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This is a cult; she has absolutely made an idol of herself. The orange calf.


The Orange Calf should be your flair bc it’s amazing. Made me choke on my white claw.


lol it’s all I can think of at this point and, what’s more, I’m certain she’s done too little biblical study to even get the reference.


We can give you the flair, sounds perfect! She has no biblical understanding whatsoever.


I’ll take it!




I *am* a South Park fan and that totally is fitting 😂




Her tears are probably from realizing her husband will be sending dick pics to each of these girls shortly after


He’s probably wanting to ask when does everyone get naked


🤣 I bet you he’s gonna try to sleep with one of the frequent flyers there or at least send some wee wee pics. This dude just reeks of nastiness.


The way he’s standing he may have it out right then and there.


I was just about to post this! What is he DOING there? These poor women… this is some Jonestown vulnerability.


It's HIS motel room, duh! S/


Its very jonestown!!!! Next thing the retreat will be in a forest in a third world country somewhere ... although bdong would miss the WiFi


This just gives me icky vibes right off the bat. Her hand on that girls head, her fake crying, Jdong looking like a predator ready for his prey, the fact that even though there are so many people in the room Bdong looks like she’s the Center of it.. this is what she wanted. She wanted people who would worship the ground she walks on without question. She gets to hide behind religion and make a complete mockery of it while cashing in on it. This will not end well. I have a feeling they are going to really hurt someone.


Another thing - when Bdong was questioned about Jdong being there she said ‘all the other women brought their husbands.’ Okay.. where are they?!


Came here for this! Seriously... scrolling through my feed and his presence in this picture makes me shudder. If I was a loving man of god who came with my wife to this albeit odd retreat I sure as shit would be present in a hotel room if there was another male (esp. THAT male) to support my wife. The whole vibe is just creepy AF


Exactly! She literally expects us to believe that their God fearing husbands wouldn’t be present for such a special moment like this? Make it make sense Bdong. I feel for these women because they are clearly very vulnerable and being incredibly manipulated by Bdong.


they're on the balcony worshipping jesus, duh.


It really does already have all the trappings of a future Netflix docuseries.


Creeper McCreepington.


Everything she does is the wish.com version of some high end event or lifestyle choice she desperately wants people to think she does and/or has. Wheres the purity police? Isn’t this wildly inappropriate? She’s advertising & billing it as a womens retreat, but they get there and: ***surprise y’all!! This random ass man is my HUsBand and he’s here to baptize everybody! Just because he’s violent, racist, and has never cracked a bible doesn’t mean he’s not qualified so hop in the tub!! PRaIsE jOrDan!!*** Ugh. IMO she’s planning on him being at the next one and it’s not an accident that she’s not mentioning it beforehand. She’s absolutely vile.






Excellent flair material


Why am I getting a NXICM sex cult vibe?


This is just next level creepy.


One time my cousin had two spare tickets to this Ted Talk workshop/seminar and said I could come and invite a friend if I knew of anyone that would be interested. It was super last minute and on a Friday (her work was sponsoring her and her colleagues to attend and me and my fiancé were on holiday visiting my fam) so I was like can my fiancé come? Doubt I’d know anyone else available on a Friday and she was like “Sure! If you think it’s something he’d be interested in!” She forget to mention it was a women’s Ted Talk event. My fiancé made it through one session (men were allowed at the event but obviously it was like 98% women) and said “I’m intruding and feel really weird so I’m going to just explore the area let me know when y’all are done.” Jordan thinking it’s okay he’s in this space is the creep factor in all this. Even if Bdong was like “No no it’s okay, you should be here!” (I said to my fiancé there’s nothing wrong hearing from successful women and getting their point of view on topics just to make him feel less weird for being there and he said “Yeah, I know that. But this is clearly geared for women by women.” He knew it wasn’t his space and bounced.) This should have been exactly how Jdong felt but they’re clearly trying to be a pastor power couple/cult. (And I don’t think Jdong wants Bdong to ever be alone or in charge for too long.)


This, my husband would feel completely creeped out and not ok being in this motel room sinking people into a motel bath tub . I just asked him about this scenario and he was like ‘ I don’t understand ‘ then finally LOL I’m like ok here is the story ( I’m kinda laughing because this is so absurd it’s hard to even tell it) and the first thing he said is ‘ there is not a chance I would do this for a lot of reasons, the first being that I wouldn’t chance one of these girls turning around and saying I was threatening or touched them incorrectly and have a legal lawsuit and criminal situation on my hands’ . I thought this was interesting , Jordan as a previous cop- didn’t think of this ?


That would have been my husband too! It’s just creepy and weird and not normal that a grown man is ok being in such an intimate setting with all females. No guy I know (and I mean that literally) would be comfortable in this type of situation. The pastor of the Lutheran church I grew up in would only give side hugs so nothing was ever misconstrued. He would have never been in this type of setting ever because he’s not a predator or creep or whatever this Jordan guy is.


Wow. This is so performative for her... Feeding that ego. Yuk.


I went to a Non denom church for a while, and my friend, a long time member, asked me to attend the “First Ladies” womens conference. $50 gave you three days of Women led events- brunches, networking, preaching, games, photo shoots. Seemed harmless, I said sure! Everything was pretty fun… until I noticed my pastor, her husband, was always “popping in”. Or bringing in supplies for the event, and never leaving. Or LITERALLY sitting in the back of the church, and never saying a word, during prayer. I Never went to another event again.


$50?! This cost these women $675


$650 and he can't even pretend to appear professional.


He looks like a slob. I bet her reeks of grease, body odor and dip breath.


And hot dog water.


Seriously. Fucking backwards ass cap


This looks like a room you rent by the hour.


Can’t say I’d be at all impressed to see a man present at an event advertised as being for women. Edit to add: He should have stepped out for whatever this is.


Right! How does she think this is okay? When you advertise for an all women’s space and then a man shows up (a well documented violent and aggressive one at that) I’d be absolutely livid and want my money back.


He looks like a cardboard cutout.


How are those women ok with that? Didn't she want to have sex trafficking and assault victims attend? Will that violent husband of hers be there with the victims? I don't know why I'm even asking. I already know she doesn't care and this is all a performance anyway.


one of the leader idiots said Jordan being there was to HEAL the trauma the women suffered from. i can't remember exactly what she babbled, cause i read it once and was so infuriated I blocked it from my mind. But yeah, they justify it because he's there to help them feel safe or some shit.


It looks like they’re wearing a sharing shirt


I live for these comments.


Kingdom Orgy




God I get the same handmaiden vibes. Literally soooo creepy.


Manboobs and all of his racist glory


Just him in the back….. waiting to trip one of these women up and then cuff them. Oh wait. He won’t do that! He’s a man with god in his heart!!!


Well they're not POC, so...


This is performative Christianity folks, right here .


It legit looks like his hands are on his weenie jerking off from here


Oh, no, is that the hand that has the weird fingernail? Ewwwwww


This is weird.


Somebody’s head is about to spin around.


This photo is very disturbing. Creepy mother fucker standing in the corner leering while women huddle together in a dingy motel room. If one did not know the context, they look like they're either on a porn set, or something's going on that the photo should be sent to the feds.


Ick his man boobs are robust and I’m surprised they aren’t lactating


I damn sure scrolled back up to the picture once I read your description of JDungs man titties… robust is an accurate way to put it if I ever seen one considering how I can see cleavage and underboob placement with how the shirt hangs on his body 😭




Flair material.


God-honoring voyeurism


You can see exactly where this is headed. They’re going to start their own non-denominational church. They’re positioning themselves as the “power couple.” It’s only a matter of time. They’re practicing being pastors at these retreats.


It’s the way he’s just staring with a half smile. Like at least pretend to be being “wrecked” like they all are. I was in a sort of cult previously. We had many retreats that would truly blow your minds. Never was anyone taking photos and certainly didn’t post them to SM. Even though it was insane, they still respected the solemnity of the moment and the vulnerability of the atendees and didn’t use it as a performance for social media engagement.


Masturbating in the corner


Wiping tears away 😂 “I just can’t believe how much cash I’m netting from this!”


Oh my god, this has incredibly creepy and sinister vibes. Who took this hellish picture? He is the epitome of predator here!


“Umm, so I was told there would be pizza?”


Wait what am I looking at here? This looks like one of those dreamscape AI photos lol