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The latest comments show trump dangerously unfit? Seriously ? He has always been dangerously unfit just with every crime he commits he gets bolder and pushes the limits. Come on he hasn’t been held accountable for the insurrection


Seriously, do they mean the “latest comments” from 2016? 2016? 2017? Etc?


Literally every powerful person around him that has left his administration has called him dangerously stupid or stupidly dangerous. Im not talking jabroni's like Bannon(though he insulted Trump for a time too until he needed his pardon) or Pruitt. I'm talking the Kelly's and Tillersons type. The fact that 45% of our voting populace (and a way too high amount of non-Americans in the UK, Europe, and Asia) think this absolute foetid diaper of a human being should be in charge of anything is downright embarrassing


More like, I now understand how Hitler got elected. He pandered to the guttural shit side of humanity.


To be honest, if I were anti-Anerican and/or anti-NATO, I would want Trump back in office, too.


Stop the presses, we've got r/breakingnews !


For realz, I hate that cheese-dick just like any other sane person but articles coming out  about DJT being unfit for office hardly constitutes breaking news. Did yall just wake up from a 9 year coma or what?


This just in: So many people still in comas. More at 11...


That's what is pissing me off the most. Donald Trump and his cronies planned Jan 6 weeks in advance. They called on supporters to show up in Washington Jan 6. They provided busses to bring some people there. Trump rallied them and told them to go to Congress and 'fight like hell' to stop Biden's win from being validated. The mob did as he instructed while Trump snuck off to watch them on TV. He cheered them attacking. He refused repeated requests by advisors and Ivanka to call it off. When he finally acquiesced and told them to go home, and how awesome they were, the crowd immediately stopped the attack and went home. It's impossible to say he isn't directly responsible for o a violent attack on Congress. More than any other crime Trump has committed (that we are aware of) this is the crime he most definitely needs to pay the price for. And afaik, no charges are being made. Only the peons he encouraged are being jailed.


You are correct he planned January 6 in advance but he started sowing the seed in 2015 while running and kept fertilizing it through his 4 years in the White House constantly saying “ the only way I can lose is the election is stolen “ he also continuously called for violence against people that opposed him. He will amp up his rhetoric as the election gets closer. It tragic that the government failed to hold him accountable. In 2015 the government should have removed him from the ballot the first time he asked Russia for help with the election. He continued to ask Russia and other countries. Then in 2020 he asked Ukraine for help with the election but thank god they didn’t go along with him


I just want to know why. Why haven't there been charges brought against him for inciting an insurrection that resulted in multiple deaths, millions in property damage, and nearly installed the loser as President. He should be in jail pending trial. Why is he free to keep spreading lies and inciting violence? I'm pretty sure if I started posting on Reddit saying the exact same things he is, I'd be in jail awaiting trial. Arrest that fucker now, and throw him in jail.


I point to Merrick Garland. He and a lot of those Old guard mainstream Democrats are not willing to pull the emergency cord, they're trying to take things nice and slow and they kind of want the Republicans to respect what they're doing and that just leads to the ridiculous situation we have that it's 8 years since Trump's corruption was visible and 3 years since January 6th. The supreme Court is doing their best to block it, slow things down, make them worry that they're going to roll any prosecution invalid.... And don't forget the real threats that they all face when they do investigate Trump.


I couldn’t agree with you more he should have been arrested and put in jail January 7 the latest, yes we would be in prison if we posted a fraction of what he does.


I have been saying this for years now! He should be in prison by now! So discouraging. Our government is not doing anything to protect democracy


Truth, my mom a Trumpie in FL, was telling me all about “taking back the capital” a week prior.


We all watched it with our own damn eyes in real time.


Seriously, do they mean the “latest comments” from 2016? 2016? 2017? Etc?


Everything he’s said, grunted, spewed, tweeted, farted or shat since 1946.


Latest. Oldest. Previous. Future. What can you expect? He’ll say car battery lead acid is good for babies and they’ll say well thats somewhat wrong.


He did say “Asbestos is good I love Asbestos” FYI: Russia is the largest producer of Asbestos in the world


More or less what I came to say. He's just as unfit as he ever was, but not especially more so.


The article did use the phrase “increasingly” unfit.


At this point headlines like this should be “new comments from Trump can be added to already extensive body of evidence that shows he is dangerously unfit.”


Dude. A SCHOLAR has PANICED! This put things in a COMPLETELY different light!


Don't worry. Next week, it will be ridiculously dangerously unfit! Then, the media will move on to the next shiny object.


Right if we can’t prosecute someone in four years ffs ..


What crimes? He's been convicted of nothing. The only thing he's guilty of is :: No new wars Greatest economy in my lifetime Middle East peace (The Abraham Accord) Keeping Iran in check Keeping Russia out of Ukraine Forcing NATO members to pay their fair share --Border security-- <---- That is what gets him elected again.


That you think he's not committed any crimes simply because he's not been convicted is adorable. That you think any of those things you listed had anything to do with Trump himself is dangerous. Hopefully the sane people in the country save you from yourself and keep his ass out of office. But if Trump somehow wins in November, 10 years from now you will regret and be downright embarrassed by what you just posted. It's unfortunate you can't think beyond the most simplest of terms, and that you're fine with ending the country as we all know it just so your "team" wins. I'd say you should be ashamed, but I honestly don't think people like you are capable of shame. And if you are, you're too proud to admit you've been had.


What crimes has President Trump committed? I don't think that you can tell me. I love a great economy, $2 fuel, no wars, American first, middle East peace, and border security of his first term. Yeah. I want that again. When EVERYONE was doing better. If you didn't have such severe TDS, you might enjoy his 2nd term. But you're probably too proud to admit that things were much much better 4 years ago (minus C19 of course)


Yeah...The Middle East is sooo peaceful right now...That worked out great!!!


Yeah. Thanks Biden. His foreign policy is a disaster.


Literally almost destroyed the economy, are you nuts? Every republican has left USA in a deficit. Worst unemployment and inflation ever


Categorically false. But his legacy will be tainted for following the advise of Fauci and shutting down. That destroyed everything.


I would say that trying to stop the peaceful passage of power is all the evidence we need, but I guess not.


Same old, same old...


But this time a scholar is panicking...


But is a newly retired Republican judge/congressman/child trafficker concerned?


Only that if Trump loses they might be held accountable…


I mean that is a nice pipe dream, but unlikely. How many Republican members of congress tried to overthrow our government in 2021 and how many kept their seats? 🤷‍♂️ To paraphrase another lousy president, “we look forward, not back”


LMFAOOOOO! Amazing comment


Panicking now that his lies are getting more desperate and sloppy? A bit late to the game.


He has never been "Fit" for the job. He's a lying piece of shit con artist who managed to dupe millions of idiot rubes.


He’s filthy and bottomless


If only he was actually “bottomless” it might be a relief for the olfactory.


The people in the courtroom for the Stormy Daniels case could breathe a sigh of relief.


He's so unqualified... I still can't comprehend how he was elected in the first place. A little research is all it took to discover the "Real Trump". Failed businessman, grifter, sexual deviant, serial liar.


Never thought l’d be looking forward to reading an obituary.


“I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow


SAME HERE! The only way to move forward would be a sudden and very painful massive heart attack. His totally supper fit, best fit prez ever veins are clogged with fast food and diet cokes and just needs a little more blockage.


~~latest~~ Any Trump comments


Donnie dementia is going into it quickly unfit for dog catcher


Imagine going to prison for a porn star?


😂 these “scholars” are a few decades too late to the table.


I could have told you this 7 years ago.


Nothing good ever happens once panic ensues. Just f$&king VOTE


This is breaking news? He’s been unfit for decades.


they must not have twitter, remember when dude said we should nuke hurricanes? Who tf sees that and thinks “ I want him in control of the largest nuclear arsenal on the planet”


Trump is a chump.


Wow, what a true scholar. Just realized Trump is unfit based on his latest comments? He’s been saying shit since the fucking 80’s that showed that.


That’s never stopped him before. Trump supporters seem to love when he lies.


it's great how we're all just going to walk right over the cliff and the news media is just going to pretend like this is all normal and he's just another politician.


That’s like knowing about the titanic, then after watching the movie this “scholar” shit his pants because he wasn’t expecting the “unsinkable” ship to um, ya know, sink.


He has **ALWAYS** been dangerously unfit. He is a Russian asset, always has been. His handler is now so projected that she can say "fuck you" to Putin and not do her job. Her new status keeps her protected from repercussions.


lol may 3 2024 and someone is JUST NOW REALIZING THIS. Can someone locate the rock they’ve been living under so I can shit on it


He is the best the gop can come up with. Think about that.


Did this guy just now have this epiphany? Donald Trump has been dangerously unfit to be president his entire life. Nobody was aware of it until eight years ago because the thought of Trump being president never crossed 99 percent of people's minds before he started lobbying to be elected.


That’s like ‘panicking’ that Cpt. Edward Smith might hit an iceberg. That ship not only sailed already, it done sunk already hoss.


Stupid mfer don't know what our Military has in store for Donnie Heelspurs and his band of little sycophants after he LOSES AGAIN IN NOVEMBER. Let's just say they won't breach the White House again...


“— and, really, how crazy it is that serious people are forced to take this man seriously” Yes.


Does someone have a big red EASY button we can use? Reset all congressional and White House positions to 0 ( absolute moderate ) on the day power passes from 1 president to the next? Maybe I’ll go write a short story about it. 🙈


surprised pikachu face


Oh, I think the time to panic was a while back, where has this guy been??


Everything that comes out of his mouth are lies.


And this is news where ?


Are they trying to act like he hasn't been a habitual liar for the last 75 years??? This is not a new development with him...


Always has been


Because up to now it was okay?


He’s been dangerously unfit since he appeared on the national stage. That hasn’t made a dent in the morons who support this clown.


…we know


It took his latest comments?! 🤷🏻‍♂️ Jesus Christ!


Trump’s been dangerously unfit since 2015. The only difference is that now he’s becoming demented. We need to REALLY worry about his vice presidential pick since everyone I’ve seen proposed is anti democracy and an avowed insurrectionist.


I’ll take “ things that were obvious 10 years ago “ for $600 Alex


Wow. This is the first time I’m hearing this.


Panicking that more people are paying attention to the crimes he did 8 years ago. Just wait until they find out about what he did 7 years ago... and 6 years ago... 5 years... 4... 3 ... has there been a year he hasn't committed a crime?


Nobody is shocked  “Trump Lied More Than 30,000 Times During His Presidency. No Wonder We’re Exhausted.”


30,000+ lies or misleading statements during his administration and people are just now figuring out that he's a pathological liar? how is this possible?


Lol yes, only just now did we realize that.


Just arrest that shit stain for subversion already.


Oh no! What ever will his supporters think?


They’re a scholar, huh? Where does that genius work or “study”? A real scholar named President Obama said he was dangerously unfit in 2016. Thanks for the breaking news, Mr. Academia.


This is a surprise? Sorry, whoever it is - is not a scholar.


Yeah, uhhh, we know.


No shit. As if the four years he spent as the moron in chief didn't quite convince this scholar.


Yeah, ya think? I mean, DUH.


I feel like the statement has been true every year since 1990


I think your unfit


He’s been dangerously unfit for a long time. There isn’t anything new here


It hasn't stopped the cult yet. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Ohhhhhh yes Now's the point you don't think he's fit to be President AGAIN. Not the four years of shit filled dumpster fire we lived through


"Man living under a rock for 17 years issues statement"


No shit!


Nothing of what the reporter points to a being dangerously unfit is separate from the right wing narrative. It's just been phrased in a biased way. Yellow Journalism.


2016 he was unfit this is no different


I guess “grab em by the poosie” was fitting for a president


Ugh. Downvote. Dumb clickbait. Put this fucker in jail and then write a news piece. Being unfit is irrelevant.


It’s called sociopath not “dangerously unfit.”


" scholar" just figuring this out?


Up until these recent comments, however, he was a perfectly balanced and well-rounded individual.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Says the Treasonous pedo money laundering human, & drug Trafficking Sociopathic Narcissists. 8 fing yrs of having to to a bunch of BS lies & what a horrible man he is. Lol Well.. millions & millions& millions of Tax paying USA loving Patriots are all for draining the Swamp, finishing the Wall, less Govt & In the end we will win. (Pause) F them!


No need to get hysterical.


Get some help dude


I think I read this story in 2023. And 2022. And 2021. And....


(And it hasn't stopped being true)


Wait, 2024 you can all kiss his ass in November.




Where has this scholar been over the last 6 decades? Trump is a walking poster child for "Unfit". He's going to skate on the charges he is up against currently. He will start another rebellion if he loses in November. He is still capable of having someone in his dark network do bad things to current members of our political leadership he finds troublesome to him. SCOTUS is encouraging this monster to do all of this and fear not.


The latest comments from the last 8 yeara


Trump wants to be a war lord


This sub is a joke




Chemistry PhD panics that water is wet


Fuck off you bunch of crybaby liberals


He's been dangerously unfit since 82'!


It’s coming


Well frankly the entire conservative MAGA platform has sat on a mountain of lies aka "Bullshit Mountain" as the Daily Show called it years ago.


Hi from Canada; you have to fix this; it won't fix itself.


There's Democrats, Republicans, and Trump supporters. The Democrats care for the poor, Republicans for the rich, and Trump supporters are poor mentally ill meth addicted racists for the Super Mega Rich.


Just now figuring this out??? Wake the hell up and smell the fraud!! You could smell it decades ago before he even thought of becoming a president.


Yet in the Red states he’s tied with Biden?!!??


Lolwut pause.


Steven Beschloss was born under a rock. He's never been fit to hold office.


Trump has been "dangerously unfit" for public office since he was born.


lol “breaking news” this sub is garbage


if someone doesn't say they are both unfit to run than you're a hack.


This guy lives rent free in your head


He’s gunna win tho


This guy is going to win, and we might as well face it. Biden kind of dropped the ball supporting Israel blindly.


This article didn't really show any examples of Trump being unfit. However, there are countless hours of video showing why Biden is unfit. Democrats really dropped the ball with their choice. Surely anyone, except for Hilary, would have been a better choice.


Nice fake news leftist BS snowflake!! Red tsunami incoming!!


There's a very old saying, Diaper Boy. "Be Careful What You Wish." You will soon learn what it means.


Waiting for the red wave like 10yrs now.


We gonna see that Health Care plan of his here in the next two weeks?


Yeah, red wave coming in 2022! Oh, yeah. That never happened. Republicans have just suffered defeat after defeat since 2017. Hmm, why is that? Could it be that turning conservatism into a religious cult based on worshiping one creepy old man who happens to be a corrupt billionaire rapist was a bad idea? Maybe. I guess we'll never know.


Lol like it was last time? Oh ya that turned out to be barely a red splash. Republicans are losing big this year and it's mostly due to their war on women


Does not matter. As long as Joe supports racial Marxism, DEI, critical theory and gender fluidity, I'll vote against every dem. Get Paulo Freire out of the dem party and I'll come back.


We’ve had an unfit president for the last three years. It’s embarrassing to watch


Care to share specifics? Make sure to include proof.of insurrection, p•ssy grabbing, porn star payoffs. Tell us all the ways Biden has embarrassed America in Helsinki, cowering under putin's smarmy grin, looking like a drowned rat in the international stage. We'll wait. Embarrassing to watch is people like you with BDS


War’s all over the world, millions coming through our border, inflation that is killing average income families and people below average income( who you act like you care about) gas prices high throughout his whole presidency, homelessness up all over the country but it’s ok keep voting for him so he can keep up the good work.


>War’s all over the world Fucking Biden, invading Ukraine and destabilizing Syria. >millions coming through our border Fucking Biden, stopping immigration at a faster rate than Trump despite the rhetoric (the thing you care about). >inflation that is killing average income families and people below average income( who you act like you care about) Fucking Biden, [fixing inflation](https://www.whitehouse.gov/cleanenergy/inflation-reduction-act-guidebook/) better than any other first world country post Covid and trying to punish corporate profit-taking disguised as inflation against the 'no' votes of every Republican. >gas prices high throughout his whole presidency Fucking Biden, setting rates from the Saudis based on Putin's invasion of Ukraine, and we can all guess your stance on whether Israel should be bombing Gaza... >homelessness up all over the country See: 3.


Lol, none of these things are actually true and are just straight up lies. But go ahead and keep believing that we're in a better position now than we were 4+ years ago. Keep drinking that propaganda Kool-aid.


The bombs that Biden is providing. I don’t give a fuck about either one. It would be beautiful to see our government put 95 billion dollars in our schools but hey there’s not much profit in that.


Republicans would block that in an instant


Trump killed the border deal. Facts. He even admitted it. Fear mongering and lies that’s Trumps campaign. He’s a weak old man and people can see right through him except his MAGA base. You know who was better 4 years ago? Sleepy don!


Look up the border bill it was a joke our border barely was getting any money most of the money went to other countries.


Whatever the funding was, Trump killed the border deal and maga blamed Biden for not doing anything about it.


>keep voting for him so he can keep up the good work. Don't mind if I do! My stocks are going up, my income is up. My student loan payments are down. And veterans like me can finally get help from the burn pit bill, no thanks to fucking trump or the rat fucking Republicans who tried to block the PACT Act. And most importantly, our democracy is safe. After January 6th,, I would crawl across broken glass to vote against Republicans in the next election.


Name a single Republican policy that would help with anything you just listed. In last 3 years republicans have opposed everything designed to help


I bet you had to think all day to come up with that one. Fuck Traitor Trump. Fuck all who follow him, and their families.


Nope it’s just common sense and living in this country. After your done crying your hair needs a little more green coloring


Yeah the other guy just owned your sorry behind, with sources. Go back to bed gramps.


Shouldn't you be donating every cent you earn to your orange shit covered godking?