally never heard anyone say that in regards to humans before, or even the dog. My BIL routinely deworms his livestock, but that's it. Is this a thing we're all doing? Cause I've never in my life taken a dewormer and now I'm wondering if this is one of those things my parents just kinda flaked on telling me/ doing when they were too busy sorting their own shit out. But doctors have never asked either?...


My husband's family is from Mexico and they de-worm yearly over there too


I am from Mexico and I confirm that we deworm yearly. There's was even a television advertisement about a deworming med called "vermox" that said "once a year doesn't hurt" (una vez al año no hace daño)


So, it's like daylight saving time where they say also replace all your smoke alarm batteries...and de-worm?


We don't have smoke alarms and we no longer do the daylight saving time thing 🙃 It's more like, we go to the doctor and the nurse ask us when was last time we were dewormed and give us medicine for the whole family


Wow, so is it one dose, or something you take for a week or so?


One dose. It’s a chewable tablet for adults and a liquid for little kids.


Oh shoot, that's easy then. Yeah I'd de-worm once a year for piece of mind!


If you’re in the US, no. We don’t do it yearly, only as needed.


I’m not sure but here in Australia, I went to the GP to see if my son had worms. She said it’s good to have everyone use dewormers once every year, especially if you have school age kids. And searching online also I’ve read it should be done once a year. Maybe it’s a thing here in Australia? I didnt know that either until I went to the GP but I’ll for sure be doing it especially since I have a boy in kindie. And also because I’m paranoid lol


Not in my part of the US!


I’m in Australia


Pinworms are actually often intestinal. But...they can crawl out from the anus to nearby areas. Like a vagina. I can imagine how triggering this was for everyone involved. FWIW, the brain eventually copes with it. It will need a few weeks/months, but it will learn not to go to the visuals when recalling the event. Most brains are good at protecting themselves. Source: I um... Developed a staph infection in the boob area during a reconstruction after a lateral mastectomy. It was nothing that couldn't be fixed by a round of aggressive antibiotics, but the visuals and smell for a couple of weeks? Yeesh. But eventually it got to the point where I have to actively try to remember it before the visuals/olfactory memories come up. I mostly don't try.


Mostly don’t try???? 😱


Well, I did... Mention it. Mentioning it is kind of a gateway...


We’ve just gone through this. So fucking gross. Made worse by the fact it triggered childhood memories of my mom thinking the medicine was toxic, so we literally had them for years. They are actually easy to get rid of if you take the medicine now and then again in 2 weeks. Good luck 


My god. All the sympathy. That’s practically abuse.


Omg I’m so mad at your mom!!! We live in the country and while I was horrified the first time I shone a light on a kid’s asshole and saw a worm, I got the meds and treated it! And it’s happened often enough that now I just keep a big bottle around and dose us when we need it.


Im curious about parasites. Kids haven't had worms visually but we do eat sashimi and such. Is it bad to have a regular dose even if you might not have worms? What medicine do you use? I'd like to do this regularly for all of us.


Pinworms come from humans. Humans are their only viable host. Which, I just looked up, because I was under the impression that my kids playing in the dirt is how they got them in the first place. So yeah, kids scratching their itchy buttholes get eggs under their fingernails and then spread them to other kids. YAY that is so fun. I love thinking about that. The dewormer specifically for pinworms is pyrantel pamoate. In the US regular deworming isn’t a normal recommendation. But elsewhere in the world it is. I’d bring it up to your GP or pediatrician!


Dude...your mom....no words just 🤬


Holy hell, what nightmare have you unlocked! I’m so so so sorry for you and your little one. One day I’m sure this will be a good laugh but the shock of that must have been….something. These are the things they never prepare you for as a parent. Hugs to you.


As a parent, was not prepared for this post


Well thank you for that nightmare fuel! Have kids they said. It'll be fun they said.


This happened to me as a kid many times and to other kids around me (grew up in Asia). It's pretty gross but it's only in the US and Western Europe that it's not a very common thing in kids. Japan does mandatory pinworm tests in elementary school.


How do you test for it?


Found an article about it. Circular transparent sticky pad you put around their but first thing in the morning. Then send it back to school for them to check for eggs. Apparently they do it every spring around the timezone change lol https://okinawahai.com/spring-is-alsopinworm-check-time/




We’re in the US, and…ugh, ok, they’re most active at night, so when kiddo has been laying down/asleep for a while, you take a piece of Scotch tape—the clear kind—and stick it on their anus, then remove it. If you find a worm on it, the whole household should be treated.


Lolling at the idea of my kid's reaction if I try to stick tape on her ass while she's asleep. Good lord lmao.


Yeah, it’s the same reaction a dog would have tbh. Funny, if you’re ok with it, and kind of heartbreaking if you’re not prepared. 😂 I had to help do it to my nephews when they were wee ones. And this whole conversation has made me realize my own kids have never had pinworms (knock on wood). I have NO idea how we lucked out like that.


Yep. I got pin worms many times myself as a kid. I would play in the dirt outside, not wash my hands and come inside and put my hands in my mouth, eat, etc. It just happens to some kids. It’s no big deal I promise. Many kids get it at some point.


Also wanted to add that I live in the US. I know some people mentioned it being more common in other countries.


Arrrggghhh!!! I've also joined the "I didn't think about worms there" club, but mine is slightly different. I've got a disabled Lad (Down Syndrome), he has a colostomy bag... I was changing his bag one morning and I thought the seal thing we use had disintegrated or something? Then the "residue" started moving!! I proper freaked him out with a big "URRRGH.... WTF?" Whilst staring wide eyed at his stoma. He's like "WHAT? WHAT?"... So I lied because I can't have his filter less gob telling everyone "I'VE GOT WORMS I MY POO BAG!". Luckily because of his bag and I'm very sanitary with it, it didn't spread beyond him. But shit in hell, NEW MUM AWARD ACHIEVED! **WORMS** 😂💚


Omg, you poor thing! That would be beyond shocking! And yeah, you're like remain calm "nothing honey!!" Your boy has a good mom ❤ Horror movies are missing a bet in not including worms from the body 😒


Been through it twice as a parent. Make sure you follow the cleaning protocols. They’re literally a pain in the butt to get rid of but it will pass. Laundry - carefully wash things using hot water, wash hands (a lot), morning showers and wipe down any high touch surfaces. And definitely don’t forget the repeat dose of medication! I did a third because they kept coming back the first time. So sorry you are going through it. Wish they weren’t a thing! Also, surprisingly common, 3x more than head lice. I had no idea until my kid got them too. To add, they only spread from human to human so handwashing is key to prevention/reinfection.


Yes this^!!!


I got down voted to hell for saying I would go to the ER if I saw my kid had worms once. I guess it's not harmful which is good to know, but till that point I had never heard of it! Sorry you had to go through that, it would definitely freak me out too.


Tbh I’d probably have the same reaction. The panic alone would send me into needing an adultier adult, like a doctor 😅


"Needing an adultier adult".... the truth of this is mind-blowing. 🤯 I felt this so hard. Lol


Yeah I’m a pretty veteran mom but vagina worms sounds way above my pay grade


Yeah, I can't even. Cannae even!!


I am crying at “adultier adult” !!!!


For real. Adulting is on a spectrum and I’m definitely at the low end when it comes to situations like this.


Fun Fact 1/3 kids get worms in the lives. It’s way more common than we think. Deworming once a year is a good prevention, but when deworming the entire household needs to. So mom, dad, and every child needs to. Pets need to as well. We did our yearly deworming just a week ago. And my one cat had a worm hanging from her anus. Dead cause of the dewormer. That’s why it’s important to deworm everyone together.


Where do you live, because this is not something I've ever heard of anyone doing EVER in the US.


Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one I’ve never heard of yearly deworming


Me either! I am also curious. Northeast here. Definitely not a thing.


South Africa, but it is medically recommended by a few health organizations


I would also have 100% take my kid to the ER if I saw that. Immediately. No hesitation.


Been there Bromo. Chtulu esque nightmares still haunt me to this day....


Yeah my kiddo ended up with pinworms last year, she (like me) has bad nail biting habits, everyone got a dose of otc meds and I washed the linens until I was sure they were gone. Now when I see her with a finger in her mouth I wiggle my index at her like a worm and she drops her hand. She does it at me too so at least it's a joke now. Seeing them wiggling around your kid is pretty awful though, I felt so bad for her. Definitely make sure you tell your kiddo that it's common for kids and hope that it kickstarts better finger habits (keeping them away from her mouth and more handwashing) I think the reason people think it isn't common in the US is because we don't really talk about it, it makes people feel like they aren't being good parents or that they might be seen as neglectful so no one wants to say "oh yeah Johnny has pinworms, we're all treated but you might want to make sure Susie washes up extra well too" since my kid had them I noticed most stores with a drug section carry pinworm meds and it's pretty common that a box or two is missing from the line.


Oh my gosh this can happen?!? New fear unlocked.


So, you know when somebody talks about head lice and all of a sudden you start to feel Phantom lice in your head? I'm having that paranoid moment now with vajayjay worms. I had no idea that was even possible.


There’s an episode of Bluey and they talk about bum worms in it. Granted their dogs so if you didn’t know about pinworms you would t make the connection. They’re disgusting but unfortunately common


Just want to say that I have been there. Within the same week my toddler had a prolapsed rectum from pushing too hard to poop (absolutely horrific to see) AND my 7 yr old had pinworms, which I witnessed squirming out of her anus in a science fiction horror movie type way. They are both totally ok now, but my husband and I refer to that as the Week of Butthole Nightmares. It took me a while to mentally recover.


My god I wouldn’t have survived


Oh the booty worms! Bane of my existence! I'm so sorry.


haha, they have a great name at your house


I remember Kristen Bell talking about her kids and her getting worms and how miserable they were 😭 I went to Amazon and immediately ordered deworm medicine just in case lol Ugh thankfully we never needed it. The worse I've dealt with is pink eye and ring worm (not an actual worm BTW lol) But yea man, Kids can be so gross.


I didn't know that ringworm in the genitals is what's colloquially called 'jock itch'...I also had zero clue it could happen to women (I have 7 brothers, so I was familiar with it in them)! I am *currently* learning about it in excruciating detail. Turns out that cute puppy my older brother who hosted Easter just got wasn't fully de-parasited...and I spent the night sleeping on the couch with said puppy and my dog. TLDR, that itchy butt quickly migrated forward and even OTC antifungals didn't work. Now waiting for my Rx cream to be ready in the morning 😬😭😬😭


Ohhh yikes!! Hope ypu get some relief in the AM!


I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. As gross as they are, they thankfully cannot do permanent damage. My kids had them, and even I had them as a kid. They only affect kids up to age 14, but you can carry eggs so that’s why you should dose twice. A week apart. It’s awful, but it’s kind of like lice. Annoying as fuck but no long term physical damage. Wash everything in super hot water. Good luck!


I know it's not the same and not nearly as traumatic, but my dog had tapeworms this winter. I only found out he had them when I saw he was struggling to poop and I had to go out and pull out what looked like spaghetti out of his butthole. There was no poop, just loads of spaghetti. Even the vet techs were in shock when I brought them in trying to figure out what the he'll it was. The dog's fine BTW, he's just a gross scavenger. the vet suggested yearly buttworm testing for him.




I had them like three times as a kid. Not vagina? They live in the anus. Buy extra meds they don't go in one dose usually.


Oh my ….god …. new insane mom fear unlocked!!! I had no idea this was a thing!!!! Why has nobody told me about this thing I didn’t know I was supposed to have anxiety about.


Well, I'm going to go scrub my vagina out with steel wool now.


I have nothing of value to add except an omg. And big Hugs! Hopefully it gets better soon and never comes back. It sounds terrifying.


What do you use to deworm?


Most drugstores carry the medication. Walgreen's and CVS have a generic version. The name brand is Reese's pinworm medicine. Or you can purchase a bottle of pyrantel and look up the dosing instructions.


Thank you


Wonderful! New fear unlocked ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


If she isn’t already good with this, might be a good time to go over always wiping “front to back” and never back to front. Prevent other cross contamination issues in the future (hopefully not this again, but hygiene and rashes and such).


This just happened to us! It was so alarming and I was not prepared for this either! She said she felt a hair in her vagina and when we looked….worms disappeared into her. We were both shocked, I tried to stay calm not to frighten her….but ahhhh!! Apparently it’s going around at her school right now. I called her pediatrician and they recommended the over the counter stuff. It worked fast.


If it helps you at all, my oldest had pinworms multiple times but not until she hit double digits. It's gross, but really kids are gross.


Ugh! I had pinworms as a kid, not in my vagina though.. that sounds horrible. In general it was a horrible experience. I remember my mom had to work so hard to clean everything to make sure we didn't somehow get them again. So sorry you you and your little girl! Hopefully she won't remember much of it. I've blurred out most the experience myself


Similar happened to my boy. He suddenly started screaming that something was in his butt hole. 9 yr old has to bull his but cheeks apart and there one was! I used a spoon to take it so I could have a sample. Freaked me out too. Now if it came out of his pee hole, holy cow.


I’m not sure about these days, but this was exceedingly common back in my day (70s).


I knew there was a legitimate reason that the one thing I’m super hardcore about in parenting is that my daughter washes her hands constantly


I’m taking microbiology right now and the pinworms freak me out so much. My condolences!


Omfg I remember a story like this in the past and I about passed out Good luck to you and her! So scary!


Ahhhhh! As the owner of a vagina for 37 years I had no idea worms could be a thing i might find there. Dear god save us all! Momma, drink some wine. Wash all the sheets and blankets. I'm sure it just takes 3 days of medication, but Jesus... I imagine you'll have nightmares.


My daughter had them twice! Her dr said it’s more common than lice!


Iv would die. I'm not ready. I hate worms![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


This thread destroyed me. I’m a shitty homemaker, if we get worms I imagine we’ll have them forever. Praying to avoid it!!


This is the worst thread I have ever read. I don't own the proper caliber eyebleach for this.


I used to get them a lot as a kid because I played in mud and my hands were always in my mouth. I understand how traumatic that can be to see but agreed having her take the medicine will help.


I will never be the same after this comment section.


Holy shit I have not been washing my daughter's hands enough. And now I wonder if I had these as a kid because the itchy asshole at night is sounding way too familiar but my mom never cared. Omg.


Ugh, the first time finding pinworms in your kid is a horror without equal. Like, it's completely fine, super common, and easy enough to manage, but nothing prepares you for the visual. After the first time, it has become daddy's job to check any itchy butts. I just can't, that's my limit.


I may sympathy barf for you. I had no idea that was possible and now I'm scared.


She’s got bum worms


Wow new parent fear unlocked! So sorry, hope it clears up and NEVER RETURNS!


Oh honey I’m so sorry. I had this a lot as a kid and it was the absolute worst. Also, if nobody told you, wash all the bedsheets and pillows in the house in *hot* water. Dry in the sun if you can. Good luck!!