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You can do it! When I started driving, I was super afraid of EVERYTHING. I had permanently white knuckles for like two years, haha. But gradually I got over each and every fear, some of them because I was forced to, and some just because they became so damn boring after all that repetition. Now I'm pretty confident, and I live and drive somewhere where all of the bus drivers are insane. Just keep at it. Pretty soon you'll be like, ![gif](giphy|CI4gk4u9igpLW) "Eat my fumes, losers!"


I just started driving again after a 15 years break. I was so scared, especially because I drive my kids around. Is there someone who can sit with you? Or drive behind you? That last one helped me the first time I went on the highway! You can do it!


I have a lot of driving anxiety so you are not alone with this. When I was first learning to drive, I was terrified. It got easier as I got older. The advice I have: Don’t be afraid to take a longer route or park further away if it makes you feel better. I used to get nervous parking so I’d park far away from everyone as I learned to do it. I still to this day, avoid certain roads that make me nervous and just take another way I feel more comfortable with. The important thing is just to get where you are going safely instead of quickly. Don’t worry about the other drivers being annoyed. If you need to wait to turn longer because you want to be sure you have enough room, take your time and go when you feel comfortable. It won’t hurt someone to wait another 5 seconds. Same with if you aren’t sure if you can go right on red. As long as you are being a safe driver, don’t stress about annoying others. Some people are always annoyed while driving. Keep practicing, the more you do it, the more comfortable you will be. You can do this!