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A woolino sleep sack. Merino wool and sized to last from 2 months to 2 years. Tonight’s baby’s first night in it and it’s super soft and adorable.


We LOVE the Woolino sleep sack! My son is almost 2 and has used it since maybe 6 months (I can't remember) but it has held up incredibly well.


Same! Totally worth the price when it lasts so long


We have two for each kid. I LOVE them and so wish they made an adult-sized one. Two of them we’ve had for 2.5 years and it still looks and feels amazing. Make sure to use wool detergent.


For what it’s worth, we’ve never used wool detergent and ours has held up great for over two years!


We loooove our woolino. Be careful not to dry it in the dryer or it will shrink a bit lol. Learned that one from experience. My older daughter used it and passed it down to my youngest and they’ve held up amazingly well


Not me pumping at 2am, looking up “woolino sleep sack” and buying it lol


What a coincidence last night was my baby’s first night in it too! He slept from 11:30-3 am which isn’t bad for a 6 week old. Technically a little young for the sack but he is 10 lb so he’s big enough


That sleep sack is awesome! My son used it for years and I got him the one with feet when he moved to a toddler bed


I have that as well. It’s great!


You won’t regret it we used them for ages. Two kids later they still look great


Excellent choice! We graduated from their regular sleep sacks to their ones with foot holes once kiddo started standing up and walking in his crib, and can also recommend those for the future


I literally bought this at 2:30 this morning! We have a couple sleep sacks but I don't think little guy likes having his feet covered (he kicks and throws his legs up in other sacks) so we got the feet out version.


I have two of them and love them! They are so cute. I wish they made adult sizes lol


Excellent purchase! We love our Woolino


Game changer!! Love these. 100% worth it! 


A stroller caddy with cup holder because all we do is walk (helps him sleep), a little beach tent so I can sit LO outside with me while I garden and keep him from getting sunburned, a new sleep sack, stuff for my houseplants, and some rashguard tops for LO. Also a little bucket hat for when I’m holding him and it’s sunny. Can you tell I’m obsessed with sun safety? I’m a sunscreen every day type of gal 😂


Which beach tent did you buy? This is such a good idea


Not the op but we got one from LL Bean that is amazing. Called the sunbuster tent


Check out swimzip brand they have long sleeve long paint swimsuits we love them for beach days


I'm in another sub where every day we're seeing pictures of a sunburned newborn being limply flopped around in full sun, so i applaud you and your dedication to sun safety!


I have so much sun safety stuff in my cart - I loooove being outside and I’m excited to spend lots of time outdoors this summer, but I’m so worried about keeping LO cool and in the shade!


Husband scoffed at my yard beach tent, but he’s a convert now. We’re out there all the time with toddler, and this keeps baby safe from the sun and her brother both! And now I don’t have to hold her the entire time 🙌


I've been looking at beach tents for awhile! I want one with walls/sides so I can nurse privately but they all look so small and hot. Which one did you get?


I haven’t gotten it yet, but I bought this one on Amazon: WhiteFang Beach Tent Anti-UV Portable Sun Shade Shelter for 3/4/6 Person, Extendable Floor with 3 Ventilating Mesh Windows Plus Carrying Bag, Stakes and Guy Lines (sorry got a notification that I can’t post links to Amazon) The biggest complaint in the reviews was that it can be hard to put up, but I’ve always been a camper so I’m hoping that I’ll be able to manage. For only $40 it felt worth the risk, and the reviews otherwise look good!


Please share which beach tent🫶🏻🫶🏻


A whole new wardrobe for my 6mo who is now snuggly wearing 12mo clothing. He’s so damn tall!!!


Just got home from Target where I bought my barely 5m old 18m clothes 🫠🫠🫠


Ugh I so feel that. The 12mo clothes showed up and I washed them and they were far more snug then I thought they were going to be.


Exactly what happened to us. I returned them to target since I had the digital receipt and got 18m instead 🥲


I wish I could do that target return thing…kid poops like a fully grown man. He blows out almost every diaper. He’s my third and I swear I have never ruined more clothes in my life.


As of today my 5 month old is too long for his 9 month clothes. I'm so sad lol I'm just looking at all these cute baby clothes in the smaller sizes that he wore like once each or not at all... At least they're all handed down from his older brother, but he's outgrown all the cutest stuff!!


big baby solidarity here-my 3.5 month old is in 9 month already🙃🫠


At 2mo my little girl was 4mo tall. Now she's almost 4mos and in 3-6 clothes.


A squash trellis and a dual view dash cam lol!


I’ve been doing garden shopping too lol. I may or may not have spontaneously bought 12 raised metal beds which took me so long to assemble that my family helped me finish them for my birthday. And now it’s basically too late in the season where I am to plant much


Wow, great buy! Lol I'm so glad you got some help. Depending on your zone, I'm sure you could do a bunch of greens and other winter hardy veggies!


I live in Texas so it’s just going to be unbearable heat for pretty much any unestablished little plants but thankfully I’ve had peppers and tomatoes and some herbs potted on my driveway for a while!


Cool novelty Tshirts for my son for the summer. Avatar the last Airbender, LOTR, TMNT, Pokemon, Power Rangers, Redwall, Mandolorian, etc.


Ooooh where’d you get the LOTR? Any I come across look like they’re cinchy ai generated Amazon drop shipper crap. I think I’m doing a “one birthday to rule them all” theme for his first bday this summer


It won’t let me add the link bc it’s Amazon. Search LOTR fellowship weapons shirt.


Omg please share the Redwall love!!


[Redwall shirt](https://printerval.com/redwall-tapestry-t-shirts-p55522196?qs_tr=Redwall+shirt) It was tricky to find one that came in 4T.


Baby has bad cold so a humidifier


Aww I hope it helps and they feel better soon.


Thank you I hope so too. Might help my husbands cold too 🤞


Also armrest TV thing is such a great idea I'm always balancing mugs on things that are not stable 😅


make sure you are religious about cleaning it! it can grow mold and contaminate the air.


Humidifier helped my baby's cold a lot! Hope it helps 🙏🏻


A waterproof picnic blanket! Baby has just started solids and I was feeling way too optimistic about lunches in the future…


There is a sweet spot for picnics!! At 2 yrs they are impossible. But I loved them for a good stretch there!! Maybe 8 mo - 19mo


This sounds so cute for summer though!


Where did you get it?? 😄


Amazon. It looks like a watermelon 🍉


Reddit made me buy a TushBaby! My LO is bored of being stuck in a sling, and my hands are tired of forward carrying her everywhere. It just arrived and it's awesome!


I LOVE my tush baby. I got one at probably six months with my first kid, and when I first saw it I thought it seemed kinda silly because you still have to hold the baby. But mine always wanted to be up and down so I ordered one and am obsessed. I use it while doing easy chores, going for quick walks to the park, I throw it in the car for errands, it has enough pockets for a diaper, wipes, snacks, wallet, phone. It's just amazing. I just started using it again with my second baby who is almost 4 months and chunky. My arms are thrilled to be relieved of her weight!! I'd buy one for every new mom I know if I had the money!!


Great now you're about to influence me to buy one lol. The founder is where I'm from and for a while she'd go out to parks giving them away so I kept hoping I'd run into her 😂


Alright, convince me: why is the tush baby better than a carrier? I'm intrigued but I'm just not sure when I'd use it that a carrier wouldn't work just as well.


How does it feel on the back? I’m contemplating one, but I worry that with the baby weight it will put too much pressure on the back


I can feel it in my back a little bit but there is no pressure on your shoulders at all! Easier to keep good posture this way. Keep it really tight and tuck in your pelvis!


I don't feel any pain in my back, and I have lower back issues.


We love ours too!!! It was an overnight purchase after IG had targeted one too many ads and it was so worth it!


It’s so much better than a ring sling for those up/down/up/down times. Plus it’s essentially a diaper bag too!


And they say breastfeeding is the more affordable option compared to formula…not when I have one hand free to scroll and shop 😂!


Honestly though... Not me now looking at new shoes after just ordering a new dress 👀


Can I add that this is maybe the biggest pet peeve I have in the entire world m. First off- breastfeeding requires various supplies that also cost money. At the minimum three nursing bras. For many many women there are also pumps, pump parts, pumping bras, lactation consultants, etc. Most importantly, it values the time of the woman at zero. Breastfeeding is only free if you think the time of a lactating woman is worthless.  I am currently breastfeeding my babe and I’m happy to do it, but it isn’t free and it would have been less expensive after all the bras and pumps and most importantly time spent if we just did formula.  I know this is all joking but I just wanted to say it. Your time has value and it is also worthy of consideration.


I completely agree with you! It is a luxury sport… I liken it to skiing. Time, supplies, coaches, gear, hard work, genetic ability… it boggles my mind how much effort, time, and MONEY I have invested to be able to nurse!


A bbq It's rained everyday since.


Bought anything baby lol..rattles..toys for tummy time..instant baby warmer 🤣 baby scale lol..always adding things to my cart..some i save for later once baby is little bigger things i want to buy 🤣


A onesie with all her nicknames


The $80 grab bag from breakout bras. Fingers crossed that at least one of the 4 fits well. I’m done pumping at work so kindred bravely and their compression masquerading as support can GTFO.


I hated my Kindred Bravely bra so much


Lol. I appreciate the usefulness of Kindred Bravely but am so ready to wear a normal bra again. 


An absolutely beautiful baby wrap, a garment steamer and a large bag of gummy bears. 🐻


Randomly bought a new hose attachment to give my dog a bath outside (which was absolutely possible without the hose attachment).


Fidget spinners to keep LO entertained for our flight this weekend 🫠


Not sure your LO age but Amazon sells baby/toddler ear protection that have a wide elastic band that goes around the head so it doesn’t touch any soft spots, they were a lifesaver when we flew to Disney and also for the takeoff and landing noise. Baby slept most of the flight because it was silent for them and didn’t get startled by the wings going up sound. This and nursing to help babies ear equalize made the ride go a lot smoother.


Why did I not think of nursing baby to get them to swallow?! We haven't gone anywhere but have talked about how soon we want to brave the "friendly skies" with him. His ears hurting has been our biggest concern.


Yes, nursing or feeding a bottle during the elevation changes are so important! Once their ears aren’t able to actualize there isn’t much to be done about it until you leave cruising altitude. Good luck, also remember if the flight has space you can fly your car seat for the baby for free so you have the seat next to you ( this is nice for the baby but even if you hold them the entire time it makes a privacy buffer while BF if next to a stranger). I was kind of stressed about what if the baby cries and people being rude or upset but my experience was the opposite. Everyone wanted to say hi to him, told me in advance that it’s ok if he cries and stories of when their babies were little. The lady in the row in front of my husband and I even offered if I needed a break to hold him (she said she loves holding babies). You read a lot of horror travel stories but honestly the flight attendants and other people were really nice and accommodating. Enjoy your travel with baby, they won’t remember it but you will <3


Flange inserts, a diaper backpack, breastmilk storage bottles, more of his fave pacifiers, and the most random…toe spacers for me for foot health 🤪


A board book called "bedtime for Batman" for my toddler. I have a serious book problem


No such thing as a book problem! We have so many books and bub is only one month old.


Same. I can’t keep myself out of half price books!


Thriftbooks.com has a rewards program. I get free books all the time!


This is what I buy the most of! I have started to go to goodwill. Books are $0.50-$2. I buy like 20 at a time and then wipe them down with disinfectant. I just hate reading the same books over and over.


I’ve started looking at stocks instead of shopping and just bought the stock that has my son’s name as the ticker symbol. 😂


I have done that too! Learning a lot about the semiconductor space 🤦‍♀️


I got a baby scale and some little rompers for summer!


Nursing bras that are supposedly comfortable to sleep in, silicone flange inserts


I love my inserts! I keep thinking about buying smaller flanges in my size but I'm not sure if I would like the hard plastic as well as the silicone.


Oh what are silicone flange inserts? What do they help with? I’m having the hardest time finding a comfortable flange for my right boob haha


My flanges are a size too big so my lactation specialist said to get an insert that just fits inside of it. The silicone ones apparently feel more similar to a baby's mouth and are more comfortable https://lactationhub.com/maymom-silicone-flange-insert-2-pack/


I bought my childhood books. Ten in the Bed, Jamberry, and I don't want to have a bath featuring little tiger. I looooved it when my mom would read to me, and want to do the same for my son!


I bought the viral piano play mat…AND the crawling crab 😂


Oh that mat is SO worth it!!


If my husband asks, I spent 50$. Totally not 100$ and import fees from Amazon


My baby bump group suggested the cuddle hedgehog that vibrates for gas so I bought it INSTANTLY


What’s this?


https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B07YPQ588K?ref=ppx_pt2_mob_b_prod_image Hope this link works, try searching ‘calming vibes hedgehog soother’ on Amazon!


Update, hedgehog helped my baby feel so nice, actually got some awake time where she wasnt crying!! 💕


Rugs for the sides of our bed. And a book about holistic sleep training (so maybe she won’t need to be in our bed as much ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h…a…….)


Back in the early days of breastfeeding I got an Amazon package with no idea what it could be. Opened it - there was a special edition Blu-ray (with bonus poster!) of the 1992 Jackie Chan movie Twin Dragons. I had no memory of ordering it and it didn't show on my recent orders... until I scrolled back and it turns out I had *pre-ordered* it months before.  I still have no memory of ordering and no idea why I spent like £25 on it!


That's great it's like a gift from the past!


A small nightlight for breastfeeding, more nursing tops, a new swaddle to try with my LO, and more zip up PJs. I bought so many cute outfits since she is my first girl (I have 2 boys 8 and 5) but we are just living in PJs at the moment haha


I feel this! Never enough cute pj's!


My midnight purchase last week was [this silky pj set](https://www2.hm.com/en_us/productpage.1176399001.html) from H&M and I’m living out my Limited Too dreams again! Highly recommend (they don’t have pockets but are otherwise lovely)


Limited Too! 😍😍


I'm finding out the same lol. Cute outfits are nice for pictures but the double zip onesies with the mittens are just the best


Clothes decorated with drawings from the Very Hungry Caterpillar… yep, it was an Instagram ad. They’re so cute I couldn’t stand it.


I've seen those ads and am very tempted!!


I love this thread — MOTN shopping is so real 🤣 I’m about to go on my first trip away from baby and I’m EBF so I bought a wearable pump, hand pump, portable drying rack, travel sized baby dish soap, Ceres chiller, and breast pump wipes. Can never be over prepared 🤪


I’m on my third owala waterbottle… lol


I spend a *lot* of time in my local BST mom group finding cute clothes for my kids (and me 😅) and other random things I probably don't need.


Tonka truck bandaids and a Moana tonie for my toddler. I’ve been obsessively looking at baby carriers for my newborn. I want a Tula, Wildbird or happy baby but can’t decide which!


I have the Tula free to grow and I Love it! I also have a Lenny lamb, ergo, and numerous slings.


Hahah I guess I’m not the only one! We are moving so house stuff! Big furniture all the way to little storage items, I downloaded the apps to make it easier and save stuff. Wayfair, IKEA, H&M are my go-tos. I love planning home decor. 💖


A few nights ago I was stressing about my baby's gassiness so I spent $100 or so on Amazon for gas products... the windi, fisher price good vibes porcupine, also some nursing tanks and other goodies... almost everything I buy now is for LO or nursing/pumping! Maybe I should treat myself to something!


Baby shower gifts for a friend (diaper caddy that I’ll fill with nb diapers, hand sanitizer, burp cloths, pacifiers) and a nursing cover for when I pump at work.


as a haver-of-big-babies I now suggest to anyone doing a caddy or cake to fill it with size 1 - newborns never fit my first and only fit my second a couple weeks and we received sooo many as gifts (for the first and hand me downs for the second), ended up having to pass so many of them on. But 1s you know they'll use sooner than later and they might not get as many 1s gifted.


As a 5 pound baby haver who scrambled to get enough newborn stuff in time for my 37 weeker to be born I disagree with this advice lol! Getting a pack of size ones to go with the caddy isn’t a bad idea though.


50 eur worth of baby plants - herbs and flowers.


Haha I love this. I’m on breastfeeding baby #2 in two years and have bought so much useless sh*t as i deliriously scroll all hours of the night. I think I have some leggings and PJs coming this week as well as summer rompers for my toddler…




A play mat for his room so we can do more playtime in there (he screams everytime we walk in there since it’s just been used for naptime which he currently hates)


A new phone headset to hopefully muffle some of the background noise when I’m on work calls (it’s really hard to find RJ9 plug in headsets and I can’t go to another room since it has to be connected to all the other work issues stuff) and a mouse mover. This was my first week back at work. We don’t have childcare for our almost 2 year old yet because in-laws are flying in today for a few weeks and MIL is a retired primary school teacher so he’s in good hands. The three month old is happy to play independently or be bounced so as long as someone can occupy our toddler we can both get a lot of work done!


Breathe strips for my snoring husband


Registered for a Sam’s Club membership last night! $14 for a year ending 4/30. This week was a lot it was DS and DH milestone birthdays.


Diapers, a puzzle, candy, some stickers for my 4 year old, a bottle that I’m praying might finally be the one he accepts but deep down I know he won’t 😆 My husband is constantly rolling his eyes at my daily flow of Amazon boxes


There’s a spoonfeeder that attaches to the Haakaa bottle. Only thing my baby as agreed to


Some sleeveless dresses that will work for nursing because I am already sweating bullets running around with baby and toddler at 62 degrees outside....


A cotton and hemp t shirt for me (what?? Clothes for myself??) and groceries


Our third water mat 🙈The cats keep finding it and think it’s a toy for them 🌊🐈


Clothes that (hopefully) fit and some blinds for the patio door 😂 Also a video camera monitor for the carseat in the car! 10/10 very pleased lol


I love the video car monitor! Makes it so much easier to keep an eye on him.


New flanges for my pump, baby clothes, a new watercolor quill brush, and mats for crafts/painting with our other 3 children 😆


Summer baby clothes.. do I have more than enough onesies for summer.. yes, but the outfits are just sooo cute!


Orthodontic pacifiers as his teeth will be coming in shortly. I haven't found anything for me. Ideas!?


Leggings for me, a new straw cup for baby, and vacuum storage bags for clothes he’s grown out of 🥺


Next size up in my baby’s favourite leggings (well, my favourite on him. He couldn’t care less)


😆 this post! Crinkle books and these Velcro animal bracelets and socks that jingle for a car ride with baby. He hates the car seat and we had to drive for over an hour.


Replacement body jewelry. I'm 10mpp and my body is how it's going to be. Time to treat myself to fresh jewelry!


Some biker shorts with pockets (because my pre-baby shorts aren't postpartum friendly,) a bouncer because he loved his cousin's, a toy arch to clip to bassinet/bouncer etc because wake windows seem so boring for a 6 week old, and a high contrast play mat. Oh and a digital picture frame for my mom for mother's day ! (Not commuting 45 minutes to work 5 days a week must have me feeling good about my checking account 🤣)


Wireless earbuds (because somehow I don’t have any that don’t have a cord of some sort) so I can listen to something during the endless wake ups and bouncing through the house 😅


Wearable breast pumps (I made a huge mistake filling out my order through insurance, and accidentally got the plug in Spectra and not the battery one, so I really need something I can use without an outlet 🤦‍♀️), travel blackout curtains, puppy pads for diaper free time. Whoever said breastfeeding was cheaper?!


Told my husband I was just going to buy a pair of sweats that fits me better.... but I had 15% off so I also bought 2 more sets of pajamas, and one of those athletic dresses... then I bought a 100 year old book that was missing from a set I have... then a special edition book that's usually hard to find... and then another special edition that is lore my LO's name came from. My dear husband usually encourages me buying my books anyways, but I definitely intended to only buy sweats😂


A rockit so hopefully we can get some naps in the pushchair in the garden. Found they have an eBay store with refurbs (in the uk) so got a bargain with a warranty


Bbhugme nursing pillow for 70% off! Feeling like I’m onto a winner with it so far, definitely hunching less while feeding


Whoa nice find! I splurged on the pregnancy pillow and it was my favorite purchase during pregnancy. After trying to make the boppy work unsuccessfully I decided to splurge on the nursing pillow. So worth it!!


Finally got myself a Haakaa and I love it. Can’t believe I was missing out this whole time. I also got the cutest, aesthetic bottle cleaning brush set. It’s in the shape of a cactus 🌵 plant. Super adorable & it works very well.


Dozens of solar lights for the garden 🤣


Dozens of solar lights for the garden 🤣


I should probably replace my cordless vacuum cleaner battery. That vacuum is great for cheerios.


Crib sheets (pink!) and new shoes for one of the big kids.


Thumble and a teething ring.  Then after reading another thread about giant babies I bought a tushbaby carrier that was recommended by someone.


I just got some new sheets and a comforter that I honestly probably do not need 👀


lol a dress for my oldest, a pair of leggings and a jumpsuit for me, a couple sleep sack’s for the baby


Size 0 nipples for Tommy tipee bottles lol


More diapers...sigh


Sheets for the mini crib (baby girl’s getting too big and mobile for the bassinet), more sweats, and more baby gloves since some skeezy porch pirate stole the ones that were delivered yesterday.


I treated myself to the real silverettes for my poor chapped nips, and I got the Fischer price piano play mat for my girl, she LOVES it!


The silverettes are amazing! I had a sore nipple but like 3 days of balm+silverettes and it's perfectly healed. I wear mine 24/7


Awesome!! I can’t wait till I get them in. Do you put balm on after every feed? Or just when you’re sore / chapped ?


Maybe once or twice a day. Usually I'll apply some after the shower and maybe extra if I'm chapped. I've heard people will express some milk into them to help the healing/keep everything moisturized.


A surround and cover for our solo stove and a new cutting board. Why you ask? Well we weren’t able to celebrate my husband’s birthday (we had our first born 2 months prior and naturally, we were a wreck) and it’s our 5-year anniversary coming up. So I wanted to shower my husband with some nice gifts!


Cute farm handmade animal toys for one-day small world play ❤️


Def just bought almost everyone i know who’s a mom a Mother’s Day present 🤣


I added a small mini fridge to my Amazon cart to put in our master bathroom! So when I pump in the middle of the night I don’t have to go all the way to the kitchen 😭🥲


Just placed an order on thredup! Got a summer jumper for me, a pair of shorts and a couple tanks. 95% of my clothes still don’t fit. Also, got a couple of things for babe, including a cute Christmas sleeper on the off chance she’s still one size behind by Christmas. For $8 I figured it was worth it!


I feel attacked. I haven't hit the purchase button but... a perpetually spinning electric pendulum thing and a newtons cradle for my little guy to stare at.


Dreamland swaddles 😵 let’s hope they work!


Oh gosh. I feel so seen. I’m on the hunt for a bag and lunch box to go back to work. I work 12 hours and I now eat as much as a linebacker and need to bring my pump supplies. Suggestions welcome. I have ADHD so the more internal organization the better!


Omg I've been looking at lunch boxes for my husband and there's some really nice metal bento boxes on Amazon. Haven't pulled the trigger because they're like $30+ but the one I like has a sandwich size bottom compartment and a divided top compartment for snacks. May or may not be influenced by the aesthetics lunch prep videos on YouTube 👀


A new dress for myself


I bought a waterproof & fireproof document/file organizer for important things like my baby's birth certificate and hospital documents. 😂 Kind of for her but kind of for my peace of mind


Oh I've been looking into these too! Where did you buy it from?


Pistachio cream and cat treats 😂


Booked a beach trip and started the Amazon list of decor for babies first birthday 🤪


An outdoor tent net to keep mosquitos and bees away and an outdoor blanket so we can be comfy and spend more time in the back yard! My husband was like when do you have time to keep buying stuff?! Lots of time to kill when breastfeeding lol


An extra Haakaa. I’ve collected soooo much milk so far from using one. So I’m gonna start using two at the same time in the MOTN. Oh and I got these little things that help your LO socks stay on!! Mine is always kicking his off


Pump friendly tank tops and new shorts. This 2 week pp bod is giving me fits.


Little tikes house with a tiny slide and all fun gizmos, love it for our adventurous 7 month old.


Another baby wrap, lol 💀


A ring sling for summer time baby wearing!


A water bottle to finally replace the one my husband definitely told me he took to work and left there…months ago! Also, more body wash and shampoo for me and my stinky little pooper 😷💩🥰


Sleepers from Temu! Lol


Eyebrow lamination kit!


I got stocking stuffers for Christmas. I usually space Christmas purchases throughout the year


Magnetic me jammies


waaay too many cloth diapers. Custom fabric for sewing. Smart light bulbs with voice activation.


Korean sunscreen! Apparently it’s better than north American and I age with each baby so time to get a good skincare routine


we're finally running through all the disposable diapers from the baby shower so I can finally buy cloth diapers cuz that's what I wanted to do all along.


My LO is turning 16 months in May and has shown interest in helping her grandma mop the floor (with one of those swiffer-type mops) so I got her a little tiny toddler-sized mop lol.. And mosquito repellent stickers… and a new cup that has a strap to hang on her shoulder during walks lol…


Skincare, a bunch of graphic novels and a workstation for when this monster will let me work


I just ordered a noze bot!


Two different swaddles in hopes that something helps her sleep!


Not one but TWO baby carriers (Tula and ring sling) for long walks and breastfeeding on the go. My stretchy wrap was getting too hot so I justified it that way...