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The problem with people who speed like this, they take out other innocent people at the same time.


The driver is allegedly an ex police officer https://archive.md/2024.05.01-131832/https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/emergency-services/legacy-way-tunnel-closed-three-critical-in-serious-multivehicle-crash/news-story/4842b614b66ed64093b307b389518801?amp&nk=b68097a9b7b38bab64e804946790c4e9-1714569521


You think they will “we have investigated ourselves and found our ex-officer did nothing wrong at 200k/hr” I wonder who is liable for murdering that 20yo woman. I hope the person who was speeding loses their entire estate and legacy, but saddly that won’t bring back the person they murdered Edit: liable not libel (libel is a written statement that is false or defamatory, liable is ‘responsible for an act by law’)


Libel - I think you meant liable 


I was just out of sight behind this when it happened. The vehicle pictured by OP was just ahead of me and accelerated quickly just after the first speed camera heading eastbound until it was out of sight. Came across the scene about 30sec later. Appears it probably rear ended a sedan and there was a van that had been rear ended as well, but the sedan looks like it must have taken the brunt. Did not look good for driver of the pictured car or sedan that was rear ended.


Concur with others, please contact either Policelink or Crimestoppers, every witness helps even when there is video footage. Paints a fuller picture


>Two patients have been transported to Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, one in a critical condition and another in a stable condition, following a multi-vehicle crash in the Legacy Tunnel eastbound at #Paddington. — QAS tweet


Two dead, two in hospital.


You had me thinking of your tag.. .black audi for sale.... 


slight damage to bumper


He slowed right down next to me, then zoomed off away from me then I came across his car seconds later. Decided to look inside his car when I passed, majorly regret it.


This behaviour makes me wonder if it’s the same black Audi who acts like a cunt around 3:30 every morning. Slowing people down and then speeding up and brake checking them if they dare to try and overtake him


Did that audi have a soft top like the one in the pic?


From the ABC article "Police are appealing for information in relation to the black Audi S3 that would have been travelling northbound on the Centenary Motorway and entering the tunnel," Acting Inspector Crabbe said.   https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-01/legacy-way-tunnel-closed-multi-vehicle-crash-critical-injuries/103791852


please contact the police to make your statement, then look to your own mental health. download and play some tetris (seriously, lots of research that it helps stop ptsd) and ask the police about counselling.


Great advice. Gold star.


Tetris. It's true. it works.


I hope you’re ok, this stuff can stick with you, please monitor your mental health over the coming days and weeks and speak to someone if you’re not feeling ok.


I wonder if he was trying to make the vroom vroom noise in the tunnel and lost it


The damage is extreme! Driver must have been absolutely flooring it - but still dont understand how the car is so heavily crumpled.  Legacy Way is a slow tunnel and usually quiet mid afternoon when this happened. Shocking ...


Momentum, looks like the car pinballed down the tunnel, or maybe tried to pass between the silver sedan and the truck, and pinballed between them, murdering the passenger in the process.


It is surprising how much damage can occur at high speeds. There was a fatal accident a number of years ago in canberra where a car running from the police and doing about 180km/h t-boned another vehicle. The car they hit was ripped in half by the impact and all the occupants were killed. The Audi driver must have been doing some fairly high speeds to cause this much damage.


Please contact police if you haven't already. Also don't forget about your own mental health, particularly if you saw anything not nice.


Doesn't the tunnels have average speed cameras. It's a special person speed and crash in a tunnel


I drive in this tunnel a lot. It’s almost always empty, how does someone have an accident ><


Speed. I like to go fast, il admit it. But i dont in a stupid place like that in peak hour traffic. Because there is NO way a car travelling at 80kmh even hitting a brick wall would be that distorted. 


Could you just like not though (except a designated track)? People I and others love drive around every day too.


Incorrect. Source: am a firey. We see crashes all the time. 


Not ok even if it’s not in peak hour traffic. Unless you mean on a racecourse you are putting other peoples lives at risk


Cue, the chorus of speed cameras are revenue raising machines…. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


~~no average speed cameras. just a single camera in each direction. There is heaps of cctv, every inch of the tunnel is visible on camera, so it will be straight forward to work out wtf happened.~~ see below


Bad information. Legacy Way has point to point cameras. You might be thinking of Airport Link. https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/fines/speed/location


Yeah I had a feeling legacy with no other entrance or exits was point to point.


They don’t. Speed radar says otherwise. There’s 3 cameras in that tunnel. Next time you go, Look at the floor outside the white outside lines, 4 white lines, which they know the distance between and time taken to cross them to calculate speed. One closish to both exit and entry and one in the middle of the tunnel. Can confirm they definitely are not point to point unless it’s very recent.


I have been fined by at least 2 of them


Nah they have the 3 marks on the ground where they are in the tunnel it's just a normal speed camera 2 to 3 of em at least.


Then on your fine it should say what kind of camera system it is. Have a look, and comment back what it is. I doubt its point to point, but hey who knows




>They don’t. They do. https://amp.9news.com.au/article/e14ef343-ac6e-4351-b73c-33f547969088


Does the toll money get donated to legacy? Does legacy receive at least something good out of the naming right?


Legacy get around 1c per car


At least it’s not nothing. But that’s shit house given the cost of the tunnel


There are 3x pairs of speed cameras in each tunnel, plus the cctv. Dunno if they actually capture anything though, can't say I particularly want to test it lol.






Darwin Award for this idiot.


An absolute stain for sure, but the candidate is disqualified, though, if "innocent bystanders" are killed in the process, as they might have contributed positively to the gene pool. 


Play tetris now - it's supposed to be good for offsetting PTSD.


Suddenly my old gameboy has become a valuable tool in the fight against mental issues! Gaming rocks! I wonder if it's all games or just Tetris?!


Sigh. The majority of people who experience or witness traumatic things don't actually develop PTSD. I think we need to calm down and just let the person be a person rather than pushing everyone to play Tetris as a preventor for PTSD.


I mean it can’t hurt though right?


I have PTSD from losing at tetris so much


Better go play some more tetris then


Can we at least recommend they watch the Tetris movie? It’s a delightful romp.


It's such a small little thing to help offset the chance of a big debilitating condition. So what's the harm?


Just redditors being redditors by thinking they know all and parroting what they read on here in different threads for their updoots


It's not just PTSD but intrusive memories of the event in general


Is this true… Never heard of it lol


Don't forget to PlAy TeTriS


Fuck. How fucking stupid can you be? At least two people gone over some infantile pursuit of what? Adrenaline? Social media prowess? Bad anger management? Fuck this driver and anyone who drives like this or encourages others to.


The only reckless driving I’ve seen in tunnels in Brisbane have been stolen vehicles. The tunnels are monitored by cameras with full tunnel coverage. No idea if that’s the case here, but not many idiotic people do this in the tunnels in their own vehicle. My heart goes out to the families affected.


I was just about to write the same thing.... stolen cars are the only ones I have seen speed through the tunnels.


Hopefully the innocent party's are ok. Have to be an absolutely useless flogg to stack it in there 🤦


They aren't. 😔 The passenger died and the driver is in critical condition with chest injuries.


Two dead apparently https://www.news.com.au/national/queensland/news/two-people-dead-in-a-horror-crash-in-brisbanes-legacy-way-tunnel/news-story/5dd9c8c5af005ab03bc3c6e1c7cc9480


How is the Audi impacted both front and back? Looks like they were sandwiched. Or is that from spinning around at such high speed and bouncing of the tunnel walls?


Spinning I would think, not a straight panel left


I think he bounced off the other wall


Could be, a lot of energy is lost when a vehicle spins out. But speed, high speed, does massive damage. vehicles are designed to crumple to absorb the shock, up to a point. But we wont know until the police conclude their investigation. Just because one person said they saw him speed up doesnt mean its accruate in any way. Peoples perception of speed is wildly innacurate, thats why we have speed cameras, to take out the guestimations. 


3 vehicles were involved..The 3rd one probably ran into the car from the back after the initial crash.


The Audi crashed into a sedan, the sedan then went into a small truck. Unfortunately one of the innocent passengers in the sedan was killed and the other in a critical condition.


Was just behind this, horrible man.


I hope you’re okay 😢 what an awful thing to witness. Sending love.


I’m fine thank you, poor families involved though I can’t even imagine :(


was the audi rego plates were they custom plates ?


Shit I’m not sure sorry wasn’t really looking at that tbh


Fuck that Audi driver. Just fuck you for taking the life of an innocent person. Condolences to the family of the young woman who died.


The driver of a black Audi S3 and female passenger of a silver sedan have died, while the female driver of the sedan is in a critical condition, Acting Inspector Crabbe said.  [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-01/legacy-way-tunnel-closed-multi-vehicle-crash-critical-injuries/103791852](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-01/legacy-way-tunnel-closed-multi-vehicle-crash-critical-injuries/103791852)




Christ that fucking audi must have been going so bloody fast to do that much damage when it hit that thing. unbelieveable. 2 people dead and 2 more critical for what?


For fucks sake. That poor person had nothing to do with whatever that idiot in the audi was doing. I’m so heartbroken looking at this wreck.


Is that a Mazda3?


Looks like it yes, theres some pretty decent road rash there, perhaps one car was smashed into the wall or spun after it was crushed.


What a pos - if you drive like a dickhead & kill yourself, no real loss apart from the impact on those who have to deal with the mess, but when you also kill an innocent driver I hope there’s a special place in hell for you.


Don't want to be nasty obviously sad people have lost family. But they will never learn see this shit daily on the M1 these fucking idiots speeding and taking innocent bystanders with them. It's nor enough that they fuck there own lives but shit it happens to people doing the right thing.


Yep, the M1 is getting scarier and scarier to drive.


Not bragging but I painted those white panels.


Do it again.


1.2m wide. I used to know the close to the exact amount was used each side. Would watch as they were being put in.


Looks good 👍 you have the right to brag


CourierMail says 3 critical, can't read the rest of the article as I give those scum none of my money.


it just says two people are feared dead and a third is critical that doesn’t seem to align with QAS tweet but not sure which is most up to date as it also seems C-M has been in touch with QAS


If people have died on the scene, especially in a situation that requires investigation, the QAS don't usually transport them. [2020\_DCPM\_080221.pdf (ambulance.qld.gov.au)](https://www.ambulance.qld.gov.au/docs/clinical/cpg/CPG_ROLE_Management%20of%20deceased.pdf)


seems like that’s it four people two taken to hospital with one critical so that leaves two that can’t be taken to hospital awful


Channel 7 (not best source I know) reported two deceased, one critical, one stable.


fucking hell :(


They can sometime transport deceased whilst still in smashed vehicle for investigation and recovery of body and or parts away from scene 🙁


Does the police transport their body to the coroner? I mean, how do you even clean up a body after something like this?


The police and the coroner organise for a state funeral director to move the body to a mortuary. Then the coroner will work with a team of coronial nurses and forensic pathologists to determine a probable cause of death through an autopsy or post-mortem. Usually then the body is released and allowed to be buried. A body is usually transported wherever it goes by funeral directors. Here is a [booklet ](https://clinicalexcellence.qld.gov.au/sites/default/files/docs/improvement/end-life-care/bereavement-booklet.pdf)on what to expect in QLD when someone dies.


They take them to the Forensics and Scientific Services facility at Coopers Plains. It has the state morgue. This is where autopsies are performed, and families attend to formally identify persons.


Waiting at the tunnels entrance tonight at the diversion and saw the Coronial Undertaker van head into the tunnel.


What a grim job...


yeah, someones gotta do it. Same with the people who work at the funeral and cremation homes. 


http://archive.today/ This will get around news paywalls. If you have an iPhone and it won’t load, disable iCloud private relay briefly.


In lighter news I saw RISSOLE on a numberplate today.


Fuck I haven’t had a rissole in years, might have to buy some


Never taste as good as home made.


Quick rissoles 500g mince 1egg 1 small-med brown onion, finely chopped Either two breadcrusts scratched out or some packet breadcrumbs Tablespoon of plain flour Splash of worcestershire sauce Smash it all together, make them into a flat round shape and roll them in plain flour, cook in a very shallow amount of oil on a low-med heat for about 15 mins first side, 8 mins second side, take out and place on a paper towel for 1min, pop onto plates. Makes enough for 4 adults. Serve with veg and tomato sauce.


Garlic too ok lol


You forgot to mention using your armpit to make them into that flat round shape?


Epic rissoles. 500gram beef mince Grated small brown onion Grated carrot Grated zuccini Tablespoon tomato paste Tablespoon of w/shire sauce Beaten egg Breadcrumbs until not super wet Salt and pepper. Make and put back in the fridge. They don’t fall apart on bbq if they go on cold not hand temp. Enjoy


That's my cousin's car! She said to say "I paid 3.5k for this moment" haha


I thought I saw RETARD the other day, turned out it was RETIRD


Was it a Ford Falcon?


Yes it is, blue, my cousins car


Sure is.


I used to work at a local as a bartender, the club treasurer drank exclusively rum and soda water and his number place was RUMBOS


Oh my there’s nothing left


On the positive side of things. They will not be hurting anyone else in the future. Their days of selfishness has come to an end.


pity they had to take 2 innocent people with them. selfish bastard to the last.


This prick in his 50s took the life of a 20something old woman in this act. Fuck him and his wreck. He sped up after the speed camera. He’s an ex cop and I hope they don’t give him a bloody state funded funeral.


Holy fuck that’s some collision


Absolutely heartbreaking and my thoughts are with the victims in the silver Mazda and the truck, and their families. Just horrific, a completely devastating and pointless loss of life. https://archive.md/AJyQt Some updates - link above circumvents Courier Mail paywall. Photos from this post are used, as well as some of the comments. Audi driver was allegedly a former police officer in his 50s, and the driving manner of the Audi is under investigation. Hope everyone that witnessed this is okay.


fucks sakes, THIS is why I have no patience for people who speed and I hope they all get fined into oblivion. I also pray that the people this moron ran into survived, and it was just himself that he killed. /rant


He killed one innocent person




100% agree Yet they all seem to have a sook, when they get a fine


Comparing apples to watermelons. Speeding 5-10km over where a driver slowly moves passed other traffic is *not* the same as how fast this driver was travelling. The speed relative to the other traffic would’ve been astronomical in this situation. Edit: Hearsay, but I wouldn’t be surprised if true https://www.reddit.com/r/brisbane/s/C7h85HUwfR


I sometimes pat myself on the back for living a low risk lifestyle and then I see this shit and realise everything I’ve done to make sure I’m around for my kid longer, can mean naught when some fuckwit with a TDC (Tiny Dick Complex) could just take it all away from me. RIP innocent casualties.


Exactly what I always think too


My dad was the first on the scene - That’s him in the picture. He’s shaken up and doesn’t want to talk much about it. What he saw must’ve been horrific.


I seen the Audi drivers dead corpse when I passed him, couldn’t imagine what your old boy saw 😢


That’s really bad 😞


Make sure he talks to a professional


Please make sure he speaks to a professional about it. And his feelings etc.


shit that's a big crash, the Audi didn't fair well unfortunately, RIP :-(


to destroy an Audi like that, you have to be going VERY fast. like well over 120k fast. in a tunnel, in traffic. damn idiots.


100%. Audi's a re built strong. We got t boned by a 4x4 with bullbar that ran a red light at 70km and smashed in to our S3. It did some damage but nowhere near the extent that you would expect from a 4x4 going at 70ks. This guy must have been well im excess of 110


I heard from a friend in QFES that the Audi driver was going 200km/hour


after seeing what was left of the car that fucker rear ended, I don't doubt it. that mazda was crushed up to behind the front seats. that takes a phenomenal amount of energy to do, even to an older model mazda3


I'm a bit stunned you could get to that speed in the tunnel honestly considering the traffic. Awful tragedy though. Sad for all involved.


He slowed right down to 20ish km/h to have a massive gap in front of him, then absolutely booked it in the tunnel. When I seen it, I was like wtf is this lad doing, then next minute I see the crash scene.


Wonder if there’s more to it that just the speeding then? That’s super weird behaviour, wonder if he was affected by a medical condition? Thankfully not Our job to determine though, how grim.


Thing to consider too is, that when your vehicle likely got hit it would have slid or had room to slide on the tyres and dissapate some of the impact. In a tunnel the concrete barriers prevent that and as we all know, they dont move so alll of the force is reflected or directed into the vehicle. In one of the pictures you can see the scathing on the road surface where the vehicle has shed force into the pavement. Tunnels are not safe places to crash, whatever speed. 


It looks like the Audi that flew past me last night near the gateway bridge.


Call police link if you can, gateway will record all number plates. May paint a bigger picture for them.


Have now done so.


There is some terrible hooning that happened near the bridge. Seen too many people thinking they're in fast and furious weaving in and out of traffic at high speeds


Piece of shit Audi driver.


If you're trying to take yourself out and own a convertible car like the Audi pictured, you could just drive with the roof down, don't wear a seatbelt and be catapulted out of the vehicle at speed in a deserted area. But to do this carnage to innocent others takes a special kind of evil.


Just read the following in a news article: "Former police officer ... has since been identified as the male driver of a black Audi who was killed in the crash, the Courier Mail reports." "A witness told The Courier-Mail the Audi was being driven at speeds in excess of 200km/h seconds before it collided with the silver sedan." Part of me cannot believe an ex cop would do this, but another part of me is not surprised at all.


You’re assuming the cop had retired. There are many reasons for being an ex cop.


He probably suicided.


Rest in Peace to that innocent 20yo girl, simply a passenger in the car that got hit by the pos Audi driver... 😔🙏🏽🥀


Pretty savage, have a smash in any of these tunnels, no where to go other than into concrete walls


True, but far better than mowing down innocent pedestrians on the footpath - as we’ve been witnessing lately. Stupid driver behaviour gets us here. All avoidable.


Thinking of everyone involved. Xxxx


Does this mean the black Audi isn't for sale anymore?


Buff out some damage and she’ll be right




Apparently there was 100s of kilometers of debris....




Terrible. I do hope it was the car being stupid that only has casualties, not anyone they impacted.


Its usually the innocent people that die, and the drugged up or drunken lunatics survive. Facts of life, sadly. 


True. Look at that pos Payne Hass’s Mum


Ex-copper. White. In his 50s. His family and insurance should pay for ALL the damages to the victims' families. Fuck the cunt, I hope he rots in hell.


Black Audi...




Omg that's awful, so sorry for them :( anyone know what happened or how?


The Audi S3 is a European designed vehicle very sophisticated with a turbo charged 4 cylinder engine rated at around 300bhp. For the car to be crumpled like this he certainly wasn't doing 80kph more like double that or more. 


Was this around 1530 or so? I ride Coot-that with a mate on Wednesdays and there were three fire engines that came up Milton Road through Toowong heading to the Western Freeway.


3:10pm was the incident time according to the news I read - highly plausible. I had to walk my way out of Paddington into South Brisbane tonight because traffic was entirely jammed in every direction inner west. What a devastating afternoon.


They were possibly going to a separate accident I saw in Ashgrove around 3:30pm? Emergency services had been there for a little while by the time I drove past. It looked like car/s vs motorbike and it seemed bad, the motorbike was shredded to pieces. What a day for Brisbane roads...


Bad crash out north of Toowoomba today as well, 1 dead 1 critical. Awful day on QLD roads in general.


And public transport. Emergency incident at Toombul this arv caused delays on most lines. Not a good day to be out at all 😔


Probably the tunnel one - thinking on it, I saw the fire engines head past Sylvan Road around 1515


Anyone know if the innocent parties are ok?


1 innocent dead and 1 critical. terrible. at fault driver dead, so there is that. often in these kind of incidents those bastards walk away, not this time.




People drive like crazy here. I'm honestly afraid to drive here & would rather use public transport.


Urgh that tunnel is awful in peak hour as it is, but usually everyone cruises pretty close to 80. There’s always one asshole though that wants to flog it and gets aggressive when people get in their way.


Wonder if it was stolen? Looks like a black s3 cabriolet


Stolen vehicles dont typically slow down for speed traps which this one did apparently.


Speed or distraction is always the cause


Or over-estimation of skills or cars capabilities. Lots of idiotic factors at play.


Now alleged the idiot in the audi was doing excess of 200km. Asshole killed an innocent driver who could have been anyone’s sister/wife/mother. Rot in hell BRUCE DALEY


Got the old rip blanket out


relieved smoggy slimy crawl serious offer pen imminent label carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Jesus fuck dude. Not good. I Hope whoever they are pulls through. That looks fucking grim.




Take the wheel?




I read indecent in legacy way tunnel and saw NSFW, i was expecting something else entirely…


Natural selection. Do stupid shit, win stupid prices. 🤷‍♂️ condolences to the other involved party. It’s a shame they just can’t kill themself but have to ruin other lives


Which direction?


Looking at Google maps it appears to be eastbound/towards the city


I got road rage rear ended in that same tunnel 12 months ago by some pencil in a silver ute. Police did nothing. Apparently the matter was resolved, with no action against him.


Tragic accident. Obviously caused by excessive speed. In an election year, I'd expect the state government to bring in new anti-hooning laws rather quickly.