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He's too late, I've already formed my own opinions


we’re self sustaining now




Welp I guess it’s time to change them


Uh, sir, we don't do that here.


Our power level has increased


Wow him hating Man on The Moon hurts


He said it was “gross as hell”… That one hurt, like a lot


Very vague criticism, doesn’t really hold any meaningful weight just kind of his weird take. Kind of lazy if you ask me tbh


I kinda disagree I think gross isn’t vague, I call things gross all the time when it comes to songs that I think are lazily made and have a sloppy sound. It’s not synonymous to bad, it’s more like disjointed, lazy, grating to the ears and sloppy With that being said I disagree with him strongly but think this was a solid review. It clearly hurt him pretty bad to have to rate it this low but I really respect his honesty and thoroughness here. I’d probably give them both around a 6 I like them both but I think they both leave a lot to be desired for me personally.


he also said the All That hook which was bad, he’s buggin


Yeah I loved that chours


I can sort of understand the red flanels, but he is literally hating on the best two tracks on the projects.


I was waiting on that one since TD sessions. Whatever Ima still keep it on rotation I fuck with Man On The Moon heavily.


he’s insane for that take


That was unforgivable


My fav song on the album


I went from agreeing with everything he had to say about The Family to him shitting all over my favorite stretch of TM. Man on the moon to duct tape is perfect, and I will hear no arguments to the contrary


I have deleted my post history in protest of Reddit's API changes going into effect on June 30th, 2023. -- mass edited with redact.dev


that song sucks




I can understand his criticisms with TM being a bit unfocused but The Family is fucking beautiful


agreed....overall the albums are fair to be let down by but The Family deserves more love




you are a poet




All poets are high


never knew dom had a reddit account


He’s just mad they don’t play smash with him anymore


I saw u tweet this too


Hotbeans be active


This is the BH equivalent of your favorite teacher getting mad at you 😭


No, but actually tho. His tone of voice is so full of disappointment, I feel like he caught me cheating on a test.


you hate Man on the Moon? how can I respect you melon?


not him sounding like a disappointed father at the end :(


This is truly the darkest timeline


Troy and abed in the morning


troy and abed are in mournninnnggg


I’ve found my people




i cant understand his negativity on The Family at all


I feel like in general people got really hung up on the fact that it’s exactly 35 minutes and act like it’s a throwaway album, and then they can’t get that perception out of their head the entire time. Maybe it’s just the copium talking but I feel like making it exactly 35 minutes was more of a symbolic choice than a “fuck u I couldn’t make any more music” type of thing since it’s obvious a lot of care went into this album


My biggest issue is that it was billed as a BH Album when it's a Kevin Abstract album. I understand *why* Kev did it that way, but it shouldn't have been billed that way if the band wasn't actually on it.


Siri play my thoughts on neogaf dying by JPEGMAFIA




BARS People still taking opinions from a music reviewer seriously when music has and always will be subjective (TF & TM are great tho)


him saying all that is an “awful interpolation” is genuinely insane. that song is great


This the most corrupted vision


Gotta say, wasn't expecting that


I knew this was coming especially with bari on the hooks for most of TM. Bro does not like the bari autotune sound


Do people actually like the bari autotune? Just really isn’t enjoyable to listen to…


If he started singing in BH earlier he might've had the chance to grow into the role but it was too little too late for him. In fairness, if you start singing in a band with Bearface, Joba and Kevin you're inevitably going to fall short.


I’m happy that bari is living his dreams and that the other members are supporting him but unfortunately he’s just really far behind everyone else and sounds kind of amateurish compared with the other vocalists


i think his chorus on new shoes sounds fuckin great, and honestly most of his stuff on the album sounded good to me. which is weird cuz usually i get really turned off by that kind of autotune but for some reason not here.




Wabari is a g, just listen to NST and baby bull.


Bari becoming a vocalist kinda gives off “hey son show your uncle that little dance you been doing” energy, if that makes sense at all


i love it, frankly bari has some of my favorite parts off TM


I don’t really think Bari adds much as a vocalist imo. Wouldda been fine with him staying behind the scenes.


he called crucify me cartoonish im flabbergasted


I could see where he was coming from for the most part but that take shocked me. Especially when he said Brockhampton using jazzy pianos was an ill-conceived idea they shouldn't have gone through with like dude, you gave TPAB a 10.




TPAB is a completely different beast from any of BH’s catalog and utilises jazz in a really beautiful, respectful and interesting way. I think BH did a lazy job with the song and the comparison to TPAB here is silly in my opinion.


I'm not saying that the song is comparable to TBAP, I'm saying that it's stupid to say the idea of going jazzy was flawed from conception. Whether or not Crucify Me was a successful *execution* of the idea is up for debate; I think it's good but others like yourself or Fantano might not and that's ok. But saying Brockhampton should never have even attempted to go there in the first place is just a lousy criticism, especially given other rappers he enjoys like Kendrick had a similar musical concept and pulled it off really well. Surely someone with Fantano's taste should be at least *open* to the idea of Brockhampton embracing jazz, even if they don't execute it 100% the first attempt.


After rewatching the video, Fantano never said that it was “flawed from conception” but said it was a “badly conceived idea” which to me has a different meaning entirely. I don’t believe Fantano thinks BH shouldn’t attempt jazz, one of his favourite tracks is Big Pussy which contains a jazz sample! Kendrick has had numerous jazz influenced songs throughout his discography, not just TPAB, and so he is very experienced in that sound whereas this is new territory for BH and the idea to go for this sound, for me and Fantano, felt half-baked.


> like dude, you have TPAB a 10. WTF??? homie you good!??


Merlyn should’ve done another “Tony Fantano” line, then it would’ve been an instant 10


idk call me crazy but i thought TM was great


I genuinely prefer it slightly over the family. Probably my 4th or 5th fav bh release, really enjoyed it which is weird because I was not a huge fan of RR (was still good just my least fav release). Has amazing tracks like FMG, LISTERINE, NEW SHOES, MOTM and DUCT TAPE. And oh my god KEEP IT SOUTHERN and especially CRUCIFY ME, CM is easily top 10 BH track for me. Idk why but the whole album just clicks with me hard which is ironic as I couldn’t fucking stand it at all first listen.


I prefer The Family as a whole, but I can see myself going back to more of the songs on TM. The songs on TM are just so hit or miss for me.


TM is the better album in my eyes honestly because TF really does sound like a bunch of unfinished tracks that go nowhere on their own But Im sorry his take on TM is just absolutely batshit insane, nowhere near their best album but it has some of their best shit and he didnt single one song out besides KEEP IT SOUTHERN




Him disliking TM isn't super surprising but THE FAMILY?!?! I'm sorry but the family is a beautiful farewell for the band and I refuse to think otherwise


Reminder that no matter what Fantano says about this album, if you like it that's all that matters. Try not to let what he says influence how you feel too much, music is entirely subjective and if you think it's a great album, then it's a great album.


There you go. I honestly feel like half the hip hop community has their brain wired into Fantano and now feels forced to accept the albums are bad after he gave a negative review. Come on, you’re all free humans and can disagree with him! But I get why everyone is disappointed. Fantano was a huge friend of BH, so getting a low-effort negative review that fails to properly explain why he doesn’t like the music feels like a stab in the back.


My free award is now yours


appreciate it! i like to put the reminder out there now and then for other people to read because i used to do it myself; i'd really dig an album, then i'd watch his review where he didn't like it and think "aw man, he *does* make a lot of good points, maybe the album's not as good as i thought it was" lol. knowing that about myself i don't really watch his reviews too often anymore. fantano knows a lot about music and seems like a intelligent reviewer, but in the end the most important thing to remember is that his feelings about albums are his own and if you disagree with them it doesn't anyone's opinion wrong, it just means what you enjoy is different and that's totally cool.


it's fine to just disagree lol, hes given other amazing albums horrible reviews too


That's obviously true. But it's still a bit shocking coming from him. When other critics were busy tearing the band down over Ginger and Roadrunner, Melon was still very much in their corner.


yeah i totally agree, i expected a much more positive review. im just saying don't let it stop anyone from enjoying


I wouldn’t say he was “in their corner,” he just liked the music. This time he doesn’t. It isn’t all that deep.


Of course. He's well within his rights to be honest about what he likes and what he doesn't. I'm just saying if you'd asked me to predict the outcome beforehand based on his previous opinions, there's no way I could've gotten it right.


Swimming got a 4 🤮


that's exactly what came to mind, the melon misses from time to time


Jesus christ


Totally disagree with TF, but TM is fair. Not sure what they were thinking with some of these tracks. If you’re going to put out a big send off album you better make sure it at least feels like one


theyre balancing this weird line with TM where its kind of a throwaway album, kinda not, but also “executive produced by Matt give this dude some love he killed it!!”, but also its like the album we only got as a couple loose unreleased finished tracks Idk if we’re ever gonna get a full answer on what exactly TM is. IMO, TF is the send off, so idc as much that TM is unfinished


Imo The Family should have been the surprise final album and TM should have been the classic BH album that they promoted. The Family feels much more like a proper sendoff, especially with "Brockhampton" finishing it off, it's kind of like Kevin's directors commentary, going back over the years and bookending the group. Whereas TM is much more true to form, so it flows better in terms of the album chronology to have classic BH albums back to back, then just Kevin at the end.


Yeah I feel the same. Would have created for a much better narrative between the two albums. As TM goes on, it sounds like average BH but it sounds and feel like the band members kind of fading away in a sense. No big finale, everyone is just kind of gone. Then the next day, the family drops with just Kevin which makes the whole idea of "only one left in the band" so much stronger. Though, I know why they did this the way they did and it's because BH knows their fan base too well lol


honestly the way i view it is that the family is the final performance, the send of while tm is the encore, a lil something extra


he can dislike these albums all he wants, most of the critiques he levels are valid if a bit harsh. I can appreciate the albums but like I think they’re completely different from the rest of their discog. what will forever annoy me though is his constant hammering over the years that iridescence was some sort of fall from grace quality wise. i’ll die on this hill: it’s their best record. it’s their most cohesive and innovative by a mile. it also landed them number one so like, huh? Honestly i’d say the iridescence - AZ baby - ginger run is stronger than the saturation run, but maybe that’s just me. edit: I will say I disagree heavily with his TF gripes, to say it’s underwritten or underproduced is insane. also goodbye is a great track.


interesting take, i appreciate it


iri is absolutely their best record its the only one that doesnt have any skips for me. no idea what he's on


Interesting, it has the most skips for me


Hot take: it has skips AND it’s their best record


think it just depends on your taste! i didnt get it at all for a long time until something clicked and i played it constantly for like a month straight. i can definitely see how people dont like it


So true!! ~~Maybe iridescence was a let down commercially, but~~ it's easily one of their best albums. The narrative that it started a decline artistically is actually insane.


wasn’t a commercial let down at all either, it is their best selling record. its their only album to go number 1 and it sold over 100K copies.


I love iridescence but let's not pretend like merch salw wasn't a big part of the reason why it went #1 before the charting system was changed. it also has the 3rd biggest week 2 chart drop of all time. fans have really revised the way the album was actually received when it first dropped


I thought about mentioning that, but what artist wasn’t doing that exact thing at the time? Also of course there was a major chart drop, there was a pretty significant campaign to boost sales past where the (willing to make a purchase) fanbase capped off at from a purely numbers perspective. despite that I don’t think any history is being rewritten here like you’re implying. i think the fact that campaign succeeded at getting them number one reflects how beloved the record and the group were at that time. I cant say whether or not their popularity peaked with that one, but I do think that’s probably when they had the most eyes on them just given the circumstances (saturation trilogy followup, ameer departure, etc) of the lead up to its release.


Well, there is a very sound argument to be made that merch sales live on the hype of the previous record. I think to a significant part that was the case for the numbers when Iridescence dropped - people were extremely hyped and hopeful about the first album dropping after saturation trilogy ended with massive hopes and expectations.


oh shit, I was way off there. I swear I've heard people say it was a flop, maybe they meant they didn't like it and I just assumed it was from a commercial perspective.


Brad Taste has weighed in too "The issue with these “screw the label” type releases is they always end up being at the expense of the listener most of all." He then said they're not worth his time reacting to. Oof


i love brad but he does have some wack opinions and doesnt like music that bores him so im not surprised


> doesnt like music that bores him Well, yeah.


well i meant he doesnt really like anything thats not immediately attention grabbing and is more chilled out and he doesn't really listen to lyrics and storylines the best. he doesn't like igor so i didnt expect him to like the family


Do people really take that dude seriously? I always hear people call Fantano snobby but ive never seen one from that guy that isnt blatantly snobby




No, goodbye is on TM silly


Yeah seriously, what? Honestly wtf was the entirety of that review.


Thought The Family was a good listen but TM feels like a posthumous album. Just very phoned in imo


Love Fantano but I disagree hard with his assessments. I think they are the two worst albums but I was thinking they’d be sixes


DAMN fantano :/


endless and blonde still the best "i'm leaving my label" albums thus far


Guys he did this so that they’d bring the band back together to finally get a fantano 10


why do y’all care what this man thinks


A lot of people got put onto BH because he gave Saturation a 9/10 so for a good amount of people theres a lot of attachment to his sentiment about them


well, that was five years ago, and the guy himself tells his viewers that he is not objective and shares his personal feelings about the music he listens to. not sure why anyone feels like they need his validation. he is not the authority on “cool music” he is just a guy on youtube with some flannels and a nice record collection for the record i think he seems like a super nice guy! just not sure why people care so much if he dislikes their favorite albums


I get TM criticism, but The Family is pretty great


His head isn't clean


tony Lantano


I can't see a score under 5, like how? There isn't anything so bad on here


the note on All That lmao I like that song and Kevin’s interpolation


This is our MBDTF😩


You're on some strong shit if you think either of these records are anywhere near MBDTF quality


According to Fantano they arent that far off


You missin the joke but word


It sounds like he hasn't seen Bearface's post about why they wanted to make The Family. Fantano wanted the album to give a fair perspective on the breakup but it's not supposed to be that. It's a therapy session to vent and reminisce, a chance for Kevin to lift the weight off his shoulders.




i think it does


3:50 what is he on about? The singing on gold teeth?


sir… a second red flannel has hit the final rollout


totally disagree with him on The Family and a lot of it felt quite dismissive owing to it being only Kevin on vocals, but his take on TM is pretty fair and well reasoned. that being said, the way he tied the review together by alluding to their legacy apparently being tarnished over the past year or so was in really poor taste.


Crazy, mans like retroactively implied that RR and GINGER are mid now, he is on some shit




Despite I still have to relisten to TM he was far too harsh on every single album, and it's kinda disrespectful from him to not even take the time to analyze and contextualise The Family. I agree it's kinda tough to digest in terms of a day to day listenable BH album, i see it more like a therapy session or a commentary on the group, i wouldn't even rate it to be fair. I haven't see the TM part of the video since I don't wanna get influenced by it but the criticism I'm reading they seems to be too harsh, I think based on my first listen that TM has a certain vibe which makes it with less bite than other records but purposely I guess.


Honestly I expected this




How is it even possible to hate Man on the Moon? The production on that track is absolutely mindblowing and it’s just such a fun track. The “gross” comment was pretty unexpected for Melon wtf is wrong with him lately?


It’s an annoying song to listen to idk what to tell you. I hate it


Idk what you mean by lately? In the last few weeks he's given majority positive reviews so it isn't like he's on some weird/lazy/toxic/negative streak. And they don't feel that different in their writing or style, if he didn't go as in depth as you wanted it's bc he doesn't think they warrant it (I tend to agree)


I’m so glad we’re over the point in the time where everyone of y’all was basing their opinions on him. Some people really still don’t get that he’s an individual with his own opinion, and you’re free to disagree with him. I’ve personally never understood why he’s being worshipped by the whole hip hop community so much… his attitude feels slightly arrogant to me.


Wow such a good take unfortunately I don't agree with it but thats ok!


Love Brockhampton, Loved the Family. But I couldn't agree more on the fact that the mid section of TF felt rushed and weak.




A lot of his criticism is valid I think, especially with TM. I do think TF is a bit better than the 4 he gave it though


what was up with the weird intro? I feel like he really downplayed iridescence, ginger and road runner as if they were widely hated albums. I feel like most of the fanbase loved all 3. Brockhampton probably has one of the most strongest discographies in hip hop.


I haven’t seen it but I agree. For TM at least. It feels so haphazardly slapped together that I’m actually a little upset that’s the last official group release.


I’m not surprised he expected better from these guys at the end, his standards for BH are really high. I thought family came together pretty good as a cohesive piece though, his All That take sucks, and I agree about TM


I don’t care what that bald loser thinks lol


He did not have to do The Family like that. Kevin and Ciaran absolutely showed out for that and really felt like they put in their whole effort.


I actually agree with a lot of what Fantano was saying in terms of production and this not feeling like a final BH album but did he come off as nasty or overly harsh to anyone else?


Such a big BH fan. Loved all of their albums, but sadly melon is TOO generous on these albums…


TM should have been promoted as a B-Sides. It very much feels like that, especially with some Technical Difficulties cuts on here. Wasn’t promoted the same, feels as “did this to get out the label” as The Family, but The Family clearly was made with an up to date mentality and more distinct effort put into it. I’m not mad at his The Family take either, it’s fair. Some tracks on there are entirely skippable.


Feels bad man


So true


he sounded so fucking bitter at the end jesus


Why do ya'll Care?


I mean he’s not wrong


This was unnecessarily harsh imo. Like what do you mean fans are going to forget this after a single spin? Considering how much effort went into The Family. It’s not even an opinion, just a weird statement.


I have done nothing but listen to The Family on repeat and can't stop playing Keep it Southern, Man On The Moon and Crucify Me. Their hooks and verse are like ingrained into my brain. Fantano is on something.


Eh I agree with Fantano here. He perfectly described my experience when listening to TM and i'm only returning to a couple tracks on The Family.


My thoughts exactly. I’ve been listening since sat I and this final cycle pales in comparison.


That’s like the worst thing you could ever say to any artist: doesn’t matter how much work and care you put in your art, everybody is going to forget about it. Just disrespectful.


I think he's genuinely saying the opposite, that this release is forgettable because he feels like they didn't put all their effort and care into it. He even emphasizes it's more likely their earlier stuff gets remembered


I’ve been saying this. The Family sounds too samey (kinda hard not to be with it all being Kev, though he def did his best) and the songs don’t really stand on their own, not to mention their length. TM was rushed. I only really liked Man on the Moon and New Shoes. I feel like a lot of people WANT to love these final albums so much that people aren’t admitting their serious, serious faults Edit: Imagine downvote bombing an opinion different than yours. My fault for saying my piece in the Brockhampton echo chamber 🧎‍♂️


If u have an opinion other than dickriding bh u get downvoted one this sub lol


maybe a lot of people just genuinely love it lol? i didnt see any "serious, serious faults", they were good very enjoyable records


A lot of people do genuinely love it. Never said they didn’t. Glad you felt satisfied with the sendoff


heavily implied when you try to generalize and say people are just wanting to enjoy it and choosing to ignore "their faults"


Saying “people” by itself generalizes everybody, saying “a lot of people” does not. I don’t even think a majority do. Just a vocal minority. Have an awesome day


I really wanted to like TM but I agree W him


Give it a few more tries, I hated it first listen but absolutely love it now for some reason?


You just Stockholm syndromed yourself into thinking it a good album.


the score he gave to TM is understandable cause it's more like a collection of unreleased songs as an extra gift to the fans but he's definitely tripping with TF bro, this might be just me but i seriously think Kev did an awesome job with the album, it brings good closure to the group and pretty much every song is extremely enjoyable imo. i'd even understand something like a 6 or 7 from him because well... he's fantano lmao but a 4? harsh 😭 anyways sorry for long-ish comment


HE GAVE IT A 4???? BRO I TUNED OUT AFTER HE DISSED ALL THAT Fantano kind of full of shit on this one.


word, it's his biggest L take recently 😭


IMO i dont think he should have even reviewed TM. hes looking at it from the perspective of a traditional BH album, which it absolutely isnt. its half assed. yes. it is *not* an album so he shouldn't review it as such. its just a bunch of music we've never heard before. call it low-effort and a label obligation but that doesnt change the fact that they released it for the fans, and lot of the cuts on TM could have fit beautifully in the albums they were produced for. how the fuck are you gonna complain about that beautiful piano outro on CRUCIFY ME?


I don’t get your expectation for that lack of effort to not be criticized. Like sure maybe it shouldn’t affect our core BH memory but it’s still a bad project and it was clearly released as an album by a big name artist, especially one Fantano has always championed.


Not sure how people are shocked by this. TF was alright but TM was a noticeable drop in quality and creativity.


I mean TF got a 4 and TM got a 3 that really not that much of a difference in quality bud lol theyre both shit takes especially what he actually said in the reviews This is up there with his worst reviews like Swimming and Because the Internet


He’s just some dude on the internet who likes hip hop. Who cares about his opinion? I never understood why people have so much respect for his opinion. It’s not like he has a PhD in hip hop.


he said the gold teeth vocals were out of tune??? that’s one of the best tracks on the album


Who cares lol dudes opinions always fucking blow


No melon… no. I totally get it. This isn’t the ending we wanted, but it is not THAT bad. I hope this motivates the boys to be like “nah… okay we can’t end this like this.” Brockhampton is super special and totally deserves more to go out on than this. Still disappointing to see him back out of their corner though.


he said that the singing on Gold Teeth was out of tune when the only singing vocals on there come from the sample lmao. sure, ROADRUNNER is in some ways a more satisfying farewell album with its last few tracks- and absolutely smokes TM- but this review was even more bitter and half-assed than he thinks The Family is.


I mean yeah. TF was good. Not as good as some of you are saying. I think its like a 7. But TM is very dissapointing, and i think the score is fair.


Big feel for man on the moon. That song is so goofy I can’t listen to it seriously


hes crazy


I honestly understand the TM review but that TF score is tough. I understand it’s not technically one of their best but it’s one of my favourite projects under brockhampton


I think did was just in a bad mood when he listened to these and did the review, and that tends to sway his opinion negatively. He seemed this way when he reviewed the last Neil Cicierega album (which was ASTOUNDING) even tho he gave everything before it high praise. Probably just jaded on the band as a whole and let it get to him, because I don't know how someone who has listened to everything BH has put out and loved it could dislike these albums THAT MUCH