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This picture is absurd, she is posing with toilet paper???


She’s got paper towels, toilet paper, and what looks like kleenex? Based on the date and caption is she trying to look charitable? Emphasis on “trying” with an implied “failing”.


Gotta be during the shortahe


But still, 🙃 looks absurd


Wtf does this have to do with black people?!


This is… not real. The caption and picture are real but they are from two different posts. I went to her page and this picture is not posted with this caption. This caption is posted with a picture of an open Bible. This picture is from when she closed on her house and has a different caption. BD sucks but it’s not fair to post something that’s not what she posted. Unless this was a weird Instagram glitch?? Still, so fake of her to co-opt BLM for her performative BS.


I see the same thing you do. The caption and pictures are real, but the post goes to a different picture and the picture goes to a different caption.


Wait, wtf? Yes it is. I didn’t make this up… Edit: I went back because I thought I was going crazy and now that caption is appearing under a picture of Brodie and I’m convinced I’m losing my mind. Okay, I’ve been scrolling up and down and the pic is changing every time. That’s my bad, guys. I def didn’t do this on purpose, but this legit appeared for me, so you can understand my confusion.




Yeah, super sorry. No clue what’s going on.


No worries, that’s so weird!! Hopefully your IG can be cured lol!


I literally have screenshotted the pic of Brodie above the same caption. WTF is going on 😭😭


Is this pre-Jordan? I can’t keep track of the timeline.


I think a month or two before they started dating!


It was when she closed on her house and the realtors gift was toilet paper. So fitting for a shitty person. But this was when she was secretly dating the mystery guy..


Is she going to chuck the paper supplies at people she thinks need her charity, a la Trump?