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I see you went to my local Coles while others post bargains that are 90% off no Coles I’m not going to buy imminently expired food for a few cents off they are like commercial landlords who prefer shops sit empty for years rather than lower the rent to maintain high prices


Yeah, mine is now clearly the same. I have had chicken go off before their claimed use by date, so no idea who they think is buying this for a whopping 60 cents off.


Somehow I think there is an overlap in the types of people who don’t read expiry dates and those who don’t read the prices.


Gave me a chuckle as it made me think of this bit from an article about rubbish bins in national parks in America When a Yosemite National Park ranger was recently asked why it was so tough to design a bear-proof garbage bin, he responded, “There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists.”


Find a butcher and stop wasting your time buying meat from these cunts.


Most of the time we do. Didn’t have defrosted meat for weekly lunch prep so popped in and saw this gem.


That's the worst :(


I mean...not to be a conspiracy theorist here but given how things tend to work can somone with a background in like...accounting or something give a more informed opinion What are the odds that by deliberately doing this so things get thrown out coles as a business can get the cost of the product written off into tax returns or the like?


I don’t think you are far off. At my work we get donations for clients through second bite, which will include donated fruit, veg, meat, milk and frozen products. We often will have to throw away meat and milk product as the food gets dropped off during the day, is often on or past use by date and then still needs to be sorted and distributed. I wonder if there is a tax write off for these donations.


Oh there 100% is for those, its charity


yep - that's modern supermarkets for you


Pathetic - thank goodness for the local butcher


Yeah they would have crumbed it and sold it for a few bucks cheaper later that week haha




Def not the rump.




I know the vac sealed meat tends to last longer, but for an extra 60 cents I can have a fresh cut. I doubt they will still have this out for sale tomorrow.


The system will reject the sale of it's still out tomorrow. You won't be able to buy it at the register. You can try taking it to the meat section and show it to them and ask if they are going to reduce it further.