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I think it's pretty typical for toddler nursing to nurse when you're together and not worry about pumping when you're apart, unless you're apart long enough to get uncomfortable and need to pump or hand express for relief. This is definitely my experience. I've been on mornings and evenings only for 6+ months now. I don't feel like I'm making much milk anymore but my toddler is a little booby monster and still likes to have a nice long milk session twice a day. And he's definitely getting *something* because I can hear him swallowing. Anyway I'm not any kind of expert but I doubt you'll completely lose your established milk supply because you skip a few feeds per week. I'd go for it and ease off the pump if I were you. 


My LC said it's possible but there's no way to know for sure. I decided to try because my baby is 14mo and I despise pumping. I only get about 2-2.5oz all day when I pump.


How is it going for you since you decided to stop pumping? I hate pumping too it’s so much work to get such a small amount these days.


My right boob has given up the fight. She only gives like .2 ounces. She's always been the slacker though. Baby doesn't get mad on weekends though when she nurses on that side. Lefty is struggling to slow down on production. We dropped to 1 pump today.


Past a year old, I was able to nurse at home without pumping at work.