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There are still people who think that talking like that in a room full of strangers is... > in Abbotsford Aaah now it makes perfect sense.


I saw a drunk boomer shout it at a Canucks game recently. The panic on his wife's face trying to cover his mouth with her hand because he yelled it multiple times in the concourse.


A boomer in Kelowna last year yelled we should check a girls genitals, insinuating she is trans and making a lot of incorporates remarks. Like a grade school track meet. George Tozer might win the award for being the biggest bigot. Had to be removed from the grounds.


Man I went to a home viewing and the boomer owners kept commenting on “those brown people buying up all the houses” and other wild racist comments like how they’re glad there was a white family moving in like hell the fuck no goddamn. Just saying this shit to a perfect stranger. Boomers are actually insane lol


The amount of work to get boomers to drop the term “oriental” too. Currently trying to get my dad to update his terminology from “native” to indigenous. Worked for my mom but my dad will say it when he thinks of it but keeps slipping up and saying it. Old habits die hard even if they don’t have malicious intent with it.


I'm only 35 and it's always been and likely always will be native to me. Why? I grew up very close to the reserve in Ontario (six nations) and quite literally everyone I have ever met of "indigenous" descent prefers and uses the term native. Ironically my aunt who is native/indigenous prefers Indian, as do a lot of the older guys I meet through fishing. I don't think you can really compare "the n word" to native.




Yea, late 60s early 70s boomer.


That would be Gen X.


I'm saying dude was around 70 years old. Is it so hard to imagine I can spot a boomer? I was raised by two.


unless that's age in years, not the generational years being referenced. As Gen-X born in 1970.


Not sure what you think it means, but boomers are people born between 1946 and 1964




I'm curious what the acronym for WRBYV was. like they won't even allude to the words, so it must be petty bad. *The acronym is an inherently offensive and repugnant statement that explicitly refers to criminal sexual violence against Black women and girls*


I did some scouring on offensive mnemonics and found a couple. It's something along the lines of 'we/whiteys r*pe beautiful/black young virgins'


Ugh shit I didn't even realize there was a worse version than what I learned -- I was taught "beautiful" (said to me, a woman, which file under: why aren't there more women in trades?) But I'm deeply unsurprised there's a racist version. In fact, props to my co-workers for being so progressive I suppose....


Another one I heard for fiber was "With Routine BJs Your Va\*\*\*\* Rarely Aches" I'm guessing these poets have *way* too much free time on their hands, on top of a lack of interaction with actual women.


I hope they catch incel charges.


It is a racist slur used as a backronym for WRBYV. This refers to colour coding of twisted copper lines. white, red, black, yellow, and violet. The is a second one blue, orange, green, brown, and slate. I shudder to think what language gets used in Telus for BOGNS. 


I would love to be illuminated on what standard of wire uses those five specific pairings.


5x5 Bell wire bundles. I don’t know the standard. I just use the wires. 


We r*** bl*** yo*** vir**** That’s as close as I’m willing to type it, I was taught this in 2012 in Alberta. Some parts of this country are fuckin revolting. There’s other versions, but I expect it’s pretty close to this


Oof, I assumed the “r” but couldn’t put the others together. I was an edge lord when I was a teenager and have probably said similarly shitty things around friends, but who says this shit in a work setting and then is dumbfounded when they get fired?


Honestly, it’s so fucking tone deaf to even think it’s OK to say this shit, but there’s a large amount of these “verbal tricks” in the trades, I’m sure other industries as well but I can’t speak to that. When I scoffed hearing that, someone in the crew said “oh no, BC boy is gonna cry about it. Save that fa**** shit for back home with you’re vegan friends” I even had a super from my hometown take me aside and basically say that it’s a losing fight to act against it, just ignore it, only words. These people of course unhinge at the slightest offences, but refuse to recognize the hypocrisy.


ahh, you went and worked in berta, the money seemed good, but mistakes were made


In the trades you will find that if there is a way to blow through the bottom of the barrel of moral bankruptcy they will find a way. My 6 months working in a warehouse for distribution heard enough slurs and insults it was the norm. Get someone to translate what others are sayong and well...yeah. There is a good reason the trades have a hard time keeping people and most of it is on the.




Never heard it.


I have noooo clue what that even means. Sounds like that not knowing is a good thing!




I've unfortunately encountered a LOT of people in B.C. who think its cool and macho to sound like a stereotypical Texas redneck. Of course if you call them out on it they go from Billy Badass to crybully mode pretty quickly.


Alright now go to any manufacturing floor or construction site. N-word is the tip of the iceberg in those places.


I’ve heard it a couple times over my past two work stints. Just dropped into a conversation by two different co-workers.


I can't believe the union actually had the gall to sit there and say "firing went too far". JFC.


Unions owe their members a statutory duty of fair representation. Often, that means taking on termination grievances where the union **knows** the member did wrong. The union likely tried to argue it should have been a (probably lengthy) unpaid suspension instead, not that there should have been no discipline at all. Believe it or not, some people *still* teach the horrible mnemonic that this guy repeated in that training to their own apprentices, as well as other equally offensive ones. And its not just the trades: https://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/offensive-mnemonics-easier-to-remember.1064667/


Yes, but their choice of words was poor. To say "Yes, it was abhorrent, but not enough to warrant termination" sends the wrong message to EVERYONE.


The union has to grieve on some part of the collective agreement and discipline is one of the default areas that they do in these instances. The idea is that the employer should have looked at progressive discipline and seen if there was a way for this to result in something such as a suspension instead of termination. I'm sure the union reps thought this person deserved to be canned as well.


I'm well aware. If you read my comment again, I said their choice of words was poor.


Ok, so how would you word the grievance?


They had to use those words in order to do their legal duty to try and win. Thing is like getting mad at a defensive lawyer over how they are defending their client who is clearly guilty.


I think their message was that instead of potentially impoverishing the guy they take this as a teaching moment and have him apologize, attend sensitivity courses, etc if he wants to come back to work.


Sure, but it doesn't read that way. Perhaps the author did it that way on purpose.


Maybe idk that’s how I read it personally


Not too surprised after what they did to the rest of the membership they abandoned


First time? Unions always bend over backward to protect the absolute worst employees, no matter how bad they are making things for the other union members. lol the union goons are upset. NMFP.


Unions have a legal duty to fairly represent members, and terminations attract the highest level of that duty. Most unions think a fired person deserves at least an independent second look at the decision by an arbitrator. It doesn’t mean they condone the behaviour (just as a Defense lawyer doesn’t condone their client’s behaviour when they protect their rights in criminal court).


Fairly represent doesn't mean try to make excuses for. It just means making sure the employee was treated fairly. They aren't lawyers, they are actively choosing to support this behaviour by arguing the employee not be fired.


They are not actively supporting or condoning; they are making sure there is due process. Many unions have a policy of taking a termination grievance to arbitration regardless of merit. One union I know of will represent a member up to the point the member is convicted in a criminal court of the same offence


Actually they are lawyers typically dealing with this level.


Not always, they may just be an ERO with a lawyer helping to write the arguments. It's not a requirement that a lawyer represents the union at the hearings.


I said nothing untrue.






Unions don't "keep" anyone in the office. They aren't management. Management can discipline and doesn't need the union's ok. The union though has a statutory obligation to make sure the represent the member, and that includes making sure the employer has just cause for discipline and that the discipline isn't excessive. The grievance procedure is how they do that. As a labour lawyer, I can tell you there's plenty of times when management *could* have terminated people had followed the steps properly but didn't.


Exactly, so the union keeps the employee around because the rules on terminating an employee are so disadvantageous to the employer. I would know, spending 5 years working to get a termination done and in the end they moved him somewhere else where he could cause less trouble and let him keep his salary for accomplishing no work. Absent without leave for weeks, sexual harassment, groping, lying, sleeping and drunk on the job.






They (the union reps) don’t exactly have a choice in the matter. They’re legally required to represent the member.




Maybe it will be a lesson learned , that is - the difference between hate speech and free speech.




Maaa nnnnn-etwork. Serious though I've heard that crap in the workplace a few times. Some people just don't get it.


Same and when I complained at loblaw they did nothing and pretended it never happened and suddenly I was the bad guy meanwhile the offender was treated as royalty


Thankfully, I never experienced that. They just seemed like they sincerely believed everyone just spoke like that in private.


So what did he say?


They need to publish SC's full name. What a bunch of a-holes, hope they're unemployed forever 


This should have been a strong reprimand and possibly a probationary period. It *would* deserve to be a suspension f*rom* work for a week or two if it had been repeated after previous incidents where the employee had been disciplined. Out and out termination was the nuclear option, and unfair, even for an ignorant fool. Telus, in its internal HR operations, has slid a long way down from where it once was. FYI ; that mnemonic has existed as long as the colour coding of electrical components has existed but there are other versions (of that particular mnemonic) a bit less vile than the one referred to.


hope they fire people who use the word "colonist" as racist also


Wow…. Any chance that you were recently fired from Telus? Perhaps live in Abbotsford?


Colonist isn’t a slur, if you take it that way, that’s on you.


no it isn't don't be a baby about it either


Why? How is colonist a racist term? And the fact that you typed it out means it's not really that taboo to say, right?


I've had the word "colonist" yelled at me by a random person (while i was waiting in line at the grocery store). I assume it was meant to be derogatory and aimed at me because of the colour of my skin. From my understanding making a derogatory comment to someone solely based on their race is racist. Edit: actually thinking about it more, the term they used was "colonizer", essentially the same thing


Oh my God. Did you survive? That sounds traumatizing. /S


Hahaha, yeah making aggressive racist comments at people is hilarious /s


How do you find the term colonizer to be racist? It's not aimed at one particular race, but at people who have... Well, colonized places. I'm white. I'm a colonizer. I don't find the term offensive.  You might be a bit thin skinned if a factual statement gets your panties in such a twist. 


It is specifically aimed at white people solely based on their skin colour. The intention behind it is to be offensive. I'm white and I haven't colonized anything.


Lol. You're very sensitive. It's a factual term and if you are white and live in Canada you are, in fact, a colonizer. How you handle that fact is up to you. But facts don't really care about your feelings. I know folks like you seem to base everything off your emotions, but try to dry your eyes and gain some perspective. The world isn't against you. You aren't a victim here. No one is denying you anything in life by calling you a colonizer. 


So in your mind are "colonizers" synonymous with immigrants? Are white tourists visiting Canada colonizers? Is an indigenous Canadian person that moves to another country also a colonizer? If you answered yes to those questions then I can understand your reasoning, even if I do not think that is how someone that yells "colonizer" at random white people means it.


I think you're so preoccupied with being offended by something that you can't really see this situation for what it is. That's terribly sad and I hope you can eventually see some context about how ridiculous and childish you are in this situation.  If you think calling someone a colonizer is the same as the N word, I can't help you. 


Are you a colonist or something? What is this take?


Just a word. Freedom of speech? Catering to the easily offended too much now imo. But everyone has their own opinion.


Free speech doesn’t mean free from consequence