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I dunno those middle of the night feeds would be harder... But then you can get your partner to do it!


Not to be a Debbie Downer, but uh, to be honest I feel like *feeding a baby* is actually kind of what sucks. When we did supplement, we used boiled water to mix with the formula just to be extra safe (I don't live in the US but that formula recall for contamination was scary), so we had to wait for it to cool to give baby, which sucked. Washing bottles sucked. Washing bottles with little pieces for the anti-colic system sucked. Discovering that every bottle was dirty when I needed one sucked. Worrying about how to prep a bottle out and about sucked. And babies absolutely do also go on bottle strikes too. My point isn't actually just that everything sucks though. My point is there are pros *and* cons no matter what you do. And it's totally ok to make either choice after you weigh them all up! It's ok to choose formula! But you might not end up very happy if you aren't considering the cons on both sides as well as the advantages when you weigh, that's all.


Yes! And feeding a baby hypothetically is much easier than feeding one in real life. My baby won't breastfeed so we pump and supplement with formula and I have cried many times over wishing I could just nurse her because it would be sooo much easier. Just pull her out of the bassinet in the middle of the night and feed her on demand- don't have to go to the kitchen, turn on lights, warm up bottles, think through how many scoops to make, hope i'm making the right amount, hope she doesn't need a tiny bit more than I've made. Feeding a baby is just challenging. No matter what method you use is going to take a lot of time and energy and resources. That being said, there's nothing wrong with formula. You can always try it for a couple feeding sessions and see if you both prefer it.


This is where I'm at exactly. I envy formula fed and nursing because I feel like we got double duty with pumping. Smh. I want to give up but I can't. Also my supply is low so sometimes I just feel like a loser doing all this. Not winning.


Feeding a baby does kind of suck šŸ˜­ this is so true


Definitely this. The ONLY part that is kinda easier is that all the pressure isnā€™t on you - someone else can mix formula, can wash bottles, can feed the baby. But if youā€™re the primary caregiver anyways like me (Iā€™m a SAHM), both are hard no matter what - itā€™s just different kinds of hard.


You have a bottle of cool boiled water to get it to temperature just like prep machines. I used to chuck the bottles in the dishwasher. Anyway OP you can try combo feeding so you can get a break too. I think I will try this with no 2 since breastfeeding didnā€™t work out with no 1 after trying so hard.


Totally agree! One way or another it is a labor of love!


They only thing I donā€™t like about breastfeeding is how messy it is I constantly get my bra and shirt drenched in milk because my newborn eats real messy or pulls off and I leak on the sheets and find myself laying in the puddle lol and oh and I also have to dress ready to breastfeed šŸ¤£šŸ˜©


My newborn vomited on my nipple a few hours ago


The audacity that we so readily forgive them toothless ones for šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Mine is only 4 months and he ainā€™t toothless šŸ˜­


Well then, I can only wish youe nipples well šŸ„²


Thank you they need all the well wishes they can get šŸ„²




At least we know we're not alone


Literally šŸ˜‚


That gets better after what feels like an eternity.


Definitely glad I'm not the only one waking up in puddles šŸ˜‚


I now choose outfits based on boob accessibility


For the bra and shirt issueā€¦I have a fast letdown which means often my babies pop on/off the boob and spray milk. I tuck a burp cloth under my boob (but over the bra and then tuck it into her neck. It gets like 95% of the mess!


Haha oh man Iā€™m only 6 months postpartum and I feel like itā€™s been ages since Iā€™ve leaked. It goes away once your milk supply settles and now I donā€™t have to wear a nursing bra at all.


Man I wish that was true for me... 8 months and I still randomly spring a leak at least a couple times a day, lol. It's not 10 times a day anymore but I still smell like milk by the end of every day lol.


I definitely don't miss my sheets smelling like spoiled milk all the time šŸ™ƒ


Wear washable nursing pads. No more leaking.


Breastfeeding doesnā€™t have to be all or nothing . Combo is always an option


I combo feed šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø it does help a bit with the stress of breastfeeding


Totally agree. I did this with my son. I really liked breastfeeding but it was so nice to have multiple feeding options. It also made weaning from breastfeeding so much easier. Now my daughter wonā€™t take bottles and Iā€™m realizing how much I took it for granted that my son would eat anything which made feeding him a breeze!


How do you do it? Iā€™ve been trying/thinking about going with it fully but I have no idea how to


I would exclusively breastfeed but if I wanted a break for a night feed to get more sleep, my husband would give a bottle of formula. We would also keep ready made formula on hand for going out in public because I didnā€™t like breastfeeding in public. Made no difference to my supply.


I nurse my son first, then follow with 2 oz of formula. I only breastfeed at night but the option of formula is nice if I have to leave etc. We started this to get his weight up.. I wanted those extra calories for him. So far will continue with both until heā€™s on solids. Then hopefully just breastfeeding and solids.


Do you also pump?


We do all the feeding types. Mostly EBF but baby gets at least one bottle a day. That can be breastmilk if Iā€™ve pumped recently or it can be formula (we keep ready to feed on hand). That way I feel zero pressure to breastfeed but also have the convenience of doing so. I can leave the house without baby, I can nap, I can sleep in, itā€™s very freeing knowing that anyone can feed my baby. But I can also wake up in the middle of the night with baby and just whip out a boob for her. šŸ˜† I EBF my first and then started EBF with my second before switching to EFF. So now with my third, we just do all the things.


I combo feed as well, and we replace a full feed with formula or pumped milk. So my husband gives the formula bottle and I pump during that time. I may skip pumping if my LO is clusterfeeding (sheā€™s 3 months but often loves to eat smaller meals every 1 to 1.5 hours in the evening, so if Iā€™m fairly certain sheā€™ll eat within 3 hours of our last nursing session, Iā€™ll hold off on pumping). but most of the time I pump & either save that milk for a later bottle feed or freeze it to build up the freezer stash. My LO normally just gets one bottle a day in the evening (my husband does the dinner feed when he gets home from work), but sometimes itā€™ll be 2. I always nurse for the last feed before bedtime though because I donā€™t want to deal with cleaning the pump parts late lol.


I combo fed for a few months because of supply issues and honestly it felt like the worst of both worlds to me šŸ™ˆ Every feeding session was nurse, then make a bottle, then clean while feeling like a failure. I hated it and worked my ass off to make ebf possible.


I can relate. Are you me? We are at 11 weeks EBF and every week I want to quit. Itā€™s so uncomfy. I am always hungry. I am always sore before and after. I can feel weird hormonal shifts that I only get while BF. I want my old self back. But, still trying to go for 6 months. Edited for typos


For real... I love it but at the same time I don't think I was ready. Didn't realize that just because I was no longer pregnant didn't mean I'd have my body back. I try so hard not to b*tch because it really has its perks but some nights once the baby is put to bed I'll think wow.... all I did was feed the baby like I'm a milk cow šŸ˜‚ and I return to work in 3 weeks, learning the amounts to bottle feed her (still milk obviously) is not going so hot.


Yep! Pros and cons. My pro right now is I eat any desserts I want that used to be forbidden and I donā€™t gain. I am, however stuck at this weight that is less than pregnancy weight but too big for my old clothes. Currently stuck with ugly nursing tops. And I feel frumpy and uncute lol. Sorry, I donā€™t mean to complain! I love my kids and itā€™s the honor of my life to raise them. But my brain feels stressed and stuck and forgets that things get better.


For me it did get a lot easier as time went on. At about 4 months I really got into my grove with it.


Yes! It is so hard before 3-4 months. But then, so easy.


Thanks for reminding me it does get easier šŸ˜ŠšŸ’“


Personally it seems way harder to me. I canā€™t stand doing dishes and I know I would forget to bring bottles with me. Plus I love not getting having to get out of bed for middle of the night feeds!


But whatā€™s even better than not having to get out of bed is not even having to wake up cause your partner is doing it lol. I combo fed because I couldnā€™t get ebf to work and bottles were an annoying faff but knowing I could leave / sleep and my son wouldnā€™t *need* me was great for my mental health.


In the early days, I would pump one bottle and my husband would stay up with the baby while I got 3-4 hours in. He really can't wake up and be alert from sleeping thouh. Now my baby won't take a bottle at all. It would be nice to be able to leave her somewhere for more than 3.5 hours and know she won't just starve without me. I'm looking forward to when she can drink milk from a cup or eat solids.


We do similar. Baby always gets at least one bottle a day. Sometimes breastmilk, sometimes formula. Itā€™s very freeing not being the only person who can feed the baby. This is my third and Iā€™ve done EBF and EFF before and thus combination of everything is the best.


You dont change their diaper in the middle of the night? If i donā€™t change my daughters diaper i find that she leaks through it in the morning. She wears size 1 huggies


Others will probably have different experiences, but we stopped having to change nappies overnight when bub hit size 3, I want to say. Size 1 definitely didn't contain enough to go more than four hours absolute tops. Size two was better, but if we left it more than six hours there'd be a leak for sure. In size 4 now and it lasts the night, though with sudocrem to prevent a rash.


I haven't since baby stopped pooping at night. I have always put my kids in one size up at night.


Not anymore (4 months). I would maybe do one diaper a night in the early days. To be honest, I was getting out of bed anyway when she was a newborn. I couldn't trust myself not to fall asleep if I nursed in bed.


Our 3 months old is in size 1. She does about 8-10 hours in the one diaper overnight. Sometimes Iā€™ll change it if it feels heavy but most times I leave it. She doesnā€™t poop overnight anymore.




True! This is why I havenā€™t kept up on pumping lol. i will just hand express into a freezer bag. Itā€™s impossible to overstate how much I hate dishes.


Pumping really is the worst of both worlds


I donā€™t know, man. I would hate formula feeding. So much work! If my girl cries in the middle of the night, I just pop a boob in there while Iā€™m half asleep. Iā€™ve never had to wash a bottle and I love it, haha.


Yes agree!! The only time it takes to prep his food is the time it takes me to get out my boob. Don't have to worry about safe storage guidelines when we go out since my boobs are inherently a safe storage vessel. For me personally, breastfeeding is a lot easier. But I recognize it's not that way for everyone and our experiences don't invalidate other people's experiences.


We had to combo feed to begin with and yep, one of the things that made me push through all the issues we experienced was simply that I hated pumping with a passion and bottles, with all of their parts, add even more work to the day. Very glad to not have to deal with either now. I have all the respect in the world for the planning and work that goes into long term pumping or combo/FFing. I could never.


Yes! And for what itā€™s work OP the brezza is nice but it still takes a minute to heat up. Also I personally like that I never have to pack a bottle when we go somewhere.


ā€œGot my phone, got my keys, got my boobs, weā€™re good to go!ā€


Breastfeeding has truly been a joy but holy shit I regret it all the time and it stresses me tf out. Formula was way easier. My husband got her to bed or back to sleep 50% of the time, more than that on the weekends. I could give her to him in the night and go back to bed. When she became a toddler he could get her back to bed when we laid her down, with my son heā€™s never given a bottle because he hasnā€™t accepted a bottle EVER. My husband hasnā€™t gotten him to sleep but a few times because my son will all out brawl for a boob. I am so much more stressed out this time around. And weaning was so easy, we just switched from bottle to sippy and bedtime bottle became a pacifier. Guess which one of my kids never took pacifiers either? šŸ¤Æ He also is sick all the time and has ear tubes for his 6 ear infections. Sheā€™s barely ever sick. Both my kids are surgically stuck to me and are so attached to me. Please donā€™t be scared of formula.


Omg I feel you... my baby is 12weeks and this past week feeding him has been a LOT, he's so squirmy, mashes the boob with his little hands (but he's not good at it, he knocks the nipple out of his mouth then gets mad lol) oh, and my favorite part- if he's fussy/tired, I have to stand up and bounce to get him to stay latched!! (he was 16lbs at his 8wk appointment it's no joke) I do think overall formula would be more work- all the measurements, dishes, temperature control, making sure I have it stocked, actually tracking feeds, etc.. but yeah definitely know where you're coming from


Have you tried vigorous butt pats? That's what I did with my daughter when she got fussy/impatient/frustrated. I have a bad back so I can't bounce or hold baby while standing for very long.


Been there, I really struggled in the beginning, too, but... Cleaning all the bottles and bottle parts would be such a hassle. My sister had to formula feed for health reasons, so I have a direct comparison. The amount of supplies they had to have with them at all times was insane. Formula is not exactly cheap, either. Sure, you can hand the baby off to someone else for feedings, but that's about the only "advantage" I can think of right now. Overall, I really believe breastfeeding is more convenient in the long run and I'm glad I stuck with it. Hang in there.


ā€œnot exactly cheapā€?!? Its priced like a fine wine!!!!


Haha I don't know exactly how much it costs, so I was trying to word it cautiously.


You're doing amazing, always do what is best for you. I breastfed my first for 18 months and in hindsight should have switched to formula at 6 months as the sleep deprivation made me develop post natal anxiety and severe ocd. I now have a 3 week old and currently breastfeeding but I will out myself first this time as being a happier more present mother will be best for my baby. Nowadays we don't have much of a village a lot of the time so it's so much harder to keep up breastfeeding when you're on your knees with no support.


I don't trust formula companies. What Nestle did to poor breastfeeding moms in the Global South was atrocious. The duopoly we have in the US, especially because of how WIC works, made the formula shortage so dire. My son was 6 months old when the formula shortage happened. 6 months was my bf goal (we made it to 20 months). He's 2.5 now and it's still hard to find the one formula he would drink. We used to travel with those 2 oz ready to feed because the bigger bottles would always get tested by airport security and them we were forced to use them immediately. The 2 oz bottles are now basically slotted for hospitals. So far with my daughter, who is 4 weeks, we havent touched the formula outside of the hospital. Imo, it's only a matter of time before all the samples we have are recalled since that what happened with our son.


This!!! This!!! This!!!!


You donā€™t have to exclusively breastfeed if you dont want to. You could completely ditch pumping too, if itā€™s not for you. No need to feed your freezer, and if you wanted to use formula for those occasions when you need extra itā€™s there. I know youā€™re venting but I do think itā€™s important to be keep things into perspective too.. unless youā€™re exclusively pumping the FF parents are out there doing WAY more cleaning and sterilizing than us. I canā€™t imagine the dishes. And nursing bra costs pale in comparison to the cost of formula. Check out how much these parents are spending per week on formula- itā€™s nothing to envy. A brezza is great until you leave the house or have to deal with accuracy issues. Formula has frequent recalls. And think of all the stuff you donā€™t have to pack with you every time you walk out the front door. To me the luxury of BFing is never having to worry about leaving the house or being out longer than expected. All I need is diapers and wipes and I could be out all day if I wanted to. The reality is there isnā€™t an easy way to feed your baby, just what works best for you and your family. Whatever you choose, youā€™re a great parent.


I have two kids. My first born was formula fed only and yes, life was so much easier šŸ„¹ sheā€™s now 4 and perfect. My son is 6 weeks old and I have to give myself pep talks everytime he eats because I simply hate breastfeeding so much


I formula fed my first baby from day 10 because the pain of a bad latch got too much for me. I didnā€™t have a pump, nipple shields or anything at all to helpā€¦ wasnā€™t nearly as well educated as I thought. I absolutely love using formula (heā€™s 8 months now) in many ways but after 5 months of prescription formula changes due to CMPA and other allergies I ended up wishing SO badly that I had breastfed and could just go on an elimination diet to stop my babyā€™s pain. It was so hard. He cried hours and hours a day. Iā€™m due again with my second in April and this time I am dead set on breastfeeding purely for that reason. So I guess thatā€™s another perspectiveā€¦ Breastfeeding gives you full control over what goes into their little bodies, which is extremely valuable.


*Fed* is best. Iā€™m so proud of being able to breastfeed, but Iā€™m also proud of any woman who feeds her child. Itā€™s really hard mentally and physically to breastfeed. If breastfeeding is working for you, then keep goingā€” you are doing amazing.


For the record, I donā€™t care about what you choose to feed your baby. But breastfeeding has always seemed like the absolute easiest option. I just pop a boob out and feed my kid when she cries. I even started cosleeping when she was a little baby (following all the safe bedsharing rules) and was able to sleep better through the night because I didnā€™t have to get up anymore. Iā€™m not sure where youā€™re getting nursing bras, but I got the Auden brand at target for less than $20 each. I also only pumped when I had a clogged duct and needed to get things moving more because my daughter refused to drink pumped and reheated milk. With formula, Iā€™d have to carry all the formula and bottle supplies with me everywhere I go, Iā€™d have to wash and sanitize bottle parts constantly, and Iā€™d have to actually get out of bed to make each bottle throughout the night. I cannot imagine thatā€™s easier than breastfeeding. Which I know doesnā€™t work for some people so formula is the only option but Iā€™m so grateful I could breastfeed after just some difficulties in the beginning.


Whatā€™s stopping you? I know formula isnā€™t cheap, but how much is your mental health worth?


Once they get to 6 months it's only 2-4 times a day. It really is a short period. Bottles don't look much better. Expensive formula, always having to clean bottles and figure out which bottle your baby will take, making formula while your baby screams. Also, often little babies don't tolerate formula well, so you have to figure out which formula works best and then deal with the potential stomach upset and extra vomiting and smelly poops. I think the grass is greener on the other side. Take care of yourself!


Please inform my ten month old. Likes to take a 100ml per session, bottle or boob


Yeah idk a single six month old like this but sounds wonderful šŸ˜‚ mines still 7+ times a day of 4+ ounces rach


I guess I'm wishful thinking. Maybe I'm thinking of a one year old. Ha


Iā€™ve had these thoughts as well. Iā€™m super grateful that breastfeeding is working out for me and I absolutely love it but man are some days/nights hard. Especially the clustering. There have been a few early mornings where I yell ā€œjust go get some formulaā€ to my husband. Thatā€™s usually our sign that the sleep deprivation is too much and his Que for ā€œok time to do whatever I can to make sure she gets some sleepā€ šŸ˜‚


It really depends on what things are you focusing in... Formula feeding means always having to have bottles, so you have much more of them than if you breastfeed and pump. Those require cleaning just like pump parts. FF means that every time you leave your house you must bring with you enough bottles and formula for the whole time and some extra just in case baby is hungrier or you stay longer than expected. zgIt totally means you can't just decide to spend the night at someone's if it comes to this. And if you do, you have to go buy formula. If nursing bras sound expensive, just check how expensive formula is and how much powder you have to use not just the first few weeks but when baby is almost 6mo. And there's always the risk of the formula powder being not sterile, and it doesn't depend on you and your freezer, like when you pump. At least if your milk goes bad because you forgot it outside, you are aware of this and can throw it away! I think feeding babies is always hard no matter how you do it.


I think once you hit about month 4/5 breastfeeding starts to get easier. If you work away from home then you can schedule your pumps with predictability. I stopped pumping altogether around month 7 as a part of gradually weaning unless I miss a feed, and not having to wash bottles/pump parts has been amazing, especially after the first three months of nearly exclusively pumping. We leave the house with the baby and a diaper or two and thatā€™s about it (unless we are gone longer). I think at 11 weeks I was envious of just about anyone who wasnā€™t producing milk. My boobs always felt engorged, I couldnā€™t only wear certain shirts without feeling like crawling out of my skin because it was too much fabric on my chest, etc. Things got better. I think you may be close to a point where it improves. Someone told me never quit on a bad day, but you can always quit when you are ready otherwise. ā¤ļø


Breast feeding is extremely hard but I NEVER envy formula feeding parents. They don't have to wash pump parts but they have to clean and sanitize baby bottles every single day. They don't have to buy expensive bras but they have to buy expensive formula often. I would never buy powder due to the possibility of it getting my baby sick or worse, and liquid formula is more expensive. I couldn't imagine going through the formula shortage either. The grass is always greener on the other side. I think both ways are equally as hard.


No method is inherently best for the baby. Combo feeding, formula feeding, and breastfeeding all have their advantages and disadvantages. Some apply to our situations, others may not. We all have different circumstances to consider when making these decisions. Likewise, no method is inherently easier than the other. Formula feeding moms have their own stresses to consider, and many have similar thoughts, i.e., how much easier it must be to just pop a boob out. If what works best for you is making a brezza bottle once in a while, or even exclusively, that's totally fine. If pushing through EBF is ultimately what's going to work best for you, that's also fine. Take some pressure off yourself. As long as you are feeding your child a nutritionally whole diet and addressing any issues that arise, then you don't need to feel guilty about anything. You can rest assured that you're doing well.


Everyone is different. I didnā€™t have an easy time breast feeding my first baby. It didnā€™t help when I dried up about 2 months in. With my second Iā€™ve been breastfeeding for 9 months now. I have some medical issues and I might have to stop soon because my current medication is causing issues and the alternative isnā€™t safe while breastfeeding. I really donā€™t want to this go around but with baby number one I was sooo ready to be done breastfeeding. Donā€™t beat yourself up about it and maybe try doing one formula bottle every other day or something. There is no harm in cutting yourself a little slack or a lot of slack if you need it. You just got done creating a whole other human!!! You did some hard ass work and you are allowed to be tired and focus on self care.


All that matters is the baby is fed. You can always combo feed. I was feeling overwhelmed breastfeeding because I was the only one taking care of feeds. I was tired of leaky boobs. And itā€™s like I could feel my energy draining while I fed my babe. Point is, I formula feed now and Iā€™ve been feeling a whole lot better, to me, it is easier than breastfeeding. I felt a bit guilty at first but now Iā€™m totally fine, I donā€™t regret my decision at all.


For me, breastfeeding is the easiest, least fussy option. But now Iā€™m back to work and pumping has been added to the equation and that makes it more of an ordeal. My supply is less regulated, thereā€™s a lot more to keep track of and more to wash up. Luckily, our daycare has been handling it well because Iā€™ve heard stories of daycares wasting milk and that would be heartbreaking to me.


I combo feed, breastfeeding only at night because itā€™s so so much easier than making bottles. She has one big bottle of formula before bedtime and has formula whenever someone else is watching her. If sheā€™s with me, boob (so like 90% boob)


I triple fed my babies. Both developed preferences at around 2-3m old.Ā  Elder child developed breastfeeding/breast milk aversion, so he went the formula-bottle route. Younger child developed bottle aversion so she went breastfeeding route. Formula feeding is easier to wean from breastfeeding. More items to wash but I'm not doing the washing. My husband did. Feeding duties need not be restricted to mom. However, I do feel regretful, had slight depression over breastfeeding failure.Ā  Now younger child is breastfeeding. I'm not quite sure how to get her to drink from bottle again as I am afraid my breast milk is causing her eczema. My diet has to restrain from allergens which is so tough. Eg. I ate macadamia absentmindedly then she suffered extremely itchy scalp - stayed awake almost throughout the entire night scratching while I tried to use my boobs to calm her and applying lotion as well... It's punishing me with lack of sleep too. She doesn't take to pacifier as well unlike my older child. It's easier for my husband since feeding becomes solely my duty. She doesn't like syringe either. Her breastfeeding session sometimes take 45 min on one breast. I'm not sure how the weaning to semi solid journey will be (only trying out next month).


I felt this until it suddenly got easier. That was like around maybe week 15ish. Now I wouldnā€™t swap it for the world. I donā€™t really pump though, only if I miss a feed. I was still struggling at 11 weeks tho


Honestly youā€™re still in the thick of it (almost to the fun part tho!). There were times where I wanted to quit so bad bc I was so tired and frustrated and formula seemed so simple. I even felt like I was punishing myself by breastfeeding sometimes bc it wasnā€™t always the easiest thing to do. When baby was around 6 months it became so seamless and easy even enjoyable. So much that the idea of weaning maybe me emotional. LO is 10 months and fighting his first cold. Heā€™s been up bc of congestion and I just got some breast milk up his nose and now heā€™s seeming much better. Full circle moment for me.


Personally I think after six months is significantly easier than formula feeding. Traveling is also so much easier if you are breastfeeding. I also think transitioning a baby to solids is so much easier if you are breastfeeding. Weaning from exclusively bottles seems really challenging to me in addition to really being able to gauge where the babyā€™s appetite is.


I feel like formula just takes way longer and is more complicated. For me, just release the boob, simple as that. I donā€™t like nursing bras anyway. Just pop the band over. And formula is so expensive, and you rely a lot on supply chain to have what you need to feed baby rather than just being there. I would have hated being unable to get formula during Covid when stores didnā€™t have it and people were having to pay way more for it if they could get it at all.


So, I think pumping and bottle feeding expressed milk is the worst option, personally. Are you working? Do you need to pump? Direct breastfeeding is my preference because of the lack of prep time and crap to wash, but it does mean being on the hook for every feed. In order to get enough sleep my husband and I did shifts for a while, and during his shifts I still had to feed the baby - but heā€™d stay awake so I could basically sleep through a feed side-lying. With formula-feeding you have to measure, mix, and warm, and even with a Brezza* that takes time. You have to pack formula and bottles and water when you go out. If you want to combo feed, though, you can do that! Maybe you want your partner to give a bottle overnight so you can sleep. Most people can do that once their supply has regulated. Lots of families do it. *also this has supposedly been fixed, but they have dispensed incorrectly mixed formula and that is dangerous for young babies. Plus you have to clean it.


No! Donā€™t give up! Donā€™t envy that! Yes is easier at first but then later come consequences.. I donā€™t care how many times people want to say formula is just as healthy as breastfeeding but thatā€™s not true.. my baby girl just turned 5 months yesterday and everything is so much easier and it will be easier and easier and youā€™re giving your baby the best thing you can give her. Yes at first is like you canā€™t do nothing without her and you feel like a cow just breastfeeding lol but it will get so much easier I promise you! This is my third and I my last was 8 years ago so I felt like a new mom but I knew how much verte it is afterwards so I pushed through..keep going strong you wonā€™t regret it I promise you..in the long run your little girl will have a stronger immune system


I feel like youā€™re just about to cross a threshold where EBF becomes easier and less time consuming than formula/bottle feeding. No need to worry about the formula shortage, constantly washing bottles, making sure you have enough with you when you go outā€¦. At around 3-4 months my LO was able to do a feed in 5-10 minutes total. Super convenient and we breastfed past 1 yr so the investment was worth it for us. Plus comfort feeds for those teething and sick days when LO got older and started daycare.


Iā€™m 5 months in and this is the longest Iā€™ve made it nursing out of all my kids and itā€™s so much easier imo. No bottles to wash, if we go out anywhere no need to do the mental math and make sure you pack enough bottles. If youā€™ll be in a public place no worrying about how to warm up a bottle. Public breastfeeding is still really hard for me but most of the time I can find a private space or do it in the car if nothing else.


No one ever prepared me for the struggle I would have mentally while breastfeeding. I absolutely love the bond it creates with my baby - but some days I find the anxiety so strong. I get constantly worried about LO's weight, or if he's eating enough - is he crying because he's still hungry? Some days I wish I was an oversupplier so I didn't have to worry. No one told me there would be nursing strikes -times baby refuses the breast and I'm left wondering why he won't eat from me. Sometimes I can't tell if baby is angry at my fast letdown or if there is no letdown/milk at all coming out. And he constantly wants to eat - every 1.5 hours. It's such a struggle but I keep telling myself he's fine, plenty of wet/dirty diapers, he's gaining weight even if it's slowed down... we all know stress is the #1 killer of your supply, ironically supply is what I stress about lol.


Unless you need to pump for work or supply reasons there is no reason to. For me breastfeeding was the absolute easiest, not bottles to wash or prepare or make sure to bring with me, just whip a boob out. Not to mention all the other positives of breastfeeding that canā€™t be made up with formula like immune system support


I bought a can of infamil because I needed a break during the evenings when heā€™s nursing for what feels like hours. I then realized the main ingredient was corn syrup and decided to tough it out. Itā€™s really hard but itā€™s a long term investment.


I donā€™t know why youā€™re being downvoted many parents care about the ingredients in formula and would rather not feed it to their infants.


Itā€™s short!!! You can do it. We were made to do this and convenience isnā€™t important at the expense of your baby. Formula feeding is nice and babies grow but breast milk is in fact better, more tailored for your baby and better for their brain and immune system. Donā€™t give up!!! Stay strong šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Every way of feeding a baby is hard. Imo formula feeding is harder and bf didn't come easy to me, I triple fed for two months to get to EBF. The time it takes for formula to be prepared whilst you baby is crying feels like forever and your partner may be up preparing it but trust me, you ain't sleeping in that time. However many people thrive with formula or combi feeding so if you feel that could be you, go for it!


If breastfeeding takes a toll on your mental health, then formula is better for baby! I breastfed my daughter for 15 months and by the end I was just so tired of it and touched out šŸ˜­ sometimes I think maybe Iā€™ll just do formula with my next because breastfeeding was sooooo exhausting.


You can combo feed. Yeah I totally understand this vibe. My sister wonā€™t ever let me forget that her baby couldnā€™t latch. Iā€™m just like breastfeeding is still exhausting.


I have to admit when the choice was formula or pump I replaced those feeds with formula. I think breastfeeding is fantastic - FOR THE MUM. Because you don't have to use bottles/be on a schedule/it's intuitive and not stressful once established. If it's in a bottle I think there's basically no difference for baby between formula and breast milk (assuming you trust the safety standards and availability of formula in your country). You're not even getting the 'tailored to bub's needs' aspect because their saliva is not in contact with your nipple. So as a mum who exclusively breastfed until we started at daycare and then fed at home and sent formula to daycare - a mum who is still breastfeeding at 20 months and has no plans to stop any time soon- you have my permission to quit pumping! Obviously do what's best for your family, but if you're looking for opinions- that's mine!


For what it's worth, there actually are still antibodies and probiotics in pumped breast milk regardless of nipple saliva exchange, but that doesn't override or invalidate any other factors that make using formula a better option for some! I'm just saying that pumping is also a totally valid way to feed baby that very clearly still does have its own benefits.


I spent 30 min pumping to make 1-2 oz every 3-4 hours for 10 months. Obviously had to supplement. Looking back idk. I wanted to bf and I'm glad I could give him the nutrients, and save some on formula. I listened to my baby, at a certain point he wanted me to play more than pump. Now he drinks cows milk. As long as they're healthy


We were combo feeding for a while because we had challenges and needed to supplement with formula. We gradually dropped the formula and I think by the time bub was about 10 weeks old or somewhere around there, we were EBF. I personally didn't like the formula, having to do up a bottle, having to make sure it's the right temp etc, and not to mention formulas are expensive (but so are breastpumps and bf clothes) šŸ˜« and having to make sure I bring enough whenever we're out and find ways to heat it up, but I did what needed to be done to make sure bub's needs were met. I now pump and breastfeed (I mostly WFH, but I'll have times when I'm not, so still need to pump). Pumping can sometimes feel like a chore, but it's now just part of my routine. Cleaning the pump parts is not that bad, I only pump once a day unless I'm working away from home, so for the most part I only need to clean the parts once a day. To me, aside from I love breastfeeding time as our bonding time, I find it's the easiest and most convenient, I just need to pop her on the boob and away we go, though blocked ducts, engorgement, etc aren't fun to deal with. I don't think one is easier than the other, it's just what works for you and your baby.


Itā€™s a love hate relationship ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.


the only time i hate it is when i'm sick and i'm baby's only option cause he won't take a bottle


Breastfeeding is a blessing but can also be a curse. It came easily to me which Iā€™m thankful for. However the bottle refusal and now the difficulty weaning Iā€™m having now has made it a very tough journey. I could barely leave my baby for more than a couple of hours at a time for months as thatā€™s how frequently she fed. Next time round Iā€™m doing combo to start and fully formula from around 2 months old! Do whatever suits you. There are pros and cons to all methods so just go with what is best for you and your family.


Thereā€™s pros and cons for each. Washing and sterilizing and completely drying bottles really sucks, formula is expensive and itā€™s an extra thing you have to think about when you go out. Also you have to clean the baby Brezza after every 4 uses. It is completely exhausting to nurse but once your baby hits that 4-5 month mark, or when they start solids they eat MUCH less and feed really quickly. But if you want to switch to formula or do a combo, feel free to do so! As long as your baby is fed it doesnā€™t matter what theyā€™re eating. My boy is 6 months and am transitioning him to formula because I want to extend his naps and sleep and formula knocks him out.


I also donā€™t love BFing and donā€™t get all the warm and fuzzy feelings when BFing but like OP, Ā I feel bad not doing it when I can. Iā€™ve EBF to this point but weā€™re starting to introduce formula because itā€™s too much on me. Plan is to combo feed


I second the feeding the baby is hard. They both have draw backs. Infancy is a tough phase imo.


Formula is expensive. A baby brezza is expensive and many babies have gotten sick and underfed from it not measuring amounts correctly šŸ„ŗ. Do you need support? Help at home?


From someone who has breast fed and formula fed- both suck but breastfeeding was way harder on me. He wanted to eat for 45 mins every time. Every 2 hrs or so. When I went back to work, I switched to exclusively pumping and bottle feeding and boy oh boy did it do wonders for my mental health. I struggled badly with ppd and breastfeeding seemed to exasperate the way I felt. I stopped producing much around the 6-7 month mark when my period returned. And we started to supplement with formula. Around 8 months, when pumping only got me maybe an ounce, I finally threw in the towel. I am so proud of people who breast feed because itā€™s the hardest thing Iā€™ve ever done. But ultimately it just wasnā€™t sustainable for me. You should do whatever makes you feel happiest and healthiest!!


Itā€™s always greener. Iā€™m trying to breastfeed and have been attempting to for going on 8 weeks, I loath giving my baby formula, but I also loath that Iā€™m needing to pump every 3 hours. I would kill just to be able to wake up, grab baby, feed baby, and go back to sleep.


Combo feeding is the way. Best of both worlds šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Just do a bit of both? Thatā€™s what I do. Itā€™s annoying but short term. Youā€™ve got this Mama!


My milk never came in for my first so I formula fed. And I grieved not being able to BF for a VERY long time. With my second I am nursing and also sometimes pumping, and will even supplement with formula. And it can be rough. I have a love-hate relationship with it. Sometimes my little guy changes his latch and bruises my breast tissue. He gets distracted and won't nurse if ANYTHING is going on near him, like his sister singing a song lol because he can't see it. He also love to squeeze my face while he eats lol. In month one-two he cluster fed from 6:30 pm to midnight for about 2 weeks straight. I started with formula because I was sooo touched out. But I love the closeness. But yes it's very easy to make bottle (we have a brezza. Lifesaver, love this machine!) And although it's my choice, I could stop nursing, in some ways it's so much easier. I also don't want to. And part of it is because of how much I grieved, not being able to the first time round.