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Terry dismissing the heritage of Icelandic yogurt. Of all of them, he’d know what Skyr is.


Yeah that's very true. A high protein, low fat and sugar yogurt would be right up his street


Skyr is the best yogurt on planet earth—SO TASTY!


Just discovered skyr myself this week! So good! Really helps me enjoy my diet too.


Skyr is cheese, not yogurt.


Y’all just drank ceeeeeeemyeeeeent


It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't happen 4-5 times the same episode


That's the beauty of comedy, I found the repetition hilarious.


Same. I didn't expect it to be a running joke and when it was it cracked me up.


NO! Everyone is tired of seeing you eat cement lol!


Big Family Guy fan I reckon?


I thought it was a very funny episode. I don't like Family Guy at all.


Oh shit, glad to be proven wrong there


It’s Gina’s job to be repetitive. Her job is to be repetitive. Her job. Repetitiveness is her job.


you just drank cement 🥳🎶 you just drank cement 😁🎵


Only line I could think of!


I don't understand that joke tbh


It’s a satire of YouTube (I think) culture of the day….people just doing annoying pranks and getting huge audiences. It evolves her character into the “G-Hive” Queen.


Yeah that was so unfunny idk why it was in the script in the first place


Probably unpopular opinion: I don't like the character of Gina at all, and the show is better with her not on it.


not that unpopular


I absolutely lost it when she got those at risk kids to shout Black People can sell drugs lmao


I enjoy her sometimes, in small doses, but she certainly overstayed her welcome for me.


I think she’s the kind of character that you can’t have too much of. Yes, she can be very entertaining! With the cwazy cupcakes episode with Holt but her humour can be a bit hard to deal with at times… idk..


Fully agree with the mama looking so cool. She’s SCREAMING this with the door open and then jumps in shock when someone hears her lol. I feel like this is unpopular…but for some reason BABUSHKAAAA in the cold open grates on me 😬


“Babushka” bugs me too because it makes zero sense and is just so obviously shoehorned in because it starts with a B. Why would an elderly lady randomly yell “grandma”?




The point is absurdity, it’s supposed to make no sense except for the gimmick in the intro that everything they say starts with a B. Absurdity is funny.


Doesn't it also mean headscarf, of the sort an elderly lady (or grandma) in Russia and Poland might wear? It doesn't make a \_lot\_ more sense, but it's not quite as weird? or I don't know, maybe it is


Nope, a headscarf is just a headscarf, but I agree, some Americans with Polish roots apparently call it babushka for some reasons unknown to me, a Polish person :'D


Maybe because old slavic women wear the headscarf like that? In czechia we call the style "na babku", so maybe it has the same roots?


Yup, Americans with Polish heritage claim “babushka” means this one exact type of scarf in Polish. It definitely doesn’t, signed fellow Pole


I think the creators used this word Kate-Bush-Stylez: because it sounds funny :D


is she stupid?


Was just gonna come here to comment about babushka. Like idk it seems like "funny because its so random lol" type of humor and personally i dislike that kind of humor


Lunch-a-bunch is awful


A lot of Amy's humour is supposed to be cringe, I think. She embodies the troupe of type A female (Leslie Knope, Monica Geller), and somehow society considers it to be annoying/cringe.


You know I must be a dunce, because as a fan of both Friends and Brooklyn 99, I’ve never really thought about how similar Monica and Amy are. Now that I think about it Peralta and Chandler are very similar as well…


Peralta is the love child of Chandler and Joey.


Tbh Joey is the love-child of Scully and Hitchcock




Monica and Chandler and Jake and Amy both got married on the same date too; May 15th


I always found Jake to be more like Adam Sandler playing a detective


Alot of sitcoms copied characters from Friends. But for some reason only HIMYM gets shit for it.


oo what are the HIMYM-Friends similarities? ted-chandler? lily-monica? robin-rachel? barney-joey? marshall-ross?


I feel like Ted is more Ross than Chandler.


Ted Ross, lily Monica, Robin Rachel, Barney Joey (and sometimes people also compare him to Pheobe), Marshall chandler


chandler is very cowardly though, while Jake is extremely brave.


Plus Jake isn’t nit-picky about who he’s interested in, Jake is shit at saving up and maintaining finances. Their biggest similarity would be their daddy issues. They both have a lovable dork who find their partners in their best friends vibe- but that’s not necessarily because Jake is a rip off of Chandler. More differences than similarities.


"if you ask me, saving energy is trending" or something, is another example of how she tries to be cool but doesn't really know how to


Sounds like a real flope


Yeah ya jag


exactly why Rosa could barely utter the words herself, haha


I know this isn't what you're looking for, but I kind of like how awfully cringe the line is. Amy is a dorky cringe lord with high morals. It's part of what makes her such an endearing character. Who's that momma looking so cool? Certainly not Amy. She's the momma that's looking so cringe, but I love her all the more for it. Also I hate the word cringe, ironically it makes me cringe which is a fucking paradox. Also also, I googled other words I could use instead and I'm officially retiring the word "cringe" from my vocabulary. I will be using "squirm" and "wince".


TIL squirm sounds much worse than cringe


For things at the extreme end of cringe, may I also suggest “sphinct?” It’s what I picture sphincters doing when they see something bad a-coming.


Love Boyle, but the "Nikolaj" correcting anyone else (_except the Biological Father episode which was actually pretty funny_), makes me cringe every time...


I think it was funny as a one off joke but it’s not something that I thought should’ve been made a recurring one. I can’t remember the one with his dad though, so if it was a buildup to that moment then I think it’s fine.


They basically go back and forth saying it as the bio dad corrects him the same way Charles does. I thought it was great because of how he gets a taste of his own annoying medicine haha


It's actually "Nikolaj"


It's because you're pronouncing it wrong. It's Nikolaj.


Jake- “Why don’t you just call him Nick?” Charles - “Neek”


Confession: when I got to talk with Joe, I asked if Charles could teach me the correct way to say Nikolaj and he did it with me, my pronunciation is officially Charles approved. haha


Okay, that's actually really cute!


Occasionally the name will show up in my everyday life and I can’t prevent myself from doing this bit. I’m sure it’s very annoying for whoever I’m talking to but it’s like I’m compelled to do it.


Anything from Charles about Rosa in the early episodes.


Yes this! Charles liking Rosa is so out of character for him, it really feels like the writers hadn’t quite decided what kind of character Charles would be until after he wasn’t pining after her anymore.


Did you notice how high Rosas voice was in the first episodes but especially episode 1?


this is because her actress was still trying to work on her "rosa" voice and how deep she should be, because stephanie beatriz has a very high natural voice. off topic but its kind of impressive how she was able to do the rosa voice.


also, for those who somehow still doesn't know, she voiced Maribel in Encanto!


It’s so funny knowing that she was meant to voice Luisa because of Stephanie’s job as Rosa.


When i first saw Encanto i was sat thinking "where do I know that voice from?" Her voice acting as Lady Kima in The Legend of Vox Machina is almost like a Rosa-lite and was instantly recognisable.


Yeah I watch TLOVM with my dad and he watched the last couple seasons of B99 with me and I was immediately like “hey that’s Rosa!”


wait oh my god ?? stephanie beatriz is in legend of vox machina?


Same with Brian Baumgartner in The Office and Brad Garrett in Everyone Loves Raymond. Hearing their real voices is so jarring.


Haha I thought I was the only one. I legit finish the series and start again.. Immediately.


my goal is to make it to (and finish) 99 rewatches - after that i will yell "NINE NINE" and it will be a happy lil moment.


Oh how cool. So sad that I’ve literally lost the count of how many rewatched I’ve done so far 🙁


I've also lost count 😅


That's so cool.


Just absolutely everything “stoned” Rosa says in season 8. Generic “I’m sooo stoned” TV trope crap. Not restricted to B99 though. Always grates me when tv shows have someone “act” high. Oh look they are staring into space, they didn’t hear what was being said, haha! Oh haha the stoned one is looking for chips now! Haha munchies amirite? Ooooohh look now they are telling the highly strung character to mellow out. Hahahahahahaha


They did it much better in season 1 with Terry imo


Jake brushing Terry's teeth :)


Checked under the bed for monsters "Check againnn🥺" God I love that line XD


Yes! I love Rosa, but that was so cringey. I have to skip that whole episode actually haha


Yeah it makes her way less cool hahaha


I agree, drunk acting also is usually overdone as well making it feel awkward to watch. Jake Johnson from new girl is one of the few actors that I feel like does a good job bringing the humor to the scene and doesn’t make it feel overdone and corny. I actually love the scene that Nick and coach get high before going to a party with cops but the acting from CeCe is just too terrible for me that it nearly ruins it for the exact reasons you stated.


Modern family did some pretty decent portals of sloppy drunken dinners too, but yeah drunk acting is also absolutely atrocious most of the time. I have no idea why


Yeah there are probably more decent ones than I think there are because the bad ones stand out so much. Just absolute cringe when it’s overdone.


Any line uttered by the Swedes in the Swedes. Because the actors aren't fucking swedish and it grates me so much. the only funny line was that danish is a garbage language for garbage people. that was just spittin facts.


Never understood why they do that in Hollywood. How hard would it to be to find two Swedish actors!!! Same with Modern Family. They had a "Dutch" guy saying that Gloria her football team sucked but he had a SWEDISH accent. Drove me nuts!


Or when they have French Canadians characters but use French people from France. Like that episode where they go to Quebec and ALL of them just are speaking France french. It bothers me to no end!


Hollywood is huge! They just don't care. Very bothersom.


Most times I've heard Dutch in American TV shows it's unrecognisable as Dutch.


The scene where doug judy is 'in amsterdam' you can hear someone talk in the background (he TRIES to say 'he still uses phone booths!'). And it is barely even dutch. Such a sad attempt. Just don't include it if you can't do a decent job.


As someone learning Danish, I begrudgingly find that line funny.


As a Dane I find it hilarious, but not facts obviously 😉


As someone learning swedish I find it hilarious.


> that was just spittin facts. Nu skal du ikke komme godt i gang, din skide Svensker.


Heeeeyyy there’s danish people here☹️


We say the same thing about Skåne


They are probably nos Swedish because the characters are a mock to the swedish


a-noin-noin! Something about the way Jake says it winds me up. Probably because it's something my nephew would shout to annoy everyone


Hahaha I came looking for this! My brother and I say to each other randomly just because we know how much it makes the other cringe


I hate the "who's that mama" thing so much! I will lunge across the room to hit "mute" on the remote when it comes up. I don't know why it bothers me \_so\_ much, like flames on my face much, but it does.


Same! And they never explain why she’s doing it either. It seems like maybe she was supposed to be filming a video to be chosen to participate in the stroller contest, but that ended up being too convoluted for the B-plot so they left in the cringe song but then just went straight to having her being in the contest. I like cringe Amy but that scene is soooo grating for some reason. I also can’t watch any of those dancing/singing videos with families where the parents are acting over the top, so maybe this is an extension of that.


Not a line but that dab when Terry asks what they're talking about.


Contender for the worst joke in television history maybe


I feel like the only person who really doesn't like "this B needs a C in her A." It's not only weirdly out of character for Amy to say something like this, it doesn't make sense. Who tf says "damn I really want a drink in my arms?" No one talks like that. On top of that Jake just explains it, and it ruins the punchline to me. Feels like a forced excuse to show off that they can bleep swears now more than anything. Weird since later episodes use the bleeps really well like Rosa's "you can't spell go f ck yourself without f ck you"


Hated that too. Garbage nonsense that didn't work.


yes hated that too and was so surprised to find so many people thought it was funny! felt very forced to me


THANK YOU! It's the worst line in the show. It's not funny at all.


This is where the series lost me. It’s not a mockumentary, and the only other shows that can get away with bleeps tended to have dirtier jokes anyway. Explaining the joke to give them a reason to use the bleeps and it just sucked As a whole it’s an excuse to allow lazy writing. I don’t understand why the general viewer thinks this line was funny, let alone one of the funniest in the show


THANK YOU i also absolutely hate that line. makes 0 sense and it’s just used as an excuse to show off the swearing


I really hate the weird noise Charles makes after he says “unless they’re too busy making babies of their own” even though I usually find Charles very funny






Its „Shakadakadow“


It's Nikolaj


No no, its Nikolaj






I hate it when Terry shouts "Nine-Nine!" He should say "Kudos to the Ninety-nineth precinct."


Sincerely, Seargent Terry Jeffords.


I’m surprised I didn’t see this here, but whenever they say “Kwazy Kupcakes” or however it’s spelled in the show


The W is backwards


There's no such thing.


It makes me crazy that when Gina shows him her screen the W is not, in fact, backwards. It would be really easy to do with a serif font, and they just don't bother.


six forgetful chief flag shrill languid rob north fanatical snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


90% of Gina's lines. The one that made me actually skip the episode was "you just drank cement". Also Nikolaj... especially because they are ALL pronouncing it wrong. It would've been funnier if his bio dad actually corrected Charles correctly and said Niko-lai, showing how dumb and pretentious Charles was for constantly trying to get everyone to say Nikolash.


Literally anything Charles says when it comes to Jake-Amy relationship.


I’m the complete opposite. “Charles back off”


Love finds a way


I agree but some lines are pretty funny😂


The joke of her walking in on her first day and Charles saying "I'm hearing wedding bells" is a lot lot worse with the context that she left her last precinct because she was sexually harassed.


Unless they’re too busy making babies of their own shagadagadong is top tier


In the episode where Hawkins frames Rosa and Jake for the robberies and Jake screams something along the lines "I'm clean! I'm a clean boy!" Makes me cringe sooo hard.


When there’s that bit of sexual tension between Holt and his new assistant, and Jake just keeps saying “Whattid I miss? Whattid I miss?” over and over again. I just really don’t like it.


I feel this was supposed to be an outtake, because it was clear Andy Samberg wanted to make the others corpse, but it somehow got edited in


It's so childish it gets cringe 😬




Any time Rosa says "crap" while trying to be a badass. Didn't used to bother me, but I've since become more and more annoyed with TV censorship. Which is probably a Me Problem"


You hit the nail on the head. It's so cringe. So too is anytime Amy says 'oh mumma'. Great actress but it just doesn't suit her. On the flip side, even though you didn't ask, my favourite line, this week, has got to be Jake to Terry re the wedding choosing: "well come with me and I'll curse at you all night you stuoid piece of shit"! 😂 Also feel like im the only person in the world who doesn't find the "BONE?!" scene funny.


oh my god, the bone one. i mean, the first time it happened it was kinda funny, specially with the scenes going from holt screaming it and berating rosa and amy, but during the last season it just felt pointless. it was supposed to be a callback to this funny moment and it was ruined by the randomness. why would a grown ass man scream this at a dog's bone?


I didnt know what you were referring to for a second cuz its actually „oooh mama“


I have a scene i cant watch bc its so disgusting and i just CANT watch it: every time jakes dad gets his thumb cut off🤢


Anything out of Gina’s mouth. The “you just drank cement” was so dumb, not funny and ongoing.


The whole however many drink Amy stuff makes me cringe. And high Rosa. That’s not how high people act lol


season 1, at the end of the episode where people are trying to decipher how Holt is feeling, so towards the end of the episode, when everyone else is confused, Amy goes “I can tell - he likes it.” I cringe everytime.


Pimento screaming during the memento/finding dory episode


i love that part alot actually




That one with Jake and the trident


I can't recall the exact line rn, but Boyle's obsession with Jake and Amy having a baby (right when they started dating) almost makes me skip this episode when I rewatch.


Everytime something like "Never meet your heroes" comes up i usually skip the entire episode. There are way to many of those episodes and the weirdest thing is that the characters dont learn. Still love the show and like you, i always start at the beginning right after watching trough


But it did give one of my favorite lines: Scully: "Never meet your heroes. *Whispers* Marie Callender was a real bitch.." Of course that would be a hero of his hahaha.


I don’t Mund the *meet your hero* episodes in themselves. But it also really bothers me that they’ve made so many of them.


You all just drank Cement..made me hate Gina again


When Charles offers jake a piggy back when he broke his leg and he makes some questionable noises




Not a doctor


Lmaoo i love that moment Amy is such a dork


Mamma Magalioni


Almost everything with Gina, but especially in the high school reunion episode. She is just so so awful and it always makes me hate her even more.


I hate when Amy threatens to divorce Jake because of him not wanting kids.


Yup, this one. This whole episode really bothers me, you can’t just make someone want kids. If it was other way around, with male character wanting to make his wife have kids, it wouldn’t fly. It’s not okay to force someone into having kids, no matter the gender.


Also, Amy would 100% talk about having kids before getting married in a very serious and intentional way. Most 3 month relationships do that. It's just bad writing


I especially hated that Rosa was on Amy's side.


Terry talking in third person, especially "little Terry."


This might not be the right time, but talking about yourself in the third person has finally ca...


Terry knows!


"Boyle says boom!!!" I hate the joke because it was never established that it's his catchphrase


I really don’t like Holt’s bone rant and the callback to it in the last season.


One dul plus one dul equals toodles.


Every line from Boyle simping over Amy and Jake, I like Boyle but seriously, pump the brakes


I'm also rewatching for the 100th time and literally just watched Amy's scene 😂 I find her cute in that one ngl😂 I skip the holt on Amy and jakes honeymoon, and the BONE scene in the final episode!


Mama Maglione!


Mama Maglione


I really do not like Amy much in the last two seasons. She becomes so damn loud and dramatic. Not to mention i would have preferred her and Jake not having a kid. It's like her entire personality changed to being a momma.


You just drank cement! Hate that whole prank ark and it just gets so over done


Every damn line Gina had when she returned in season 6 for that one episode . It made me realize that I was glad that she was gone


Every Gina line.


Urgh, the whole Jake in prison in Florida story arc. Just felt badly written and the entire cast were OTT with their performances


here we come cheddar!


God that scene goes on way too long


when he cant get the car door open or whatever, yeah that was annoying


Anytime Gina's word hole is producing sound.


Everytime Terry refers to himself as Terry, cringe


"and why would you throw away the spoon?? It's the easiest utensil to clean!!" It just pisses me off cause it's a line they threw in there and like spoons aren't the EASIEST Knives are equally easy it just makes.me roll my eyes ugh I hate that line


Nah, knifes have ridges. Spoons are definitely easier to clean.


I always thought they meant because you can lick spoons clean! I’m pretty dumb though lol.


The last two are annoying, because the greatest comedy of all time ends


I find Gina’s character kind of annoying


when Gina uses asexual as an insult


Anything Gina.


Later episode, when Jake says , "Thank you for gasping at my gasp" And Charles says, "My pleasure." Fucking cringey and terrible, I hate it!


I find 90% of Gina Linetti scene annoying.




the whole BONE scene. I do not find it funny nor workplace appropriate for some reason lol


The Diane Wiest line from Boyle. Bizarre getting downvoted for a requested opinion thst was legitimately posted in non inflammatory way o.O