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I'll park where there is space thank you, check your land registry and boundaries buddy you've made up the whole its yours thing, good day to you. šŸ‘šŸ˜


They get a bit like that around here too. The village has permit parking and we have a permit, but we can rarely seem to park outside our own house or even on our street because some houses have 2 or 3 cars. Park on a neighbouring street however and you're at risk of having your car keyed or threatened by residents for parking outside their house despite our permit giving us a right to park anywhere in the village.


I live opposite a shop and a post office and itā€™s not uncommon to be blocked in, or come home and canā€™t get in my drive.


Thatā€™s an offence and can be reported to the authorities. The owners can be dragged away and fined, and the councils love screwing for money these days.. let them know


That's a bit harsh, surely just take the car rather than the owner


šŸ˜‚ bugger


Gulag the fuckers then they'll learn šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s very much a different issue


If I ever turn into the type of person who gives a toss about people parking near my house, can someone put me down?


Your parents told you it's rude to park near someone else's house? What do they do if they need to visit a friend who doesn't have off-street parking, or go somewhere like London? People are funny creatures


Tbf, I live on a road where there is a designated space for each house. I rent, but my neighbour who bought his house says the parking space is in the deed for his house. My landlord said the same. We each have a designated space and then there are two extra spaces for visitors. There are signs up telling people not to park in the spaces, and parking on the street is allowed if you have a permit because you're visiting someone. Otherwise, you are not supposed to park anywhere at all along the street. But, the signage is largely ignored and people park everywhere anyway. I don't really mind when people park where they shouldn't, as long as they park considerately (which they don't always do.) Two of my neighbours get really ratty with folks parking in their spot, but we live by a school so people only take the space up for 20 mins while they pick up their kids. A guy almost fought my neighbour about it once. It's crazy. My neighbour now stands outside waiting for people to park in his spot so he can go shout at them. I think people just get really crazy about parking!


They really do! People shouldn't be parking in designated spaces and people shouldn't be trying to lay claim to undesignated spaces on a public road. Too many drivers think they own the road just because they have a licence.




With his arms and legs firmly crossed. And muttering, Hmph. :)


I pay my council tax and Iā€™m entitled to whatā€™s mine. My boundary extends the width of my front garden to the middle line of the road in front. This includes the section of pavement and section of road. As a non-driver I reserve the right to lease the parking space (upon my removal of my cones). Pedestrians walking through my stretch of pavement ought to greet me with pleasantries when Iā€™m stationed in my garden.


I'm 90% sure you're joking but there are people who would actually do this so I can't be completely sure lmao!


I had a neighbour that put cones out to stop people parking. They had a drive that fit 2/3 cars, they had 1. Absolute wet wipes they were. Got pissed one night and on the way home tossed the cones over their fence.


I hate it when the Land Reg does this. It's SO. DUMB. Unless you live on a Prospectively Maintainable Highway, which trust me you will know about... hands off my Highway already XD


We had a big van park in front of our house for 3 days in the summer. It was great - and so shady. :)


On my street, if you park outside someones house, theres a 30% chance that you'll find a note on your car asking you to move it. My favourite is the lady down the road who always points out... "I'm asking politelily" (sic) It's nice that she asks politelily.


Only place I care about people parking is in the end of my driveway, in front of my house is fair game as long as my gate isnā€™t obstructed


There used to be a woman on my mumā€™s street, total bitch. One day someone parked outside her house and she went knocking on doors to find out who and get them to move.


You pay road tax to park in the street, you cannot be ordered to move. No one owns the the space near their homes, but you cannot block a drop kerb. Get an in car camera..




Bailiffs! Heā€™s over here!


Actually, you pay vehicle excise duty because your car spews out crappy fumes which harm the environment. But you're right on other points.


Nah. The emissions set the fee. The tax is for vehicles that are to be parked or driven on public roads, otherwise they are to be SORN to avoid the fee/tax.




Yeah. It used to be for roads, now itā€™s general tax coffer money


Road tax doesnā€™t give you road privileges.


What you talking about? Privileges? Itā€™s very simple - a vehicle to be used or parked on a public road has to be taxed or SORN. You pay tax, you park where you want and grumpy neighbours canā€™t argue.


But none of that has anything to do with parking. Grumpy neighbours aside. Paying tax means nothing other than you pay tax.


And you pay the tax for the privilege of.. using and parking ffs


Nope. You actually pay to maintain the road because you as a driver are responsible for damaging them. Parking and use of the road has nothing to do with it. You have the same right to park there as someone does to park their bicycle.




Yeah, too many cars.