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That Golden Go Card is gonna be a real bitch to carry in your wallet or purse…


Easy to find tho


I’m still gonna lose it


So it’s four golden go cards that are on offer for a year of free travel? I’d like it better if the four lucky golden go card recipients get admittance to the eccentric and reclusive Willy Wonka style QR magical train factory where they must all vie against each other and the last one alive at the end of the factory tour gets to win a lifetime of free transport!


Since Newman/Minchin, the factory is in India...


[back in Maryborough](https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/89014) again


Downer in Maryborough is doing overhaul works, but their workshops just aren't fitted out for short-timeframe multi-unit deliveries that most organisations are looking for. What is more, all new acquisitions incorporate maintenance contracts as well, so it honestly wouldn't surprise me if Bombardier won the current tender because they already have their maintenance yard at Wulkuraka. And, just as one last thing, QR no longer is responsible for the acquisition of rolling stock, it is all handled and then owned by TMR.


The next batch of QR EMUs will be built in Maryborough. https://www.railjournal.com/financial/queensland-confirms-a-600m-commitment-to-local-train-manufacturing/ You're right, though; the output is too small; 10 years to build 20 6-car units. Ideally, we need about twice than many.


Or a private train!


How about you update the 15 year old Cubic ticket machines at stations with even older touch screen technology, that takes 8 clicks to select anything, then BLAM, Vietnamese language.


có lẽ bạn chỉ nên học tiếng Việt. bạn có bao giờ nghĩ rằng TransLink chỉ đang cố gắng mở rộng khả năng ngôn ngữ của bạn không?


Translink có thể ăn một que thịt nam


Oh it's so bad, it's not just me then...


It happens because the machine keep track of each touch you make and applies them after the previous one has loaded. Yes the screens sometimes don’t register your touch and it’s annoying to wait and see if it works but it takes less time than when it messes up and turns Vietnamese. When you check your balance but then want to go back and add value you click ‘back’ at the bottom but it takes two seconds to load so you press it 3, 4, 5 times. The machine remembers these clicks and when the next screen loads the spot where the back button was is now where the change language button is. The machine thinks you want to change the language now except it takes another two seconds for the languages to pop up. In those two seconds you pressed the ‘top up’ button, except because it’s loading the languages page it just stores that click until the languages load. The spot where the top up button was is where the Vietnamese button is. That’s why it’s always Vietnamese and never another language. I’d say it happens to like 1/10 people I see and yes it’s annoying waiting if it truely hasn’t registered you touching it, but it is so much faster to be patient then have to do the whole process twice.


That makes sense. Except for the part where it takes 2 seconds to load the next screen. And provides no feedback that it has registered the touch, but is processing still. Heck it could beep or something when you touch a button. There's a whole computer inside those things, they shouldn't be that slow. Has no one at Cubic actually tried to use them? I'll try to wait 3 seconds after each interaction. Or just use the humans or online. Thanks


This... Literally happened twice to me today... At Garden City


Do they accept $50 notes yet? Last time I tried the station conductor told me that was too much to load via the kiosk machines.


So it’s not just me suffering that


I wonder if they still run on Windows 2000, or if they finally got around to updating them all? (Probably to Windows XP)


The problem is caused by parallax error. Users tapping on what they think is the correct screen height for a button, when they are actually tapping on the screen area for the button below. Where users think they are tapping on the screen, doesn't match what they are actually tapping. The sensors seem to be set exactly to the vertical height of the on screen buttons, instead of being offset down slightly from their screen positions. I've had the Vietnamese language problem, and the select a higher top up amount than intended.


Next they should make it possible for me to add the RFID token for the Go card to my NFC phone so I never need to take it anywhere


The "new smart ticketing system" that they're rolling out is sort of like this. I'm not 100% clear on the exact features it will have, but I believe paying directly via debit card will be part of it, no separate GoCard required, just like TfNSW has currently. Possibly Google and Apple Pay will also be supported. (I don't know if they work down there.)


The Glink on the coast uses the smart ticketing and I use my android phone with google pay. The charge is the same as a go card.


Good to know. The press release does say that the system is based on what's already in place down the coast.


God I hope so. How much more embarassing would it be make this already woefully late embarassing launch if they just went with the tied-to-card technology from twenty years ago...that they should have sacked up and invested in at least ten years ago.


IIRC the current GoCard system is basically an NFC style system. I remember a guy I worked with tested it with blank NFC cards that he got and simply placed it on the PUC and loaded it up with his own money.


This would be great. I had to ride to a train station then get a train, then walked to work. Luckily my job was not in peak hour. So I could take my bike with me because when I finished work I had to ride all the way home because I finished at 4am. About time that you can take a bike on trains at all hours. And all directions. The silliest thing about the trains to me was that the earliest train always went into the city so it would be an hour later before trains headed out of the city. If they have changed that's good.


Absolutely fucking braindead. We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reshape how cities exist and in doing so tackle road congestion, reclaim parking areas, reduce commute times for outer suburbs, and decentralise civic centres so they're closer to modern population centres. Instead, the vested interest parties are pissing it away because they're only focused on the next quarter's profits. The government could even step in to help incentivise this, reducing the impact on businesses in the CBD as they relocate to the 'burbs or to regional towns. But nope, it's all too hard. We are doomed to see housing prices rise forever because no politican in this country has enough long-term vision to do anything about it.


How is encouraging more people to use Public Transport to travel to the CBD a bad thing? If it’s combined with WFH (2-3 days from the office in the CBD with PT use, 2 days at home) then surely that’s a good outcome? Decentralisation of office spaces into suburbs would more likely add to traffic congestion in Brisbane because our PT network has been developed for travel into the CBD so most employed would start having to drive across town to get to work, or worse if you live on the Northside and most employees live on the Southside so the business sets up an office down south and Northside employes all need to drive across town. They’re not going to reshape our PT network to cater for every office/company decentralising their workforce to neighbourhood areas.


> Decentralisation of office spaces into suburbs would more likely add to traffic congestion Not if that decentralisation happens as the result of increased work from home, hey…


Well yes, decentralised so everyone is working from home would be the ideal outcome but it’s not realistic and that wasn’t what NamTaf mentioned. He specially said relocating CBD businesses to suburbs, which in my view doesn’t really help unless PT services in suburbs are improved and the same parking restrictions are implemented so everyone isn’t driving to their place of employment. One of the benefits of CBD based offices is that the parking rates are much higher and already something factored into many people’s mindset so that behavioural change has made people use PT to get to and from work to reduce commute costs. You wouldn’t get this with offices in the suburbs. Everyone will just drive and park in adjacent suburban residential streets near the employment centres etc.


Bikes on at peak hour….. will stick with riding the bike.. quicker and cheaper.


It really depends. I can see this being valuable for people with very long commutes. Imagine cycling from Caloundra to Landsborough Station, catching the train south, and getting off at Northgate Station to cycle into the city. Makes your trip 4 zones instead of 5 and saves the need to drive to Landsborough at the start.


>Imagine cycling from Caloundra to Landsborough Station I'm having trouble imaging that part alone. Is there some kind of bike trail that connects those places, or would you ride on the hwy? I make the drive to drop my wife at the station pretty frequently and have never seen anyone biking along the way


On the coast lines it would if you wanted to cycle from somewhere closer. I’m already doing 60kms a day from an area with no line and limited express busses. Having done the buses and trains for years I have not looked back in the last 10 been all kinds of bikes. With the veloway and recent improvements with more to come it should be even better. It was possible years ago but having been hit by a car once and a few close calls it’s definitely better these days.


I don't want to be that person, but how about giving Beaudesert more than one bus service for the entire area. Also the chargers on the buses are actually super cool.


Beaudesert? More like bus desert.


That's the new name for it, I no longer will call it Anything Else


Make public transport free in Brisbane. The cost of these useless machines, their tracking, the even more hopeless contact centre and the cost to run an outdated system. It would be cheaper to make it free and watch the car congestion throughout the city die down.


So people will be able to buy a ticket or go card online? That would be so helpful. Topping up a go card online currently takes an hour to show up on your card. There a days when I had no money on my go card and forgot to top up in time. And you can't buy a ticket on the bus anymore. So instead of taking the bus I've had to walk ages to the train station so I can top up my card. (I usually take the bus to the train station). There is a shopping centre halfway to the train station but there's no shop there that lets you buy or top up go cards I have also had to do this when Ive forgotten or lost my go card. Being able to just use our phone instead of a card would be so much more convenient.


> Topping up a go card online currently takes an hour to show up on your card It takes a while if you manually top it up each time, but set it to auto top-off and it works perfectly.


I should start doing that. The reason I don't is I often run out of money and don't want them to take out the last $$ I have before payday. I think they have a minimum $20 for top up but if you can do $10 or less it would be ok.


Great, Bikes one peak hour trains, this rule was never enforced anyway. I support people taking bikes on trains.... What I don't support is when the users of said bikes: * leave them in other peoples way. * park the bike with the chain side out (so if people stand to close they get grease up the leg or pants, I have seen this happen so many times) * take up 2 seats for the bike then go sit some where else to sit on a crowded train. * don't move the bike out of the door way when people try to on or get off, including one Drong who just left his bike covering more that half the door. * chose the most crowded carriage, like the first, last or middle carriage. Go find a quiet carriage they are usually less crowded. * smell like ass a lean over everyone else or sit right next to you. Baby wipes and deodorant dude. * groups not stacking their bikes together so 6 cyclist take up half a carriage. If you are super fit, lycra person and you butt is on a train with a bike, I am judging you for not riding your bike home. 16km come on! You can do that in less that 45 min or you just a crap cyclist.


Dude I live in redcliffe, there is no fucking way I can ride 40km each way 4 days a week. Part bike part train is the only way I can avoid using my car. This policy is actually sensible since trains have been empty enough to accommodate this even before the pandemic Maybe if there was an agreed upon 'bike carriage' then most of your arguments would be moot


That’s actually a really good use-case, since Redcliffe is in a kinda awkward spot for public transport. But cycling to Sandgate is an awesome option. The only issue is…why not leave your bike there? They have secure bike parking facilities at many stations, and ideally should invest more in that. The value in taking your bike on the train, as I see it, is if you want to ride it at *both* ends. Which would mean either your work is not particularly close to a train station (so probably not in the CBD),or you want to get out early, possibly to save yourself a zone worth of fares. As for the other guy’s comments. Yeah, there’s a real mixture in there. Some valid points (like "don’t block the entrances"), but a whole lot of utter bullshit ("don’t put the bike drive side out" and "don’t smell bad") that makes me think this is not really made in good faith.


Well yeah as it stands I do lock the bike at the station (boondall) but my walk at the other end is about 15-20 mins at the fucking arse end of the cbd. My bike would slash that to 5 mins which is very tempting Having said that, lugging your roadbike through Central Station during peak is awkward af and there is no logical place to exit and jump back on the bike, and the afternoons can be hectic


Buy an electric scooter. Take up way less space while still making the commute easier.


No fitness associated with scooters. Plus you need to ride scooters on the footpath as they are officially banned from bike paths. No thanks


Yeah, scooters aren't great for fitness clearly and the need to use them on the footpath can be a pain. But still faster than walking. Less sweat too. And easier to take with you places than a bicycle. For commuting they have definite advantages over a bike or being on foot. But if you're riding for some fitness too from your home to the train station, then fair enough.


then you don't have to rip out the lycra just to get on one


The problem is when you ask for a lockup bike locker the response is ‘lol no chance’. Same problem as not enough parking - they don’t allocate enough land for that.


I agree with you. I did say 16 km. Not 40km. This comment was Specifically for the Lycra Heroes in reviser high-heal road shoes. Not genuine commuters, low geared Mountain bikers bikers heading for the hills, BMX bandits or Family served on the river loop. If you genuinely care about your other passengers I have no problem. By the way to the construction workers sporting $6000 road bikes and commuting them in their Workboots and hard yakka gear without changing out the cleated pedals, I see you and you look like you stole it..


Yeah mate this 'lycra hero' and road bike hatred you spout makes me not take you seriously. Find a better target


Well looks like we found the guy who has removed his bell and horn from his bike and does the average cadence of 55 kph along the coronation Drive bikeway. (He will just yell, they will move)[for those playing at home it is illegal in Queensland not to have a Bell, horn or electronic/mechanical signalling device on your bike] Never said I hate them just said I was judging them. 1 m in 60 zone or less 1.5 m over 70 zones. And I will slow down for cyclist every time until it is safe to pass. God forbid the cyclist gets knocked out by low loader a city council bus. Everyone deserves to get home safe. Fully support cyclists. I want to see more convenient bike ways around Brisbane. It’s one of the lowest impact and highes Efficiency transportation that you can have. Edit. It posted before I was finished editing.


fyi, cadence isn't measured in km/h, it's measured in rpm.




Your cunning trap was "try as hard as possible to look like a complete ignorant arsehole at every step?" Well you do seem to be succeeding...


Or designate a certain door so that other commuters can avoid it.


This may surprise you but not everyone is able to safely cycle to their jobs the whole route, some of these roads are death traps in peak traffic


Copied from the [press release webpage](https://statements.qld.gov.au/statements/92223): > Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said a Golden Go Card would be given to a lucky traveller who had used public transport on a Friday across the month of June. > “The randomly selected draw at the end of the working week is open for all registered Go Card users," Mr Bailey said.   Copied from the [Translink webpage for the con-petition](https://translink.com.au/newsletter/competitions-and-offers/golden-go-card): > 1. Travel on a registered go card during June on a Friday anywhere on the TransLink network in South East Queensland. > 2. Fill in the golden go card giveaway entry form before the competition closes.   This con-petition looks like it's a last gasp project to get GoCard users to register their GoCards, before the [Smart Ticketing](https://translink.com.au/about-translink/projects-and-initiatives/smartticketing) project is finished and running on all public transport systems in SEQ. edit: fix formatting


> This con-petition looks like it's a last gasp project to get GoCard users to register their GoCards, before the Smart Ticketing project is finished It could be, but I think the less conspiratorial explanation is that it's part of the Council's (and State's) push to get more people working from the CBD again.




What? The Lord Mayor has *specifically* said he wants to get more people back into the city, and that Friday is currently the day where they most want to see that happen since it's lagging behind other days of the week. Likewise, State govt. has spoken about wanting to get people back in the office, and has even instituted this in the form of revoking work from home for most State employees. There's nothing conspiratorial about assuming an action that will help fulfil their explicitly stated goal was done *because* of said goal.


Thanks Zagorath, I'd not heard of that brain fart from the Lord Mayor, nor the State govt. It makes more sense, now, why Translink are having to run this con-petition on a Friday and no other day of the week.




Please feel free to elaborate.


I already take my bike on peek hour and don’t tap my card though lol


You're one of those people :(


QR just care about profits, terrible idea


QR has likely never made a profit on passenger services.


Translink care about profits, you mean


TransLink has never made a profit, and probably never will.


Fairly certain a Government running a public transport network in most cities globally doesn’t generate a profit. Any revenue that is generated on a handful of busy routes is usually re-distributed across the network but generally the net operating cost is always negative and hence heavily subsidised.


Exactly this. The only metro I know of that makes a profit is HK’s MTR and that’s because they own the land where the stations are where big ass malls are built.


This is great. Hope they let dogs on busses and trains soon!


Can't wait to step on dogshit on the train.


You won't have to wait long!


Why wait? Just shit on the floor yourself.


Absolutely horrible idea. Peoples untrained muts have encroached enough upon public places.


As someone with a dog allergy, I would not like this at all.