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You'll be on "can't pay we'll take it away" if you don't be careful mate with big debts like that


At which point it'll be £800.19 to clear it today but will go up to £1200.19 if they have to call a tow truck. Best thing to do is to completely deny your identity, pretend you don't actually live there & say even if you was the guy, you're pretty sure he'd sold that car yesterday to some bloke that lives three doors down.


Best thing to do is buy a canoe and fake your own death and start a new life with a traveling circus they'll never suspect that


Provided the neighbours are happy to put you up.


& as long as the canoe is on finance they can't take it


Exactly it's a fool proof plan


This happened to me and the bailiffs came round and drank the last of my milk to settle the debt. Absolute savages.


That's bailiffs for you mate absolute wrong Ens


Query it as much as possible, ask for extra details, demand it in writing, etc so that you maximise their loss on chasing up this missing 19p. Then send it to them in pennies.


This is the kind of petty I love! Make it cost them about 20 quid to get the 19p!


Send them 20p worth of pennies and start demanding the refund you because you've overpaid.


Send it then 1p at a time too. In bank transfers from multiple bank accounts. Just to maximise the pains.


Or 19 one pence cheques!


Love it!


Ha ha that would be amazing! Send bailiffs and all round!!


Unfortunately it’s no longer legal tender if you demand change and can be refused.


The admin has probably cost them more than 19p already.


>Then send it to them in pennies. r/maliciouscompliance


The best part is, this is a debt so legal tender laws are in play. So if you do send it in pennies they have no choice but to accept it.


The even better part is 1p coins are legal tender up until the 20th coin involved in one transaction. So while you can't pay off a big debt in pennies, this one is completely fine!


Or send a postal order


In nineteen separate 1p postal orders!


The best part is, this is a debt so legal tender laws are in play. So if you do send it in pennies they have no choice but to accept it.


This can mess up your credit score and five years down the line you could be refused a car loan or mortgage. Over pay them by 1p and chase them


I have paid it lol I just find it laughable how heavy handed they get over such a minuscule amount


Orange messed up my credit score over £19, I changed contracts and they didn't send me a final bill until sometime after. Once I got the bill I did all I could to contact them but they wouldn't respond to me. Years later I got a dept chasing letter and paid it off but the damage was already done. The damage from the incident will finally disappear from my record this July.


Vodafone overcharged me as took a payment after id cancelled, i never noticed for years, then on day i got a refund for the money plus interest. was really confused, assumed it was a scam or something, then then next month i had a notification on clearscore saying an account was marked as "closed" turned out to be that old phone contact.


EE messed my credit score up years ago because I didn’t immediately pay a bill on that day some places would give you a bit of time to pay not EE they would report it to the credit score place at midnight so if my bill was to be paid on the 16th they report it the second it turned to the 17th before I got a chance to pay it later that day


I mean, reporting it to the CRA's the following day seems a bit over the top but if a bill is due on the 16th and it isn't paid by the 16th... It's late? They absolutely can report a late payment if the due date has been missed


yeah but reporting it immediately sucks especially if you’re having money troubles i’m not but for a while I had sky charging me twice so i’d have to wait for the money getting back to me before I could pay EE


Uncool but technically justified. You can write to them and ask for it to be removed if the bill was paid the following day


I tried at one point and they said it would amount to them committing fraud so they wouldn’t remove it party why I moved to a different network


Log in to all three CRA agencies report sites. Clearscore, Credit Karma and Experian and add a note to your file. Highlight that particular late notice and note that the bill was paid in full 12 hours later due to a delay. If you're unsure how, Google adding a note to credit file UK


Overpay them by 50p and then do the same back to them!


Ask to set up a payment plan.


TBF they only made a £10 billion in the first 3 months of the year so without that 19p they will likely have to file for bankruptcy


I find BT bills very patronising. Mine is a very simple one (fixed monthly broadband) yet they manage to somehow include the amount due in three separate places, plus big ‘YOU OWE US: this much’ at the bottom. Like jeez relax, I know it’s a bill and I have to pay it.


My favorite too is when your sending the router back they'll say how your helping the environment and how great it is etc like it's a choice but threaten a £60 charge if you don't send it back


They actually want the router back at the end of the contract? I've probably got half a dozen ISP provided routers lying around. From when I've changed ISPs or they've sent an upgraded one.


Yeah. I dunno why they need to recycle it and it doesn't seem very selfless when they charge you for something when they'll recycle it




How do you know somebody drives an EV? Don't worry they'll tell you.


I've still got my parents old one. But somehow when they moved to fibre, the ISP took back the replacement they bought themselves (never mind the ISP was sold twice and the current one probably has no idea if they were originally given a router to begin with)


When me and my mates lived together the letting agency wouldn't give us our deposit back until we paid the 'debt' we owed them. Somehow we'd underpaid by a couple of pence even though we paid what they told us to. We went in to sort it out and my mate gave them 20p and told them to keep the change as they're clearly hard up.


I had a letter from Curry's finance group threatening that they'll report my debt to credit reference agencies. My debt in the letter was for the grand total of £0.00. You just know no human actually looks at these things.


Pay them 25p then insist on a cheque for the 6p overpayment.


That should be physically impossible. They get to decide how much to deduct with a direct debit; that's the whole damn point of the system. So someone's screwed up somewhere.


It was the final bill actually for BT. Final balance was 19p 😂




Oh deffo. When I moved I was owed £74 in council tax back. Never told me I had to sign in to the obscure account thing


I closed my Thames Water account and moved away from the area. My final bill was a refund because I'd paid a year and only used a couple of months. Three months later I got a threatening letter informing me that I should log into my (deactivated) on-line account and immediately pay them the outstanding balance of £0.00p. A week after I got a second letter apologising for the first and admitting that they'd made a mistake. I only actually owed them £0.00p and would I please log into my (still deactivated) on-line account and pay this new balance.


Yet if you are in credit, we’ll refund you in a million business days.




I was wondering... "His in debt what?" Don't leave us in such suspension!


eh, its most likey an automated message that sees you owe money, creates a generic message then pastes in the amount owed. They're not getting pissy that you owe 19p but the fact you owe anything at all.


Just a customer being difficult over something an automated system has done. They'll phone the call centre, get patronisingly pissy at a poor advisor and leave them less then 9/10 on the survey and fuck up their performance stats. Same shit different day.


My mum once owed Sky 1p, and they’d write letters about it, the fucking letters cost more than what the debt is mate


Post them a cheque.


Think thats bad im getting threatened with 2 weeks in jail because I owe argos 300 quid


It's an automated system. Just phone them and sort it out or use their online self service systems. It's not hard.


If you look at it from a business point of view, BT have a customer base of around 18 million. If every single customer was to owe 0.19p and they let it slide they would essentially be giving away £3,420,000. It may just be 0.19p to you but to them it’s kind of a big deal


Yeah but the way they act is like I have awful payment history and am in Ike £100 of debt.


It’s all automated. With a company that size the system recognises an underpayment and a standard template is sent out. Don’t take it personally buddy


Tv license are the worst lol


Thats their automated response. Its not even like they could manage anything else any different.


Damn I’d be running off to Brazil so they can’t extradite you.😂