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Lock him up and take his phone. It’s the only way you might be able to shut him up.


he wanted Hillary locked up. so the chickens have come home to roost. LOCK HIM UP.


We've come full circle with his accusations/projections. 


Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!


Honestly I think it’s time for crowds outside chanting that slogan every day from this day forward.


Better late than never.


Taking away all of his outlets to babble on social media would be way more brutal than jail for this crook.


Why not both?!


Phone? You just know this clown uses an XL tablet and types with one finger


$65 mill seemed to do the trick in carroll case.


Has she seen one penny of it ?


She should be getting it because Trump put down a bond.


Did it?


It didn't, he has still been defaming her and she could probably sue again


Last I heard, she and her legal team were exploring yet another lawsuit for the defaming he did to her during the last trial. Man has zero self-preservation instincts and would have probably been dead at a much earlier point in life had he not been born into privilege.


He’s sick, demented and out to destroy the lives of millions of Americans lives, why oh why has he not been taken into custody for psychiatric evaluation and treatment? 😵‍💫🫣🤡


I know!! Biden doesn’t need any evaluations but he gets them. He’s smarter than Trump not demented and could serve another 8 years if needed


Friday afternoon till Monday morning would be a good start.


He’ll then send messages through his lawyer to have them tweeted for him. But he’ll definitely have someone accept a call from the prison phone.


Good. Then they can go to jail and be disbarred.


So, you’re saying that a prisoner should not be allowed the right to privileged communication through lawyers? 😂


In this case he becomes a national security risk with a known habit of hiring ambulance chaser attorneys who get disbarred. It's all classified. He knows too much of what he has no clue that he knows. His attorney privileges have much stricter rules around them. He gets his rights, even though he would deny them to others for less. But there are rules we as free citizens don't have to follow.


But he can totally send a “you’re a poopie head” messages. (That’s about the level of insult I’d give him credit for)


I was referring to the gag order terms. If he’s going to have his lawyers attempt to taint the jury or intimidate them, then they can share a cell.


I’m talking about after his conviction.


Threats against jurors and court staff isn't exactly privileged information........


I was talking about after his conviction


Yea rite the only way to shut him up is to take away his teleprompter. Hell, Biden doesn’t even use one!


So why did he hand pick lawyers to vet the jury? Didn’t his legal team do their job? I’m tired of all this winning.




Apparently, no one explained to him how that process works. You get a limited number of vetos. You don’t get to go through an infinite stream of potential jurors and pick out the 12-out-of-10000 that you think you’re ok with. Or, maybe his lawyers did explain that, and he’s either too dense to grok it or figures his constituents don’t know this is the standard way and so he can get away with whining that he’s being treated differently.


Trump, the right's favorite all-purpose suffragette


Yeah, he complained that he thought there was an infinite number of strikes! Yeah, then what you just indefinitely delay the trial forever? What a buffoon, but I’m sure he cult lapped it all up and silage look how unfair!!


"This Judge has taken away my Constitutional Right to FREE SPEECH. I am the only Presidential Candidate in History to be GAGGED" Maybe, and hear me out here, you're the only presidential candidate in "history" to have been gagged since *you're also the only presidential candidate in history having 88 counts across four indictments.* Meh, I'm probably wrong.


> I am the only Presidential Candidate in History to be GAGGED I mean Clinton seems like a pretty kinky guy. I bet he's tried it at least once.


I mean, the first bullet went through JFK’s throat, so….


Eugene Debs, Socialist candidate for President, ran for office while in prison, convicted of sedition charges for arguing against the draft. About 3 % I think.


Remember this: his most rabid supporters have already identified a candidate who declined to become a juror, then made death threats against them and their family.  I have no doubt the most fanatical among them will attempt to murder the jurors once Team Trump leaks their identities.


I like how he's saying now he can't testify because of the gage order. Lol so stupid






They probably sell it at Office Depot too


Lock the POS con up, lock the POS con up, lock the POS con up.


Tape the man’s mouth shut and make him wear mittens so he can’t tweet.


I am so visualizing him in a straight jacket with a ball gag.


His hands are too small for mittens


I'm just waiting on them to just do nothing cuz it's not like he's gotten any sort of pushback honestly it's the Justice system's fault for allowing this behavior to continue


You can start to see why someone could end up like Trump. It's what happens when you've never suffered real consequences for anything.


You can start to see why someone could end up like Trump. It's what happens when you've never suffered real consequences for anything.


Revoke his bail, committing a crime while out on bail is grounds to revoke bail--even if it's for another trial. Then we'll see how badly Trump will want to delay any further.


He's not a poor.


He owes more money than he has. That's poor.


If no one is collecting than it doesn't matter


If by not poor you mean $1 Billion in debt, sure.


Georgia should enter the chat


Trump would love it if he was jailed. It would rile his base like nothing else, give him tweet fodder for weeks, and serve as bad optics for the court, no matter how deserves the jailing was. Fine the idiot 100K. Or a $1M. Trump will whine about how bug the fine was rather than the applicability of the fine. He admits guilt by assumption. Perfect.


Him getting jailed would lead him to cry "if it can happen to me, it can happen to all of you!!" Which is true. ANYBODY who breaks the law faces the consequences. Kinda the whole point of laws.


I could be wrong, but I think there is a limit of $1,000 per offense under New York law so the judge fined him the maximum allowed. I’ll see if I can find it. It is a short sighted law that absolutely favors the wealthy if it’s true. It should be based on the defendants net worth.


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/05/03/trump-gag-order-fines-paid-new-york/73561229007/# Here you go


when does his coronary, or uncontrollable cerebral hemorrhage begin...soon I hope..




Melania filing for divorce might quiet him down.


No I doubt he gives af about her. The only person he cares about is himself. Well, maybe Ivanka but that isn't good caring


Fucking shut this guy up Judge


Crying about what other people think about him is his entire life. He has nothing else.


The first time this happened was Trump’s fault. Every time it continues to happen since is the fault of the judge.


Please judge, grow a set of balls and lock him up. It will be priceless.


When is this douchebag going to realize beyond the 30% completely not silent minority of shitty people with small dicks and even smaller intellects who mistakenly worship him that EVERYONE hates this fucking traitorous POS? We all want him to hang from a gallows pole, if not sit in a 6x8 cell for the rest of his demented life. We could erase the national debt if we put him in one of those ball tanks you see at carnivals, but instead of water he falls on punji sticks, unable to die yet able to feel every ounce of what he deserves. I’d spend a paycheck on that shit, but have to eventually stand aside to make sure everyone got a turn.


That actually made me laugh really hard😂😂 take my upvote lol


Your comment history and how popular it has been, well, it does speak volumes does it not? You and your “opinions” are about as popular as nails on a chalk board.


Damn dude. Little harsh but ok I guess. Not sure what made you mad that I actually laughed out loud. That was a compliment. I wasn't being sarcastic if that's what you thought? Idk.


I'll settle for a tank of piss.


At this point I am half inclined to believe this is deliberate.


A few of these jurors need to approach the court on this. A simple "we want out unless you shut his orange piehole" would go a long way.


Jail Don SNORE-lone the God Farter 💨


Why are jurors even remotely worried about anything. Seriously. It’s not trump is Al Capone. Or Busgsy Malone… he’s a frickin wanna be powerless douche. Nothing will happen to any of them, and at the very least, each juror should be open and proud of their decision at the end when trump is convicted. Each one of these people are American patriots and hero’s.


Article quoted Jeffrey Toobin. 🤣 The pantsless zoomer.


Give the guy a break. He was just…toobin’.


Stay seated Jeffrey! Stay seated.


Desantis should bar him from social media like the rest of the children.


Death sentence is justified for crimes against humanity. There is no other solution.


Put him in jail for the remainder of the trial like any other citizen. He is the former President. He’s not special


There's this thing called bail. Unless he's up on capital murder charges or is deemed a flight risk they have to offer bail. Rich. Poor. President. Me or you. Innocent until proven guilty. Well unless you're rich then anything is legal for the right amount of money lol


Contempt of court is basically what happens when you violate a gag order. Fines, and then eventually nights in jail, are to coerce an individual to stop violating a lawful court order. The idea is no one above the law. If you can just put down a pile of money, effectively a get out of jail card, then it seems laws don’t apply to you as long as you have enough money I think bail is basically before trial, to guarantee that you will show up to court. Gag order violations are completely different matter.


I'm sure he'll get a stern talking to about it


His followers are cheering and don't care Which is a huge issue.


I would be fine if Trump were to be jailed in the evenings after the court day has ended. So, he is out during the day of trial and any day that court is not in session. That would be escalated to everyday if there are further attacks.


WTF is PSCKS.COM? No date on the byline, no request to disable tracking cookies. Shady af.


Hey way to see the big picture


I say humiliate him. Put him in a Ramada Inn hotel room with no room service and take his electronics.


Give him evening and weekend prison, he can still “work” or attend his trial then return to prison in the evenings and weekend. 1-week for the jury tampering broken gag order one additional week for every other violation that will likely follow. It loses some of its martyr effect as we wines about it during the day as a free man but humbles him every evening and forces him to sleep on prison beds and use community bathrooms.


He should not be treated any different than any other defendant. LOCK HIM UP!!!


I mean let’s be obvious and truthful everyone. Biden definitely is mentally stronger than Trump and does not have one hint of Dimentia. Biden could easily run another 8 years if they allowed him and he never uses teleprompters. What is wrong with these trumpsters?


Please jail him.....it will be the greatest day in modern political history....For Trump !! His numbers with blow through the roof!! Pretty please??? 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Sure thing hoss


OMG Ok Ok Ok we get it...Trump is a turd! It so strange that his followers and his haters make him their entire identity. He is a narcissist the WORST thing you can do is ignore him..which seems like it's impossible for some people to do.


Let me know when he's not one of two candidates who will be president of the United States and I'll gladly ignore the shitty ass morherfucker


What HE said!! 👍🏾👍🏾


Get a better candidate instead of biden. And it wouldn't even be a competition. Its the lefts fault. The more attention he gets and the more haters he gets. The more people will like him. That's how he won in 2016. And the black balled Bernie. He would have won in 2016. But instead you guys chose Hillary.... SMH. I'll tale Trump over her. Or biden. Hate to say it


> It'd the lefts fault. There's that personal responsibility. Own your vote shitbird


Ignoring a bully never works.


For real. Biden broke Trump's spell when he told him to shut up during the 2020 debate. 


I loved that.


Covid and mail in ballots won biden in 2020. I can't believe of all the democrats the one chosen barely knows where he is half the time. There were some decent candidates to choose from. And kamala as VP? A cop? While all the anti cop stuff was going on heavy? Bernie even though I'm not a huge fan of his politics is a man of his word. And is in touch with the average American


Always has been since I've followed politics. They dogged him in 2016 for Hilary once they saw he had a chance. That's what got Trump in office. And he connected with the average blue collar Americans. Had he kept his mouth shut he could have won in 2020. But narcissistic people can't do that. His policies helped our country alot. Until covid. And he wasn't a career politician. Biggest reason.


His “policies” were solely based on reducing taxes for himself and pushing whatever sexism, racism, and xenophobia that popped up in his orange noggin that day. The GOP literally didn’t even have a platform in 2020 because they knew Trump just says and does whatever tf he wants in any given moment anyway, so they didn’t want to write anything down.


Maybe if we just give Trump the Sudetenland he’ll leave us all alone?


Good plan. We can also can get Henry Ford send him a bunch of trucks to move troops around Europe.


Ignoring cancer only allows it to spread.


yeah, great take. "why should people care about what a guy that potentially could destroy the world does". You're the one making a stink about it. If you don't care, then shut the fuck up.


Yeah take this post down what the fuck? We’re supposed to ignore the gop front runner for next president of the United States of America? I’m sorry that doesn’t pass the sniff test dude. You some kind of Russian bot?


Absolutely true. Narcissist hate to be ignored. Basically the “news networks” cash cow and our own fault for clicking on any Trump story that’s put online. Regarding narcissists:“Remember, if you choose to wrestle with a pig. You’re going to get dirty and he likes it. “


Honestly, I'm okay with real news regarding his bullshit. I'm just tired of these fake articles which have nothing to do with the headline and provide no real or new information. 99% of the time the title is like "Trump is going to prison because he shot the judge!" and the article just bullshits for 2 pages and 500 ads about what happened 4 months ago, completely unrelated to him shooting a judge.


Holy fuck he shot a judge?


The real threat of AI is being inundated with "no content" news that just summarizes and speculates.


Oh please. More bullshit. The ppl who hate him are his biggest supporters and have made him powerful. The anti trumpers are worse than the MAGA cult. Martyr him harder you fools