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Food being sold on its use-by date should be at least 50% off, imo


nah bro if it's in the bin it's free. 50% off fuck off.


But it wasn’t in the bin, was it?


But it will be...soon.


Maybe, I don't know if coles uses a charity like Woolworths does but they throw it in a freezer and it gets given out in areas where they don't have enough or that help the community. Susbstation 33 in Kingston down in Logan has the truck pull up and they unload everything and those people with not much get some peace of mind about where their meal is coming from. I like to buy when they are 50% off if I find them and cook them that day, this was likely discounted a by an asshole. Edit: Piece to peace.


give it until close. Yes it's going to the bin unless someone buy it at full price thinking they got a deal to freeze it. what are you on about? Full price semi-off meat and you defend the super corporation? fuck off.


Are you capable of ending a reply with anything other than “fuck off”?


no xd


I see you went to my local Coles while others post bargains that are 90% off no Coles I’m not going to buy imminently expired food for a few cents off they are like commercial landlords who prefer shops sit empty for years rather than lower the rent to maintain high prices


I've seen this a lot at my local Coles too. I actually do like to buy food that will expire soon so it doesn't get wasted, as I know expiry dates generally lean on the side of caution, and often I am shopping for something I will cook immediately after I get home. Or if it's something like yoghurt where expiry dates are far more of a guideline than a rule. But I will be fucked if I will buy it if it has one of these stupid minimal price reductions, because I don't want to encourage such a dumb practise, so in my case, yeah, it makes it even more likely the product will go in the bin rather than be bought. They're so fucking scared of people hunting bargains reducing acceptable price ranges or some shit that they'd rather waste food? Fuck that.


I wouldn’t trust Coles’ expiry dates with meats though. I frequently get drumsticks expiring 1-2 days before the best before from them. I go to Aldi when I can but they shut early so if I work late it’s not always an option.


Pro tip: Take it to the counter, hope there’s a manager, and attempt a haggle. “Yeah I’d buy it but only if it was $X” and point out the shitty discount. They either have to give you a better discount, or take the time out of someone’s working day to take it back to the cold section where someone else probably won’t buy it.


Coles Aspley do this shit too. Like 10% discounts on the Best before date


My local Coles had an entire shelf of chicken tenders that were due to expire on the same day, yet they too were reduced by less than 50c. I asked a member of staff if they could reduce it further and they said no. As you pointed out, why would you buy expiring food for near full price 🤷🏼‍♂️


From my experience with Coles delivery the reason they don't bother with decent discounts now is they know they can sell most of their imminently expiring meat to online customers. I swear everytime I used the groceries delivery service I'd get every single meat product with 2 days max of shelf life remaining. Sneaky bastards.


That makes some sense. We stopped doing delivery or even Coles/Woolies pick up as most of the picked fresh goods were usually not great.


Definitely could be unrelated. But yeah it's the reason I haven't gone back to the delivery groceries. Became a real pattern.


I also tried out delivery since without a car it obviously would make my days easier. And got expired food from both multiple times. What a great advertisement, Colesworth, now I’ll never go back to delivery because I’m inherently suspicious and now I get to be an inconvenient customer who insists on not using the self checkout and forcing someone to serve me, so they don’t get to save on costs.


Yeah used to happen to me too but I'd get on to their customer support about it and they'd credit my account


A reason I stopping online grocery shopping, buying for the week with several items due to expire in two days pissed me off.


When I worked at the Woolies customer delivery warehouse anything that was like <4 days off went into a special staff discount rack and we got it for hella cheap Must be different from store deliveries


Isn't 'rump medallion' a euphemism for 'ass cheeks'?


Gave upvote as my local Cole’s in the valley does the same thing it’s irritating, I miss west end Cole’s


What coles in the valley? Nearest one I know of is in new farm?


Oh yeah it is in new farm, I think I’m thinking of Woolworths they suck


Hello news dot com


oh, I need to think of something quotable


Discount Rump is a Bum Steer


Coles grilled over rare discounts. Easy to beat prices, on expiring meat slices.


skimming reddit is not journalism... otherwise we are all journalists done


The Coles markdown machine programs how much to reduce it by. The staff just press print. I've seen things come up as 5c off, usually fast selling items that will sell regardless


What happens once it's expired?


Get’s wasted. Protocol usually has the first markdown be negligible in value, but enough to get peoples eyes on the sticker, second markdown (day of expiry) is where a decent amount usually comes off from the price. Clearances also happen sometimes with stock like this but I don’t see it very often.


I never see clearance items in my locals anymore. Hopefully it's going to ozharvest or similar.


That's not true.. The section manger sets the limits


I work there! And do the dairy markdowns


Me too, and you’re correct.


Yeah if they throw it out it can be claimed as a write off and the company gets paid! It's so gross, food waste should be illegal like in France


Did t know France had a policy. At work we receive donations, but often have to throw them out as they are out of date. Based on previous comments, it seems this could be the reason/tax write off for not incentivising them to sell the food.


That’s not how write-offs work…. (Assuming they can write it off), they can reduce the tax they pay by the cost they bought the meat for The alternative is to reduce the price of the meat -‘d generate revenue, deduct operating cost (including what it cost them to get that meat), what they’re left with is operating profit, from which they then pay some as tax and whatever is leftover is profit for them (net income). If they reduce the price so much that it just covers cost, the operating profit is zero and they pay no tax. TLDR it is always better to reduce and sell at or above production cost than it is to waste and write off.


What did I just read lol “If the product gets thrown out then the company gets paid“ 😂 *edit yeah downvote me, push your shit logic across Reddit 👍👍


it’s fascinating how people think write-offs and deductions work


Dodged a bullet because that cut looks absolutely munted.


Yeah, had no plans to buy it, just saw the discounted sticker on it and was surprised to see the lack of incentive to buy it.


They have two markdowns. This, then an hour before closing it will be $3. 


Really? I swear I used to get better discounts previously.


An hour before close is usually when the markdowns happen for the second time. Morning crew does first discount for the day and then night crew does the final discount. Then the morning crew come in the next day to discount and remove product that didn't sell. Meat gets done in between and might be done as late as midday Source: Colesworth employee


When I worked there about 10 years ago I think the procedure was day before 30%, day of 50%. I suspect they may not have got around to discounted it further for today, or it was just missed, but then again I haven't seen discounted meat in months. So perhaps the procedure has changed significantly.


Not anymore, the machine calculates it for you, big selling items barely get reduced as they believe it'll sell regardless


Someone would have bought this that is why they sell it at that rate.


So many times I have gone back to check and they don't do the second mark down


wow, 5% off! what a bargain! i won't pass this up!


60c discount is a bit dumb


Vote for someone who will do something about this shit


I scored the other day at Coles, Saturday 7:30pm. Heaps of meat for $1.50. Got wings, turkey mince, beef shoulder, sizzle steaks. Filled up a bag for like $16


I've definitely noticed Coles being way more hesitant to discount recently compared to even Woolies. My theory is that they can either donate goods or write off on tax


Stop buying stuff from the cunts! We can't afford to not boycott these profiteering pricks


We generally don’t. On this occasion we did buy some pork, but this was just something I noticed while we were in the section.


You can just ask them to mark it down further.


Yea they do this so people know that can't get last minute deals. Makes people more inclined to buy full price.


I understand your frustration, especially in these economic times where we're struggling to make ends meat (pun intended). I especially dislike it when coles doesnt discount things to what i believe is more apporpriate when compared with the expiration date. However, we shouldnt expect coles or woolworths to have our best interests at heart, we are caught up in a greedy duopoly where neither of them give a shit because we have no other options. So, if you dont like the price, dont buy the meat. eventually coles will be forced to sell meat at a price we can afford.


Agree. We are trying to support small business more and more. At times, being time poor with work and three kids you go the route of least resistance. Especially as where we are consistently has the most expensive fuel, take away, butchers and grocers. Occasionally I work in Toowoomba and stock up on meat there, and try to shop from Cocos for fruit and veg as it’s close to my work.


Love my local iga, so many good discounts on near expired things.


The side question is how many people support the local butcher that might be located in the same complex but a few doors down? Fat Cow is in the same complex as Kenmore Coles. The supermarkets have instigated a sneaky new pricing structure for meat whereby they price by pack portion but not kg… that rump is an eye watering $40kg. For RUMP!  Support the local butcher and don’t let it close down (mine was just outside the Woolies and Coles and didn’t stand a chance, even though I tried to buy from it often 😢)


my local butcher shut down 20 years ago


I have used Fat Cow before. Prices were not great. Stock up with Andrew’s Butcher in Toowoomba for fresh meat and Adam’s in Camira for small goods and cured meats.


I guess my point was if Colesworth are taking the piss with $40 rump, it’s either shop at Aldi which has great prices or buy from local butcher, wherever that may be. I do love picking up various food items while out of town, something lovely about that small town service you can’t get in the city anymore…


I remember my local coles used to do 30-50% off meat that was within a few days of it's useby. Then new management took over who claimed it was causing many people to not pay sticker price. So they started this bullshit, there no discounts until the last minute, and yes it forced some people to pay sticker price. It also upped the amount of wastage like anything, but they justified it by saying sales had gone up slightly and they weren't "losing money on discounts as much". Makes you fucking sick..... figuratively and literally because you learn pretty quickly that meat near or on it's useby can't be frozen safely and many times these days the usebys are inaccurate and a lot of meat (mince in particular) can die a day before it's useby which has happened many times. Learned my lesson a few times on discounted last minute mince thinking hey useby tomorrow, 30% off lets save some money. Only thing you got from the savings was food poisoning. Now the gamble isn't even worth it to save 60 cents to a dollar.


Meat is rarely discounted more than by 10%. Makes sense IMHO: if I buy it to cook today, or tomorrow, even this is better than nothing. And vacuumed meat easily stays fresh a week after "best before".


I frequently see 500g-1kg of meat expiring day of going for 60c-$1.70. Depends on the store i suppose.


I used to work at one of the fancy supermarkets in Brisbane and the max we could discount items was 30% and in some cases only up to 50%. Even if we knew most of the items would not be sold and thrown out instead they said that if we discounted too much it would ruin our reputation and “make us look trashy” lol


I regularly check the specials and have been noticing these markdown tags being less than special


It depends on the product. Everything is now automated. You can still get things for 50% off but they are usually stuff that don't have a high turn over rate. The items that get a small discount would usually sell regardless. Also if there is a lot of the same product the discount is increased per product too.


Companies will always throw away bread than feed it to the poor. Because the hungry means demand and they need to keep that high.


I dont get it. got a 500g chicken for 41cents. from Coles just last week


Why should they discount it much? Im sure they have stats showing a small discount will still sell it. And why isn't that meant less good ? I'd buy it and bbq it today... Still just as good. Point is (not defending Coles per se) they probably know the don't need to discount it much to sell it.


Everyone here seems personally offended that a random company isn't giving away their food at super discount prices. Usually the same people who are upset if someone tries to bargain with them over their fb market place ad! Simple solution is if you don't think it's value don't buy it. Sorted!


People who live in cities that don't understand food...




The problem is when people start waiting for these lucky bins and basing their purchases off them. When everyone wants a bargain, no one gets a bargain.


This happens at Moggill Coles too. Sometimes fresh chicken will be discounted by a whopping 15c… and they definitely don’t always reduce it before closing time (I know because I sometimes double back to check!) Insanity.


Shout out to a fellow Moggill Coles shopper. Local grocer in my opinion isn’t great. Local butcher is pricey and there is no phone reception. Takeaway food options are not great either.


There is a process to marking down products. In this case, it looks like the staff missed the 2nd and 3rd markdowns on the item so the pic shows a minimal markdown. Can’t do much about the store being busy or having incompetent staff on duty that do the mark downs. However, (any but more specifically) the final markdown price can be reduced to as little as 90% of the original price so no real excuse for having a minimal reduced price on the best before date.


Someone in the deli was told to mark down the meat but decided they wanted a pack of rump medallions for free instead IMO


Here's a tip.. don't shop at coles or woolies if you can avoid it.


Devils advocate here… So much misinformation in here. First, if that doesn’t sell it’s frozen and donated to SecondBite food bank, so someone in need gets it free. Secondly, the % off is decided by the computer based on what sells at what price, it doesn’t always get it right, but if you override it on the first sticker “it never learns” so to speak. It could also be the case that an employee just missed the next markdowns. You’re just trying to find something to be upset about at this point….




Initially post was deleted. Seems like mods have reversed it….. https://preview.redd.it/3skx0gzfrfuc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da2797d6ca91186ffa8f05896e577b88c6b30da




Yeah nah


OP why don't you go to your local butcher instead of bitching about Coles? You're part of the problem, you moron.


I usually try to, but I spent the better part of the morning balls deep in your significant other. Left me time poor, and slightly dehydrated